Category Archives: terrorism

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about The 2024 Election

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about the 2024 election and the politics of America’s power elite. Keith Preston is a historian, social scientist, political analyst, author, lecturer, trends researcher, and the editor of Attack the System. Follow Keith on Twitter.


-Factions of America’s ruling class, including the Northeastern establishment, Sunbelt capitalist class, and Wall Street and Silicon Valley new money
-What conspiracy theorists get wrong about the nature of power
-How elites cultivate constituencies
-How the elite’s opposition to Trump is more about decorum and instability than policy
-Keith’s prediction that the elites will negotiate a deal with Trump
-Keith’s prediction that Trump will govern as a normie moderate Republican for his 2nd Term
-The Israel Lobby favoring Trump over Biden
-How the Israel conflict is weakening wokeness and the alliance between progressives and the neoliberal establishment
-Why Biden’s re-election is better from an anti-establishment standpoint
-America’s three political blocks, MAGA Nationalist Populists, Centrist Neoliberals, and the Progressive Left
-How the Nationalist Right will further radicalize with limited growth potential
-Why partisan cycles favor Democrats over the next few decades
-The political realignment over social class
-The hyper-capitalist Sunbelt elite as a barrier to the GOP turning populist on economics
-Why Trumpenomics will likely be inflationary
-The risks of the Ukraine and Israel wars escalating
-The Europhile Northeastern establishment and Europhobic Sunbelt’s divide over Ukraine
-Speculating whether Trump or Biden will win
-RFK’s JR.’s brand of bourgeoise bohemian Centrist Populism
-The hysteria over the election, such as about Project 2025
-Why Democrats are hesitant to replace Joe Biden but plan to replace him with Kamala Harris after the election
-Why Biden is the lesser of evils compared to Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris
-Why America’s elites’ mercantile nature means that full blown totalitarianism is not likely in America

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Anatoly Karlin talks about his intellectual restructuring: how Putin made him a Globalist 

Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Karlin about his political transformation, as well as the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine, and the timeline for the singularity/AGI. Anatoly Karlin used to blog at Unz until 2021, and has a new substack blog, Nooceleration, focused on Artificial intelligence. Follow Anatoly on Twitter.

Anatoly’s ideological transformation from a Russian nationalist to a neoliberal globalist, and why he has no use for the Right
Anatoly’s prediction that the Ukraine war would happen in December, 2021 (referenced in New York Times), though he was wrong in predicting that the war would be short
Why the war will likely remain a stalemate, unless there is some technological breakthrough
Anatoly’s disillusionment with Putin’s Russia
Why neutrality is the sane position for both the Ukraine vs Russia and Israel vs. Gaza conflicts
Why large-scale escalation of the Mideast conflict is unlikely in a conventional timeline, though an AGI alignment timeline increases the risk
Is the Israel/Gaza War the end of the Liberal-Zionist Alliance? (Woke anti-Zionists hate Israel/Jews due to their Whiteness)
Whether wokeness is waning and being replaced by outright establishmentarianism
Anatoly’s correct prediction that the election would be Trump vs. Biden, and why he still predicts that Biden will win
Why Anatoly is more bearish on China’s economic and soft power after previously being a China bull
Reasons to be relatively bullish on the US, primarily because its the center of AI
Why the culture wars are unimportant looking at the big picture
The major problems with AI accelerationism
The economic impacts of AI and crisis of overproduction
Why the solution to AI is not government regulation but rather investing in the biosphere, plus reforming the hardware based on a public blockchain

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about the Ukraine War

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about the geopolitics of the war in Ukraine. Keith Preston is a historian, social scientist, political analyst, author, lecturer, trends researcher, and the editor of Attack the System. Follow Keith on Twitter.


The Geopolitical background of the conflict, the unprovoked narrative, and NATO expansion
How sanctions often fail at their intention of brining about regime change
How the conflict is accelerating geopolitical realignments and the bifurcation between the West and a Eurasian block
The motives and military strategy of the Ukrainian government
Whether the Russian invasion of Ukraine would have been less likely to have happened under Trump
Neo-McCarthyism, Russo-phobia, and the crackdown on civil liberties
The rise in a convoluted hybrid of American nationalism and woke culture
Worst case scenarios of the war escalating into direct conflict between Russia and the US and NATO
The fragmentation and polarization of American society, enclavism and Bill Bishop’s Big Sort
Supply chain issues and the potential for a global economic crisis

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Edward Dutton about the Coming Apart of Civilization

Dr. Edward Dutton is an English Anthropologist based in Finland and is the host of the Jolly Heretic on YouTube, and BitChute. You can follow Dutton on Twitter and check out his books on Amazon. His latest books are Sent Before Their Time: Genius, Charisma, and Being Born Prematurely and Witches, Feminism, and the Fall of the West.


The historical context of the Witch Trials as an era of harsh Darwinian selection
The impact of Malthusian selection pressures on fertility trends
Why populists or dissidents seizing power would not impede the incoming civilizational collapse
The evolutionary psychological motives behind woke culture, and why wokeness will wane out in the long run
Why techno-dystopian scenarios of the elite using technology to enslave the masses will not happen
How the rise in conspiracy theories are a sign of the winter of civilization
Why enclaves will be the Neo-Byzantiums of the future
The housing crisis and why NIMBYism is dysgenic
The social and psychological reasons to why terrorism will become much worse in the future
The scientific measurement of cycles of crisis, including the work of Peter Turchin and Jani Miettinen’s research on GENERATIONAL HORMONE CYCLES
The high probability of World War III and a global economic catastrophe this decade

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Martin Lichtmesz about Ethnopluralism









Robert Stark talks to Martin Lichtmesz about his new German language book Ethnopluralismus: Kritik und Verteidigung about the political concept of ethnopluralism. Martin Lichtmesz is an Austrian journalist and translator based in Vienna, and you can read his articles at Sezession and follow him on Twitter.


The need to put forth a clear definition of ethnopluralism
Influence of the concept on the European New Right
How the concept was coined in the 70s by Germany sociologist Henning Eichberg but goes back further to romantic philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder
Eichberg’s sympathies with anti-colonial struggles from a German perspective
A rejection of monolithic universalist values and embracing of uniqueness
Defining the nation state, concept of Self-determination, and difficulties of drawing exact borders to respect national populations
The original version of Multiculturalism in Canada and degree to which it overlaps with ethnopluralism
The failure of the Left to preserve diversity and feasibility of maintaining a version of multiculturalism where all can take part
Claude Lévi-Strauss’ The Sad Tropics and Jean Raspail’s La Hache Des Steppes about lost tribes
Orania, the Afrikaner enclave in South Africa
The recent terrorist attack in Vienna 

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island.

Robert Stark talks to Naama Kates about her Podcast ESC-Hate












Robert Stark and Matt Pegan talk to Naama Kates about her podcast ESC-Hate, which is sponsored by the initiative Light Upon Light. Naama Kates is a journalist, actress, director, and is also the host of the podcast Incel. Follow ESC-Hate and The Incel Project on Twitter.


The show’s premise of dialogue between two people with contrasting viewpoints
The Light Upon Light initiative in contrast with partisan watchdog groups
The conspicuous media bias in coverage of left wing extremism and civil unrest
The show with Andy Ngo and CV Vitolo-Haddad
The upcoming show with Matt Heimbach and Hope Hyder on the George Floyd protests
How cancel culture has gotten worse and makes open discussion impossible
Trump’s handling of the civil unrest and executive order to protect monuments
Civil liberty issues with labeling political movements as terrorist threats(Naama’s interview with Canadian intel specialist Phil Gurski on incels)
The show with Daryl Davis and Jeff Schoep
Antiracism, Our Flawed New Religion
Looking at material and social causes of a controversial viewpoint rather than moral condemnation of an ideology
The importance of social capital and having an in-group
Andy Nowicki’s interview of Naama Kates

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark talks to Guillaume Durocher about the Yellow Vests & National Economics














Robert Stark and Anatoly Karlin talk to Alt-French Unz Review blogger  about the Yellow Vest Protests, political situation in France, and National Economics.


