Category Archives: Cuckservatives

Robert Stark interviews Daniel Friberg

Daniel Friberg The Real Right Returns

Daniel Friberg, MBA, is CEO of the Swedish mining corporation Wiking Mineral and was a founding member of the Swedish metapolitical think tank, Motpol. He has a long history in the Swedish opposition, and was one of the founders of Arktos. His new book is The Real Right Returns (Hardback) – Arktos

Topics include:

The decline in the Swedish education system
The immigration situation in Sweden and Europe
How US and NATO foreign policy destabilized the Middle East
How American influence threatens European independence
How the establishment is loosing it’s intellectual legitimacy
The importance of metapolitics
Defining the right and left
The left’s cultural war of conquest
The outsourcing of manufacturing
How wealth is being distributed from the middle class to the financial elites and foreign proletariat
The book’s chapter on gender
Political Correctness and Censorship in Sweden

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Matt Forney about Cuckservatives


Robert Stark talks to Matt Forney about his article 10 Signs You Might Be a Cuckservative

Topics include:

How the “cuckservative” meme was popularized by the Alternative Right but has made a major impact impact on the mainstream right
The “cuckservative” 
reaction to the meme
How “cuckservatives” care more about Israel’s borders than America’s

How “cukservatives” think opposing free trade is Nazism
How “Cuckservatives” believe that the Democrats are the real racist
How “Cuckservatives” think the reason Detroit and other major U.S. cities are falling apart is because of unions
How “Cuckservatuves believe that Hispanics are “natural Republicans”
How “Cuckservatives” support corporations, despite their advocacy for leftist causes and open borders
How “Cuckservatives” think military veterans automatically deserve respect
How “Cuckservatives are always apologizing to their enemies
The Donald Trump phenomenon
Political trends among Millennials


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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork