Category Archives: Singapore

Robert Stark interviews John Arcto about UK Politics & Retro Futurism


Robert Stark talks to John Arcto, who blogs at The Anglofuturist on substack.


-John’s political journey as a former Leftist
-Why John rejects the dissident right and embraces Progressivism Rightism
What is Anglo Futurism 
-The Right’s elite human capital problem and anti-intellectualism
-The need for a counter-elite
The July 4th election in the UK
-The Tory Party’s embrace of mass immigration and whether the Party can be reformed
Nigel Farage’s role as a gatekeeper
-How Brexit has been a total failure and turned young Brits woke
-Why John supports some hybrid of immigration restriction, assimilation, and ethnopluralism
-Why John can’t comprehend how Americans get worked up over Hispanic immigration
-How talking about racial demographics is totally taboo in the UK, but cultural concerns are tolerated
-John’s case for Georgism and rightwing YIMBYism
-Why adopting certain leftwing views is good to appeal to elite human capital
Why Blade Runner is much less dystopian than our current society
-The movie Her which depicts a future LA that is YIMBY but also very White
-British genres of Retro-Futurism, from the Victorian to post-war era
Vaporwave as rightwing post-modernism
-Why the present is a uniquely bleak era in British history

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Guillaume Durocher about Éric Zemmour

Robert Stark talks to French author Guillaume Durocher about the 2022 French Presidential Election and the campaign of Éric Zemmour. Other topics discussed include Singapore’s politics, rightwing multiculturalism, and biopolitics . Guillaume Durocher has written for a number of dissident publications including The and American Renaissance, and is the author of The Ancient Ethnostate: Biopolitical Thought in Classical Greece. Follow Guillaume on Twitter.


Éric Zemmour’s background as a political pundit and comparisons to 2016 Trump
How Zemmour is to the right of his challenger Marine Le Pen on both economics and on issues of nationalism and identity
How Zemmour’s demographic of support tends to be older, more well off, and more conservative than Le Pen’s
Zemmour’s policy proposals including an immigration moratorium, natalist bonuses for rural areas, ending hate speech laws, and cutting off funding for woke NGOs
Polling and projections for the runoff and general election and how it is Macron’s election to lose
Zemmour’s strategy of balancing assimilationism with preserving an “ethnic steady state”
A case for the right to embrace multiculturalism as an alternative to nationalism and assimilationismism
Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore as a model for successful multi-ethnic nations
The Secession of French Elites: The Key to Macron’s Success…and Failures

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Shankar Singam about California Independence











Robert Stark talks to Shankar Singam about the California independence movement. Shankar is executive director of Independent California and is also an author, graphic artist, and musician.


How Shankar started identifying as a Californian rather than American, and how that’s the first step to independence
Why Independence?
The Calexit movement groups including Shankar’s Independent California, Yes California, California Freedom Coalition, and the California National Party
How the United States is stunting California’s growth, including loss of tax revenue
Shankar’s upcoming petition, proposing a commission on the potential economic benefits to independence
The legal and constitutional process to independence
How the Calexit movement is much more than a reaction to Trump
The ineptitude of the Democratic establishment, both nationally and in California
Alternative political models including a multi-party parliamentary system and local autonomy
Economic policies including public banking
Shankar’s appearance on Tucker Carlson and the context of his comment on the middle class exodus
Shankar’s rebuttal to California’s detractors (ex. worst income inequality)
Foreign models for California to emulate (Canada, Australia, UK, France, and Singapore)

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, and Stark Truth TV

Robert Stark interviews Mark Mollineaux about Georgism & Urbanism












Robert Stark talks to Mark Mollineaux about Georgist economic theory and its implications on urbanism. Mark is the host of The Henry George Program hosted by Stanford University’s Radio. Follow the show on Twitter.


