Monthly Archives: October 2024

Meta Ronin Returns

Subscribe to Meta Ronin on Substack and follow him on X/Twitter.

Topics include:

-Whether the AI/tech bubble is overhyped
-Competing narratives about accelerating innovation in AI vs technological stagnation
-Robert’s initial prediction that Kamala will win and why Meta Ronin thinks Trump will win (Note: this was recorded about a month ago. Robert’s current prediction is about 55% Trump win/45% Kamala win)
-Whether Substack is turning into Twitter
-Whether AI/automation will select for people who are more charismatic Chads rather than nerds
-Mark Zuckerberg’s archetype and his recent rebrand to humanize his image
-How the view that elites are evil is a cope but has some partial truth
-Why streamlining bureaucracy into UBI makes more sense than mass wealth redistribution
-The argument that UBI could be exploited as a State mechanism of control
-Whether taxing the wealthy more is dysgenic
-The genetic traits selected for by wealth from sociopathy to beauty
What would the Great Class Swap look like if implemented? 
-The film series, Zeitgeist and Fully Automated Luxury Communism
-How the poor are used to scare the middle class into compliance
-How the high cost of living in California selects for conformity
-The pros and cons of both YIMBY and NIMBY policies in California
-How both Meta Ronin and Robert have been exposed to a wide range of class backgrounds, which is the case for artists
-Why middle class people are often boring
-Why bottom up populism rarely succeeds
-How sexuality is often transactional and commodified
-The hypothetical scenario of incels orally servicing high status women
-The intersection of mysticism and sexuality
-The debate about the ethics of letting sexual deviants carry out their fantasies with AI
-How mate selection can often have negative evolutionary outcomes
-How men and women are different spiritually
-How both AI and natural beauty can alchemize the Jungian anima
-Meta Ronin’s life in very scenic Lake Chelan, Washington
-How aesthetics are a great way to win people, especially women, over to your political cause
Kashif Vikaas’s Meta Right/Meta Modernism project
-Terrence McKenna’s prediction that AI will become a planetary nervous system
-How feasible is it to become financially successful on Substack?

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark’s Articles & Vanity Features

Joakim Andersen: Robert Stark and the Radical Center (in Swedish) English
Doxometrist: Alt-center pill: TL;DR of Robert Stark’s proposal
GiantArt Productions: The Fauvist Vaporwave Interiors of Robert Stark
Shane Eide: The Alt-Center, Starkianism and the Demystification of Social Capital

Unz Review:
The Denmark Plan Versus Right-Wing Multi-Culturalism
Pod-Living vs. the White Picket Fence: A False Dichotomy
You Can’t Take Back America But You Can Join the Tribe
Who Breeds in California
Exploring California’s Political Demographics Based On In-Depth 2020 Election Analysis
White Millennials: America’s Sacrificial Lamb
The Real Wealth Gap: The intergenerational wealth gap, the housing crisis, and how “BLM vs. MAGA” poisons the discussion on every issue

Stark Truth:
Alt-Urbanism: Building a Based Urban Middle Class SWPL Utopia
Alt Urbanism: Retrofitting The Aesthetically Pleasing Suburb
Scarcity of Positional Goods is the basis for Aesthetic Socialism
Aristocratic Aesthetic Socialism

Taki’s Magazine:
Andrew Yang and the Post-Nationalist Future

White Upper Class Enclavism vs the Middle Class Melting Pot in California (Demographic observations from visiting Suburban SoCal Malls)
My Second Magic Mushroom Trip Report
Speculating Immigration Trends depending on whether Trump or Harris is Elected
Final Thoughts on the 2024 Election (Why I am not emotionally invested in this Election)
Contrasting my Political Journey with that of Richard Hanania (How I became who I am, as a Woke Chad Centrist)
How California will reinvent itself after the Recession
In Praise of Jewish Architects
In-depth analysis of California’s many Immigrant Enclaves (Part II
White European Immigrant Enclaves in California)

White Dudes for Kamala: Wokeness Normalizing White Identity
Thoughts on The UK Riots, Elite Theory, & anti-outgroup-based Civic Nationalism
Alt-Center Values Contrasted
Text Interview with Kaiser Basileus about Libertarian Fascist Socialism
Bleak Post-2020 Demographic Data for California (California lost almost One Million Whites from 2020 to 2023)
J.D. Vance and The Future of MAGA (J.D. Vance is the best heir to MAGA out of numerous uninspiring choices) 
Prediction for the best case scenario for Trump on Immigration (Will Trump Brain Drain the First World and change the composition of immigrants?)
Is Castizo Futurism compatible with White Tribalism?
My First Magic Mushroom Experience
Immigrants and the Wealthy are saving the White Race in America, not the Middle Class
In-depth analysis of California’s Immigrant Enclaves (Latin American/Latino Enclaves)
A Proposal for a New Caste System
Sacramento: A Portrait of California’s Mid-Size City
Intro: Dualism as the Philosophical Foundation of the Radical Center
Sacramento: A Portrait of California’s Mid-Size City
Distributism Needs a Techno Upgrade for The 21st Century
Lead us not into Tuckoldry (A constructive critique of Tucker Carlson)
Radical Centrist Platform to resolve the Gender Wars
Why I don’t have an ethical problem with Welfare
Curtis Yarvin’s Neoreactionary case for a Biden Monarchy
Conservatives’ response to anti-Israel Protests in contrast with anti-White Riots
South Africa as a Template for a Slow-Motion Collapse
Libertarianism does not Guarantee Freedom
Hereditarianism is by far the Greatest Taboo in America
The Philosophy of Radical Egalitarian Capitalism
The problems with Rightwing Third Worldism
2024 Election: Acceleration vs. Consolidation of Power
Does Liberal Zionist “Double Standard” Justify Rightwing Anti-Zionist Stance?
Review of Costin Alamariu’s Selective Breeding And The Birth Of Philosophy
Can Americanism be sustained without Whiteness?
Can Near-Death Experiences be Legit but Theologically Contradictory?
White Lives Matter California’s terrible optics in Walnut Creek
The state of California Real Estate with the incoming Recession
Dark Brandon’s Open Borders Scheme and the Open Borders for Hotties Meme

Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack Newsletter.

Continue reading Robert Stark’s Articles & Vanity Features

Walt Bismarck interviews me about Oral Sex & Power Dynamics

This is a simulcast with Walt Bismarck’s Radio Tortuga podcast.

Topics include:

  • Changing attitudes towards the relative intimacy of oral sex vs. vaginal sex
  • The symbolic significance of oral sex in esoteric mysticism
  • Did cunnilingus happen historically or is it mostly a modern practice?
  • Does oral inherently have a power dynamic? If so is this less the case nowadays?
  • Compared to liberal girls it seems conservatives don’t like to be eaten out
  • Do Jewish women enjoy giving and receiving oral more?
  • Does Bill Clinton eat pussy? What about Trump? Bernie Sanders? RFK?
  • The normalization of cunnilingus and swallowing in the 90s and early 00s.
  • Rainbow parties—were they real?
  • Women usually don’t perceive the power dynamics inherent in their varying levels of kinkiness with different men
  • Selection effects of people who sleep across ethnic lines
  • Are Jewish girls who sleep with gentiles motivated by a similar impulse as white girls who sleep with black guys?
  • Does Robert seem Jewish?
  • Do upper middle class people engage in oral more?
  • Rich people navigate more easily in alternative sexual subcultures like polyamory
  • Due to the Victorian cult of innocence feminism elevates the psychological comfort of UMC women over the physical safety of working class women
  • Working class fathers aren’t as protective of their daughters’ innocence
  • The UMC is the most androgynous (see Paul Fussel’s Class)
  • Performative androgyny of the UMC (“my partner”)
  • Is it liberal-coded to eat pussy?
  • Why is there still a stigma about talking about sex publicly?
  • Everyone turns their fetish into a political orientation
  • Liberals have daddy issues; conservatives have mommy issues
  • Incels are detested for talking about power dynamics that need to be kept hidden
  • Female participation in power dynamics is usually unconscious
  • Most guys won’t benefit from hearing redpill truths
  • An essential part of game is pretending it doesn’t exist because it’s extremely low status to discuss these things openly
  • Rob’s proposal that high status women should be orally serviced by incels
  • Normies hate hearing about oblique / asymmetrical sexual tactics because it disrupts and needlessly complicates conventional sexual heuristics
  • Are “shamanic” man more inclined to enjoy cunnilingus?
  • Does eating pussy have to be submissive?
  • Do submissive men enjoy when the girl tastes bad due to the humiliation aspect?
  • Does taste predictably vary along racial lines?
  • Pretty affluent white girls are less hygienic than fat / ethnic / working class girls
  • How dating a Jewess influenced both Rob and Walt’s youthful antisemitism
  • Rob’s suggestion that groyper incels should service women of the IDF
  • Do artsy guys like cunnilingus more?
  • Walt’s resentment for pretentious artsy girls who look down on AI art
  • pilleater’s Asian-Aryanism
  • Why do Gen X / Elder Millennial guys love Asian broads so much?
  • Jews as “hyper-white”
  • Jews are becoming Italian and assimilated Chinese/Indian girls are becoming Jews
  • The Iranian Jewish community of LA and the downward mobility of modern Jews
  • Differences between the Jews of New York vs. California vs. Florida
  • The guido culture of the northeast vs. the North Italian culture of San Fran
  • Florida and Arizona are both Nouveau Riche, but FL is self aware and AZ deluded
  • Phoenix’s inferiority complex toward LA
  • San Diego’s relationship with LA
  • Implication of a relationship’s looks differential in oral sex
  • Where does the opposition to age gap relationships come from?
  • In their youth millennial women would downplay age gaps with Gen X guys, whereas Gen Z girls either are opposed to age gaps or fetishize them (“daddy”)
  • Walt’s ambivalence toward monogamy vs. continuing his alternative lifestyle
  • Potential alchemical / HBD implications of oral sex
  • Edward Dutton’s argument that k-selected people are more into oral
  • Is receiving fellatio more or less vulnerable as a man than PIV sex?

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

California Redwoods Photo Album

The album includes Trinidad California, Lady Bird Johnson Grove, Klamath River, Jedidiah Smith Redwoods State Park, Winchuck River Oregon, Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park, and Avenue of the Giants. The photos were taken over Memorial Day Weekend.

Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Continue reading California Redwoods Photo Album

Robert Stark talks about his Personal & Political Transformation

Robert Stark is joined by Matt Pegas to discuss his article, Contrasting my Political Journey with that of Richard Hanania (How I became who I am, as a Woke Chad Centrist).

-Whether Robert should write an auto-biography or insider history of the Alt-Right
-The Background of Richard Hanania, who transformed from an Alt-Rightest to a pro-immigration libertarian neoliberal 
-How both Robert and Richard are honest about their trajectories in a way that most people aren’t
-Meeting Richard Hanania in LA
-How Robert never explicitly identified as Alt-Right, and his earlier views weren’t actually that extreme
-How anti-intellectual Chuds have ruined the online dissident right discourse
-Matt’s political trajectory, voting for Hillary Clinton, and then coming across Robert’s podcast in 2018
-Robert and Matt’s Alt-Center project, after the collapse of the Alt-Right
How Robert and Matt manifested Dime Square
-How Robert’s views were shaped by class and demographic dynamics in LA
-How Robert felt pressure to signal to more reactionary viewpoints
-Robert’s promotion of enclavism and phase where he adopted the rhetoric of the multicultural left
-Why Robert now has contempt for conspiracy theorists, anti-Semites, and rightwing populists
-The quasi-religious notion of having to repent for bigoted views rather than evolving
-How people are unaware of how their subconscious, and factors like social status, shape their political views
-How American society places negative moral value on loserdom
-How Robert subconsciously had the same views he has now from an early age
-Narratives about populism vs elitism, and whether hating the rich is a cope
-Why Matt considers Robert’s philosophical views fundamentally rightwing
-Robert’s Aristocratic Radicalism
-Do we need technocracy to manage social status?
-Matt’s upcoming publishing project, New Ritual Press, which will republish Robert’s novel, Vaporfornia
-How Robert is not emotionally invested in the election

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.