Category Archives: New York

Robert Stark talks to Evee about Culture & Psycho-Social Dynamics

Robert Starks and Francis Nally (aka Pilleater) talk to Evee about culture and aesthetics, psychology, and sexuality. Evee, a long time fan of the podcast, is an underground artist and musician (formally signed to Eyeball Records) from New Jersey, and is of French and Italian descent. Evee is a soi-disant Avant Garde bohemian, and champagne socialist, with a French mentality in temperament and cultural sensibilities. Check him out on YouTube and Twitter.

Evee’s satirical fan videos of Robert Stark, Luke Ford and Jason Reza Jorjani
The New Jersey scene as a more authentic precursor to Dime Square
Revisiting the scene known as the Alt-Left, Alt-Center, or leftwing of the Alt-Right
Aesthetic preferences in art and cinema
The politics and philosophy of aesthetics
Why economic elitism is the enemy of cultural elitism
Why sincere sexual and aesthetic-based racism is preferable to sublimating these preferences into reactionary politics
Why psychoanalysis could cure a lot of political and social problems
Why rightwing moralism is as bad as leftwing moralism
Evee’s intuitive view of human nature
Why Evee dislikes the Manosphere and Red Pill scene
The political symbolism of oral intimacy and fetish culture
The implosion of modern liberal society
Evee’s upcoming book of poetry

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Dan Baltic about his debut novel Nutcrankr

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas talk to Dan Baltic about his debut novel Nutcrankr. Dan Baltic is the co-hosts of the literary podcast, New Write, with Matt Pegas. Nutcrankr is available in print and ebook at Terror House publishing.

Intro to the protagonist Spencer Grunhauer and the plot
Spencer’s philosophy and his manifest
The psychological process of how one becomes more alienated, unstable, and unhinged
Psycho-sexual motives behind politics and moral panics
Social status, elite overproduction, and out of whack life expectations
Making your own way “pill”
Narratives about online grifters
Bullishness on the future of dissident arts
Terror House’s book reading in Brooklyn, NYC
Creating effecting satire
The literary genre of alienated loners
A homage or modern day reboot of Confederacy of Dunces
Comparisons to Robert’s novel Vaporfornia and Matt’s Dragon Day

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark chats with Default Friend

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas talk to Default Friend about online subcultures, incels, and generational trends. Default Friend, Katherine Deee, is a writer, cultural commentator, cultural anthropologist, internet historian, and digital native. Check out Default Friend’s Substack, Default Wisdom, her writings for the Claremont Institute’s American Mind, and follow her on Twitter.

Thoughts on various political-spheres including the intellectual dark web
The politicization of sex and relationships
On being a proto-Femcel
The impacts of dating apps and income inequality on the “sexual market place”
New York Times article, A Manifesto Against Sex Positivity, reviewing Default Friend’s writings on the backlash against hookup culture
The rise in conservative feminism and woke puritanism
Generational differences between Millennials and Zoomers, and cultural shifts from the 00s-to the 2010s, and 2020s
The trend in the end of mass youth subcultures and the rise in fusionism of “hybrid collages” and nostalgia based upon past generations’ nostalgia
The internet as the astral plane
Prediction of a tech backlash in the 2020s
Justin Murphy’s and Alex Kaschuta’s neo-traditionalism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Lipton Matthews interviews Robert Stark about California Politics

Lipton Matthews interviews Robert Stark about his Unz Review and Substack articles on California Politics and solutions on how to fix California’s problems. The interview was originally posted on Lipton Matthews’ YouTube Channel. Lipton Matthews is a Jamaican researcher, business analyst, and contributor to Merion West, The Federalist, American Thinker, Intellectual Takeout,, and Imaginative Conservative. You can follow Lipton on Twitter.


The exodus out of California and The Politics of Housing in the State
Ed Dutton: Why the Last Geniuses of Mid 20th century were in California, and Why the Remnant is Moving to Texas
Exploring California’s Political Demographics Based On In-Depth 2020 Election Analysis
Electoral trends and why the right loses
California’s Future of Pan-Enclavism and the need for Multi-Culturalism for all
An Alternative Vision for California
The Denmark Plan Versus Right-Wing Multi-Culturalism
Robert’s article You Can’t Take Back America But You Can Join the Tribe about neo-tribalism and the post-American era
Demographic trends in California
The Real Wealth Gap, the promotion of the rentier economy, and woke capitalism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews artist Gio Pennacchietti

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas talk to Gio Pennacchietti about aesthetic, cultural, and social trends. Gio Pennacchietti is a social impressionist painter and writer from the “first post-national country” (Canada), Gonzo Philosopher, and failed academic. Check out his YouTube channel GiantArt Productions, Instagram, writings at Substack and WordPress, and Twitter.


Gio’s review of Robert Stark’s Art: The Fauvist Vaporwave Interiors
20th Century aesthetic genres, retrofuturism, post-modernism, late 20th century pop art, trends in nostalgia, and the psychology of hauntology
Political symbolism in aesthetics: 2010s minimalism, Neoliberal Kitsch, Sanford Biggers’ statue in Rockefeller Plaza, the de-evolution of Trump’s aesthetics, and the lack of a cohesive aesthetic trend for the future
Robert’s article on Pan-Enclavism and how it relates to Canada as a post-national nation
A critique of the Intellectual Dark Web
The need for a new bohemian/creative movement comparable to the Vienna Secession
Gio’s interest in the after prison Youtubers
Gio’s artistic background, influences, and art as a spiritual endeavor

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Jason Reza Jorjani about Promethean Philosophy














Robert Stark and Francis Nally talk to Jason Reza Jorjani about his essay Towards a Prometheist Platform and the philosophical foundation of Prometheism. Jason Reza Jorjani, PhD is an Iranian-American philosopher, lifelong native New Yorker, and author of numerous books including Prometheism and Prometheus and Atlas, and has an upcoming book out on UFO close encounters. Also check out the recent Stark Truth TV Interview with Jason Reza Jorjani and Jason’s Twitter and Patreon.


Revisiting the Promethean Archetype
Jason’s critique of Romain d’Aspremont’s The Promethean Right
The Promethean take on the prerequisite for free will, infinite creativity, consciousness, and the cosmos
The philosophical basis for science, technology, and the aesthetic arts
The philosophical and political symbolism in architecture
How Prometheism is beyond the left-right-center spectrum with the objective of overcoming the limitations of established social orders
The Task of a Philosopher as revealing the secrets of the universe and the rejection of perennial wisdom
Why Jason is focusing Prometheism on an elite audience (eg. Plato’s guardians as the Promethean class) and why he rejects populism in all forms

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Kevin Kautzman












Robert Stark talks to playwright Kevin Kautzman about his play MODERATION, playwright Oscar Wilde, and author William S. Burroughs. Check out Kevin’s podcast Art of Darkness, web series Money Shot Show, and follow him on Twitter.


The online premier of the latest iteration of MODERATION, a dark comedy about social media moderators
Kevin’s play Dream of Perfect Sleep
Oscar Wilde: The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name
Oscar Wilde’s political views and philosophy of aestheticism, his prison letter De Profundis, and notable quotes
William S. Burroughs: Liberalism with a Gun
The Beat Generation
The economic and political mechanisms of the arts
The artist’s legacy within the framework of cancel culture
Upcoming podcasts on Stanley Kubrick, Charles Bukowski, and Ernest Hemmingway

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark interviews Jose Luis Feliciano














Robert Stark talks to Jose Luis Feliciano about his new Radical Centrist Futurist Political Platform. Jose Luis Feliciano is a New Right Labor Nationalist, Futurist, Space Nerd, and Marine vet of Puerto Rican decent. Follow Jose on Twitter.


Political polarization and the need for a pragmatic forward thinking big tent vision
Jose’s Grand Plan to build walkable aesthetically pleasing communities: “life should be exciting and beautiful”
Funding the arts for a new American Renaissance
The decline in fertility and Pro-Family Pro-Natalist solutions
Rightwing multi-culturalism with Platinum Plans for all
Hispanics Souring on BLM?
The need for economic policies that foster innovation with a return of manufacturing, progressive corporate taxation, debt relief, and school choice
Criminal Justice Reform
Jose’s long term plan to create a political caucus and grassroots organization for the platform
The political barriers to populism, the establishment’s corrosion of both Trump’s and Bernie’s movements, and Jose’s winning strategy

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark talks to Jay Dyer about Jacob’s Ladder










Robert Stark and Matt Pegan talk to author and TV presenter Jay Dyer about the psychological horror film Jacob’s Ladder (1990). Jay Dyer is the author of Esoteric Hollywood:: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film and you can watch his show on YouTube. Also check out Robert’s interview with Jay on Stark Truth TV at the Paramount Movie Ranch which was damaged in a wildfire shortly after filming.


Jacob’s Ladder’s cult following and its director Adrian Lyne
The film’s plot, layers revealed, and symbolism
The Phoenix Program and Project MKUltra
Pseudo Christian themes in the film with references to the Bible, Christian mystic Meister Eckhart, and Dante’s Purgatorio
The concept of the soul journey in Orthodox Christianity and Gnosticism
The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead by Timothy Leary
Studies on Near Death Experiences
Comparisons to other films including Flatliners, Silent Hill: Revelation, Hellraiser: Inferno, Southbound, Insidious, The Triangle, U Turn, Enter the Void, and The Void
The British electronic band The KLF
Jay’s upcoming lecture series on the history of the mafia

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark interviews BLAUERGEIST! about Aesthetics












Robert Stark and Matt Pegan talk to Portland based blogger BLAUERGEIST! about architecture, interior design, art, and cinema. Check out BLAUERGEIST! on Twitter, his podcast Ellroy Boys, and new web magazine Apocalypse Confidential.


The #BathistGang: love of 80s bathroom aesthetics
20th Century interior design genres
80s malls, Robert and Matt’s LA N O S T A L G I A  Mall series, the Breezewood meme, The Canal Walk Mall in Cape Town, and value of Interior Urbanism
Retrofuturism, trends in nostalgia, and Theme Park Urbanism
Eco Brutalism and the Interior Garden Aesthetic
Artists Patrick Nagel, Jim Buckels, and Daniel Merriam, and various sci-fi illustrators
Political symbolism in aesthetics
Aesthetics in cinema: directors Dario Argento and Peter Greenaway, and 80s films Year of the Dragon and Scarface
Horror films 3615 code Père Noël, Child’s PlayThe Serpent and the Rainbow, Jacob’s Ladder, Hellraiser: Inferno, Southbound, and Silent Hill: Revelation
The work of David Lynch and the Lynchian Aesthetic
Larry David’s Curb Your Enthusiasm

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.