Category Archives: Social Isolation

Robert Stark interviews Ancient Problemz about the Peculiar Practices of The Upper Class

Subscribe to Ancient Problemz on Substack.

Topics include:

-Robert’s article on the Politics of Oral
-Ancient Problemz’s upper middle class Jewish background and exposure to wealth
-The mass suburban affluence of the 1990s
-The late 90s/00s raunch culture with movies like American Pie, Wild Things, and Cruel Intensions
-American Beauty’s portrayal of upper middle class suburbia
-The 00s moral panic about oral
-Why oral is upper middle class and White coded
-Ancient Problemz hearing from gentile men in college that Jewish women are orally gifted
-How elites and proles are more degenerate while the middle class are prudes
-How the upper middle class and wealthy are discrete about their sexuality
-How people signal about politics and sexuality
-How natural-looking understated cosmetic surgery is a status signal for the wealthy
-The degree of validity to various anti-Semitic tropes
-Why rich high status women won’t let low status men go down on them for the same reason that BLM fizzled out
-Neo puritanism about sexuality
-Why zoomers are screwed up psychologically and sexually
-Why natalists should live by example
-Why physiognomy, the science of physical appearance, is legit

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Meta Ronin about Esoteric AI

Subscribe to Meta Ronin on Substack and follow him on X/Twitter.

Topics include:

-How the moniker means a nomad like Ronin and Meta means transcending the greater truth
-Robert’s article on Techno Distributism
-The ineptitude of luddites and why we should embrace automation
-The case for UBI and the value of leisure
-The role of status and competition in a post-scarcity society
-The mentality of “I had to suffer so now you have to suffer too”
Ray Kurzweil’s Moore’s Law
-Meta Ronin’s advocacy of Robot Waifus
-How AI GFs can serve as the Jungian anima, or inner feminine
-The Gamma male archetype
-How AI can be used for Jungian Shadow Work
-AI as a tool for Parapsychology/Spiritual Science to point to cosmic truths
-Creating a new Brahmin caste by brain-scanning people for spiritual responses
A dystopian proposal to use magnets to rewire brains to make people less racist and religious
-Uploading consciousness to AI
-Meta Ronin’s interest in Daoism and Shintoism
-How religion is shaped by genetics
-Whether AI will become conscious/sentient
-Why AI will be good for offering everyone a specialized path
-Meta’s Ronin’s ideal urban model
-Beauty aesthetics as a value and hierarchy: order to sensory input on instinctual level
-Automation creating Darwinian bottlenecks
-Ethnogenesis forming between Whites and Asians
-The eugenic implications of artificial wombs
-The Silicon Valley neo-reactionaries
-Aristocratic reasons for opposing consumer capitalism and mass democracy
-Meta Ronin’s upcoming sci-fi novel
-Dystopian scenarios, such as a Chinese-style social credit system
The Stellar Engine
-Kurzweil’s Age of Spiritual Machines
-Terrance McKenna’s Transcendental Object at the End of Time

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Adem Luz Rienspects

Robert “Starkattack” and Matt “Las” Pegas talk to Adem Luz Rienspects. Adem is the author of Mixtape Hyperborea and you can follow him on Twitter/X.


-Intro song: Brian is the Most Beautiful by Memo Boy
Adem’s background as a former Marxist and Sam Harris Centrist Liberal, and how he is now politically homeless
-Was Trump surviving an act of God?
-The current online scene that is more open, decentralized, and culturally oriented
-Is Dime Square a cursed brand?
-Adem’s advocacy for a new Hippie movement
-How the Hippies failed to fulfill spiritual perennialism
-Adem’s unique theological view of God
-Our recent trip to Sedona and its spiritual significance
-“Starkattack’s” heroism in Sedona with the power of friendship
-Adem’s positive and mythical experience attending a Walford Steiner School
-How science and spirituality are fundamentally interlinked
Our experience with and the spiritual attributes of magic mushrooms
-How shrooms transformed Adem into an Aryan
-The effects of using a soundtrack for Mixtape Hyperborea
-The book’s off the wall humor
-Why friends should call each other racial slurs
-The spiritual component of masculinity
-How male social hierarchies are formed
-Whether the tribal village-like environment of HS should be recreated for adults
-The esotericism of nostalgia

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Evee about Culture & Psycho-Social Dynamics

Robert Starks and Francis Nally (aka Pilleater) talk to Evee about culture and aesthetics, psychology, and sexuality. Evee, a long time fan of the podcast, is an underground artist and musician (formally signed to Eyeball Records) from New Jersey, and is of French and Italian descent. Evee is a soi-disant Avant Garde bohemian, and champagne socialist, with a French mentality in temperament and cultural sensibilities. Check him out on YouTube and Twitter.

