Category Archives: Mormonism

Robert Stark interviews Peter Nimitz about LA










Robert Stark talks to San Fernando Valley based commentator, Peter Nimitz about the demographics, culture, economy and politics of the Los Angeles region from the perspective of a transplant. Check out Peter’s interview about the Russian Revolution and follow him on Twitter.


LA’s class structure
City-Data Forum thread on demographic trends of the past decade by city
Immigrant groups in the LA region, including from Mexico, China, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Armenia, various European nations, and more recent community from Uzbekistan
Industry in LA, including entertainment, aerospace, tech, and shipping
Unique LA tropes/archetypes
Contrasting communities that have strong patronage networks with those that are more atomized
Poll on hypothetical proposal to base immigration on a local level
America’s neo-tribal future
The Double Horseshoe Theory of Class Politics and how that impacts how different demographic groups align politically
Crucial California issues of housing (YIMBYism), energy, water, and infrastructure being neglected by a one party state focused on national issues and a GOP that’s out of touch with younger voters and urban concerns
The degree to which LA’s post pandemic exodus and urban decay is overhyped
New urban development in LA (ex. futuristic complex planned in Beverly Hills) and metro expansions
The debate about education reform,

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson

Robert Stark talks to Logo Daedalus about America’s Promethean Aesthetics










Robert Stark and Matt Pegan talk to Logo Daedalus to analyze the Promethean themes throughout American history in regards to culture and aesthetics. Logo is the author of Selfie, Suicide: or Cairey Turnbull’s Blue Skiddoo and you can follow him on Twitter.


Online Trad subculture as a search for authenticity within the Simulation
Embracing America as a theme park
Archeofuturism: progress fused with nostalgia
How cultural elitism can contradict economic elitism and vice versa
Popularity of Neoclassical architecture in 19th Century America, The Soviet’s later adoption of Neoclassical architecture, and Art Deco as the pinnacle of archeofuturism in early 20th Century America
The Minimalist architectural trend of the 2010s, focus on functionality, Puritanical origins, and popularity in the Silicon Valley
Logo’s experience living in New York, notable architectural sites, and it’s state of decay
Neo-Trad architectural fad
What Internet Memes Get Wrong About Breezewood, Pennsylvania
Finding political symbolism in architecture
Celebrity Futurism
The ironies of Trump’s aesthetics
Mormonism as a manifest of America’s Promethean Spirit
How modern America started at the Chicago World’s Fair
The early Electric Park and Freedomland U.S.A. Theme Parks
Utopian Societies in 19th Century America and Utopianism through accessing the capital to build rather than politics

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about the Planned Obsolescence of the American Heartland














Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about his in-production documentary chronicling the economic and social despair of the American Heartland. Paul Bingham is the author of Down Where the Devil Don’t Go and Black House Rocked. You can contact Paul at


Paul’s footage and interviews conducted across the South and Midwest
The concept of non-essential jobs exposing the reality that most of the workforce will become obsolete
Long term economic consequences of the pandemic including permanent job loss, foreclosure of small banks and businesses, and more automation and streamlining
Trump’s failure to bring back manufacturing
The conglomeration of farmland and real estate
Why Paul predicts America will serve as the breadbasket of the world
Paul’s speculation that elites support mass immigration in the short term but population reduction in the long term
Stratification of elites, hiding of assets, and effectiveness of an asset tax
Crisis of addiction and deaths of despair (highest rates among Whites and Native Americans)
The foreign policy motive behind foreign owned cash businesses
The benefits of economic specialization and family based businesses
America’s nomadic nature
Why certain groups of Americans are better adapted to thrive in the future
Why the general public is only educated to be a consumer and not a rational political actor
Failure of past political movements from Ron Paul to Bernie Sanders
How the documentary will record the heartland’s decline rather than explicitly make political predictions
Paul’s upcoming poetry book, Strip Club Poetry

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Ashley Messinger about the Richard Dawkins Eugenics Controversy











Robert Stark talks to Ashley Messinger about the controversy over Richard Dawkins’ Tweets on eugenics(First and Second). Ashley is based in the UK and writes for You can also find Ashley on Twitter.


Dawkins’ thought experiment that eugenics could work in practice but the ethical costs are not worth it
PC taboos against thought experiments from the moralistic Woke left
Dawkins as part of  THE GREY TRIBE
Eugenics as state policy versus private choices(ex. sperm donors)
CRISPR gene editing
How all societies select winners and losers, those favored to pass on their genes
Genes selected for ethnocentrism and religiosity
Fertility transitions(ex. population projections for the Mormons and Amish)
The impact of fertility trends on neuro-diversity
Dawkins’ book The Selfish Gene
Jayman’s sane and humane Solutions, including birth control, student loan forgiveness, and natalist tax incentives
The insanity of Trump cutting food stamps for single adults but not single parents
Ashley’s article Optimised Humanity, Towards Corvus Axolotlus on how traits for beauty have been selected
Former Borris Johnson aide Andrew Sabisky and the controversy over his comments on eugenics
Richard Dawkins’ past controversial comments on down syndrome, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment
Ashley’s article Utilitarianism and Rights to Life
Genetic traits and personality types selected for compassion towards animals
In vitro meat
“Germany, France push to end male chick ‘shredding’ in European Union”.

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Urbanist Lessons from Trip to the Southwest

Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas discuss their trip last fall to Las Vegas(Vegas Strip and Downtown), The Grand Canyon, and Zion.


Las Vegas as the quintessential Post Modernist City
Creating an other wordy aura that does not exist in mundane consumerism
Creating something noble or grandiose out of consumerism
Las Vegas as an economic rather than geographic concept
Nothing permanent because architecture only survives if profitable
Vintage Vegas and Neon Signage
Irony of historic preservationist dismissing architecture of value because it is a product of capitalism
The pros and cons of private zoning
Casino Resorts functioning as an arcology or self contained city
Theme parks as models for urbanism
The potential for an urban alternative to over priced West Coast Cities
St. George Utah, sprawl layout, and high trust homogeneous middle class demographic
Alt-Urbanist solutions that seek to recreate those attributes in an urban setting
Southern Utah and Northern Arizona as one of the most scenic and geologically diverse regions in the world

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews SF based Artist Merkley???

















Robert Stark and Dain Fitzgerald talk to SF based artist and photographer Merkley??? Check out Merkley??? on Twitter.


Merkley’s ex Mormon background, and the role of art, creativity, and philosophy within religion
SJW culture as a religion with the state as the figure head
How traditional religion is now more tolerant in comparison
Being a political outsider in the SF Bay Area
The fusion of SJW culture and Neoliberalism
Conservatives adopting liberal ideas from the past that stand the test of time
Merkley’s view that multiple identities will lead to radical individualism
Merkley’s response to the argument that identities provide a sense of social cohesion
Left Wing Puritanism
Using nude photography to poke fun at photoshop, advertisement, and the fashion industry(objectifying the objects)
Bay Area Housing Crisis, Airbnb, supply and demand, and historic preservation concerns
The impracticality of open borders
Merkley’s Ska Band and friendship with Gwen Stefani
Singing the wisdom of the Luddites

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Mike Marinacci about California Jesus

















Robert Stark, Pilleater, and J.G. Michael talk to Mike Marinacci about his new book California Jesus: A (Slightly) Irreverent Guide the Golden State’s Christian Sects, Evangelists and Latter-Day Prophets. Mike blogs at Califia’s Children and co-authored the book Weird California: Your Travel Guide to California’s Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets.


The historic trend of heading West for freedom
William Monéy and the Reformed New Testament Church
How Los Angeles was the early center of Pentecostalism and William Seymour of the Azusa Street Revival
Aimee Semple McPherson, Herbert W. Armstrong, Gene Scott, and Electronic Evangelism
The Children of God
Joe Jeffers and the Kingdom of Yahweh
Rev. Wesley Swift and Christian Identity
King Louis Narcisse and the Prosperity Doctrine
Jack T. Chick and His Comic-Book Ministry
The Science Fiction novel The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
The History of Mormonism in California
Rev. Troy Perry’s Gay oriented Metropolitan Community Church
The Universal Life Church founded by Kirby J. Hensley, the “Modesto Messiah”
Mel Gibson’s Traditional Catholic Church of the Holy Family
The Mexican National Catholic Church
Mike’s upcoming appearance on Dr. Susan Block’s Web TV Show Saturday August 5th at 9:30 pm

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!