Category Archives: Alternative Right

Robert Stark interviews Kitemporal

Robert Stark and Francis Nally (aka Pilleater) talk to Kitemporal about philosophy, class, eugenics, sexuality, and gender roles. Kitemporal describes himself as a Radical Leftist, individualist, and eugenicist. Subscribe to his Substack and follow him on Twitter/X.

Topics include:

-Why Kitemporal calls himself a leftist, even though the left and right are arbitrary terms
-How managerial liberalism stifles human potential and is dysgenic
The backrooms as a metaphor for managerialism
-Why deconstruction is a valuable tool and can have anti-liberal results
-Why the Right has more respect for Bolsheviks than liberals
-How eugenics can be used for egalitarian aims (eg. breeding out toxic masculinity)
-Why Kitemporal calls himself a natalist nihilist
-The pros and cons of eugenics based on class
-Fertility trends by class
-Do libertarians, nerds, and artists have the lowest fertility?
-Beauty dysgenics
-Eurasians as a distinctly upper middle class ethnogenesis
-Why Kitemporal disagrees with the Ancient Problemz show that guys getting oral is upper class coded but rather macho coded
-How the normalization of fetishes makes them less transgressive
-The Ahegao face meme
-Whether low status men going down on high status women can ease the incel issue and  perhaps class warfare
-How anything can be normalized as high status to NPCs
-The latent bisexual undercurrents in rightwing politics
-Kitemporal’s new money redneck background
-Kitemporal’s esoteric proposals for gender roles
-How granting women the option of taking on full male gender roles discredits feminism
-Kitemporal’s religion of Dynostiscism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews John Arcto about UK Politics & Retro Futurism


Robert Stark talks to John Arcto, who blogs at The Anglofuturist on substack.


-John’s political journey as a former Leftist
-Why John rejects the dissident right and embraces Progressivism Rightism
What is Anglo Futurism 
-The Right’s elite human capital problem and anti-intellectualism
-The need for a counter-elite
The July 4th election in the UK
-The Tory Party’s embrace of mass immigration and whether the Party can be reformed
Nigel Farage’s role as a gatekeeper
-How Brexit has been a total failure and turned young Brits woke
-Why John supports some hybrid of immigration restriction, assimilation, and ethnopluralism
-Why John can’t comprehend how Americans get worked up over Hispanic immigration
-How talking about racial demographics is totally taboo in the UK, but cultural concerns are tolerated
-John’s case for Georgism and rightwing YIMBYism
-Why adopting certain leftwing views is good to appeal to elite human capital
Why Blade Runner is much less dystopian than our current society
-The movie Her which depicts a future LA that is YIMBY but also very White
-British genres of Retro-Futurism, from the Victorian to post-war era
Vaporwave as rightwing post-modernism
-Why the present is a uniquely bleak era in British history

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Walt Bismarck interviews me about Rightwing Multiculturalism

This is a simulcast with Walt Bismarck’s Walt Right podcast.

Topics include:

  • Robert’s political trajectory coming out of the Ron Paul movement
  • Robert’s Jewish heritage
  • His thoughts on the political position of American Jews since the Gaza War
  • How the boredom of the Biden years has created a less tense environment
  • How recent years have driven a wedge between the Left and Liberals
  • How anti-Whiteness led to an explosion of antisemitism on the Left
  • Has the boundary between Jews and Whites blurred over the past few years?
  • How Walt was able to mainstream himself without denouncing the Alt Right
  • The tenability of Right Wing Multiculturalism and Castizo Futurism
  • How comfortable is Walt with immigration?
  • The resentment towards Brahmin Indians growing in Silicon Valley
  • White people in America need to form the same ethnic patronage networks as immigrant ethnic groups
  • How Walt misjudged the Midwest
  • Arizona vs. Florida vs. California
  • The hyper-individualistic nature of White Californians
  • California as an American “promised land” and the most beautiful place on earth
  • DeSantis’s efforts to position Florida as the new California
  • Why did DeSantis fail?
  • Brain drain from California to Florida
  • Why has Florida supplanted Texas as the conservative hub?
  • The decentralized modern Dissident Right vs. the old Alt Right
  • Nick Fuentes vs. the “Post-Left” Dimes Square / Red Square crowd
  • Why are Hispanics in California/Arizona more leftist than in Florida/Texas?
  • How personal temperament impacts a person’s politics
  • The median Alt Righter was actually less racist on a visceral level than the average ”colorblind” conservative
  • Colorblindness is responsible for the worst of the Left and the Right
  • Moral implications of belief in HBD
  • How much should you talk about HBD?
  • Emil Kirkegaard’s study on taboos
  • Respects in which Walt is rightwing
  • Walt’s centrism on abortion and hatred for pro-life maximalists
  • Robert’s futurist concept of distributism
  • Why immigration restriction basically requires mass automation
  • Walt’s idea for a “grand bargain” where illegal immigrants are given legal status in exchange for a guarantee that they will never be given the right to vote
  • The case for a Rightwing Urbanism and pro-White YIMBYism
  • Do you need restricted covenants etc. to sell YIMBYism to suburbanites?
  • Is NIMBYism necessary to prevent a mass brain drain from the interior?
  • Gentrification as the future of the right and the opposite of White Flight
  • Walt’s desire for a “High Openness Right” that resembles the early Alt Right
  • Why conservatives suck at art
  • HBO’s Girls and The Sopranos as conservative art
  • Painting as a metaphor for ethno-pluralism
  • Robert Stark’s stance on AI Art
  • How Walt used Disney songs to explain the Alt Right, and how this resembles how Lin Manuel Miranda’s use of rap to explain the Founding Fathers
  • How key changes are used to create an emotional impact in music, especially show tunes and 80s music
  • Why do the 80s resonate with Millennial guys so much?
  • Walt’s pro-white argument for reparations
  • Walt’s support for animal rights and lab grown meat
  • Will future societies look back on factory farms the same way we look at slavery?
  • High IQ people need a self-selected bubble where they don’t have to “hold frame”
  • We’re not all gonna make it—that’s just part of being a man
  • The modern world is much better for high IQ autistic guys like Walt and Robert
  • How Tinder increased the incel rate from 15% to 30%
  • What makes someone “smart but poor?” What is Walt’s advice for this demo?
  • Building an income on Substack—Walt and Robert’s strategies
  • How building a social media presence is like feudalism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Luke Ford about knowing Stormy Daniels

Robert Stark talks to Luke Ford about knowing  adult film actress, Stormy Daniels, in the aughts. Check out Luke Ford on YouTube and Rumble, and follow him on Twitter/X.

-The background of Luke Ford being the number one journalist in the adult film industry
-The context of how Luke knew Stormy Daniels
-Luke’s impression that Stormy was highly intelligent, had a formidable presence, and a command of her words
The transcript of Luke’s interview with Stormy
-How Luke could relate to Stormy in his struggles with secure attachment
-How people who are insecure in attachment tend to be inflexible and narrow their possibilities in life
-Why Luke believes Stormy is telling the truth in the Trump trial
-How Stormy came across as much more competent in the Trial than Trump did
-How the legal cases against Trump are historically unprecedented
-Why Luke is a sober Trump supporter
-How the online dissident right ended in disaster and chaos

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Constantin von Hoffmeister about Esoteric Trumpism

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas speak with Constantin von Hoffmeister about his book Esoteric Trumpism. This is a simulcast with Matt’s New Write podcast. Originally from Germany, Constantin von Hoffmeister studied English Literature and Political Science in New Orleans. Constantin has worked as an author, journalist, translator, editor, and business trainer in the United States, India, Uzbekistan, and Russia, and is the editor in chief of Arktos publishing. Follow Constantin on Twitter and subscribe to his Substack.


Literary references, including William S. Burroughs, HP Lovecraft, and Edgar Alan Poe
Misconceptions about the Beatniks as leftwing (eg Jack Kerouac’s admiration of Oswald Spengler)
How the Beats’ disillusionment shows problems with fetishizing 1950s America
Philistinism on the Right and the rise of a new creative culture-focused Right
How America has an underappreciated rich cultural heritage
America as an extension of European civilization
Rightwing Postmodernism
Trump as the great revealer of hidden Lovecraftian horrors
Why Trump’s political significance is primarily symbolic
Addressing criticisms and disappointments with Trump
Meme magic
Why Constantin rejects accelerationism
Why Rightwing multiculturalism or ethnopluralism is the future 
Constantin’s recent meet up with Robert and Matt in LA, and observation that LA is a model for ethnopluralism
Why Constantin is more optimistic about America’s future than Europe’s
Upcoming Arktos projects, including a new translation of Dominque  Venner on Ernst Junger, a rightwing critique of Nietzsche, and an art history book

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Schizo Chat with Salmonfish

Robert Stark talks with Salmonfish about Bronze Age Pervert, art, metaphysics, philosophy, politics and economics. Salmonfish is a renaissance man, Avant Garde artist, and Passage Prize winner from Ohio. Follow Salmonfish on Twitter/X.

Raising memes to an artform
Online political tribes as an American adaption of old-world feudal entitlements
Robert’s article, Selective Breeding And The Birth of Philosophy
The pros and cons of Bronze Age Pervert and Curtis Yarvin
Debate about meritocracy vs caste or proportional inequality
The Artist/Shaman archetype
Intersectionality of the smart but poor
Conspiracy theories as explained by a collective subconscious or conspiracies of instinct
Pioneering work in the treatment of mental illness with psychedelics
How metaphysics, genetics, psychology, and politics intersect
Spiritual science and near death experiences which are legit but often theologically contradict
Salmonfish’s esoteric take on Christianity
Why Dualism is needed in spirituality, psychology, and politics
Disillusionment with Trump/MAGA
Why most politics is sexual
The state of the economy and economic transition (explanation for the Great Reset)

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Evee about Culture & Psycho-Social Dynamics

Robert Starks and Francis Nally (aka Pilleater) talk to Evee about culture and aesthetics, psychology, and sexuality. Evee, a long time fan of the podcast, is an underground artist and musician (formally signed to Eyeball Records) from New Jersey, and is of French and Italian descent. Evee is a soi-disant Avant Garde bohemian, and champagne socialist, with a French mentality in temperament and cultural sensibilities. Check him out on YouTube and Twitter.

Evee’s satirical fan videos of Robert Stark, Luke Ford and Jason Reza Jorjani
The New Jersey scene as a more authentic precursor to Dime Square
Revisiting the scene known as the Alt-Left, Alt-Center, or leftwing of the Alt-Right
Aesthetic preferences in art and cinema
The politics and philosophy of aesthetics
Why economic elitism is the enemy of cultural elitism
Why sincere sexual and aesthetic-based racism is preferable to sublimating these preferences into reactionary politics
Why psychoanalysis could cure a lot of political and social problems
Why rightwing moralism is as bad as leftwing moralism
Evee’s intuitive view of human nature
Why Evee dislikes the Manosphere and Red Pill scene
The political symbolism of oral intimacy and fetish culture
The implosion of modern liberal society
Evee’s upcoming book of poetry

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark is interviewed about California’s Political & Demographic Future

Robert Stark is interviewed by John Friend of the Realist Report, about his article White Californians as a Prototype for America’s Multiethnic Future. Check out the Realist Report on Twitter.


Various responses to the article
Putting forth an accurate portrayal of California, in contrast with the media hype
A critique of various rightwing narratives about conflict and collapse
Causes of White flight and demographic change in California
Whether race relations will remain affable in California with extreme woke politics
Contrasting different future scenarios for California, including pan-enclavism
How White Californians are uniquely individualistic and rootless, and whether they will  develop a stronger identity in the future
Why Whites should take part in multiculturalism to adapt to the end of Americanism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Dan Baltic about his debut novel Nutcrankr

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas talk to Dan Baltic about his debut novel Nutcrankr. Dan Baltic is the co-hosts of the literary podcast, New Write, with Matt Pegas. Nutcrankr is available in print and ebook at Terror House publishing.

Intro to the protagonist Spencer Grunhauer and the plot
Spencer’s philosophy and his manifest
The psychological process of how one becomes more alienated, unstable, and unhinged
Psycho-sexual motives behind politics and moral panics
Social status, elite overproduction, and out of whack life expectations
Making your own way “pill”
Narratives about online grifters
Bullishness on the future of dissident arts
Terror House’s book reading in Brooklyn, NYC
Creating effecting satire
The literary genre of alienated loners
A homage or modern day reboot of Confederacy of Dunces
Comparisons to Robert’s novel Vaporfornia and Matt’s Dragon Day

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Andy Nowicki about his Novella Muze

Robert Stark talks to Andy Nowicki about his new novella, Muze, and Robert’s new surreal dark comedy novel, Vaporfornia. Andy Nowicki is a former English professor and the author of numerous books including The Columbine PilgrimLost Violent SoulsHeart Killer, Beauty and the Least, Under the Nihil, and The Insurrectionist. Check out Muze on Terror House Publishing and Andy’s YouTube channel and writings at his Substack.


Revisiting Andy’s earlier work and the genre of the alienated loner
References to incel culture in Muze
Other themes in Muze, including pharmaceuticals, transhumanism, blackmail, and mind control
Writing about depravity from a socially conservative/Catholic perspective
The revival in 00’s conspiracy theories
David Lynch and open ended narratives
Robert’s novel Vaporfornia and its similar themes to Muze
Allegories for degradation
Revisiting Robert’s mocumentary Supply
Matt Pegas’ Dragon Day
The growing dissident literary scene
Andy’s trip to South Africa in 2011
The politics of crisis: acceleration vs. gradual decay

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.