Category Archives: Paul Bingham

Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about the Planned Obsolescence of the American Heartland














Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about his in-production documentary chronicling the economic and social despair of the American Heartland. Paul Bingham is the author of Down Where the Devil Don’t Go and Black House Rocked. You can contact Paul at


Paul’s footage and interviews conducted across the South and Midwest
The concept of non-essential jobs exposing the reality that most of the workforce will become obsolete
Long term economic consequences of the pandemic including permanent job loss, foreclosure of small banks and businesses, and more automation and streamlining
Trump’s failure to bring back manufacturing
The conglomeration of farmland and real estate
Why Paul predicts America will serve as the breadbasket of the world
Paul’s speculation that elites support mass immigration in the short term but population reduction in the long term
Stratification of elites, hiding of assets, and effectiveness of an asset tax
Crisis of addiction and deaths of despair (highest rates among Whites and Native Americans)
The foreign policy motive behind foreign owned cash businesses
The benefits of economic specialization and family based businesses
America’s nomadic nature
Why certain groups of Americans are better adapted to thrive in the future
Why the general public is only educated to be a consumer and not a rational political actor
Failure of past political movements from Ron Paul to Bernie Sanders
How the documentary will record the heartland’s decline rather than explicitly make political predictions
Paul’s upcoming poetry book, Strip Club Poetry

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Ann Sterzinger about her Novel LYFE (Elektra’s Revenge)















Robert Stark and co-host Paul Bingham talk to author Ann Sterzinger about her new new novel LYFE (Elektra’s Revenge), A SCI-FI ROMANCE GONE TERRIBLY WRONG… Meet Elektra, the angry young woman of the future. It’s the fifth millennium, and Earth One is a faint memory. After nuking itself stupid, the human race limped off to the only orb our spacecraft could reach: a tiny inhabitable moon that’s so small and overpopulated that society cajoles the normies into being gay. The crowding is worsened by the mysterious ability of the upper classes to become immortal by ingesting the local psychoactive substances… the same drugs that kill the lower classes. No one seems to know why or how this works, but Elektra knows it’s not fair. As the series begins, we find Elektra trying to get revenge on a fickle old lover by sleeping with her husband. But instead of ruining their marriage, Elektra ends up falling for the husband instead. Elektra is so busy plotting revenge on the theater producers who pass her over for roles in favor of Immortals, she hasn’t noticed that her torrid affair is bringing her ever closer to solving the dark mystery of why some people live forever while others die as junkies… Welcome to LYFE, the first book of the Elektra’s Revenge series.

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews James Lafond













Robert Stark and co-host Paul Bingham talk to James LaFond. James is an author, blogger, and self defense expert based out of Baltimore, Maryland. Check out his work on his websiteblogAmazon, TwitterFacebookPatreon, and the thecrackpotpodcast.


James’s writings about life in Baltimore
The city’s descent into chaos
Personal experiences with crime and violence
Police corruption and the Police’s ineffectiveness in dealing with crime
The 2015 Freddie Gray Riots
Making a living as a writer
James’s fantasy and science fiction novels
James’s book The Jericho Bone
Robert E. Howard and Louis L’Amour

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Paul Bingham about Wyndham Lewis, Ernst Jünger, & Italian Futurism















Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Paul Bingham. This show is a continuation of our discussion about Aleister Crowley and Aristocratic Individualism

Topics include:

How Wyndham Lewis, Ernst Jünger, Aleister Crowley, and the Italian Futurist, were individuals who existed outside the liberal reactionary/traditionalist paradigm, and viewed the world in a realist way unbiased by ideology
The cult of Positivism
Italian Futurism, how it was marginalized due to it’s ties to Mussolini, but made a major impact on the arts
How Ayn Rand was influenced by Italian Futurism
Robert Stark’s talk with Rabbit about Italian Futurism
Wynham Lewis’s Vorticist movement, his magazine Blast, and his Rebel Art Centre
The philosophy of the Vortex, which views everything as energy constantly in motion
The rivalry between Italian Futurist Filippo Marinetti and Wyndham Lewis, and how Lewis critiqued Italian Futurism for putting to much emphasis on technology
Wynham Lewis’s The Art of Being Ruled, which made the case that the artist was the best to rule, and that capitalism and liberal democracy suppressed genuine cultural elites
How the book addresses Transsexualism, and anthropological findings on the Third Sex
Kerry Bolton’s essay on Wyndham Lewis
Lewis’s relationship with fascism, how he published the book Hitler (1931), which presented Adolf Hitler as a “man of peace,” but latter wrote an attack on anti-semitism: The Jews, are they human?( 1939)
The influence of war and violence on Italian Futurism
The Manifesto of Futurism
The Futurist Cookbook
Futurism is about testing what works, and rejecting traditions that don’t work
The futurist believed that every generation should create their own city, and futurist Antonio Sant’Elia’s Plan for Città Nuova (“New City”)
Paul worked on a book that was never published, “The Motor City and the Zombie Apocalypse,” about how the motor city is incompatible with human nature
The effects of global technological materialism on culture, and how technology needs the right people and culture to work
Jean Baudrillard point that the Italians have the best symbiosis between culture and technological progress
The Transhumanist concept of Cybernetics, which is rewiring the brain, and how the futurist used poetry as a precursor to cybernetics
Paul’s point that futurist movements such as cyberpunk, and Neoreaction are more focused on Live action role-playing, but are not serious about pushing the limits
The intellectual and transcendental value of LSD and DMT, Ernst Jünger’s experimentation with acid, but they are only effective if the right people use them
Paul’s point that the only real futurist are underground, and experimenting in third world countries
Aristocratic individualism, and Paul’s opinion that Ernst Jünger is the best example, and Jünger’s concept of the Anarch
Ernst Jünger’s science fiction novel The Glass Bees
Ernst Jünger’s “The Worker”

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Check out Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Paul Bingham about Aleister Crowley


Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Paul Bingham about Aleister Crowley

Topics include:

Today Aleister Crowley exists either as an icon of occultism, used by subcultures, derided by others, but few are familiar with his political and philosophical ideas
Kerry Bolton’s series on Aleister Crowley as a Political Theorist, Part 1 and Part 2
Political Platform based on Crowley’s ideas
Julius Evola on Crowley
James J. O’Meara’s reivew of Richard B. Spence’s book Secret Agent 666
Crowley’s religion Thelema
Crowley’s fascination with power structures
Crowley transcended politics and did not fit into either traditionalism or the left
Crowley did not fit into the left for rejecting egalitarianism and mass democracy, and the right for rejecting free markets and traditional morality
Crowley’s Aristocratic individualism, and his belief in an Aristocracy of the creative class
Wyndham Lewis‘s book The Art of Being Ruled, which like Crowley advocated the rule of the creative class
Crowley viewed the masses as spiritualy inferior
Crowley saw capitalism as degrading genuine cultural elitism
Crowley rejecting Marxism, but supported a social safety net to free up the creative class
Crowley’s value of leisure
Crowley came to the same conclusions about economics as the Distributist and Social creditors, who were Traditional Catholics
Distributism and Social Credit are the economic systems most compatable with Aristocratic Individualism
Homo economicus
Crowley’s critique of democracy
Crowley’s environmentalism
Crowley’s interest in Mountaineering
Crowley tested the limits of human nature and practiced what he wrote about
The futurist philosophy is about testing what works
Crowley’s view of the future was that things will collapse and a new brighter future will emerge
Crowley’s erotic poetry series White Stains, and how he practiced the sexual acts he wrote about
Crowley used sexual experimentation to further his intellectual state, but did not advocate it for the masses
Why the individual must have freedom to exist within their own personal boundaries
Crowley’s advocacy of youth colonies, how the elites practice youth camps, and the importance of controlling youth
How male bonding and inter generational relationships are stigmatized for the masses
How Crowley often took the passive role in sexual acts with both men and women
Paul’s point that most people are either sexually dominant or submissive, but that being a switch is a uniquely Anglo trait
Crowley as the original Troll
Paul’s point that if Crowley were alive today he would be disinterested in western politics
Our upcoming show with Paul on Italian Futurism, and how Crowley, Wyndham Lewis, and the futurist had similar ideas, but were fiercely independent from one another

