Category Archives: Insurance

Robert Stark interviews Jayman










Robert Stark, Joshua Zeidner, and Sam Kevorkian talk to Jayman. Check out Jayman’s Blog and writings at The Unz Review.


Steven Pinker’s The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
Arthur Jensen on Human Intelligence
Jayman’s Jamaican heritage
Jayman’s political views; liberal both socially and economically(see: Political Alignment)
Liberalism, HBD, and Solutions
Idiocracy Can Wait?
Jayman’s American Nations Series
Colin Woodard’s book American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America
A Tentative Ranking of the Clannishness of the “Founding Fathers
Maps of the American Nations
Demography is Destiny, American Nations Edition
Assortative migration patterns
A Dialect Map of American English
The Donald Trump Phenomenon: The American Nations
The Five Laws of Behavioral Genetics
The ethics of health insurance companies setting rates based on genetic records

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Robert Stark talks to Bay Area Guy about Trump & The Healthcare Cartel










Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Bay Area-based blogger Bay Area Guy of Occident Invicta.


Bay Area Guy’s article Healthcare and The Donald about the demise of the Republican healthcare bill, and its implications for Trumpian nationalism
How America’s healthcare system is a vile abomination, and the passage of Ryancare/Trumpcare would have compounded the problem
Richard Spencer’s article Why Trump Must Champion National Healthcare
How Obamacare itself wasn’t really “socialism” but rather an insurance scheme
How like debt deflation, our current healthcare albatross renders Americans meek and servile
Donald Trump Praised Socialized Healthcare in the past
Why Trump owning universal healthcare would force both neoliberals and “cucks” into a corner
Why whoever passes single-payer will alter the political landscape for generations
Gaining ground by championing certain progressive causes(universal healthcare, a stronger safety net, and a higher minimum wage), ignored by the corporatized left
Corporate suppression of free speech, and how the threat of loss of healthcare shuts down political dissidents
Tony Soprano Versus the Health Insurance Mafia
Why insurance companies should be public utilities, and the need for price controls on prescriptions drugs
Bay Area Guy’s experience working at an insurance brokerage firm
Globalization and Designated Shitting Streets
UCSF’s decision to outsource 49 of its IT jobs to India
Steve Sailer’s article Malibu, America’s Least Welcoming Town, Declares Itself a Sanctuary City
Wahhabism and Globalism
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Introduces the Stop Arming Terrorists Act
Refugees and White South Africans

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Charles Lincoln on Tort Law

Photo on 6-11-14 at 5_37 PM











Topics include:

How Charles defeated  the Insurance companies in Texas when he was a lawyer

How Insurance companies made Tort claims profitable for themselves through their advertising campaign

How Insurance companies lobbied for Tort Reform once they received a monopoly on Tort

How the advent of technology increased the need for Tort

How insurance started as a self protection strategy

How Tort is neither the absolute purity of criminal law or the absolute freedom of contract law

How  Tort Law enforces standards known as social obligations

How Tort is entirely compatible with economic freedom while upholding some of the ethical concerns that have driven people towards socialism

How Texas has historically had liberal Tort Laws but recently passed Tort Reform

The Conservative myth that pro Corporate policies have improved Texas’s economy

How Tort Reform is pro Corporate and lacks a social responsibility

How advocates of Tort Reform advocate Caps on damages and oppose damages based on emotional harm

How Tort Reform is class warfare and makes it nearly impossible for the poor to sue corporations

How Tort Law can protect Freedom of Speech and political dissidents

Whether Tort could be used to dismantle corrupt corporations

How Tort is needed since one cannot depend on the Government for protection


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