Category Archives: Quebec

Robert Stark talks to Louis Marinelli about leaving Calexit

Robert Stark talks to Calexit founder Louis Marinelli about why he is leaving the cause for California Independence. Louis Marinelli co-founded the Calexit movement with Marcus Ruiz Evans. He was the former president of the Calexit organization, Yes California, he ran for California State Assembly on an independence platform, and he describes himself as a populist with both left and rightwing viewpoints. Subscribe to Louis’ Substack and follow him on Twitter.


Louis’ article on leaving Calexit (This post marks the end of the California Independence Movement)
Louis’ background in co-founding Calexit with Marcus’ Ruiz Evans
The controversy over Louis’ stance in support of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict within Yes California
The Calexit movement’s shift to the left and need for an alternative framework in California
The California National Party, which Louis wrote the original platform for, and the party’s shift to the left
California exceptionalism in the context of problems of income inequality, mass exodus, authoritarian woke culture, and corrupt one-party rule
California’s lack of a rooted identity as a barrier to creating a viable California civic nationalism
The National Divorce and hypothetical partitions between Red and Blue America

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia,  in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Count Isidor Fosco














Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Count Isidor Fosco. He is an actor based in Toronto, Canada.


Count Fosco’s background in the Film Industry in Toronto
Count Fosco’s background in Philosophy
Count Fosco’s Catholic upbringing and Catholic Social Teachings
Toronto as the Neo-Liberal, Multi-Cultural capital of North America
The Eurasian scene in Toronto, The Mixed in the Six club, and Pilleater’s Asian Aryanism
The Secessionist movement in Quebec, Native American Secessionist movements, and Calexit
CPAC organizer denounces ‘alt-right’ as ‘left-wing fascist group’
Neo-Liberal Feudalism and how the mainstream Left has abandoned class issues
Third Positionism, Social Nationalism, and historic figures including Juan Perón, and Sir Oswald Mosley
Why Mosley was an admirable misunderstood figure, and a true Anti-Globalist who would have made a more logical “third power” to America
The need for an Aristocratic form of Socialism, and why socialism isn’t contrary to hierarchy
Karl Marx’s hierarchy of labor
Social Credit and the Basic Income, and how it should be implemented
Affordable Family Formation
What an aristocrat is in today’s capitalist society
The idealistic definition of a True Aristocrat as a revolutionary figure
Georges Palante and Aristocratic Radicalism
Jonathan Bowden and the Angry Young Men
Working and middle class people who view the Trump family as Aristocrats
Trump’s “Aristocratic Futurist” aesthetic and Rockefeller Center in New York City

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Check out Robert Stark’s Paintings!