Category Archives: Crime

Robert Stark interviews Shane Bugbee about Transgressive Art

Robert Stark and Francis Nally (aka Pilleater) talk with Shane Bugbee about Satanism, transgressive art, serial killers, and cancel culture. Shane Bugbee is from Chicago, and is an artist, publisher (Michael Hunt Publishing), filmmaker, true crime journalist, friend of Anton LaVey, and was the last priest of the old guard, Church of Satan. Shane has a new book out on the founding of the Satanic Temple. Follow Shane on Twitter/X.

Shane’s media coverage, including from Spin Magazine and E! True Hollywood Story regarding Dana Plato
Different interpretations of Satanism
Why Shane considers Satanism an artform but not ideological/political
Hollywood adopting Satanic icons for shock value
Avant Garde Hate and the Angry White Male Tour
Aleister Crowley’s occultism and Helena Blavatsky’s Theosophy
Transgressive art as the chaos magic of today
Correspondence with serial killers in prison, including Dorothea Puente, John Wayne Gacy and Richard Ramirez
Collecting and selling serial killer and true crime memorabilia
Netflix’s Dahmer,  and the Dahmer/The Silence of the Lambs connection
The role of sexual repression with serial killers and mass shooters
Jim Goad, Adam Parfrey, Boyd Rice, and Peter Sotos
The Mike Diana Obscenity Trial and pre-internet cancel culture
The pre-internet vs current counter-culture

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Francis Nally about Colin Wilson

Robert Stark talks to Francis Nally about the English author, Colin Wilson, his book The Outsider, and his esoteric ideas about consciousness, as well as revisiting Francis’s philosophy of Asian Aryanism. Francis’s website is,  he has a YouTube Channel, and has a new book out, Suicidal, Asian, and Promiscious. The Muse We Neglect.


Colin Wilson’s brief fame, and his relationship with the Angry Young Men literary genre
The archetype of the Outsider
The appeal of Colin Wilson to the New Right (eg. Counter-Currents)
Aspects of both populism (anti-credentialism) and Nietzschean elitism to Colin Wilson
Colin Wilson’s interview with Jeffrey Mishlove’s New Thinking Allowed
Wilson’s approach to mysticism, spiritual science, and the supernatural
Wilson’s theories on consciousness and the Peak Experience
Wilson’s book, The Occult: A History
Wilson’s book, The Misfits: A Study of Sexual Outsiders
Wilson’s correspondence with serial killer, Ian Brady, and Wilson’s intro to Brady’s book, The Gates of Janus
Francis’s essay on how Ethical Sadism can be used to disrupt liberalism and free our desires 
The need to embrace sincerity, identity and passion
How Transhumanism has potential to expand consciousness but also to turn man into “robots”
My Little Pony, Faustian aesthetics, and the Brony phenomenon
Planet of the Bass Nationalism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark is interviewed about California’s Political & Demographic Future

Robert Stark is interviewed by John Friend of the Realist Report, about his article White Californians as a Prototype for America’s Multiethnic Future. Check out the Realist Report on Twitter.


Various responses to the article
Putting forth an accurate portrayal of California, in contrast with the media hype
A critique of various rightwing narratives about conflict and collapse
Causes of White flight and demographic change in California
Whether race relations will remain affable in California with extreme woke politics
Contrasting different future scenarios for California, including pan-enclavism
How White Californians are uniquely individualistic and rootless, and whether they will  develop a stronger identity in the future
Why Whites should take part in multiculturalism to adapt to the end of Americanism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Kevin Kautzman about his Play Moderation

Robert Stark talks to St. Paul based playwright Kevin Kautzman about his new play MODERATION. Moderation is a dark comedy about social media content moderators loosing their minds at work. RSVP at MODERATION to view the play online for free until Dec. 19th.  Moderation will premier live in March of 2022 at St. Paul’s Waldman’s Brewery, as the first in a series produced by Kevin’s Mad Mouth Theater company.  Check out Kevin’s podcast Art of Darkness, web series Money Shot Show, and follow him on Twitter.


How Moderation’s premise was inspired by a “normie rag” article about content mods being radicalized by conspiracy theories that they were forced to monitor
The psychological components  to the play
References to meme culture
The political vs. profit motives of censorship, and Keith Woods on The Vulture Capitalist Behind The New Twitter
The Dark Comedy genre in cinema, literature, and theater
Corporate gatekeepers suppressing creativity in cinema
Kevin’s Art of Darkness episode on Stanley Kubrick
The casting and production process for Moderation
How Moderation is in the same Zeitgeist as the film Joker
Kevin’s observations on the decay of the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Poolside Over Politics with Anatoly Karlin

Robert Stark talks to Moscow based blogger Anatoly Karlin about his resignation from the Unz Review, current events, geo-political trends, and revisiting political predictions from past podcasts. Check out Anatoly’s new Substack: Powerful Takes and follow him on Twitter.


The Last Reaction: Why Anatoly is returning to his roots as an independent blogger
Anatoly’s assessment of Biden’s presidency
The continuation of countering China as part of  the US foreign policy consensus
The post-pandemic economic recovery, the inflation scare, and risk of crash due to financialization
The pandemic as a test run for UBI and zoomers demanding higher wages
The pollicization of vaccinations (anti-vaxxer Red Tribe in America and Anti-Putin Communists in Russia)
The minimal impact of covid lockdowns on fertility trends and why Anatoly predicts that Germany will have a higher fertility rate than India by 2050
The US withdrawal from Afghanistan
Why Anatoly embraces The Great Reset but thinks its overhyped
What to expect out of the Woke Culture War
Why Anatoly predicts Biden vs. Trump in 2024, with a Biden victory
Why American politics  are no longer of a concern since Anatoly returned to Russia

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Matt Pegas about Dragon Day















Robert Stark talks to Matt Pegas about his debut novel Dragon Day. Dragon Day is published by Matt Forney’s Terror House Press.


Dragon Day’s setting at a fictional University in 2015, the era’s purposeful choice for its political climate, and semi-autobiographical elements
Matt’s Addendum To Dragon Day on Substack, contrasting hyper-liberalism with the Straussian dialect
How Dragon Day’s narrative is open to interpretation
The theme of unmet psychosocial needs and untapped erotic energy being channeled into other endeavors both creative and harmful
Influences from Pagan and Gnostic aspects of the right and Camille Paglia on Homonationalism
Counter-elitism and aristocratic radicalism vs. populism
The horseshoe theory on power dialects in regards to human nature

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Lipton Matthews interviews Robert Stark about California Politics

Lipton Matthews interviews Robert Stark about his Unz Review and Substack articles on California Politics and solutions on how to fix California’s problems. The interview was originally posted on Lipton Matthews’ YouTube Channel. Lipton Matthews is a Jamaican researcher, business analyst, and contributor to Merion West, The Federalist, American Thinker, Intellectual Takeout,, and Imaginative Conservative. You can follow Lipton on Twitter.


The exodus out of California and The Politics of Housing in the State
Ed Dutton: Why the Last Geniuses of Mid 20th century were in California, and Why the Remnant is Moving to Texas
Exploring California’s Political Demographics Based On In-Depth 2020 Election Analysis
Electoral trends and why the right loses
California’s Future of Pan-Enclavism and the need for Multi-Culturalism for all
An Alternative Vision for California
The Denmark Plan Versus Right-Wing Multi-Culturalism
Robert’s article You Can’t Take Back America But You Can Join the Tribe about neo-tribalism and the post-American era
Demographic trends in California
The Real Wealth Gap, the promotion of the rentier economy, and woke capitalism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews artist Gio Pennacchietti

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas talk to Gio Pennacchietti about aesthetic, cultural, and social trends. Gio Pennacchietti is a social impressionist painter and writer from the “first post-national country” (Canada), Gonzo Philosopher, and failed academic. Check out his YouTube channel GiantArt Productions, Instagram, writings at Substack and WordPress, and Twitter.


Gio’s review of Robert Stark’s Art: The Fauvist Vaporwave Interiors
20th Century aesthetic genres, retrofuturism, post-modernism, late 20th century pop art, trends in nostalgia, and the psychology of hauntology
Political symbolism in aesthetics: 2010s minimalism, Neoliberal Kitsch, Sanford Biggers’ statue in Rockefeller Plaza, the de-evolution of Trump’s aesthetics, and the lack of a cohesive aesthetic trend for the future
Robert’s article on Pan-Enclavism and how it relates to Canada as a post-national nation
A critique of the Intellectual Dark Web
The need for a new bohemian/creative movement comparable to the Vienna Secession
Gio’s interest in the after prison Youtubers
Gio’s artistic background, influences, and art as a spiritual endeavor

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews California Gubernatorial Candidate Adam Papagan













Robert Stark and Matt Pegan talk to California gubernatorial recall candidate Adam Papagan. Adam Papagan is an LA native, tour guide (Cool LA Tours), musician, and public access tv producer. Adam’s campaign site will launch soon and you can follow him on Twitter.


The recall as part of entertainment culture and a unique opportunity to insert yourself into the narrative
Comparisons of Gavin Newsom to Gob from Arrested Development, Patrick Bateman, and The Green Goblin
Crucial California issues including wildfires, homelessness, and the housing shortage
Making billionaires pay their fair share and fixing the fundamentally broken economic and political system
Thoughts on social media, algorithms and censorship, and opportunities in entertainment
Adam’s Curb Your Enthusiasm and OJ Simpson tours
Adam’s musical collaboration with David Liebe Hart and his public access show

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Please subscribe to Robert Stark’s Substack.

Robert Stark interviews California Gubernatorial Candidate Nickolas Wildstar











Robert Stark and Jonathan Edwards talk to Nickolas Wildstar about his campaign for California Governor in the Recall Election. Nickolas Wildstar is a political activist, rapper, and former Libertarian gubernatorial candidate in 2018 and is running as a Republican.


The Recall and Wildstar’s criticism of Governor Newsom’s handling of the budget, economy, and covid lockdown
Wildstar’s Phoenix Initiative to roll back the economic damage of the pandemic including nullifying California Assembly Bill 5 (2019) against independent contractors
Wildstar’s plan to address the housing crisis including 3D printed homes and zoning reform
The Gold New Deal including public banking and publicly owned energy utilities
Criminal justice reform including support for ending qualified immunity
The manufactured cancel culture, tech regulations, and corporate monopoly issues
Wildstar’s vision for a revitalized California GOP
The case for California independence
How Wildstar’s civil rights were violated for recording in court and his proposal to guarantee the right to record in court for Californians

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Please subscribe to Robert Stark’s Substack.