Ideological roots of Georgist thought
Georgist view on property ownership
How to better incentivize efficient land usage
How Georgism can facilitate better urbanism and prevent sprawl
The difference between a land value tax and general property tax
How a land value tax relates to zoning regulation
Concerns for land foreclosures
The issue of the middle class being forced to invest all their income into real estate
The Singapore Land Authority
The concept of having a local currency tied to the cost of living
Bay Area Housing Crisis
Disneyland as an urban model

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Alt-Urbanism: Building a Based Urban Middle Class SWPL Utopia












By Robert Stark: Originally Published on Alt of Center

Prior to the 1950’s, the urban core of LA, centered around Downtown, was relatively small. It was also much more compact and vibrant, however, than it became in the second half of the 20th Century. In recent years, there has been renewed interest in urbanism and walkable communities, and LA’s downtown, historic core is now revitalized and booming with new highrise construction.

While LA is just in the early stages of creating an integrated metro system, the region once had a vibrant street car system connecting the urban core with extensions to street car suburbs such as Santa Monica and Pasadena.

According to Curbed LA : “in 1945, a sinister corporation called National City Lines took over the thriving Los Angeles Railway, which served most of the sprawling region. Then, over the course of the next two decades, LA’s extensive streetcar network was eliminated and the iconic Red Cars that Judge Doom mentions were replaced with shiny new buses.

Continue reading Alt-Urbanism: Building a Based Urban Middle Class SWPL Utopia

Robert Stark interviews Jeffery J. Smith














JEFFERY J. SMITH published The Geonomist, which won a California GreenLight Award, has appeared in both the popular press (e.g.,TruthOut) and academic journals (e.g., USC’s “Planning and Markets”), been interviewed on radio and TV, lobbied officials, testified before the Russian Duma, conducted research (e.g., for Portland’s mass transit agency), and recruited activists and academics to A member of the International Society for Ecological Economics and of Mensa, he lives amidst the beauty of Northern California. Jeffery is currently Chief Editor at


Jeffery Smith’s new science fiction novel Perfect Timing about time travel to a future society
How the book conveys the tone of Hitchhiker’s Guide, offers insights like Stranger in a Strange Land, and presents an upbeat alternative to Brave New World
The theme and implementation of a Basic Income in the future society
Why a basic income is necessary and ways to implement it
The artificial notion of the work week and the book The Overworked American
The Post-scarcity economy and how the surplus of wealth is concentrated in the top 1%
The theme of Utopia; Aldous Huxley’s utopian novel Island
The future society of Geotopia, the theme of Ecotopia, and the book by Ernest Callenbach
Ecological based economics; Herman Daly’s Steady State Economics
Geonomics, Georgism, and the land value tax
How a land value tax is different from a property tax and leads to more efficient land use
City Density—Friend of Trip Efficiency
The book Better NOT Bigger: How to Take Control of Urban Growth and Improve your Community
Jeffery Smith’s upcoming book on measuring the indicators of land value

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark talks to Giovanni Dannato about Solutions to Social Problems









Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Giovanni Dannato. Giovanni blogs at Colony of Commodus and is the author of A Kingdom For the Introvert. Follow Giovanni on Twitter.


What Might A Post-Western Aesthetic Look Like?
Paolo Soleri’s Arcosanti, the concept of arcology, and self contained cities
David Lynch’s Film Dune and the Game Riven
Sci-Fi Inspired By WW1: Future Best Shown Through The Past
How Singapore Went From A Fishing Village With Slums Full OF Shacks To A Thriving City-State With Skyscrapers
Singapore’s founder LEE KUAN YEW
The Human Life Bubble
The Backwardness of Consumerism and Consumer Capitalism
The 60s Revolutionary Order Has Fallen: Now What?
No Going Back to the 1950s – And What Lies Ahead
New Balance Hysteria Shows Us Meaning Beyond Markets
President Trump’s First Baby Steps (And the Big Picture)
How To Turn The Educated Against Political Correctness
Internet Benefits People Asymmetrically
Millennials as a lost generation, and why Giovanni is more optimistic about Generation Z
Discrimination and Why Nepotism Is Necessary
The need for Smart Socialism
Mercantile Diasporas
The Future of Alt-Right Populism
How the Alt-Right is limited mainly to the white working class and how a larger populist movement could attract progressive voters who have been neglected by the democrat coalition
What Giovanni Believes

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!