The gas tax as largely symbolic for overall populist discontent
Macron’s Neoliberal economic polices
Decentralized nature of the movement
The culture of protest in France
The role of the police(update: Police Deploy Rifles with Live Ammunition to Yellow Vest Protests)
The White Working Class demographic
Fusion of Left and Right Populism and support from both nationalist Le Pen and leftist Mélenchon supporters
How the outcome of the Yellow Vest protests will impact the next election
Why movements need a segment of the elite to succeed
Russian and American(ex. Steve Bannon) conspiracy theories
Orbánomics, or the Return of National Economics
National Economic policies such as state control of banks, national banks, and local production
The Economics of Globalism and High vs. Low Globalism
Left Wing French Social Nationalist Alain Soral
France Is Becoming More Violent

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Part II: Robert Stark talks about his Trip to Europe













Robert Stark joined with Constantin von Hoffmeister discusses his recent trip to Europe.


European Nationalist hatred of modern art and architecture
Constantin’s comment on tearing down old buildings to troll radical traditionalist and Nick Griffin’s response
Italian Futurism and how the Italian Fascist were more progressive on the arts than the Nazis
Nick Griffin’s speech in Milan on the future of Europe
Guillaume Faye vs. Alain de Benoist’s views on America
Milan as a modern city with a historic core
Italian Cuisine in Milan
The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele in Milan, GUM in Moscow, and the architectural inspiration for 80’s American malls
The Cathedral in Milan, the military security presence, and the recent attack at the Cathedral in Berlin
How terrorism is becoming a common occurrence in Europe
The European migrant crisis and how Italy has been effected the worst
Whether Western Europe is a lost cause and potential scenarios
Observations on the demographics of the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, and Italy
Why the Czech Republic and other Central European Nations are more Nationalistic than Western Europe
Is Czechia(Czech Republic) the World’s Best Country?, by Anatoly Karlin
Nudist culture in Germany and America’s Puritanical hangups

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Karlin about The Syria Strikes, Russian Politics & Failure of Trump










Robert Stark and co-host Brandon Adamson talk to Anatoly Karlin. Anatoly blogs for The Unz Review and is on the Russian language podcast rogpr.


Douma and Dumber
John Bolton and the return of the Neocons
Trump using the strike to distract from Russiagate
Whether the strike is purely symbolic or could lead to a greater conflict
How there is no evidence of Assad using chemical weapons
The Saudi Israeli Alliance
How Can Russia Hurt the US?
Gloomy Presentiments
The Road to World War III
The geopolitics of China and India
Brandon’s article People Who Hate Each Other Against the War
Brandon’s article Tulsi Gabbard 2020 (or 2024) or Whom Would Magnum P.I. Vote For?
The re-election of Putin and Some Final Notes
Putin’s implementation of hate speech laws
Vladimir Zhirinovsky who Anatoly voted for as a protest vote
Anatoly’s Blackpill Scenario for the United States

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about The Geek Squad & Corporate Surveillance State Collusion







Keith Preston is the editor of Attack the System


FBI Paid Best Buy’s Geek Squad to Spy on Customer Devices who are Passing over User Data
Violations of the 4th Amendment which prohibits warrant-less searches based on no probably cause
Farming out state repression to the private sector as a way to get around the 4th Amendment
Motivations for informants to plant contraband
The potential use of these tactics for political oppression
Government surveillance powers over the internet
Internet Censorship and applying the 1st Amendment to Corporations
How the Left has abandoned Freedom of Speech in favor of the Social Justice paradigm
The Left’s support for the Federalization of the Police
How the Police State is now impacting the middle class
Jeff Session’s stances on civil liberties and his lawsuit over California’s Sanctuary State Status
Calexit and the New California Movement
Trump’s foreign policy, tariffs, and his upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island