Category Archives: Pornography

Robert Stark interviews Ancient Problemz about the Peculiar Practices of The Upper Class

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Topics include:

-Robert’s article on the Politics of Oral
-Ancient Problemz’s upper middle class Jewish background and exposure to wealth
-The mass suburban affluence of the 1990s
-The late 90s/00s raunch culture with movies like American Pie, Wild Things, and Cruel Intensions
-American Beauty’s portrayal of upper middle class suburbia
-The 00s moral panic about oral
-Why oral is upper middle class and White coded
-Ancient Problemz hearing from gentile men in college that Jewish women are orally gifted
-How elites and proles are more degenerate while the middle class are prudes
-How the upper middle class and wealthy are discrete about their sexuality
-How people signal about politics and sexuality
-How natural-looking understated cosmetic surgery is a status signal for the wealthy
-The degree of validity to various anti-Semitic tropes
-Why rich high status women won’t let low status men go down on them for the same reason that BLM fizzled out
-Neo puritanism about sexuality
-Why zoomers are screwed up psychologically and sexually
-Why natalists should live by example
-Why physiognomy, the science of physical appearance, is legit

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Luke Ford about knowing Stormy Daniels

Robert Stark talks to Luke Ford about knowing  adult film actress, Stormy Daniels, in the aughts. Check out Luke Ford on YouTube and Rumble, and follow him on Twitter/X.

-The background of Luke Ford being the number one journalist in the adult film industry
-The context of how Luke knew Stormy Daniels
-Luke’s impression that Stormy was highly intelligent, had a formidable presence, and a command of her words
The transcript of Luke’s interview with Stormy
-How Luke could relate to Stormy in his struggles with secure attachment
-How people who are insecure in attachment tend to be inflexible and narrow their possibilities in life
-Why Luke believes Stormy is telling the truth in the Trump trial
-How Stormy came across as much more competent in the Trial than Trump did
-How the legal cases against Trump are historically unprecedented
-Why Luke is a sober Trump supporter
-How the online dissident right ended in disaster and chaos

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Shane Bugbee about Transgressive Art

Robert Stark and Francis Nally (aka Pilleater) talk with Shane Bugbee about Satanism, transgressive art, serial killers, and cancel culture. Shane Bugbee is from Chicago, and is an artist, publisher (Michael Hunt Publishing), filmmaker, true crime journalist, friend of Anton LaVey, and was the last priest of the old guard, Church of Satan. Shane has a new book out on the founding of the Satanic Temple. Follow Shane on Twitter/X.

Shane’s media coverage, including from Spin Magazine and E! True Hollywood Story regarding Dana Plato
Different interpretations of Satanism
Why Shane considers Satanism an artform but not ideological/political
Hollywood adopting Satanic icons for shock value
Avant Garde Hate and the Angry White Male Tour
Aleister Crowley’s occultism and Helena Blavatsky’s Theosophy
Transgressive art as the chaos magic of today
Correspondence with serial killers in prison, including Dorothea Puente, John Wayne Gacy and Richard Ramirez
Collecting and selling serial killer and true crime memorabilia
Netflix’s Dahmer,  and the Dahmer/The Silence of the Lambs connection
The role of sexual repression with serial killers and mass shooters
Jim Goad, Adam Parfrey, Boyd Rice, and Peter Sotos
The Mike Diana Obscenity Trial and pre-internet cancel culture
The pre-internet vs current counter-culture

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Evee about Culture & Psycho-Social Dynamics

Robert Starks and Francis Nally (aka Pilleater) talk to Evee about culture and aesthetics, psychology, and sexuality. Evee, a long time fan of the podcast, is an underground artist and musician (formally signed to Eyeball Records) from New Jersey, and is of French and Italian descent. Evee is a soi-disant Avant Garde bohemian, and champagne socialist, with a French mentality in temperament and cultural sensibilities. Check him out on YouTube and Twitter.

Evee’s satirical fan videos of Robert Stark, Luke Ford and Jason Reza Jorjani
The New Jersey scene as a more authentic precursor to Dime Square
Revisiting the scene known as the Alt-Left, Alt-Center, or leftwing of the Alt-Right
Aesthetic preferences in art and cinema
The politics and philosophy of aesthetics
Why economic elitism is the enemy of cultural elitism
Why sincere sexual and aesthetic-based racism is preferable to sublimating these preferences into reactionary politics
Why psychoanalysis could cure a lot of political and social problems
Why rightwing moralism is as bad as leftwing moralism
Evee’s intuitive view of human nature
Why Evee dislikes the Manosphere and Red Pill scene
The political symbolism of oral intimacy and fetish culture
The implosion of modern liberal society
Evee’s upcoming book of poetry

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks about the origins of Sexual Paraphilias










Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas discuss the psycho-social origins of sexual fetishes and paraphilias. If you’re one to enjoy particular fetishes you can to your hearts content.


The concepts of law, social codes, morality, and natural law
The moralistic tendency to view human nature as good when in fact it’s untamed state is grotesque
The Marquis de Sade, and how he had a more accurate understanding of human nature than the 60’s “Free Love” movement
Roger Devlin’s Sexual Utopia in Power
The connection between sex and struggles for power, status, conflict, and politics
Untamed erotic energy(Eros) as a force for both creation and destruction
Being disconnected from society and it’s social codes also has the same parallel effects
Chuck Palahniuk’s new book Adjustment Day
The Idea of Homonationalism
The psychology and power dynamics behind doms, subs, and switches in BDSM
The role that eroticized rage plays in sexual fetishes and fantasies
The power dynamics of cuckoldry
Sexuality being shaped by traumatic events and the attempt to gain something you lost
The Lolita Syndrome and Michael Jackson’s Peter Pan Syndrome
Ethnic fetishes and preferences
Individual sexual exploration vs. the mass incentivisation of sexual mores

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark & Matthew Pegas discuss their New Documentary (((Supply)))












Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas discuss their new documentary (((Supply))). When Podcaster Robert Stark’s dreams of greatness don’t seem to be coming true in Santa Barbara, he heads down to LA to meet the one moral leader who has all the answers: Luke Ford. Produced by Stark Truth TV.


The mocumentary theme and side story of Robert Stark’s quest for supply
The interviews with Luke Ford which focus primarily on psychological themes
Using creative output, politics, and online personas to achieve narcissistic supply
Narcissistic supply filling a void that is missing from healthy social bonds
Social status as a core human need
The feeling that you have unjustly been denied status and whether it is based in reality or a coping mechanism
Architecture in Beverly Hills and the contrast between aristocratic aesthetics and the faux liberal capitalist elites
How social status relates to politics
Maladaptive daydreaming and how it can be both destructive and a source for creative inspiration
An Afternoon With Robert Stark in Santa Barbara
Erotic energy as a force for creative pursuits and the importance of sex to both status and forming bonds
Luke’s play Eroticized Rage
The cinematographic and production process
Stark Truth TV as an offshoot of Apocalypse Culture exploring areas of “forbidden knowledge”

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to David Cole about Political Incorrectness in The Porn Industry

Robert Stark and co-host Matthew Pegas talk to David Cole about the political incorrectness of the Porn Industry. David Cole writes for Takimag and is the author of Republican Party Animal. The thing is you can find most of these topics being exhibited by many porn sites but that doesn’t mean the industry is hurting from the incorrectness surrounding it.


Lessons From My Porn Girl: David’s friendship with Porn Star Kirsten Lee
How porn is the last arm of the entertainment industry that has survived politically correct censorship
How porn is unique in entertainment in that it caters primarily to its consumers’ desires
Racial themes in porn
The racial pay scale in the Porn Industry
The theme of humiliation and degradation in porn
David’s article about James Gunn: Shouting “Pedo” in a Crowded Twitter
The scalp for a scalp mentality and why David thinks that it is counter productive
The increase in censorship and political correctness in comedy
Creating new alternative entertainment networks and a new Apocalypse Culture
Adam Parfrey Saved My Life

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Left of The Alt-Right Round Table Discussion Part I








Robert Stark, Brandon Adamson, Ashley Messinger, and Constantin von Hoffmeister discuss the political scene known as the Alt Left, Left Wing of the Alt Right, or Alt-Center.


Robert Lindsay as the founder of the Alt-Left, his past project Liberal Race Realism, and his decision to focus on Left Wing Economics rather than demographics
How the Alt-Left that emerged from Robert Lindsay became an economically Leftist parallel to the Alt-Lite
Brandon’s Left Wing of the Alt-Right and his manifesto A Clockwork Greenshirt 
The collapse of the Alt-Right and how the election of Trump caused friction between those two factions
The Left Wing of the Alt Right as Social Nationalism without the Radical Traditionalism and Social Conservatism
The implicit Whiteness of Progressive causes such Environmentalism, New Urbanism, and Transhumanism
The Elites promotion of mass immigration
The failure of Mass Democracy
The close minded cultural mentality of the Right Wing
Retro Futurism; Steampunk, Deco Punk, and 70’s and 80’s Retro Futurism
Creating a movement of artist
Positive vs. Negative Degeneracy
Constantin’s Degenerate Poetry inspired by the Beatniks
America and the Anglo-sphere’s puritanical hangups(ex. opposition to nudity, SJW’s, and sexual harassment hysteria)

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks about The YIMBY Movement & The Alt-Center















Robert Stark joined with Cartrell Payne(aka The Adventure Kid) to discuss the YIMBY movement, the Alt-Center, and how those issues relate.


California Senator Scott Wiener’s housing-transit measure Derailed
Factions of the YIMBY movement including left leaning housing advocates, real estate developers, and the Market Urbanist
Left Wing anti-gentrification activists and their alliance with NIMBY’s
Cartrell’s observations on gentrification in Memphis, Tennessee
The hypocrisy of pro-immigration Limousine Liberal NIMBY’s, and how that combination exacerbates the housing crisis
How the YIMBY movement is also very pro immigration
Income Inequality in California and the mass exodus of the middle class
The film Falling Down which is set in LA in the early 90’s and a warning of a dystopian future
What makes California great and can it be saved?
The New Great Migration of Black Americans back to The South
White Middle Class Conservative NIMBY’s, their motivations, and how they are sabotaging their own self interest
Why YIMBYism and immigration restriction are compatible, and why the Alt-Center should take up those causes
Why YIMBYs need to address aesthetic concerns
Why YIMBYism is compatible with environmental and historic preservation
Citylab and City Journal; their writings on urbanism and political agendas
Why mass transit is inefficient in LA and other Sun Belt cities
The political and cultural flaws of both Blue and Red States
A vision of an Alt Center which include alternative economics, pro middle class policies, New Urbanism, environmentalism, SWPL culture, and socially centrist
Cartrell’s political orientation as an Old School Southern Democrat minus the racism
Cartrell’s critique of both the Black Liberal Establishment and Black Conservatives
Conservative views on the poor and police issues and Conservative Class Cucks
The early 20th Century Populist movement
Norman Mailer’s plan for breaking up New York City which addressed both the concerns of the Left and the Right

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about The Geek Squad & Corporate Surveillance State Collusion







Keith Preston is the editor of Attack the System


FBI Paid Best Buy’s Geek Squad to Spy on Customer Devices who are Passing over User Data
Violations of the 4th Amendment which prohibits warrant-less searches based on no probably cause
Farming out state repression to the private sector as a way to get around the 4th Amendment
Motivations for informants to plant contraband
The potential use of these tactics for political oppression
Government surveillance powers over the internet
Internet Censorship and applying the 1st Amendment to Corporations
How the Left has abandoned Freedom of Speech in favor of the Social Justice paradigm
The Left’s support for the Federalization of the Police
How the Police State is now impacting the middle class
Jeff Session’s stances on civil liberties and his lawsuit over California’s Sanctuary State Status
Calexit and the New California Movement
Trump’s foreign policy, tariffs, and his upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island