Robert Stark talks to Canada-based blogger Dota of Occident Invicta, http://occidentinvicta.com/
- His identity: an Indian Shia Muslim from Gujarat
- His political and religious journey from Left to Right and Islam to secularism
- The distinction between racism and xenophobia
- House Muslims
- Who promotes Muslim immigration and why
- The reason why Muslim immigration is hard to manage
- Muslim anti-Semitism
- The ethnic agenda of Hollywood movies
- Judaism and rebellion
- Lessons in the American sitcom Outsourced
- Economic and cultural causes of inequality in India
- The need to promote middle class capitalism
- The Hindu Nationalist alliance with Israel and Zionism
- Hindu Nationalism and Brahmin supremacism
- Remnants of caste in Indian and Pakistani Muslim communities
- Adam Smith’s critique of capitalism
- The disdain for physical labor among Brahmins
- The appeal of Hitler in India
- Feminism vs. patriarchy
- The speciousness of the idea of the social construction of gender
- South Asian honor killings
- Why he is a white preservationist but not a White Nationalist
- Why he thinks that white nations should limit immigration to maintain healthy white majorities (85 to 90%)
- The South Asian diaspora in North America
- Why whites need to embrace their own identities to preserve themselves from multiculturalism
- Why white self-assertion might lead to a long-run decline in white xenophobia