Category Archives: The American South

Robert Stark interviews Kitemporal

Robert Stark and Francis Nally (aka Pilleater) talk to Kitemporal about philosophy, class, eugenics, sexuality, and gender roles. Kitemporal describes himself as a Radical Leftist, individualist, and eugenicist. Subscribe to his Substack and follow him on Twitter/X.

Topics include:

-Why Kitemporal calls himself a leftist, even though the left and right are arbitrary terms
-How managerial liberalism stifles human potential and is dysgenic
The backrooms as a metaphor for managerialism
-Why deconstruction is a valuable tool and can have anti-liberal results
-Why the Right has more respect for Bolsheviks than liberals
-How eugenics can be used for egalitarian aims (eg. breeding out toxic masculinity)
-Why Kitemporal calls himself a natalist nihilist
-The pros and cons of eugenics based on class
-Fertility trends by class
-Do libertarians, nerds, and artists have the lowest fertility?
-Beauty dysgenics
-Eurasians as a distinctly upper middle class ethnogenesis
-Why Kitemporal disagrees with the Ancient Problemz show that guys getting oral is upper class coded but rather macho coded
-How the normalization of fetishes makes them less transgressive
-The Ahegao face meme
-Whether low status men going down on high status women can ease the incel issue and  perhaps class warfare
-How anything can be normalized as high status to NPCs
-The latent bisexual undercurrents in rightwing politics
-Kitemporal’s new money redneck background
-Kitemporal’s esoteric proposals for gender roles
-How granting women the option of taking on full male gender roles discredits feminism
-Kitemporal’s religion of Dynostiscism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

2020 Election Post-Mortem with Hunter Wallace















Robert Stark talks to Hunter Wallace about the 2020 election results and why Donald Trump lost. Hunter Wallace is an Alabama based blogger at Occidental Dissent and describes himself as a Nationalist, Populist, and Centrist. You can follow Hunter on Twitter.


Why Hunter was swept up by the Trump phenomenon in 2016 but abstained this election
The stratums of the electorate  including Core Conservatives who set the agenda within the GOP and disaffected Market Skeptic Republicans who were sidelined by Trump
Why Trump lost ground with White voters including the White Working Class
2020 Autopsy: Class Analysis and why Class, Not Race, Explains Trump’s Rust Belt Defeat
Donald Trump Made Real Gains with Asians and Hispanics (ex. Tejano Vote In Texas)
Why dissident energy and higher levels of ethnocentrism are from the Center, not the right
Why The Jared Kushner Strategy and Trump’s brand of Identity Politics failed
Donald Trump’s “Platinum Plan” for Black America
Conservatives Lash Out Against Student Loan Debt Forgiveness
Tucker Carlson Challenges Voter Fraud Narrative
The Post-Trump GOP and why the party needs to move to the center on economics to remain viable

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark interviews River Page












Robert Stark talks to River Page about the role of identity politics and class on the left, and the need for political alternatives to the existing left. River Page blogs at Twink Rev and you can follow him on Twitter.


River’s religious upbringing, importance of social capital, and
exposure to Marxism

The inaccuracy of liberal stereotypes about the Bible Belt
Why Liberals Hate Poor White Trash
The degree to which social liberalism is a product of plutocratic economics
Marxism on the question of borders and nations
Examples of woke austerity in Eco-capitalism, diversity programs, and high skilled immigration
Kamala Harris and the intersection of elite economic interests with woke identity politics
How the New Left abandoned the working class
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Platform Capitalism and the False Promise of Self-Liberation
The Woke Resurrection of a Gay Sex Panic

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Scott Tungay











Robert Stark talks to Scott Tungay about the current situation in South Africa, the ongoing riots in America, and his views on social capital, land use, and wealth. Scott is originally from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and immigrated to Kentucky to be with his American wife. He blogs at Department of Winning, has a Youtube channel with his wife Kelli, and is also on Twitter.


Scott’s background, like many English South Africans, growing up believing in the Rainbow nation narrative and classical liberal values
How immigrating to America lit a nationalist spark
Scott’s passion for homesteading and Permaculture
Scott’s admiration for conservationist Wendell Berry and the Southern Agrarians
How Scott is currently stuck in South Africa which has one of the most draconian Lockdowns in the world
How the lockdown could be used as a power grab by the ANC, with businesses foreclosing, and a planned expropriation of White property
Why South Africa will fall, like Yugoslavia | With Scott Tungay by Willem Petzer
Different scenarios for South Africa, including a partition into smaller nations, Chinese intervention, and why a Rwandan scenario is unlikely
How most White South Africans are looking to emigrate
The ongoing riots in America, and why Scott thinks America is 20-30 years away from where South Africa is now
The media narrative about race relations, divide and conquer strategy, and long term un-sustainability due to economic breakdown
The failure of conservatism, and opportunity for a Third Position that is localist, anti-usury, and anti-globalist
The missed mashup that could have happened between Bernie and Trump
The Backto-the-land movement and New Urbanism as alternatives to the commercial squalor that destroyed small town Americana
How the lockdown proves the value of family and community over the corporate rat race
Economic Class Dynamics: The significance, slave, and survival economy
The importance of aesthetics: how beauty elicits care
The limits of meritocracy: how future economic survival will depend upon one’s In-group

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about the Planned Obsolescence of the American Heartland














Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about his in-production documentary chronicling the economic and social despair of the American Heartland. Paul Bingham is the author of Down Where the Devil Don’t Go and Black House Rocked. You can contact Paul at


Paul’s footage and interviews conducted across the South and Midwest
The concept of non-essential jobs exposing the reality that most of the workforce will become obsolete
Long term economic consequences of the pandemic including permanent job loss, foreclosure of small banks and businesses, and more automation and streamlining
Trump’s failure to bring back manufacturing
The conglomeration of farmland and real estate
Why Paul predicts America will serve as the breadbasket of the world
Paul’s speculation that elites support mass immigration in the short term but population reduction in the long term
Stratification of elites, hiding of assets, and effectiveness of an asset tax
Crisis of addiction and deaths of despair (highest rates among Whites and Native Americans)
The foreign policy motive behind foreign owned cash businesses
The benefits of economic specialization and family based businesses
America’s nomadic nature
Why certain groups of Americans are better adapted to thrive in the future
Why the general public is only educated to be a consumer and not a rational political actor
Failure of past political movements from Ron Paul to Bernie Sanders
How the documentary will record the heartland’s decline rather than explicitly make political predictions
Paul’s upcoming poetry book, Strip Club Poetry

Click Here to download!

Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about Secessionist Political Parties















Keith Preston is the editor of Attack the System


How the ideologies of parties are shaped by motivations of secessionist movements
Conflicting political parties and ideologies within the same secessionist movements
Texas secession movement and Alaskan Independence Party
Calexit movement and California National Party
California’s income inequality and housing crisis
Economic factors behind secession and economic divides within movements
The South is My Country in Brazil
Northern Italian separatist party Lega Nord‎ which is now Lega
Cape Party in South Africa
The pro-EU secessionist Scottish National Party and Catalan independence movement
Flemish secessionist parties Vlaams Belang and New Flemish Alliance
Puerto Rican Independence Party and how the American left and Right have switched sides on Puerto Rican Secession

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks about The YIMBY Movement & The Alt-Center















Robert Stark joined with Cartrell Payne(aka The Adventure Kid) to discuss the YIMBY movement, the Alt-Center, and how those issues relate.


California Senator Scott Wiener’s housing-transit measure Derailed
Factions of the YIMBY movement including left leaning housing advocates, real estate developers, and the Market Urbanist
Left Wing anti-gentrification activists and their alliance with NIMBY’s
Cartrell’s observations on gentrification in Memphis, Tennessee
The hypocrisy of pro-immigration Limousine Liberal NIMBY’s, and how that combination exacerbates the housing crisis
How the YIMBY movement is also very pro immigration
Income Inequality in California and the mass exodus of the middle class
The film Falling Down which is set in LA in the early 90’s and a warning of a dystopian future
What makes California great and can it be saved?
The New Great Migration of Black Americans back to The South
White Middle Class Conservative NIMBY’s, their motivations, and how they are sabotaging their own self interest
Why YIMBYism and immigration restriction are compatible, and why the Alt-Center should take up those causes
Why YIMBYs need to address aesthetic concerns
Why YIMBYism is compatible with environmental and historic preservation
Citylab and City Journal; their writings on urbanism and political agendas
Why mass transit is inefficient in LA and other Sun Belt cities
The political and cultural flaws of both Blue and Red States
A vision of an Alt Center which include alternative economics, pro middle class policies, New Urbanism, environmentalism, SWPL culture, and socially centrist
Cartrell’s political orientation as an Old School Southern Democrat minus the racism
Cartrell’s critique of both the Black Liberal Establishment and Black Conservatives
Conservative views on the poor and police issues and Conservative Class Cucks
The early 20th Century Populist movement
Norman Mailer’s plan for breaking up New York City which addressed both the concerns of the Left and the Right

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Jayman










Robert Stark, Joshua Zeidner, and Sam Kevorkian talk to Jayman. Check out Jayman’s Blog and writings at The Unz Review.


Steven Pinker’s The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
Arthur Jensen on Human Intelligence
Jayman’s Jamaican heritage
Jayman’s political views; liberal both socially and economically(see: Political Alignment)
Liberalism, HBD, and Solutions
Idiocracy Can Wait?
Jayman’s American Nations Series
Colin Woodard’s book American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America
A Tentative Ranking of the Clannishness of the “Founding Fathers
Maps of the American Nations
Demography is Destiny, American Nations Edition
Assortative migration patterns
A Dialect Map of American English
The Donald Trump Phenomenon: The American Nations
The Five Laws of Behavioral Genetics
The ethics of health insurance companies setting rates based on genetic records

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Round Table Discussion on Charlottesville & Political Polarization











Robert Stark joined with Keith Preston of Attack the System, Sam Kevorkian, J.G. Michael, and Joshua Zeidner discuss the “Unite The Right” event in Charlottesville Virginia, the aftermath, and it’s implications for political discourse.


Keith Preston’s essay Some Initial Thoughts on Charlottesville
How the message of the rally was unclear and incoherent; the “Occupy Wall Street” of the Right
The media’s reaction and the Public relations disaster for the Alt-Right
How the Police handled the event and past cases where the Police were ordered to stand down
Trump’s diplomatic response
How both the Alt-Right and SJW Left are reacting to growing wealth disparities; including many former members of the Upper Middle Class
Political polarization as a reflection of alienation among youth
Conspiracy theories about both left and right wing protesters being controlled opposition
The rise of the far right and left and the ineptitude of the Center
The political fragmentation of the Elites and the Media
The rise in political violence
The massive online crackdown on the Alt-Right in the aftermath of Charlottesville
Corporate censorship(ex.VDARE targeted by corporate left)
Extending the First Amendment to corporations
ACLU: White Supremacists no longer entitled to all First Amendment rights
Noam Chomsky: Antifa is a ‘major gift to the Right’

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark talks to Jim Goad about the New Church Ladies and Re Release of Answer Me!











Robert Stark, co-host Pilleater, and Cartrell Payne(The Adventure Kid) talk to JIM GOAD about his new book The New Church Ladies and re release of ANSWER Me! by Nine-Banded Books.


Jim’s new book The New Church Ladies: The Extremely Uptight World of “Social Justice”
Social Justice as a new secular religion and their moral absolutist nature
Social Justice Warriors totalitarian tactics and dehumanization of those they disagree with
Jim’s early experience with political correctness in the Punk Scene in the early 80’s; Rock Against Racism
Jim’s experiences with anti-racist skinheads in Portland
Experiences with censorship in 1994 for the publication of Answer Me!’s “Rape Issue”
The Redneck Manifesto and the white privilege fallacy
Michael Hoffman’s They Were White and They Were Slaves
The liberal establishment abandoning economic issues and political correctness as a tool to disarm working class opposition to globalization
Individualism vs Identitarianism; “If you can’t beat them join them”
“Why Are White Death Rates Rising?”
The re release of ANSWER Me! All Four Issues
Peter Sotos’s “Quality Time” article for the “Rape Issue” which lead to threats of prosecution for obscenity
Jim & Debbie Goad on Hot Seat with Wally George
Music interest; 80’s rap music,  70’s British Glam including Garry Glitter, Rockabilly, and ‘Psycho’: The darkly insane country music classic
Philadelphia, Temple University where both Pilleater and Jim attended, and the city’s reputation

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!