Category Archives: Kamala Harris

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about The 2024 Election

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about the 2024 election and the politics of America’s power elite. Keith Preston is a historian, social scientist, political analyst, author, lecturer, trends researcher, and the editor of Attack the System. Follow Keith on Twitter.


-Factions of America’s ruling class, including the Northeastern establishment, Sunbelt capitalist class, and Wall Street and Silicon Valley new money
-What conspiracy theorists get wrong about the nature of power
-How elites cultivate constituencies
-How the elite’s opposition to Trump is more about decorum and instability than policy
-Keith’s prediction that the elites will negotiate a deal with Trump
-Keith’s prediction that Trump will govern as a normie moderate Republican for his 2nd Term
-The Israel Lobby favoring Trump over Biden
-How the Israel conflict is weakening wokeness and the alliance between progressives and the neoliberal establishment
-Why Biden’s re-election is better from an anti-establishment standpoint
-America’s three political blocks, MAGA Nationalist Populists, Centrist Neoliberals, and the Progressive Left
-How the Nationalist Right will further radicalize with limited growth potential
-Why partisan cycles favor Democrats over the next few decades
-The political realignment over social class
-The hyper-capitalist Sunbelt elite as a barrier to the GOP turning populist on economics
-Why Trumpenomics will likely be inflationary
-The risks of the Ukraine and Israel wars escalating
-The Europhile Northeastern establishment and Europhobic Sunbelt’s divide over Ukraine
-Speculating whether Trump or Biden will win
-RFK’s JR.’s brand of bourgeoise bohemian Centrist Populism
-The hysteria over the election, such as about Project 2025
-Why Democrats are hesitant to replace Joe Biden but plan to replace him with Kamala Harris after the election
-Why Biden is the lesser of evils compared to Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris
-Why America’s elites’ mercantile nature means that full blown totalitarianism is not likely in America

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Where will this Economic Chaos lead to? (With Kevin Lynn)

Robert Stark talks to Kevin Lynn about the dire implications of economic data and trends. Kevin Lynn is executive director of Progressives for Immigration Reform and founder of US Tech Workers. Follow Kevin on Twitter.


Examples of gaslighting on the economy,  Redefining the definition of recession and declaration of a “Vibecession
How the economic bullishness and bear rallies in stocks show the degree of disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street
The “Baking” of the Jobs numbers report and inflation data
The beginning of mass Tech layoffs
The super bubble to end all bubbles
Kevin’s article If You Thought the NIMBYs Were Bad – Meet the YIMBYs
Revisiting the pandemic stimulus and how only a fraction of stimulus went directly to the people
Federal Reserve policy, Biden’s “Inflation Reduction” Act,” and vulnerabilities of the dollar
Speculating worst case economic scenarios (deflationary depression, long-term stagflation, real estate crash, and debt crisis)
Geopolitics crisis, supply chains issues, global conflicts and civil unrest
The Fourth Turning theory and Peter Turchin’s method of measuring cycles of crisis
The political implications of the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar a Lago
Kevin’s observations from attending the recent CPAC conference in Texas on the political currents

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Poolside Over Politics with Anatoly Karlin

Robert Stark talks to Moscow based blogger Anatoly Karlin about his resignation from the Unz Review, current events, geo-political trends, and revisiting political predictions from past podcasts. Check out Anatoly’s new Substack: Powerful Takes and follow him on Twitter.


The Last Reaction: Why Anatoly is returning to his roots as an independent blogger
Anatoly’s assessment of Biden’s presidency
The continuation of countering China as part of  the US foreign policy consensus
The post-pandemic economic recovery, the inflation scare, and risk of crash due to financialization
The pandemic as a test run for UBI and zoomers demanding higher wages
The pollicization of vaccinations (anti-vaxxer Red Tribe in America and Anti-Putin Communists in Russia)
The minimal impact of covid lockdowns on fertility trends and why Anatoly predicts that Germany will have a higher fertility rate than India by 2050
The US withdrawal from Afghanistan
Why Anatoly embraces The Great Reset but thinks its overhyped
What to expect out of the Woke Culture War
Why Anatoly predicts Biden vs. Trump in 2024, with a Biden victory
Why American politics  are no longer of a concern since Anatoly returned to Russia

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Jason Reza Jorjani about Promethean Philosophy














Robert Stark and Francis Nally talk to Jason Reza Jorjani about his essay Towards a Prometheist Platform and the philosophical foundation of Prometheism. Jason Reza Jorjani, PhD is an Iranian-American philosopher, lifelong native New Yorker, and author of numerous books including Prometheism and Prometheus and Atlas, and has an upcoming book out on UFO close encounters. Also check out the recent Stark Truth TV Interview with Jason Reza Jorjani and Jason’s Twitter and Patreon.


Revisiting the Promethean Archetype
Jason’s critique of Romain d’Aspremont’s The Promethean Right
The Promethean take on the prerequisite for free will, infinite creativity, consciousness, and the cosmos
The philosophical basis for science, technology, and the aesthetic arts
The philosophical and political symbolism in architecture
How Prometheism is beyond the left-right-center spectrum with the objective of overcoming the limitations of established social orders
The Task of a Philosopher as revealing the secrets of the universe and the rejection of perennial wisdom
Why Jason is focusing Prometheism on an elite audience (eg. Plato’s guardians as the Promethean class) and why he rejects populism in all forms

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Matt Forney about Life in Mexico













Robert Stark talks to Matt Forney about life in Mexico, social and political trends, and upcoming books from Terror House. Matt Forney is an author, journalist and founder of Terror House Press, whose mission is to publish outsider literary fiction, literary nonfiction, and cultural criticism/analysis. You can also follow Terror House publishing on Twitter and Instagram.


Why Matt decided to relocate to Guadalajara, Mexico
The overall quality of life, cost of living, and misconceptions about Mexico
Mexico’s more laxed covid lockdown
Class structure, demographics, and urbanism of Mexico
Jalisco as the cultural center of Mexico
The absence of woke culture in Mexico and the Right softening their stance towards Mexico
How the pandemic has exacerbated the worst social trends of the 2010s
Political trends: breakdown in institutional trust, political and economic bifurcation, neoliberalism’s loss of soft power, and transformation of the Democratic Party into a Woke Tea Party
Matt’s reviews of The Pussy by Delicious Tacos and Letters from a Heartbroken Pervert by Richard Power
Upcoming books from Terror House Press: Dragon Day by Matthew Pegas, The Columbine Pilgrim (Audiobook) by Andy Nowicki, and Welcome to Hell by “Bad” Billy Pratt

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island, and subscribe to his Substack Newsletter.

Robert Stark talks to Hunter Wallace about Post Trump Political Trends













Robert Stark talks to Hunter Wallace about the Biden Administration, Post Trump Right, and political realignment on class. Hunter Wallace is an Alabama based blogger at Occidental Dissent and describes himself as a Nationalist Moderate Populist.


Revisiting why Donald Trump lost
The New Political Realignment on Class and  Woke Capital’s boycott of Georgia
Whether the GOP’s call to Boycott Woke Corporations is purely symbolic
The track records of potential 2024 GOP nominees including Cotton, Hawley, and De Santis
The role of Trump Post Presidency and whether MAGA Inc. is just the new Con Inc.
Joe Biden’s Polling and his biggest electoral weaknesses: Immigration, Crime, cancel culture, and civil liberties
The Biden Admin’s crackdown on civil liberties in the name of fighting Domestic  Extremism
The pros and cons of Biden’s Infrastructure Plan and the last COVID Relief Bill
Neoliberal Joe Screwing Millennials on Student Debt and giving the shaft to progressives on economics
How opposition to Cancel Culture has become the new culture war with Black Lives Matter tumbling in popularity
The Dirtbag Left flirts with the Dissident Right
How the transformation of the GOP into a National Labor Party is a long-term process
Hunter’s predictions for the midterm elections and next presidential election

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark interviews Futurist Writer Michael Anissimov

Robert Stark interviews futurist writer Michael Anissimov about artificial intelligence, NRx politics, and the San Francisco Bay Area. Michael Anissimov is a San Francisco Bay Area native of White Russian émigré decent now living in Florida. Michael worked for the Singularity Institute where he co-founded the Singularity Summit and is the author of the Idaho Project, A Critique of Democracy: A Guide for Neoreactionaries, Our Accelerating Future: How Superintelligence, Nanotechnology, and Transhumanism Will Transform the Planet, and has an upcoming book on the dissident right. You can also follow Mike on Twitter.


Michael’s background, interest in transhumanism and artificial intelligence, and political evolution
Potential impacts of artificial intelligence on inequality and the liberal worldview
Why the post scarcity economy (Fully Automated Luxury Communism) is a long ways away
The Bay Area futurist scene and the Gray Tribe
The demographic and class dynamics of the San Francisco Bay Area
The trend of demographic fragmentation into enclavism/neo-tribalism and end of the mythos of America
The economic strategy of diversity
Thoughts on the election, civil unrest, crackdown on the right, and alt-tech
The politics of acceleration vs. boiling frog theory

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Karlin about the Election of Joe Biden













Robert Stark talks to Moscow based Unz Review columnist Anatoly Karlin about the election results and implications of a Joe Biden Presidency.


Anatoly’s initial Election Predictions which were fairly accurate
MAGA Cope, and In Defense of It
Biden Recognitions from foreign leaders
Anatoly’s tepid endorsement of Trump and what Trump could have done differently
Reasons for Trump’s decline in support among White voters
Expectation of standard neoliberal establishment policies under a Biden/Harris administration
What Will Happen to “Wokeism” After Bad Orange Man Goes?
Will the Social Media Purges Accelerate?
Thoughts on the Future of MAGA and GOP nominee in 2024
One Billion Americans
How the Breakup of Chimerica is inevitable despite Biden’s friendlier stance towards China
The post pandemic economy: expectation of Woke Austerity, which will further energize both left and rightwing populism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island.

Robert Stark & Matt Pegan discuss the California Ballot Initiatives
















California’s tradition of ballot propositions, the pros and cons of direct democracy, and Christopher Lasch’s The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy
Geographic breakdown of ideology in California (political ideology map)
Proposition 14 on Stem Cell research which is no longer restricted federally (No)
Proposition 15 on taxing commercial real estate at market value which would be good for urbanism (Yes)
Proposition 16 on Affirmative Action which is divisive and a form of austerity (No)
Expanding voting:  Proposition 17 which restores voter rights for felons (Robert Yes, Matt No) and Proposition 18 (No)
Proposition 19 which would exacerbate the Intergenerational Wealth Gap (No)
Proposition 20 which restricts parole (No on one size fits all crime bills)
Proposition 21: concern that rent control could limit the supply of new housing (No)
Proposition 22 on the Gig Economy (No)
Proposition 23 on requiring physicians for dialysis clinics (No)
Proposition 24 which lacks the support from key tech advocacy groups and could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing (No)
Proposition 25: replaces cash bail with risk assessment (Yes)
California congressional elections, True Con Republicans, and notable Democratic candidates including Shahid Buttar running against Pelosi and Yang Democrat David Kim
Robert’s presidential endorsement of Brian Carroll of the American Solidarity Party and Matt’s tepid backing of Trump
Trump’s missed opportunities for another stimulus and to challenge Biden on populist grounds
Why Biden’s return to normalcy is an insult to voters

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Robert Stark talks to Matt Forney about the Caucasus Region













Robert Stark talks to Matt Forney about the Caucasus region and trends for the 2020s. Matt Forney is an author, journalist and founder of Terror House Press, whose mission is to publish outsider literary fiction, literary nonfiction, and cultural criticism/analysis. You can also follow Terror House publishing on Twitter and Instagram.


Matt’s travels to the Caucasus region, living in Georgia for two years, and visiting Armenia
Georgia as an underrated gem, with an affordable but high standard of living, and hub for digital nomads
Geographic locations and mountainous natural beauty
Architecture and urban layout of Tbilisi, Georgia and Yerevan, Armenia
The anti-corruption Rose Revolution in Georgia
The region’s culture, Xenia hospitality culture, crossroad of Europe and the Middle East, and creeping westernization
The region’s cuisine, which is somewhat bland, but Georgian was the most exotic in Soviet Russia
Matt’s travels to Albania and misconceptions about that nation
The historic background leading up to the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
The conflict’s geo-political alliances and implications
Observations of social trends of the past two decades and speculation about the near future
How technology and social developments are leading to greater social atomization
The pandemic’s destruction of small businesses, gig economy, and overall end of normal employment
Why Matt has reservations about the UBI (Martin Goldberg: What Happens If You Get DELETED?)
The corporate gentrification of the internet
The Mancession of the 2008 crash vs. the current Shecession, and implications on gender relations
JPMorgan Chase extending billions in loans to minority homebuyers, Yelp’s anti-racist social credit nightmare, and overall unsustainability of woke neoliberalism
Matt’s prediction that Trump will win re-election and populism will align more with the GOP
Terror House Press’ upcoming books, including Matt Pegan’s Dragon Day

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island