Evee’s satirical fan videos of Robert Stark, Luke Ford and Jason Reza Jorjani
The New Jersey scene as a more authentic precursor to Dime Square
Revisiting the scene known as the Alt-Left, Alt-Center, or leftwing of the Alt-Right
Aesthetic preferences in art and cinema
The politics and philosophy of aesthetics
Why economic elitism is the enemy of cultural elitism
Why sincere sexual and aesthetic-based racism is preferable to sublimating these preferences into reactionary politics
Why psychoanalysis could cure a lot of political and social problems
Why rightwing moralism is as bad as leftwing moralism
Evee’s intuitive view of human nature
Why Evee dislikes the Manosphere and Red Pill scene
The political symbolism of oral intimacy and fetish culture
The implosion of modern liberal society
Evee’s upcoming book of poetry

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about Rudolf Steiner

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas talk to Keith Preston about the life and philosophy of Austrian occultist and Renaissance Man, Rudolf Steiner, and what we can learn about Steiner’s ideas to address contemporary problems. Check out Keith Preston’s article, Scientific Spirituality and Ethical Individualism: The Legacy of Rudolf Steiner, and Troy Southgate’s new book, THE SPIRIT UNBOUND: RUDOLF STEINER’S PHILOSOPHY OF FREEDOM. Keith Preston is a historian, social scientist, political analyst, author, lecturer, trends researcher, and the editor of Attack the System. Follow Keith on Twitter.


The crisis of modernity as anomie, uprootedness from place, identity, tradition, and social bonds, and its impact on the human psyche
Parallels between the modern existential crisis and that of Steiner’s era
Traditional religion being replaced by new secular religions (eg. social justice, scientism, secular heresies)
Steiner’s belief that spirituality and science are interconnected
Parapsychology, including studies of near death experiences
Comparisons to Carl Jung and Christian mystics, Emanuel Swedenborg and William James
Anti-vaxxers’ fascination with Steiner’s warnings of genetically re-engineering people’s spirituality
Steiner’s views on spiritual races and the Steiner schools becoming a target of cancel culture, though Steiner was staunchly anti-fascist
The limitations of materialism and rationalism, and Steiner’s influence from Romanticism 
Steiner’s philosophical relation to other thinkers, including Julius Evola, Nietzsche, Aleister Crowley, and Martin Buber
How the essence of Steiner’s political philosophy was reconciling the differences  between individualism and rootedness, liberal egalitarianism and tradition, and occultism and ethics
How Steiner favored an economic system like distributism, over capitalism or Marxism, and decentralized local autonomy and identities, over nationalism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark is interviewed about California’s Political & Demographic Future

Robert Stark is interviewed by John Friend of the Realist Report, about his article White Californians as a Prototype for America’s Multiethnic Future. Check out the Realist Report on Twitter.


Various responses to the article
Putting forth an accurate portrayal of California, in contrast with the media hype
A critique of various rightwing narratives about conflict and collapse
Causes of White flight and demographic change in California
Whether race relations will remain affable in California with extreme woke politics
Contrasting different future scenarios for California, including pan-enclavism
How White Californians are uniquely individualistic and rootless, and whether they will  develop a stronger identity in the future
Why Whites should take part in multiculturalism to adapt to the end of Americanism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Dan Baltic about his debut novel Nutcrankr

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas talk to Dan Baltic about his debut novel Nutcrankr. Dan Baltic is the co-hosts of the literary podcast, New Write, with Matt Pegas. Nutcrankr is available in print and ebook at Terror House publishing.

Intro to the protagonist Spencer Grunhauer and the plot
Spencer’s philosophy and his manifest
The psychological process of how one becomes more alienated, unstable, and unhinged
Psycho-sexual motives behind politics and moral panics
Social status, elite overproduction, and out of whack life expectations
Making your own way “pill”
Narratives about online grifters
Bullishness on the future of dissident arts
Terror House’s book reading in Brooklyn, NYC
Creating effecting satire
The literary genre of alienated loners
A homage or modern day reboot of Confederacy of Dunces
Comparisons to Robert’s novel Vaporfornia and Matt’s Dragon Day

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Andy Nowicki about his Novella Muze

Robert Stark talks to Andy Nowicki about his new novella, Muze, and Robert’s new surreal dark comedy novel, Vaporfornia. Andy Nowicki is a former English professor and the author of numerous books including The Columbine PilgrimLost Violent SoulsHeart Killer, Beauty and the Least, Under the Nihil, and The Insurrectionist. Check out Muze on Terror House Publishing and Andy’s YouTube channel and writings at his Substack.


Revisiting Andy’s earlier work and the genre of the alienated loner
References to incel culture in Muze
Other themes in Muze, including pharmaceuticals, transhumanism, blackmail, and mind control
Writing about depravity from a socially conservative/Catholic perspective
The revival in 00’s conspiracy theories
David Lynch and open ended narratives
Robert’s novel Vaporfornia and its similar themes to Muze
Allegories for degradation
Revisiting Robert’s mocumentary Supply
Matt Pegas’ Dragon Day
The growing dissident literary scene
Andy’s trip to South Africa in 2011
The politics of crisis: acceleration vs. gradual decay

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas try to start a New Religion

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas  tease the notion of a speculative new spiritual movement. This is a simulcast with Matt’s literary podcast, New Write, and a field-recording, conversation on cults, the new age movement, Matt’s Substack article “The Renaissance of the Ritual“, Robert’s novel “Vaporfornia“, California as fertile soil for new religions, occultism, and much more. Recorded on May 1st, 2022, on a trip through the backcountry of San Diego County, near Palomar Mountain, where Crowlian occultist, Wilfred Talbot Smith, erected an Ordo Templi Orientis temple.


Background on the “new religion,” started as a half joke in Yosemite
A self-initiatory religion, comparable to Discordianism
Social reasons for the rise in cults
California ‘s spiritual movements: Mike Marinacci’s book California Jesus, Order of Atwa, and the Partridge Family Temple
Syncretic occultism and the esotericism/New Age to fascist pipeline
The right hand vs. left hand path and Jungian shadow work
The occultist ritual, finding structure in chaos, and a metaphysical/esoteric take on self-improvement
Knowing when to surrender and embrace the photosynthesis of the Universe/Light of God
The relationship between spirituality and biology (speculating where atheism and various theologies fit on the Bell Curve meme)
An anti-liberal and anti-blank slatist case for Theosophy
Robert’s article on a psychological inspired approach to solving political and social problems
Aesthetic alchemy (Sigils), and the spiritual, ethereal component to  aesthetics
Bronze Age Pervert as a foundationalist (not a traditionalist), and Mike Ma as an instinctive Christian
Jason Jorjani’s Prometheism 
Why spirituality and reclaiming vitality needs to come before politics

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark chats with Default Friend

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas talk to Default Friend about online subcultures, incels, and generational trends. Default Friend, Katherine Deee, is a writer, cultural commentator, cultural anthropologist, internet historian, and digital native. Check out Default Friend’s Substack, Default Wisdom, her writings for the Claremont Institute’s American Mind, and follow her on Twitter.

Thoughts on various political-spheres including the intellectual dark web
The politicization of sex and relationships
On being a proto-Femcel
The impacts of dating apps and income inequality on the “sexual market place”
New York Times article, A Manifesto Against Sex Positivity, reviewing Default Friend’s writings on the backlash against hookup culture
The rise in conservative feminism and woke puritanism
Generational differences between Millennials and Zoomers, and cultural shifts from the 00s-to the 2010s, and 2020s
The trend in the end of mass youth subcultures and the rise in fusionism of “hybrid collages” and nostalgia based upon past generations’ nostalgia
The internet as the astral plane
Prediction of a tech backlash in the 2020s
Justin Murphy’s and Alex Kaschuta’s neo-traditionalism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.