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Check out Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about the 7th day Adventist Church, Orthodox Judaism & Max Hardcore

Luke Ford Moral Leader











Robert Stark and co-host Paul Bingham talk to blogger, former pornography gossip collumnist, and convert from the Seventh-day Adventist Church to Orthodox Judaism, Luke Ford.

Topics include:

How Luke and Paul both share a common background in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Seventh Day Adventist Beliefs
How Ben Carson’s campaign brings attention to the 7th Day Adventist faith
How 7th Day Adventist tend to avoid politics
How 7th Day Adventist tend to distrust the US Government
The apocalyptic aspect of 7th Day Adventism(ex. the Branch Davidians who were a break away sect)
How 7th Day Adventist put an emphasis on healing
How 7th Day Adventist facilities have an aura of holiness and reverence
How the church if made up of mostly women and tends to feminize both men and women(ex. discouraging competition)
How the Church appeals to people in poverty and helps them improve their lives
How upwardly mobile individuals tend to leave the Church
How 7th Day Adventist put a strong emphasis on the afterlife while Jews tend to focus on success in this world
How 7th Day Adventist and Jews tend to have opposite values about passions towards money, sex, and power
How Orthodox Judaism is much more challenging and difficult to convert to
Similarities between Judaism and Mormonism
Dietary laws, 7th Day Adventist Vegetarianism, and the Kosher diet
The impacts of Vegetarianism and how it can work if practiced properly
Luke’s father Desmond Ford who was an influential leader in the church and latter broke away
The Nostradamus Kid which is a coming of age story about an Australian boy raised a Seventh-Day Adventist in the 1950’s who yearns for the pastor’s daughter and fears the world is coming to an end
The Alexander Technique and how it appeals to Actors and Athletes
How the Alexander Technique helps with voice problems, posture, and clumsiness
Whether religion or psychotherapy are more effective in treating psychological problems problems
How different religions address different problems
How Luke found the 7th Day Adventist Church stifling of expression
How Dr. Kellogg who was a 7th Day Adventist promoted circumcision to reduce sexual pleasure
How Luke’s has tended to avoid tension and has developed his humor as a coping mechanism
Max Hardcore and how he pioneered the genre of violent humiliation porn
How Max Hardcore took porn to its logical conclusions and was an embarrassment to many in the industry who hid behind a veneer of respectability. Some of his work is viewable on sites like twinki and other contemporaries in the field.
How Luke’s personal take on Max Hardcore based on the time he spent with him, was that he was articulate, intelligent, and charming, but had a dark sadistic side that he let out on camera and when he was drunk
Luke’s controversial political views, immigration, and Donald Trump
Chateau Heartiste

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Paul Bingham about Black House Rocked & Cultural Trends












Topics include:

Paul’s Novel Black House Rocked which Robert interviewed Paul’s co-author Emril Krestle about
How almost everything in the story was based on real life events
How the protagonist’s story was inspired by a friend of Paul’s who was falsely convicted of Child Molestation
Why Paul picked a character who was at the bottom of society
How Paul see’s his characters as willing to pay the price for their qualities
The cultural and political topics covered in the book
The setting the book, an economically decimated community in the Ozarks
The Fabian concept of a commuter town which led to modern lifeless bedroom communities
Why the culture of Flyover country should not be fetishized
How despite regional differences the media sets the culture and values in America
Paul’s view that the Alternative Right tends fosters a critique of society without producing any goals or culture
The Poet & The Cat, how Paul gives Robert credit for it’s inception, and production, and how he wrote the script when he was drunk, broken down, in the middle of the night
James O’meara Reviews The Poet & The Cat
The writer Taylor Caldwell
How the theme of theme of nihilism and viewing society as empty is nothing new(ex. Dostoevsky)
The concept of dying with honor
How the bloodshed and violence of the middle east has produced great poetry and literature
Saddam Hussein’s literary work and why Paul want’s to see it translated into English and made widespread
Black humor and finding humor in the worst situations
Paul’s theory of generations; Millennials versus the younger generation who are still in their teens
How the 1980’s was the last decade of cultural innovation in music
How Rap has always been about selling out since it left the streets
The genre of angry rock in the 90’s that died off after the Columbine Massacre
James O’Meara view of acceptable versus unacceptable homosexuality
Paul’s view of the German band Rammstein as an example of unacceptable homosexuality
John Houston’s critique of Tennessee William’s play The Night of the Iguana from his memiors
The “Wiggerfication” of Country Music and Rednecks
How the lack of real life experiences leads to the sterility of the culture
The film  Winter’s Bone which is set in the Ozarks like Paul’s book
How Paul views Robert Stark as one of the few truly independent journalist

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

James O’meara Reviews The Poet & The Cat

The Poet & The Cat 

Directed by Robert Stark

Written by Paul Bingham

Staring: Robert Stark & Charles E. Lincoln II


If you’re a fan of losers and serial killers, and enjoy the alt-Right despaircore writings of Andy Nowicki or Paul Bingham, you’ve probably said, “Gee, I wish I could visit them at home, see them writing away on a rickety plywood table under the light in the kitchen, interacting with their cat and drinking a glass of Two Buck Chuck!”

Well, thanks to Robert Stark, and YouTube, now you can!

The Poet & The Cat is stars Robert as the poet undergoing a quarter-life crisis (which is a new one on me, but apparently is a thing), and Charles E. Lincoln II is the cat; that is, the voice of the cat, who sounds distractingly like Judaic radio show crank Mark Levin, especially when he starts ranting in German.  The cat, I mean.

It’s fun to see Robert bring the poetry-scribbling loser to life, and the cat is a hoot as he ventriloquizes Bingham’s bleak worldview.


“You’re like a woman, you know.  You come at me shadowboxing, both paws extended; only then do the claws come out, and dig in so deeply.”


The “feline Mephistopheles” insistently tries to draw the poet’s thoughts from working his ordinary life problems into art and toward mass murder as the real path to fame, money and women; while constantly becoming distracted by the urge to hunt a mouse or complain about having been fixed.


“Just move like a cat. You’re good at that.  All you girlfriends say you can be a creep.”


Suffering weltschmerz after reading too many Hopeless Books?  Feeling like a Delta Male after checking out too many man-o-sphere blogs?  Ignore that clickbait at Salon or HuffPo, and go here for a quarter-hour of someone else’s entertaining quarterlife crisis.

Robert Stark interviews Emril Krestle about Black House Rocked
















Black HouseRocked: A Split Single from the Bowels of Hell  is written by Paul Bingham and Emril Krestle, and published by Ann Sterzinger’s HOPELESS BOOKS.  Expect horror both supernatural and psychological, plus a vivid touch of Burroughs-type surrealism. A book by vampires, about vampires. Emril Krestle is also the author of Pan is Dad, a collection of Poetry.

“When society kills somebody, they won’t necessarily die for years.”

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

The Poet & The Cat

A struggling Poet who has failed at life has a Quarter-life crisis and is confronted by his dark feline alter ego who challenges his sanity and morality.
Directed by Robert Stark

Written by Paul Bingham

Staring: Robert Stark & Charles E. Lincoln III



This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork