Category Archives: attachment

Robert Stark talks to Luke Ford about knowing Stormy Daniels

Robert Stark talks to Luke Ford about knowing  adult film actress, Stormy Daniels, in the aughts. Check out Luke Ford on YouTube and Rumble, and follow him on Twitter/X.

-The background of Luke Ford being the number one journalist in the adult film industry
-The context of how Luke knew Stormy Daniels
-Luke’s impression that Stormy was highly intelligent, had a formidable presence, and a command of her words
The transcript of Luke’s interview with Stormy
-How Luke could relate to Stormy in his struggles with secure attachment
-How people who are insecure in attachment tend to be inflexible and narrow their possibilities in life
-Why Luke believes Stormy is telling the truth in the Trump trial
-How Stormy came across as much more competent in the Trial than Trump did
-How the legal cases against Trump are historically unprecedented
-Why Luke is a sober Trump supporter
-How the online dissident right ended in disaster and chaos

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Luke Ford about The Dangers of The E-Personality














Luke Ford brings us his message of Love and Inclusion. Check out Luke’s simulcast on his live stream.


The book Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality
The esoteric power of the silent “la la la’s”
Creating an identity online to deal with a sense of emptiness and lack of self worth in one’s life
How online life creates a sense of escapism, euphoria, and feeling of grandiosity
The pros and cons of becoming more uninhibited online
Online life as a substitute for healthy social interactions
How using an online pseudonym leads to reckless behavior
How online life effects one’s real life social interactions
Knowing when to bite your tongue
Feeling small in a big world
Compare and despair
Stay in your lane!
Luke’s personal struggles and controversies
Attracting broken people who are on your wave length
Online political movements and how they often attract people who lack healthy social bonds in real life
The importance of being part of a community

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about Ann Coulter & the Jews

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Topics include:
Ann Coulter & The Jews
Ann Coulter’s controversial Tweet about Jews after the Republican Debate
How Ann Coulter’s Faux Pas Calls Attention to Jewish Influence
The Jewish reaction to Ann Coulter’s Tweet
The Jewish Drive To Marginalize Ann Coulter
Philip Weiss: Coulter’s point is that Republicans pander on Israel to win donors, not voters
Ann Coulter’s book Adios, America which has a chapter praising Israel for it’s immigration policies
Whether Ann Coulter will survive this incident and if she does it will further expand the Overton window
Roosh Triggers ADL Cyber Police Investigation for stating Israel’s border walls work
How Jewish organizations in the diaspora oppose nationalism for non Jews
Donald Trump & The Jews
How Donald Trump sybolizes a resurgence of Nationalism and Populism
How like Coulter, Trump is also pro Israel but is opposed by Jewish activist for fear of a revival of Nationalism
Orthodox Jews For Trump
Jewish Organizations supporting Muslim migrants into the West
Luke Ford’s interview with Roger Devlin about his book “Sexual Utopia in Power”
How Luke often has “Beta Male” characteristics in relationships
How when Luke showed his vulnerable side that was often seen as a sign of weakness
The affects of promiscuity on women
How the more people lack bonds the more likely they are to engage in reckless behavior
When Beta Males Go On A Shooting Spree and how Luke views the key issue as a lack of social bonds
How Narcissist seek attention as a substitute for attachment
JSwipe vs Tinder


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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about Narcissism, Sex Addiction, & Eroticized Rage

Luke Ford Moral Leader













5 Ways Sex Addiction Recovery Can Get Derailed
Narcissists Watch More Porn: Enter Eroticized Rage
Porn as a mechanism for the addict to feel powerful and important
Sex and love addiction
The 12 Step Program
Secure vs. insecure and avoident forms of attachment
Narcissism & Humor
The Fruits Of Feminism
Does IQ correlate with Narcissism?


