Category Archives: Overpopulation

Robert Stark interviews pro-Calexit gubernatorial candidate Louis Marinelli













Robert Stark and Jonathan Edwards speak with Louis Marinelli about his campaign for governor (Campaign Site: Calexit Governor). Louis Marinelli is an immigrant from New York to California, a past CA state assembly candidate, now living in Moscow. Louis Marinelli is running for California governor as a Republican in the recall election, as an anti-Washington and anti-Sacramento candidate, to represent the idea of an independent California.


Louis’ plan, if elected, to put forth a referendum on independence
The problem of California financially subsidizing other states and US military interventions abroad
The failure of Democratic one-party rule that neglects the state’s needs
The need to recognize free speech on social media as part of the public square of the 21st Century
The need to investigate the cause of the exodus of jobs and citizens out of California and incentivizing people to return
The housing crisis, reforms on zoning and regulations on construction, and incentives for relocation to inland cities
Other platform stances including universal kindergarten, paid maternity leave, parental rights, free higher education, and affordable healthcare
The California cultural center in Moscow
Louis’ interview with ABC News in the Bay Area about his campaign

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Robert Stark talks to Kevin Lynn about the Election & Economic Crisis











Robert Stark talks to Kevin Lynn about 2020 election issues including the pandemic, economy, and immigration policy. Kevin Lynn is executive director of Progressives for Immigration Reform and founder of US Tech Workers and Doctors without Jobs.


Kevin’s past involvement with progressive politics during the Bush era, and how that movement was watered down into today’s woke left
US Tech Workers’ victory for Tennessee Valley Authority workers, and Kevin’s meeting with Trump
The recent Presidential Debate as symbolic of polarization and decline of the Empire
Trump’s initial executive order restricting foreign worker visas that was later watered down
How the pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in our nation’s borders
Trump’s support for The CARES Act bailout and PPP loans for corporations with limited benefits for the public
The stock market being propped up by buybacks, the K-shaped recovery, and dangers of an economic bubble burst
The benefits of remote work
Kamala Harris – Silicon Valley Love Affair
How immigration and handling of the pandemic have become part of the divisive culture war

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Robert Stark interviews Scott Tungay











Robert Stark talks to Scott Tungay about the current situation in South Africa, the ongoing riots in America, and his views on social capital, land use, and wealth. Scott is originally from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and immigrated to Kentucky to be with his American wife. He blogs at Department of Winning, has a Youtube channel with his wife Kelli, and is also on Twitter.


Scott’s background, like many English South Africans, growing up believing in the Rainbow nation narrative and classical liberal values
How immigrating to America lit a nationalist spark
Scott’s passion for homesteading and Permaculture
Scott’s admiration for conservationist Wendell Berry and the Southern Agrarians
How Scott is currently stuck in South Africa which has one of the most draconian Lockdowns in the world
How the lockdown could be used as a power grab by the ANC, with businesses foreclosing, and a planned expropriation of White property
Why South Africa will fall, like Yugoslavia | With Scott Tungay by Willem Petzer
Different scenarios for South Africa, including a partition into smaller nations, Chinese intervention, and why a Rwandan scenario is unlikely
How most White South Africans are looking to emigrate
The ongoing riots in America, and why Scott thinks America is 20-30 years away from where South Africa is now
The media narrative about race relations, divide and conquer strategy, and long term un-sustainability due to economic breakdown
The failure of conservatism, and opportunity for a Third Position that is localist, anti-usury, and anti-globalist
The missed mashup that could have happened between Bernie and Trump
The Backto-the-land movement and New Urbanism as alternatives to the commercial squalor that destroyed small town Americana
How the lockdown proves the value of family and community over the corporate rat race
Economic Class Dynamics: The significance, slave, and survival economy
The importance of aesthetics: how beauty elicits care
The limits of meritocracy: how future economic survival will depend upon one’s In-group

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Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about the Planned Obsolescence of the American Heartland














Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about his in-production documentary chronicling the economic and social despair of the American Heartland. Paul Bingham is the author of Down Where the Devil Don’t Go and Black House Rocked. You can contact Paul at


Paul’s footage and interviews conducted across the South and Midwest
The concept of non-essential jobs exposing the reality that most of the workforce will become obsolete
Long term economic consequences of the pandemic including permanent job loss, foreclosure of small banks and businesses, and more automation and streamlining
Trump’s failure to bring back manufacturing
The conglomeration of farmland and real estate
Why Paul predicts America will serve as the breadbasket of the world
Paul’s speculation that elites support mass immigration in the short term but population reduction in the long term
Stratification of elites, hiding of assets, and effectiveness of an asset tax
Crisis of addiction and deaths of despair (highest rates among Whites and Native Americans)
The foreign policy motive behind foreign owned cash businesses
The benefits of economic specialization and family based businesses
America’s nomadic nature
Why certain groups of Americans are better adapted to thrive in the future
Why the general public is only educated to be a consumer and not a rational political actor
Failure of past political movements from Ron Paul to Bernie Sanders
How the documentary will record the heartland’s decline rather than explicitly make political predictions
Paul’s upcoming poetry book, Strip Club Poetry

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Paul Tripp about his proposal for a Green New Right












Robert Stark talks to Unz review writer about his proposal for The Green New Right. Paul is also the author of Psionism.


Paul’s critique of the Left’s handling of environmental issues
The focus on carbon emissions and the degree to which climate change is responsible for habitat loss
The Left’s focus on the West while ignoring ecological devastation in the developing world
The Left’s lack of concern for overpopulation in the developing world while telling Westerners to reduce their birthrates
Mass immigration’s impact on ecological footprints
Education, IQ, and Fertility
The need for rural revitalization for the new green economy
How sustainable agriculture would need a much larger and higher skilled workforce
The mainstream right’s neglect of environmentalism
How economic nationalism and tariffs would help end the exploitation of resources by global capitalism
The environmental origins of the coronavirus pandemic
The problems of a consumption based economic model
Why profits should be based upon reciprocity
One-Third of American Workers Pay Is Being Stolen. Here’s How
The decline in workers’ purchasing power
Why the Financialization of the economy is a bigger issue than labor supply
Paul’s book Psionism about rejecting an imposed mono culture in favor of neo-tribalism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark & Brandon Adamsom talk about Predictions for the 2020’s












Robert Stark and Brandon Adamson discuss their predictions for the next decade. Check out Brandon’s predictions on Twitter.


The conflict with Iran, low probability of outright war, but continuation of foreign policy status quo under Trump
Prediction that Trump won’t be re-elected due to demographic change and lack of energy among intelligent online activists
Prediction that woke culture will become even more insane
Prediction that people won’t wake up in numbers to enact any significant change and in fact will get used to a lower standard of living
Woke urbanist vs. NIMBYs, and regular millennials getting screwed from both sides
The gig economy
The home delivery trend and it’s impact on urbanism
Micro apartments
Retrofitting Dead and Dying Suburban Malls
Self-contained cities
Decay’s urbanist predictions on Twitter
The stagnation of pop culture and how hipster culture has been superficially absorbed into pop culture
America existing in name only, with loyalty to tribes rather than abstract idea of America
The importance of being part of a small elite group rather than winning over the masses
American refugees will become a thing

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews DECAY about Politics & Urbanism

Check out Decay’s blog, his writings for Brandon Adamson’s, and Twitter profile.


The Orientation of D E C A Y’s Political Views
DECAY’s outlook on human dynamics can be described as “right-wing”, but without stereotypical “right-wing” stances, such as laissez-faire free-market economics or moral traditionalism
DECAY’s left Wing stances on environmental and public health regulations, worker and consumer protections, and a social safety net
Meta Politics
The Bearer of “Trad” News
A post American perspective
Futurism and technological progress
Predicting Future Trends
Independent City States
Where Should One Live?
Urban neighborhoods, Sreetcar Suburbs, Retrofitted Suburbs, Small Towns, College Towns, and the reemergence of the village model, where people live in close proximity to where they work, shop and recreate
Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area and thoughts on the region’s cities, suburbs, and wilderness
The need for a balance between urbanism and wilderness
Retro Futurism and an affinity for 80’s Synthwave

This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Transcript of interview:

Continue reading Robert Stark interviews DECAY about Politics & Urbanism

Robert Stark talks to Kevin Lynn about his Ad Campaign against H-1B Visas on SF’s BART









Kevin Lynn is Director of Progressives for Immigration Reform which is sponsoring adds against the H-1B Visa Program on the Bay Area’s BART System.


Bay Area Campaign Targets H-1B Visas, Asks Congress to Fix on Americans’ Behalf
The campaign’s message, “Your companies think you are expensive, undeserving & expendable. Congress, fix H-1B law so companies must seek & hire U.S. workers!”
Bay Area media responses including the San Jose Mercury News which first reported on the campaign
The overall reaction from tech workers was positive but with hesitations due to fear of backlash
The goal of the campaign is to to foster a movement to unite tech workers politically against exploitation
How for every two students who graduate with STEM degrees, only one is hired into a STEM job
How Foreign workers account for about 70 percent of the tech workforce in the Bay Area
H-1B Visas as Indentured Servitude
The myth of innovation from H-1B workers
Fearing H-1B Tightening, Tech Giants Ramp Up Lobbying
How Trump has accomplished very little on immigration
The impact of immigration on the environment and carbon footprints

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Kevin Lynn of Progressives for Immigration Reform







Robert Stark and co-host Sam Kevorkian talk to Kevin Lynn. Kevin is Chairman of Progressives for Immigration Reform and blogs at the CENTER FOR PROGRESSIVE URBAN POLITICS.


Kevin’s political background as an unrepentant Perotista, a failed Green Party member, and a frustrated Progressive Democratic Party member
Creating a dialogue with Progressives on the key issues of how immigration impacts workers rights, income inequality, and the environment
The longstanding tradition of Progressives opposing mass immigration including the early labor and environmental movements
How immigration impacts the environment
The Sierra Club Vote on immigration and how it was sabotaged by a wealthy financier
The 1924 Immigration Restriction Act and The Immigration Act of 1965
Will The RAISE Act Raise Employment Prospects
PFIR Unveils Its H1-B Visa Database
The middle class exodus out of California
New Urbanism
The dilemma that progressives are misguided on immigration while Trump and the Republicans are anti-environment, and the need for a new political paradigm

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Karlin about Transhumanism & Effective Altruism












Robert Stark and co-host Sam Kevorkian talk to Anatoly Karlin about Transhumanism and Effective Altruism. Anatoly blogs for The Unz Review and is on the Russian language podcast rogpr.


The philosophical roots of Effective Altruism in rationalism and how it uses reason to determine the most effective ways to benefit others
Anatoly’s article Immigration and Effective Altruism
Steve Sailer on U.N. population projections for Africa and the Carrying Capacity of the Global Population
Hank Pellissier and his charity in Africa based on Effective Altruism
Psychometrics and Pellissier’s book Brighter Brains: 225 Ways to Elevate or Injure IQ
Positive Eugenics, IQ and fertility, and fertility preferences
The Transhumanist and Futurist movements
Paper Review: Artificial Wombs
Radical Life Extension
CRISPR gene editing and intelligence augmentation
How Transhumanism could exacerbate inequality
The Technological Singularity and the age of intelligent machines
Cybernetics and the Neural Lace
Anatoly’s essay A Short History of the Third Millennium which predicts a future based on current trends without Transhumanism
Anatoly’s upcoming book on Neo-Malthusianism

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!