Monthly Archives: September 2024

Robert Stark interviews Ross Calvin about his American Colossus Project

Robert Stark speaks with Ross Calvin about his American Colossus Project, a proposal to construct a statue of the Greek Titan, Prometheus, on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay. Ross Calvin is from New Mexico, has a finance background, running an Austrian economics-focused investment fund in global macro, frontier markets, and volatility for 10 years. He transitioned to become a bitcoin miner, and developed a blockchain platform for oil and gas. Subscribe to Ross Calvin on Substack, and check out the American Colossus project on Substack, X/Twitter, and Instagram.

-The tie in between the Mythos of Prometheus and Sound Money
-Prometheus as a symbol of triumph, beauty, the power of technology, and the regenerative spirit of man
-Ross’s inspiration from Jason Jorjani’s Prometheism, who is no longer involved with the project
-The hope that the Prometheus Statue can usher in a new renaissance for America and California
-The enormous reasons for optimism to counter pessimism and demoralization
-The significance and meaning of “The Pursuit of Happiness”
-How the Prometheus Statue will be a bookend to the Statue of Liberty, but much larger
-San Francisco’s natural and architectural beauty, and significance as the Manifest Destiny City
-The negative publicity about San Francisco’s decay and the drug crisis
-The oppressive symbolism of the Alcatraz prison and why Calvin does not think it has any historic preservation value
-The Statue’s designer and sculptor, Fen de Villiers
-The contrast between the archeo-futurist symbolism of Art Deco vs “the staidness of institutions” of Neo-Classicalism
-The plan to appeal to Trump, as presidents have the authority to create National Monuments
-Trump’s persona as a builder, his proposal to create a statue memorial garden, and his neoclassical executive order
-The project countering the iconoclasm and spirit of deconstruction
-Why artists should have a greater role in the economy and technological innovation
-How Silicon Valley has become monolithic, State oriented, and less creative
-How Prometheus stands against censorship
-Plans for a documentary and a museum that will be a temple to the Promethean spirit

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Anti-Racism Advocate, Alexander Ohnemus

Alexander Ohnemus is an anti-racism/critical race theory advocate from Sacramento, California. He is a follower of the philosopher, Karl Popper, believing in negative utilitarianism (minimizing suffering), open society, and critical rationalism. Check out Alexander’s articles on Substack and Research Gate.


-Alexander’s stance on genetic hereditarianism and how it relates to Racial Equity/CRT
-How colorblind meritocratic arguments are insufficient in explaining social stratification and inequalities
-The concept of Implicit Bias
-Why White people are better off in an Open Society
-How CRT/racial equity relates to a declining White population
-Whether Whites will become more ethnocentric and reactionary as a minority
Alexander’s proposal to use Transhumanism (eg. artificial wombs) to increase the NW Euro White population to pay for reparations
-Whether this proposal could bridge the Left/Right divide
-Why a more progressive society requires progressive White people to reproduce more
-Whether the Left will allow for positive White Identity Politics (eg. White Guys for Kamala)
-Examples of policies where the Left is better for Whites (eg. work from home boosted White fertility)
-Enclavism/balkanization vs. racial integration in California
-Why reciprocity and harm avoidance are the key foundations for good race relations
-Why the Left is overall better for neurodiversity (eg. disability benefits and autistic people getting more lenient sentences from liberal judges)
-How autistic people are disproportionately harmed by speech codes
-How asexuality is part of LGBTQI and different from the incel issue
-Why incels should stop blaming people who reject them and join LGBTQ
-How artificial wombs could help both asexuals and incels in the future
-How dysgenics leads to Social Darwinism and reactionary societies
-Alexander’s universalist theological views and his book Highly Theoretical Differential Equations of the Afterlife
-How belief in reincarnation enforces social stratification (eg. Hindu Caste system and Plato’s Republic)
-Neville Goddard, New Thought, and the potential risks of manifesting

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.