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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about the Germanwings Pilot, Despair & Eroticized Rage

Germanwings Pilot









Topics include:

Luke’s new Torah Talk show which relates the Torah’s text to modern day issues of Race, Nationalism, and Jewish Gentile relations
Luke’s New Co-Host who is a beautiful young blonde Jewish girl who shares Luke’s passion for the Torah and dissident politics
The Torah Corral
Jews For Consistency
Narcissist and God: Love-Hate Relationship
What’s The Difference Between A Blogger And A Suicide Bomber?
Was Andreas Lubitz A Beta Male Suicide Bomber?
What is the SCALE problem?
Andreas Lubitz: The Intersection of Mental Illness And Social Atomization
How Nihilist and Sociopaths often have accurate observations on human nature that those with a moral code tend to look over
Gendered Racial Exclusion by White Internet Daters
The theme of degradation in Pornography, with the exception of the watchmygf website which is comprised soley of amateur porn videos of every day people in all shapes and sizes that are just making their own porn videos at home and then submitting them to the website for all to enjoy.

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Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about Narcissism

 Luke Ford Blogger















Topics include:

How Luke was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder(from Luke’s Bio)

Maladaptive Daydreaming and the Fantasy World

How Luke’s Sexual Fantasy’s were mostly about power

How Narcissist are dependent on constant attention or narcissistic supply

How Narcissism affects Luke’s blogging and the topics he writes about

How attention is a substitute for connection, intensity for intimacy

How Luke’s Narcissistic symptoms are subdued when he connects with other people

How if you don’t have an identity with a group you are forced to create one as an individual

Luke Ford’s Dennis Prager Story

The Narcissist and His Addiction to Excitement

How Luke Grew Up With All The Signs Of Becoming A Serial Killer

Love At First Sight and the Love Map


Luke Ford is Back!








Robert Stark interviews returning guest, journalist, and blogger Luke Ford.

Topics include:

Why Luke does not view racism as a legitimate concept
How writing on topics such as race are associated with a low social status
How Luke is unique in the sense that he has ties to both ethno politics as well as entertainment culture
Luke’s interview with comic Rachel Bloom
Luke’s appearance at Tom Sunic’s upcoming speech in Beverly Hills on September 21st
Why not every group is compatible with Western Civilization
Talking About Addiction, Recovery & Race With Comic Yoshi Obayashi
Robin Williams suicide and struggle with addiction
How the root cause of addiction is lack of attachment and insecurity
How Paranoia is also caused by lack of attachment and insecurity
More on the Santa Barbara killer and how open displays of sexuality highlight sexual differences
Luke tells a story from his High School years when he was rejected from a party
More on Luke’s one man play Eroticized Rage
Why men are attracted to teenage girls
Masters Of Sex TV Show
Is It Anti-Semitic To Say Jews Are Good With Money?
Why the word racism now mean criticism
Israeli Ingenuity Applied To Organ Transplants
Why Is Los Angeles Falling Apart?
More on Luke’s search for A Wife and how he was given an ultimatum between a girl and his blog
Why women are much more conformist than men
Jewish Women Are Hot
Men who are attracted to intelligent women
Does Promiscuity Make Women Happy?

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Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford













Robert Stark interviews Journalist Luke Ford. He blogs at

Topics include:

Working as a columnist for the porn industry
How he see’s himself as a journalist analyzing the porn on sites like rather than promoting it
How individuals in the porn industry lack human and social connections
His Memoir “XXX Communicated: Rebel without a Shul”
Why sexual sin is less important in Orthodox Judaism than in Christianity
Why Jews are over represented in the porn industry
How his moral views about pornography have changed
His conversion to Judaism and latter to Orthodox Judaism
His admiration of Dennis Prager
How Luke’s suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder causes him to look for heroes
His status as a convert in Orthodox Judaism
His recent trip to his home country Australia and how it has changed
How homogeneous countries have higher levels of social trust and social capital
On Luke’s search for an Orthodox wife
His minor celebrity status
How he broke the story of LA Mayor Villaraigosa’s affair
Why he recently came out of the closet as a White Nationalist
Why he believes every group as a right to advocate for their group interest
How his exposure to Orthodox Judaism led to his sympathy to White Nationalism
Why Orthodox Jews tend to have little interest in left wing politics
His interview with Kevin MacDonald and why MacDonald does not view Orthodox Judaism as a threat
Elliot Rodger and how the feeling of emptiness causes people to prove their worthiness
How lacking a sense of belonging and identity causes emptiness
Luke’s one man play “Erotized Rage”
Sex Addiction
The importance of social status
How bloggers often use their online personas to create social status lacking in reality
The Alexander Technique

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