Category Archives: Narcissism

Robert Stark talks about his Personal & Political Transformation

Robert Stark is joined by Matt Pegas to discuss his article, Contrasting my Political Journey with that of Richard Hanania (How I became who I am, as a Woke Chad Centrist).

-Whether Robert should write an auto-biography or insider history of the Alt-Right
-The Background of Richard Hanania, who transformed from an Alt-Rightest to a pro-immigration libertarian neoliberal 
-How both Robert and Richard are honest about their trajectories in a way that most people aren’t
-Meeting Richard Hanania in LA
-How Robert never explicitly identified as Alt-Right, and his earlier views weren’t actually that extreme
-How anti-intellectual Chuds have ruined the online dissident right discourse
-Matt’s political trajectory, voting for Hillary Clinton, and then coming across Robert’s podcast in 2018
-Robert and Matt’s Alt-Center project, after the collapse of the Alt-Right
How Robert and Matt manifested Dime Square
-How Robert’s views were shaped by class and demographic dynamics in LA
-How Robert felt pressure to signal to more reactionary viewpoints
-Robert’s promotion of enclavism and phase where he adopted the rhetoric of the multicultural left
-Why Robert now has contempt for conspiracy theorists, anti-Semites, and rightwing populists
-The quasi-religious notion of having to repent for bigoted views rather than evolving
-How people are unaware of how their subconscious, and factors like social status, shape their political views
-How American society places negative moral value on loserdom
-How Robert subconsciously had the same views he has now from an early age
-Narratives about populism vs elitism, and whether hating the rich is a cope
-Why Matt considers Robert’s philosophical views fundamentally rightwing
-Robert’s Aristocratic Radicalism
-Do we need technocracy to manage social status?
-Matt’s upcoming publishing project, New Ritual Press, which will republish Robert’s novel, Vaporfornia
-How Robert is not emotionally invested in the election

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Andy Nowicki about his Novella Muze

Robert Stark talks to Andy Nowicki about his new novella, Muze, and Robert’s new surreal dark comedy novel, Vaporfornia. Andy Nowicki is a former English professor and the author of numerous books including The Columbine PilgrimLost Violent SoulsHeart Killer, Beauty and the Least, Under the Nihil, and The Insurrectionist. Check out Muze on Terror House Publishing and Andy’s YouTube channel and writings at his Substack.


Revisiting Andy’s earlier work and the genre of the alienated loner
References to incel culture in Muze
Other themes in Muze, including pharmaceuticals, transhumanism, blackmail, and mind control
Writing about depravity from a socially conservative/Catholic perspective
The revival in 00’s conspiracy theories
David Lynch and open ended narratives
Robert’s novel Vaporfornia and its similar themes to Muze
Allegories for degradation
Revisiting Robert’s mocumentary Supply
Matt Pegas’ Dragon Day
The growing dissident literary scene
Andy’s trip to South Africa in 2011
The politics of crisis: acceleration vs. gradual decay

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Luke Ford about the Capitol Hill Riots











Robert Stark talks to LA based journalist and blogger Luke Ford about the aftermath of the Capitol Hill Riots. Check out Luke’s stream on YouTube and Periscope, and follow him on Twitter.


The degree of responsibility Trump bares for the unrest at the Capitol
Trump’s contesting of the election and his failure to substantiate legal claims
Trump’s presidential legacy and the reasons why he lost the election
Media coverage of the riots and the political limitations of pointing out hypocrisy
The real life consequences of Hyperreality and the E-Personality
The online crackdown on the right and the motives of Big Tech
The political process and significance of the impeachment of Trump
Why Luke doesn’t think the unrest will impact America’s standing in the world
The post-Trump GOP
The hype about LA in decline and why Luke thinks LA will continue to thrive

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark interviews Ed Dutton: The Jolly Heretic














Robert Stark talks to Dr. Edward Dutton about personality types and the evolutionary forces behind culture and politics. Edward Dutton is an English Anthropologist based in Finland and is the host of the Jolly Heretic on YouTube and Bitchute. You can follow him on Twitter and check out his books on Amazon.


The collapse of Darwinian selection and rise of the Spiteful Mutants
Evolutionary factors for religiosity and ethnocentrism
Fertility patterns taking into account religion, ethnocentrism, intelligence, income, and personality traits
Personality traits for success
The Big Five(OCEAN) personality traits
The Psychology of the Genius and unique environmental factors needed for geniuses to thrive
The profile of the smart but poor
Incels, the breakdown of monogamy, and r/K selection factors
Whether there is a metric for measuring beauty
The correlation between sexual fetishes and neuroticism
The Freudian theory of repressed sexuality being channeled into creative endeavors
A Bit of an Age Gap: Who’s Attracted to People Who are Much Older or Much Younger than them?

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Naama Kates about Incels














Robert Stark talks with investigative journalist, actress, musician, and director Naama Kates about her journey deep inside the incel community. Naama Kates is the host of the podcast Incel. You can follow The Incel Project on Twitter and contact Naama at


Naama’s background as an actress including roles on the show NCIS and the movie Stepmom
Directing the horror film Sorceress, the documentary Dutchman Revisited, and producing Chloe
Naama’s Music Videos directed by Princeton Holt from the early 2010s’ Indy Craze
Naama’s personal and political evolution
How Naam’s fascination with incel culture started with a correspondence on Twitter
Why the media narrative about incels is wrong, harmful, and casts dispersion on a group that is already marginalized
How Naama’s journey started out as an open ended question
Misconception that incels are a political movement and have a racial orientation
Incel Lexicology and narratives
Naama’s personal interactions with incels
Disarmed by the humor of the incel forums
Guests on the podcast Incel, including a Christian pastor, a forensic psychologist, a neuro-scientist, and a psychiatrist
Incels as part of a greater trend of social atomization and inequality
#pinkystream – naama kates on hikkikimori
Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages
The limitations of self improvement
Are femcels a thing?
Incel as a brand
Naama’s upcoming podcast, ESC-Hate, featuring dialogue between opposing political sides

Click Here to download!Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Sam Vaknin about Narcissism













Robert Stark talks to Sam Vaknin about psychological characteristics of narcissism, narcissism’s role in our society, and common misconceptions about narcissism. Sam Vaknin is an Israeli writer, author of Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited as well as many other books on psychology.


Narcissist’s False Self vs. True Self: Soul-snatching
The narcissistic experience as a character in a movie
Narcissism as a religion
How the Narcissist’s sense of self worth often fluctuates
Narcissistic Supply: Narcissist’s Drug
Narcissist or Psychopath? What Are the Differences?
Unlike the psychopath, narcissists are pro-social and heavily dependent upon others
Narcissism’s impact on intimacy and relationships
The Narcissist and the Sense of Humor
Narcissism’s rise in modern society as an evolutionary competitive advantage
Healthy personality types as societal constructs rather than clinical objective entities
The effectiveness of Treatment for Narcissism
Narcissistic personality disorder

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark & Matthew Pegas discuss their New Documentary (((Supply)))












Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas discuss their new documentary (((Supply))). When Podcaster Robert Stark’s dreams of greatness don’t seem to be coming true in Santa Barbara, he heads down to LA to meet the one moral leader who has all the answers: Luke Ford. Produced by Stark Truth TV.


The mocumentary theme and side story of Robert Stark’s quest for supply
The interviews with Luke Ford which focus primarily on psychological themes
Using creative output, politics, and online personas to achieve narcissistic supply
Narcissistic supply filling a void that is missing from healthy social bonds
Social status as a core human need
The feeling that you have unjustly been denied status and whether it is based in reality or a coping mechanism
Architecture in Beverly Hills and the contrast between aristocratic aesthetics and the faux liberal capitalist elites
How social status relates to politics
Maladaptive daydreaming and how it can be both destructive and a source for creative inspiration
An Afternoon With Robert Stark in Santa Barbara
Erotic energy as a force for creative pursuits and the importance of sex to both status and forming bonds
Luke’s play Eroticized Rage
The cinematographic and production process
Stark Truth TV as an offshoot of Apocalypse Culture exploring areas of “forbidden knowledge”

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Luke Ford about The Dangers of The E-Personality














Luke Ford brings us his message of Love and Inclusion. Check out Luke’s simulcast on his live stream.


The book Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality
The esoteric power of the silent “la la la’s”
Creating an identity online to deal with a sense of emptiness and lack of self worth in one’s life
How online life creates a sense of escapism, euphoria, and feeling of grandiosity
The pros and cons of becoming more uninhibited online
Online life as a substitute for healthy social interactions
How using an online pseudonym leads to reckless behavior
How online life effects one’s real life social interactions
Knowing when to bite your tongue
Feeling small in a big world
Compare and despair
Stay in your lane!
Luke’s personal struggles and controversies
Attracting broken people who are on your wave length
Online political movements and how they often attract people who lack healthy social bonds in real life
The importance of being part of a community

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about Ann Coulter & the Jews

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Topics include:
Ann Coulter & The Jews
Ann Coulter’s controversial Tweet about Jews after the Republican Debate
How Ann Coulter’s Faux Pas Calls Attention to Jewish Influence
The Jewish reaction to Ann Coulter’s Tweet
The Jewish Drive To Marginalize Ann Coulter
Philip Weiss: Coulter’s point is that Republicans pander on Israel to win donors, not voters
Ann Coulter’s book Adios, America which has a chapter praising Israel for it’s immigration policies
Whether Ann Coulter will survive this incident and if she does it will further expand the Overton window
Roosh Triggers ADL Cyber Police Investigation for stating Israel’s border walls work
How Jewish organizations in the diaspora oppose nationalism for non Jews
Donald Trump & The Jews
How Donald Trump sybolizes a resurgence of Nationalism and Populism
How like Coulter, Trump is also pro Israel but is opposed by Jewish activist for fear of a revival of Nationalism
Orthodox Jews For Trump
Jewish Organizations supporting Muslim migrants into the West
Luke Ford’s interview with Roger Devlin about his book “Sexual Utopia in Power”
How Luke often has “Beta Male” characteristics in relationships
How when Luke showed his vulnerable side that was often seen as a sign of weakness
The affects of promiscuity on women
How the more people lack bonds the more likely they are to engage in reckless behavior
When Beta Males Go On A Shooting Spree and how Luke views the key issue as a lack of social bonds
How Narcissist seek attention as a substitute for attachment
JSwipe vs Tinder


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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Matt Forney about the Virginia TV Shooting


Topics include:

Did the Media Drive Gay Black Man Vester Flanagan to Murder Two Journalists?
The Black Lives Matter Movement which incites violence and has mainstream media and political support
How the Black Lives Matter movement is biased in favor of Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders
The life and psychological profile of Vester Flanagan
How Flanagan differs from the profile of white male shooters who tend to be more socially and economically marginalized
How we’re now averaging more than one mass shooting per day
Why mass shootings are on the rise
How we are seeing a whole class of people pushed to the economic margins
People with Asperger’s and how they are screwed in modern atomized society
How bizarre subcultures such as Bronies are forming in reaction to social marginalization
The Phenomenon of young men joining ISIS
How people will likely form new functioning communities in reaction to a broken society
Why the Manosphere’s Fear of ‘TradCons’ is Misguided And Cowardly
More on the Trump campaign and whether his populist stances will repudiate the stupidity of Reagan Conservatism


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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork