Monthly Archives: September 2020

Robert Stark interviews Ben Winegard














Robert Stark talks to Ben Winegard about academic freedom, woke culture, the election, and future political trends. Ben Winegard is an assistant professor of psychology at Hillsdale College, and you can read his article at Quillette and follow him on Twitter.


How Ben is both anti-woke and anti-Trump, politically homeless, and tepidly backs Biden
The impact of the election outcome on the culture war and civil unrest
Trump admits to “playing down” coronavirus threat in taped Woodward interviews
Trump’s synthetic populism and turn to Supply Side economics with advisor Larry Kudlow
The decline in conservatism and how the GOP can only survive politically if it adopts some form of socialism
The Democrats becoming the party of the urban professional managerial class
Ben’s prediction that the Democrats will push race based rather than class based wealth redistribution
The degree to which woke ideology is accelerating because of Trump
Ben’s preference for colorblind institutions and concern that ethnic fragmentation may be inevitable
Cancel culture in academia and the termination of Ben’s brother Bo from his position in academia
The hereditarian hypothesis
The value of thought experiments in academia to advance ethics
Ben’s love of Capybaras, Otters, and the season autumn

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson

Robert Stark interviews Caleb Maupin about Kamala Harris
















Robert Stark talks to widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst, Caleb Maupin about his new book Kamala Harris & The Future of America: An Essay in Three Parts. Check out Caleb’s website, other books, Youtube, and Twitter.


Caleb’s involvement with Occupy Wall Street, the anti-war movement, and socialist politics
Kamala Harris’ record as a prosecutor during the tough on crime era and debate with Tulsi Gabbard
Kamala Harris’ family upbringing and evolution of her personality and moral framework
Kamala Harris as the culmination of a number of trends, including polarization and the distortion of leftwing politics
The significant role that identity politics plays for Kamala Harris
They Named Her Kamala: Clinton Staff, Donors Anoint 2020 Candidate
How Kamala Harris could play a similar role that Hillary Clinton played in the Obama administration, pushing a muscular liberal interventionism
Concerns about civil liberty abuses and tech totalitarianism under a Biden/Harris administration
Bezos v. Trump: 3 Major Divisions in the US Ruling Class
The degree to which Trump is an impediment to the “Open International System”
The ideological conformity, and destructive and anti-populist philosophy of the New Left

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, and Stark Truth TV

Robert Stark interviews River Page












Robert Stark talks to River Page about the role of identity politics and class on the left, and the need for political alternatives to the existing left. River Page blogs at Twink Rev and you can follow him on Twitter.


River’s religious upbringing, importance of social capital, and
exposure to Marxism

The inaccuracy of liberal stereotypes about the Bible Belt
Why Liberals Hate Poor White Trash
The degree to which social liberalism is a product of plutocratic economics
Marxism on the question of borders and nations
Examples of woke austerity in Eco-capitalism, diversity programs, and high skilled immigration
Kamala Harris and the intersection of elite economic interests with woke identity politics
How the New Left abandoned the working class
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Platform Capitalism and the False Promise of Self-Liberation
The Woke Resurrection of a Gay Sex Panic

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Marin Photo Album











Photos were taken over Labor Day Weekend of 2020. Album includes Tiburon, Sausalito, the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Marin County Civic Center, Fairfax, and Bon Tempe and Alpine Lake in Marin County, California.

Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Continue reading Marin Photo Album

Robert Stark interviews Ed Dutton: The Jolly Heretic














Robert Stark talks to Dr. Edward Dutton about personality types and the evolutionary forces behind culture and politics. Edward Dutton is an English Anthropologist based in Finland and is the host of the Jolly Heretic on YouTube and Bitchute. You can follow him on Twitter and check out his books on Amazon.


The collapse of Darwinian selection and rise of the Spiteful Mutants
Evolutionary factors for religiosity and ethnocentrism
Fertility patterns taking into account religion, ethnocentrism, intelligence, income, and personality traits
Personality traits for success
The Big Five(OCEAN) personality traits
The Psychology of the Genius and unique environmental factors needed for geniuses to thrive
The profile of the smart but poor
Incels, the breakdown of monogamy, and r/K selection factors
Whether there is a metric for measuring beauty
The correlation between sexual fetishes and neuroticism
The Freudian theory of repressed sexuality being channeled into creative endeavors
A Bit of an Age Gap: Who’s Attracted to People Who are Much Older or Much Younger than them?

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Round Table Discussion on Urbanist Trends for the 2020s













Robert Stark is joined with San Francisco based architect, Adam Mayer, and Oregon based urbanist commentator, D E C A Y, to discuss urbanist trends that we can expect to see as a result of the pandemic and economic transformation this year.


Whether the outdoor dining trend is permanent
The Retail apocalypse, with a decline in small businesses and foot traffic
The remote work exodus and The Rise of Work-From-Home Towns
How the urban exodus could be beneficial for the creative class
Interior Urbanism as a reaction to urban decay
Why we will see less skyscrapers and mega projects in the 2020s
The new suburbanism: learning from past mistakes by Retrofitting Suburbia
Ski Lodge urbanism: rustic charm with urban amenities
The Missing Middle trend
The need for pragmatic zoning reform, political polarization of the issue, and why YIMBYs sometimes push too far
Dead malls being re-purposed(ex. Horton Plaza)
Why Every City Feels the Same Now: Glass-and-steel monoliths replaced local architecture
Whether we’ll see a shift away from 2010s minimalism towards a regional kitsch aesthetic(ex. Rustic Industrial)
Building fire resilient communities
Whether mass transit will remain viable and Kamala Harris’ husband’s involvement in a NIMBY lawsuit to stop the subway under Beverly Hills
Conclusion that we will see a population and economic shift to 2nd tier cities but not the total demise of cities
Adam’s upcoming blog on missing middle infill

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, and Stark Truth TV