Category Archives: Dubai

Robert Stark interviews John Arcto about UK Politics & Retro Futurism


Robert Stark talks to John Arcto, who blogs at The Anglofuturist on substack.


-John’s political journey as a former Leftist
-Why John rejects the dissident right and embraces Progressivism Rightism
What is Anglo Futurism 
-The Right’s elite human capital problem and anti-intellectualism
-The need for a counter-elite
The July 4th election in the UK
-The Tory Party’s embrace of mass immigration and whether the Party can be reformed
Nigel Farage’s role as a gatekeeper
-How Brexit has been a total failure and turned young Brits woke
-Why John supports some hybrid of immigration restriction, assimilation, and ethnopluralism
-Why John can’t comprehend how Americans get worked up over Hispanic immigration
-How talking about racial demographics is totally taboo in the UK, but cultural concerns are tolerated
-John’s case for Georgism and rightwing YIMBYism
-Why adopting certain leftwing views is good to appeal to elite human capital
Why Blade Runner is much less dystopian than our current society
-The movie Her which depicts a future LA that is YIMBY but also very White
-British genres of Retro-Futurism, from the Victorian to post-war era
Vaporwave as rightwing post-modernism
-Why the present is a uniquely bleak era in British history

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Dota about Oligarchy & National Capitalism

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Dota is a Canadian Paleoconservative of Indian origin. He blogs at Occident Invicta

Topics include:

Dota’s article Oligarchy 101 about how 5 banks rigged the Foreign Exchange Market
National Capitalism – A Third Alternative?
Japan as a National Capitalist Society
Dota’s article America’s Tainted Democracy about how South Asians are beginning to use their wealth to buy political clout
Resisting Our Cultural Marxist Elites – A Few Strategies To Consider


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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Matt Forney about Tag the Sponsor












Topics include:

Matt’s article Tag The Sponsor Exposes The Depravity Of Modern Women about Instagram models who whore themselves out to Arab oil Sheiks in Dubai
The Depravity of Dubai and other Oil Rich Arab Gulf States
Do these women become irreparably damaged??
How Societies Sexual mores have declined
Matt’s article on Cassandra Lynn’s Death Shows Why You Should Never Wife Up Broken Girls
Matt’s review of Jared Taylor’s FACE TO FACE WITH RACE
Matt’s article The Triumph of Hope Over Experience about Mayor Bill De Blasio and New York City
How New York City’s Gentrification killed it’s created energy and how it’s symbolic of today’s decline in creativity


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Robert Stark Interviews Dota from Occident Invicta











Robert Stark talks to Canada-based blogger Dota of Occident Invicta,

  • His identity: an Indian Shia Muslim from Gujarat
  • His political and religious journey from Left to Right and Islam to secularism
  • The distinction between racism and xenophobia
  • House Muslims
  • Who promotes Muslim immigration and why
  • The reason why Muslim immigration is hard to manage
  • Muslim anti-Semitism
  • The ethnic agenda of Hollywood movies
  • Judaism and rebellion
  • Lessons in the American sitcom Outsourced
  • Economic and cultural causes of inequality in India
  • The need to promote middle class capitalism
  • The Hindu Nationalist alliance with Israel and Zionism
  • Hindu Nationalism and Brahmin supremacism
  • Remnants of caste in Indian and Pakistani Muslim communities
  • Adam Smith’s critique of capitalism
  • The disdain for physical labor among Brahmins
  • The appeal of Hitler in India
  • Feminism vs. patriarchy
  • The speciousness of the idea of the social construction of gender
  • South Asian honor killings
  • Why he is a white preservationist but not a White Nationalist
  • Why he thinks that white nations should limit immigration to maintain healthy white majorities (85 to 90%)
  • The South Asian diaspora in North America
  • Why whites need to embrace their own identities to preserve themselves from multiculturalism
  • Why white self-assertion might lead to a long-run decline in white xenophobia