Category Archives: Ukraine

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about The 2024 Election

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about the 2024 election and the politics of America’s power elite. Keith Preston is a historian, social scientist, political analyst, author, lecturer, trends researcher, and the editor of Attack the System. Follow Keith on Twitter.


-Factions of America’s ruling class, including the Northeastern establishment, Sunbelt capitalist class, and Wall Street and Silicon Valley new money
-What conspiracy theorists get wrong about the nature of power
-How elites cultivate constituencies
-How the elite’s opposition to Trump is more about decorum and instability than policy
-Keith’s prediction that the elites will negotiate a deal with Trump
-Keith’s prediction that Trump will govern as a normie moderate Republican for his 2nd Term
-The Israel Lobby favoring Trump over Biden
-How the Israel conflict is weakening wokeness and the alliance between progressives and the neoliberal establishment
-Why Biden’s re-election is better from an anti-establishment standpoint
-America’s three political blocks, MAGA Nationalist Populists, Centrist Neoliberals, and the Progressive Left
-How the Nationalist Right will further radicalize with limited growth potential
-Why partisan cycles favor Democrats over the next few decades
-The political realignment over social class
-The hyper-capitalist Sunbelt elite as a barrier to the GOP turning populist on economics
-Why Trumpenomics will likely be inflationary
-The risks of the Ukraine and Israel wars escalating
-The Europhile Northeastern establishment and Europhobic Sunbelt’s divide over Ukraine
-Speculating whether Trump or Biden will win
-RFK’s JR.’s brand of bourgeoise bohemian Centrist Populism
-The hysteria over the election, such as about Project 2025
-Why Democrats are hesitant to replace Joe Biden but plan to replace him with Kamala Harris after the election
-Why Biden is the lesser of evils compared to Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris
-Why America’s elites’ mercantile nature means that full blown totalitarianism is not likely in America

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Anatoly Karlin talks about his intellectual restructuring: how Putin made him a Globalist 

Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Karlin about his political transformation, as well as the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine, and the timeline for the singularity/AGI. Anatoly Karlin used to blog at Unz until 2021, and has a new substack blog, Nooceleration, focused on Artificial intelligence. Follow Anatoly on Twitter.

Anatoly’s ideological transformation from a Russian nationalist to a neoliberal globalist, and why he has no use for the Right
Anatoly’s prediction that the Ukraine war would happen in December, 2021 (referenced in New York Times), though he was wrong in predicting that the war would be short
Why the war will likely remain a stalemate, unless there is some technological breakthrough
Anatoly’s disillusionment with Putin’s Russia
Why neutrality is the sane position for both the Ukraine vs Russia and Israel vs. Gaza conflicts
Why large-scale escalation of the Mideast conflict is unlikely in a conventional timeline, though an AGI alignment timeline increases the risk
Is the Israel/Gaza War the end of the Liberal-Zionist Alliance? (Woke anti-Zionists hate Israel/Jews due to their Whiteness)
Whether wokeness is waning and being replaced by outright establishmentarianism
Anatoly’s correct prediction that the election would be Trump vs. Biden, and why he still predicts that Biden will win
Why Anatoly is more bearish on China’s economic and soft power after previously being a China bull
Reasons to be relatively bullish on the US, primarily because its the center of AI
Why the culture wars are unimportant looking at the big picture
The major problems with AI accelerationism
The economic impacts of AI and crisis of overproduction
Why the solution to AI is not government regulation but rather investing in the biosphere, plus reforming the hardware based on a public blockchain

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Kevin Lynn interviews Robert Stark about Why No Collapse is the Real Dystopia

Kevin Lynn interviews Robert Stark about his article, No Collapse is the Real Dystopia: still waiting for the Big Collapse. This recording is a simulcast for Kevin’s Institute for Sound Public Policy’s YouTube channel, recorded on June 13th. Kevin Lynn is executive director of the Institute for Sound Public Policy and Progressives for Immigration Reform, and founder of US Tech Workers. Follow Kevin on Twitter.


Revisiting past predictions about economic collapse, the current stagnant vibes,  and return of bullish copes about the economy
John Michael Greer’s Not the Future We Ordered and his theory of catabolic collapse
Research predicting future cycles of collapse by Peter Turchin, Neil Howe & William Strauss’ Fourth Turning, and the Kondratiev wave
Reponses to the article , including a re-publish on ZeroHedege, and a critical response from Jeet Heer
Those who are psychologically invested in collapse
The pros and cons of being a perma bear, and Kevin revisits the 08 crash
How the bears will be vindicated in the long run, due to unprecedented levels of debt
The impact of demographic cycles on politics, social strife, and the economy
The scope of the migrant crisis which is unprecedented in American history, and Michael Yon’s reporting from the Darien Gap
Janet Yellen’s statement, expecting a slow steady decline of the dollar
The exodus out of California 
The Hard Times Create Strong Men meme 
Speculation about the Trump incitement and 2024 election

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Where will this Economic Chaos lead to? (With Kevin Lynn)

Robert Stark talks to Kevin Lynn about the dire implications of economic data and trends. Kevin Lynn is executive director of Progressives for Immigration Reform and founder of US Tech Workers. Follow Kevin on Twitter.


Examples of gaslighting on the economy,  Redefining the definition of recession and declaration of a “Vibecession
How the economic bullishness and bear rallies in stocks show the degree of disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street
The “Baking” of the Jobs numbers report and inflation data
The beginning of mass Tech layoffs
The super bubble to end all bubbles
Kevin’s article If You Thought the NIMBYs Were Bad – Meet the YIMBYs
Revisiting the pandemic stimulus and how only a fraction of stimulus went directly to the people
Federal Reserve policy, Biden’s “Inflation Reduction” Act,” and vulnerabilities of the dollar
Speculating worst case economic scenarios (deflationary depression, long-term stagflation, real estate crash, and debt crisis)
Geopolitics crisis, supply chains issues, global conflicts and civil unrest
The Fourth Turning theory and Peter Turchin’s method of measuring cycles of crisis
The political implications of the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar a Lago
Kevin’s observations from attending the recent CPAC conference in Texas on the political currents

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Anatoly Voronin about Ukraine

Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Voronin about the war in Ukraine, meta-modernism, and cultural trends. Anatoly Voronin is from Kharkiv, Ukraine, has worked as a fashion photographer and makeup artist, and politically identifies as a meta-modernist and post-liberal Centrist. Check out Anatoly’s Substack blog: Golden Heart Motel, and follow him on Instagram and Twitter.


War Diary: Live witness account of 2022 Ukrainian-Russian hostilities
The dissident-sphere’s take on the war and pro-Russia biases
Why Anatoly rejects the narrative of Ukraine being used as a pawn of the West
The end of the post-World War II narrative
Why Radical Centrism and Meta-Modernism are the next levels of consciousness
The Americanization of Europe
Why America is fundamentally a rightwing country
The Black-Red-Gold pill
The politics of beauty and why beauty pageants are radically centrist
The Russian film Bespredel (1989 ) about social hierarchies in the Soviet Prison System

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about the Ukraine War

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about the geopolitics of the war in Ukraine. Keith Preston is a historian, social scientist, political analyst, author, lecturer, trends researcher, and the editor of Attack the System. Follow Keith on Twitter.


The Geopolitical background of the conflict, the unprovoked narrative, and NATO expansion
How sanctions often fail at their intention of brining about regime change
How the conflict is accelerating geopolitical realignments and the bifurcation between the West and a Eurasian block
The motives and military strategy of the Ukrainian government
Whether the Russian invasion of Ukraine would have been less likely to have happened under Trump
Neo-McCarthyism, Russo-phobia, and the crackdown on civil liberties
The rise in a convoluted hybrid of American nationalism and woke culture
Worst case scenarios of the war escalating into direct conflict between Russia and the US and NATO
The fragmentation and polarization of American society, enclavism and Bill Bishop’s Big Sort
Supply chain issues and the potential for a global economic crisis

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Edward Dutton about the Coming Apart of Civilization

Dr. Edward Dutton is an English Anthropologist based in Finland and is the host of the Jolly Heretic on YouTube, and BitChute. You can follow Dutton on Twitter and check out his books on Amazon. His latest books are Sent Before Their Time: Genius, Charisma, and Being Born Prematurely and Witches, Feminism, and the Fall of the West.


The historical context of the Witch Trials as an era of harsh Darwinian selection
The impact of Malthusian selection pressures on fertility trends
Why populists or dissidents seizing power would not impede the incoming civilizational collapse
The evolutionary psychological motives behind woke culture, and why wokeness will wane out in the long run
Why techno-dystopian scenarios of the elite using technology to enslave the masses will not happen
How the rise in conspiracy theories are a sign of the winter of civilization
Why enclaves will be the Neo-Byzantiums of the future
The housing crisis and why NIMBYism is dysgenic
The social and psychological reasons to why terrorism will become much worse in the future
The scientific measurement of cycles of crisis, including the work of Peter Turchin and Jani Miettinen’s research on GENERATIONAL HORMONE CYCLES
The high probability of World War III and a global economic catastrophe this decade

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Peter Nimitz about LA










Robert Stark talks to San Fernando Valley based commentator, Peter Nimitz about the demographics, culture, economy and politics of the Los Angeles region from the perspective of a transplant. Check out Peter’s interview about the Russian Revolution and follow him on Twitter.


LA’s class structure
City-Data Forum thread on demographic trends of the past decade by city
Immigrant groups in the LA region, including from Mexico, China, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Armenia, various European nations, and more recent community from Uzbekistan
Industry in LA, including entertainment, aerospace, tech, and shipping
Unique LA tropes/archetypes
Contrasting communities that have strong patronage networks with those that are more atomized
Poll on hypothetical proposal to base immigration on a local level
America’s neo-tribal future
The Double Horseshoe Theory of Class Politics and how that impacts how different demographic groups align politically
Crucial California issues of housing (YIMBYism), energy, water, and infrastructure being neglected by a one party state focused on national issues and a GOP that’s out of touch with younger voters and urban concerns
The degree to which LA’s post pandemic exodus and urban decay is overhyped
New urban development in LA (ex. futuristic complex planned in Beverly Hills) and metro expansions
The debate about education reform,

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson

Coronacast with Anatoly Karlin: Episode II
















Russian Unz Review blogger Anatoly Karlin returns to talk about the recent stats and political implications of the coronavirus pandemic. (Note updates have occurred since recording of show). Check out Anatoly’s updates on the pandemic on Twitter.


Why the US is still in the early stages, despite being number one in cases
Comparisons of different nations’ Case Fatality Rates, and dangers of the rates increasing as ICUs are overwhelmed
Effective precautions including the use of surgical masks and using AI to locate those who break quarantine
Where there are exponential growth rates and where there is stabilization
Correctly Estimating Coronavirus Infections
How the US was behind in testing but is now starting to catch up
The underestimated death rates(Corona Deaths In Italy 5x Higher Than Official Numbers?)
The nonsensical theory that the majority is already infected
Scenarios depending on what actions we take
Why we should not count on warm weather to slow the spread
Chinese, Russian Corona Aid Is 80% Useless (Says CIA?)
How world flights are at a standstill with the exception of the US
China closing its borders to prevent reinfection from elsewhere
The US’s focus on China’s role to cover up for its own incompetence
China Stakes Out the Post-Corona World
The inevitability of a recession which could be made worse with loosened quarantines
Why Trump will probably ignore promise to re-open the economy
Trump’s missed chance to reinvent himself with a UBI rather than the current bailout and one time rebate
The divide between the red and blue tribes over handling the pandemic
How there is no consistency in ideological patterns in how foreign governments have handled the pandemic
The irony over inter-generational narratives between conservatives and the anti-Trump dissident right
The political positions vindicated(nationalism plus left economics)
How the initial wave of the pandemic primarily impacted the wealthy then later spread to lower income areas
Why policy and social behavior is more important than the urban/suburban divide
Anatoly’s further observations on Moscow and Russia’s handling of the pandemic

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Karlin about The Syria Strikes, Russian Politics & Failure of Trump










Robert Stark and co-host Brandon Adamson talk to Anatoly Karlin. Anatoly blogs for The Unz Review and is on the Russian language podcast rogpr.


Douma and Dumber
John Bolton and the return of the Neocons
Trump using the strike to distract from Russiagate
Whether the strike is purely symbolic or could lead to a greater conflict
How there is no evidence of Assad using chemical weapons
The Saudi Israeli Alliance
How Can Russia Hurt the US?
Gloomy Presentiments
The Road to World War III
The geopolitics of China and India
Brandon’s article People Who Hate Each Other Against the War
Brandon’s article Tulsi Gabbard 2020 (or 2024) or Whom Would Magnum P.I. Vote For?
The re-election of Putin and Some Final Notes
Putin’s implementation of hate speech laws
Vladimir Zhirinovsky who Anatoly voted for as a protest vote
Anatoly’s Blackpill Scenario for the United States

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island