Category Archives: Ancient Problemz

Robert Stark interviews Kitemporal

Robert Stark and Francis Nally (aka Pilleater) talk to Kitemporal about philosophy, class, eugenics, sexuality, and gender roles. Kitemporal describes himself as a Radical Leftist, individualist, and eugenicist. Subscribe to his Substack and follow him on Twitter/X.

Topics include:

-Why Kitemporal calls himself a leftist, even though the left and right are arbitrary terms
-How managerial liberalism stifles human potential and is dysgenic
The backrooms as a metaphor for managerialism
-Why deconstruction is a valuable tool and can have anti-liberal results
-Why the Right has more respect for Bolsheviks than liberals
-How eugenics can be used for egalitarian aims (eg. breeding out toxic masculinity)
-Why Kitemporal calls himself a natalist nihilist
-The pros and cons of eugenics based on class
-Fertility trends by class
-Do libertarians, nerds, and artists have the lowest fertility?
-Beauty dysgenics
-Eurasians as a distinctly upper middle class ethnogenesis
-Why Kitemporal disagrees with the Ancient Problemz show that guys getting oral is upper class coded but rather macho coded
-How the normalization of fetishes makes them less transgressive
-The Ahegao face meme
-Whether low status men going down on high status women can ease the incel issue and  perhaps class warfare
-How anything can be normalized as high status to NPCs
-The latent bisexual undercurrents in rightwing politics
-Kitemporal’s new money redneck background
-Kitemporal’s esoteric proposals for gender roles
-How granting women the option of taking on full male gender roles discredits feminism
-Kitemporal’s religion of Dynostiscism

Click Here to download!

Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Ancient Problemz about the Peculiar Practices of The Upper Class

Subscribe to Ancient Problemz on Substack.

Topics include:

-Robert’s article on the Politics of Oral
-Ancient Problemz’s upper middle class Jewish background and exposure to wealth
-The mass suburban affluence of the 1990s
-The late 90s/00s raunch culture with movies like American Pie, Wild Things, and Cruel Intensions
-American Beauty’s portrayal of upper middle class suburbia
-The 00s moral panic about oral
-Why oral is upper middle class and White coded
-Ancient Problemz hearing from gentile men in college that Jewish women are orally gifted
-How elites and proles are more degenerate while the middle class are prudes
-How the upper middle class and wealthy are discrete about their sexuality
-How people signal about politics and sexuality
-How natural-looking understated cosmetic surgery is a status signal for the wealthy
-The degree of validity to various anti-Semitic tropes
-Why rich high status women won’t let low status men go down on them for the same reason that BLM fizzled out
-Neo puritanism about sexuality
-Why zoomers are screwed up psychologically and sexually
-Why natalists should live by example
-Why physiognomy, the science of physical appearance, is legit

Click Here to download!

Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.