Category Archives: Memes

Robert Stark is interviewed about Esotericism

Robert Stark is interviewed by Matt Pegas and his co-host Evan, as a simulcast for their Strange Flows podcast.

Colin Wilson’s study of consciousness
-Robert’s art, Substack writings, and novels
-Mark Fisher’s Capitalist Realism
Robert’s case for Theosophy
-Robert’s mystical experience at June Lake
-contrasting Neoplatonism and Gnosticism, in their approach to theurgy, aesthetics and the natural world
-can ugly things be beautiful or divine?
-channeling the fire of youth
-revisiting Robert’s first podcast with Matt from 2018
-rediscovering the song, 9pm (Till I Come)
-occultist, genetic, political, and social dynamics to oral acts
-A critique of the moral authoritarianism and lack of pluralism of Abrahamic faiths
-how we should approach occultism
-prediction that America will have another religious revival
California’s pan-enclavism
-thoughts on neo-reactionary critiques of democracy, the case for proportional inequality, and how to select elites
-the Art Fascist vs the Warrior Fascist

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Schizo Chat with Salmonfish

Robert Stark talks with Salmonfish about Bronze Age Pervert, art, metaphysics, philosophy, politics and economics. Salmonfish is a renaissance man, Avant Garde artist, and Passage Prize winner from Ohio. Follow Salmonfish on Twitter/X.

Raising memes to an artform
Online political tribes as an American adaption of old-world feudal entitlements
Robert’s article, Selective Breeding And The Birth of Philosophy
The pros and cons of Bronze Age Pervert and Curtis Yarvin
Debate about meritocracy vs caste or proportional inequality
The Artist/Shaman archetype
Intersectionality of the smart but poor
Conspiracy theories as explained by a collective subconscious or conspiracies of instinct
Pioneering work in the treatment of mental illness with psychedelics
How metaphysics, genetics, psychology, and politics intersect
Spiritual science and near death experiences which are legit but often theologically contradict
Salmonfish’s esoteric take on Christianity
Why Dualism is needed in spirituality, psychology, and politics
Disillusionment with Trump/MAGA
Why most politics is sexual
The state of the economy and economic transition (explanation for the Great Reset)

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Kevin Lynn interviews Robert Stark about Why No Collapse is the Real Dystopia

Kevin Lynn interviews Robert Stark about his article, No Collapse is the Real Dystopia: still waiting for the Big Collapse. This recording is a simulcast for Kevin’s Institute for Sound Public Policy’s YouTube channel, recorded on June 13th. Kevin Lynn is executive director of the Institute for Sound Public Policy and Progressives for Immigration Reform, and founder of US Tech Workers. Follow Kevin on Twitter.


Revisiting past predictions about economic collapse, the current stagnant vibes,  and return of bullish copes about the economy
John Michael Greer’s Not the Future We Ordered and his theory of catabolic collapse
Research predicting future cycles of collapse by Peter Turchin, Neil Howe & William Strauss’ Fourth Turning, and the Kondratiev wave
Reponses to the article , including a re-publish on ZeroHedege, and a critical response from Jeet Heer
Those who are psychologically invested in collapse
The pros and cons of being a perma bear, and Kevin revisits the 08 crash
How the bears will be vindicated in the long run, due to unprecedented levels of debt
The impact of demographic cycles on politics, social strife, and the economy
The scope of the migrant crisis which is unprecedented in American history, and Michael Yon’s reporting from the Darien Gap
Janet Yellen’s statement, expecting a slow steady decline of the dollar
The exodus out of California 
The Hard Times Create Strong Men meme 
Speculation about the Trump incitement and 2024 election

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas try to start a New Religion

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas  tease the notion of a speculative new spiritual movement. This is a simulcast with Matt’s literary podcast, New Write, and a field-recording, conversation on cults, the new age movement, Matt’s Substack article “The Renaissance of the Ritual“, Robert’s novel “Vaporfornia“, California as fertile soil for new religions, occultism, and much more. Recorded on May 1st, 2022, on a trip through the backcountry of San Diego County, near Palomar Mountain, where Crowlian occultist, Wilfred Talbot Smith, erected an Ordo Templi Orientis temple.


Background on the “new religion,” started as a half joke in Yosemite
A self-initiatory religion, comparable to Discordianism
Social reasons for the rise in cults
California ‘s spiritual movements: Mike Marinacci’s book California Jesus, Order of Atwa, and the Partridge Family Temple
Syncretic occultism and the esotericism/New Age to fascist pipeline
The right hand vs. left hand path and Jungian shadow work
The occultist ritual, finding structure in chaos, and a metaphysical/esoteric take on self-improvement
Knowing when to surrender and embrace the photosynthesis of the Universe/Light of God
The relationship between spirituality and biology (speculating where atheism and various theologies fit on the Bell Curve meme)
An anti-liberal and anti-blank slatist case for Theosophy
Robert’s article on a psychological inspired approach to solving political and social problems
Aesthetic alchemy (Sigils), and the spiritual, ethereal component to  aesthetics
Bronze Age Pervert as a foundationalist (not a traditionalist), and Mike Ma as an instinctive Christian
Jason Jorjani’s Prometheism 
Why spirituality and reclaiming vitality needs to come before politics

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Kevin Kautzman about his Play Moderation

Robert Stark talks to St. Paul based playwright Kevin Kautzman about his new play MODERATION. Moderation is a dark comedy about social media content moderators loosing their minds at work. RSVP at MODERATION to view the play online for free until Dec. 19th.  Moderation will premier live in March of 2022 at St. Paul’s Waldman’s Brewery, as the first in a series produced by Kevin’s Mad Mouth Theater company.  Check out Kevin’s podcast Art of Darkness, web series Money Shot Show, and follow him on Twitter.


How Moderation’s premise was inspired by a “normie rag” article about content mods being radicalized by conspiracy theories that they were forced to monitor
The psychological components  to the play
References to meme culture
The political vs. profit motives of censorship, and Keith Woods on The Vulture Capitalist Behind The New Twitter
The Dark Comedy genre in cinema, literature, and theater
Corporate gatekeepers suppressing creativity in cinema
Kevin’s Art of Darkness episode on Stanley Kubrick
The casting and production process for Moderation
How Moderation is in the same Zeitgeist as the film Joker
Kevin’s observations on the decay of the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Naama Kates about Incels














Robert Stark talks with investigative journalist, actress, musician, and director Naama Kates about her journey deep inside the incel community. Naama Kates is the host of the podcast Incel. You can follow The Incel Project on Twitter and contact Naama at


Naama’s background as an actress including roles on the show NCIS and the movie Stepmom
Directing the horror film Sorceress, the documentary Dutchman Revisited, and producing Chloe
Naama’s Music Videos directed by Princeton Holt from the early 2010s’ Indy Craze
Naama’s personal and political evolution
How Naam’s fascination with incel culture started with a correspondence on Twitter
Why the media narrative about incels is wrong, harmful, and casts dispersion on a group that is already marginalized
How Naama’s journey started out as an open ended question
Misconception that incels are a political movement and have a racial orientation
Incel Lexicology and narratives
Naama’s personal interactions with incels
Disarmed by the humor of the incel forums
Guests on the podcast Incel, including a Christian pastor, a forensic psychologist, a neuro-scientist, and a psychiatrist
Incels as part of a greater trend of social atomization and inequality
#pinkystream – naama kates on hikkikimori
Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages
The limitations of self improvement
Are femcels a thing?
Incel as a brand
Naama’s upcoming podcast, ESC-Hate, featuring dialogue between opposing political sides

Click Here to download!Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark & Brandon Adamson discuss the 2020 Election (Post Super Tuesday)










Robert Stark and Brandon Adamson discuss last week’s Super Tuesday Election Results.


The stupidity of the average voter and dumbing down of political discourse
Bernie’s inter-sectional direction and other factors contributing to his losses
Brandon’s skepticism of the authenticity of the racist posts from Bernie Bros
Biden’s selective socialist coalition’s rejection of Bernie
Dissidents projecting their own views onto certain candidates
Prediction that the establishment would co-opt a Bernie presidency as it did with Trump
The main problem with Trump is the political opportunities he squandered
Former Goldman Sachs CEO: ‘I might find it harder to vote for Bernie than for Trump’
The chance of Biden stepping down from office due to deteriorating mental health
Super-delegate scenarios at the Democratic convention
Tom Woods: No matter whom you vote for, you always wind up getting John McCain
The polarization under Trump and why Bloomberg would have united the dissident left and right
Why Brandon will never shill for a candidate again
Comparison of the current election with the debate between Eugene McCarthy and Robert Kennedy

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

An Alt-Centrist take on the Groyper War














Robert Stark, Matthew Pegas, and Brandon Adamson discuss the Groypers and Nicholas Fuentes’s America First movement. The Groypers have challenged Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA at his Q&A’s on questions dealing with demographics, nationalism, foreign policy, and social conservatism.


The dissident right making headlines again after implosion
Nick Fuentes and the Groypers as an extension of American conservatism
Rejection of the Groypers’ social conservationism and anti-gay stance
The need for a “do as thou wilt” philosophy that is lacking among the right
Brandon’s view that the Groyper War may be an operation to bring dissidents back into conservatism
Charlie Kirk’s America as an Idea vs Nick Fuentes’s America First
What a post American political landscape might look like
Brandon’s interest in substance over trolling
Conservatism Inc. as proof that dissidents need financial backing rather than free markets
Conservatism Inc.’s economic support for corporations that actively harm the national interest
A culture war based on aesthetics rather than social issues

Click Here to download!

Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk about the Film Joker










Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk about the film Joker (2019 ) and it’s sociological significance to our current zeitgeist of despair.


The social crisis of despair in America
The alienated loner in our society
Theme of humiliation
Oppositions to the film from the Woke Neoliberal Establishment, while Michael Moore Calls ‘Joker’ a Masterpiece
Woke media’s allegations that ‘Joker’ validates White Male rage
Marc Maron on ‘Joker’: Don’t Blame Movies for Criminal Actions of the Mentally Ill
Dark comedic nihilism with no moralistic narrative of good vs. evil
Cult following online among memers and dissident rightests
Director Todd Phillips, his background in lighthearted sex comedies, and how he stopped making comedies due to “Woke Culture”
How the film is as controversial as it can afford to be within Hollywood
Plutocratic mayoral candidate Thomas Wayne who could symbolize a caricature of Trump, but also echoes Hillary Clinton’s Basket of deplorables phrase
Class warfare theme
The Anarchist theme of creating chaos and tearing down society
Symbolism of the clown
Mental health
Comparison’s to Taxi Driver
Aesthetics of the film set in Gotham City, based on gritty New York City in the early 80s

Click Here to download!

Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Brandon Adamson about The Rats of Nationalism














Robert Stark talks to Brandon Adamson of about his new book The Rats of Nationalism. It’s available on Amazon.


The board game Candy Land and how it relates to political dissidents
How Brandon has never been into conspiracy theories but became interested in this topic after first hand experience on social media
How most people’s conception of fed infiltrator is mistaken and incomplete
How the proliferation of certain memes, political figures and ideas is not entirely organic
Pinksheet Yang; de-radicalizing dissident rightest, giving them a path back into respectable society
Easily programmable people
How psyop motivations are often counter-intuitive(example of modern art)
The various film references in the book including The Secret of NIMH, which served as an inspiration for this book
The problems with anonymity
Why Brandon was never interested in activism
The symbolism of the color blue
The importance of being sincere and real

Click Here to download!

Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island