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Robert Stark’s Articles & Vanity Features

Joakim Andersen: Robert Stark and the Radical Center (in Swedish) English
Doxometrist: Alt-center pill: TL;DR of Robert Stark’s proposal
GiantArt Productions: The Fauvist Vaporwave Interiors of Robert Stark
Shane Eide: The Alt-Center, Starkianism and the Demystification of Social Capital

Unz Review:
The Denmark Plan Versus Right-Wing Multi-Culturalism
Pod-Living vs. the White Picket Fence: A False Dichotomy
You Can’t Take Back America But You Can Join the Tribe
Who Breeds in California
Exploring California’s Political Demographics Based On In-Depth 2020 Election Analysis
White Millennials: America’s Sacrificial Lamb
The Real Wealth Gap: The intergenerational wealth gap, the housing crisis, and how “BLM vs. MAGA” poisons the discussion on every issue

Stark Truth:
Alt-Urbanism: Building a Based Urban Middle Class SWPL Utopia
Alt Urbanism: Retrofitting The Aesthetically Pleasing Suburb
Scarcity of Positional Goods is the basis for Aesthetic Socialism
Aristocratic Aesthetic Socialism

Taki’s Magazine:
Andrew Yang and the Post-Nationalist Future

White Upper Class Enclavism vs the Middle Class Melting Pot in California (Demographic observations from visiting Suburban SoCal Malls)
My Second Magic Mushroom Trip Report
Speculating Immigration Trends depending on whether Trump or Harris is Elected
Final Thoughts on the 2024 Election (Why I am not emotionally invested in this Election)
Contrasting my Political Journey with that of Richard Hanania (How I became who I am, as a Woke Chad Centrist)
How California will reinvent itself after the Recession
In Praise of Jewish Architects
In-depth analysis of California’s many Immigrant Enclaves (Part II
White European Immigrant Enclaves in California)

White Dudes for Kamala: Wokeness Normalizing White Identity
Thoughts on The UK Riots, Elite Theory, & anti-outgroup-based Civic Nationalism
Alt-Center Values Contrasted
Text Interview with Kaiser Basileus about Libertarian Fascist Socialism
Bleak Post-2020 Demographic Data for California (California lost almost One Million Whites from 2020 to 2023)
J.D. Vance and The Future of MAGA (J.D. Vance is the best heir to MAGA out of numerous uninspiring choices) 
Prediction for the best case scenario for Trump on Immigration (Will Trump Brain Drain the First World and change the composition of immigrants?)
Is Castizo Futurism compatible with White Tribalism?
My First Magic Mushroom Experience
Immigrants and the Wealthy are saving the White Race in America, not the Middle Class
In-depth analysis of California’s Immigrant Enclaves (Latin American/Latino Enclaves)
A Proposal for a New Caste System
Sacramento: A Portrait of California’s Mid-Size City
Intro: Dualism as the Philosophical Foundation of the Radical Center
Sacramento: A Portrait of California’s Mid-Size City
Distributism Needs a Techno Upgrade for The 21st Century
Lead us not into Tuckoldry (A constructive critique of Tucker Carlson)
Radical Centrist Platform to resolve the Gender Wars
Why I don’t have an ethical problem with Welfare
Curtis Yarvin’s Neoreactionary case for a Biden Monarchy
Conservatives’ response to anti-Israel Protests in contrast with anti-White Riots
South Africa as a Template for a Slow-Motion Collapse
Libertarianism does not Guarantee Freedom
Hereditarianism is by far the Greatest Taboo in America
The Philosophy of Radical Egalitarian Capitalism
The problems with Rightwing Third Worldism
2024 Election: Acceleration vs. Consolidation of Power
Does Liberal Zionist “Double Standard” Justify Rightwing Anti-Zionist Stance?
Review of Costin Alamariu’s Selective Breeding And The Birth Of Philosophy
Can Americanism be sustained without Whiteness?
Can Near-Death Experiences be Legit but Theologically Contradictory?
White Lives Matter California’s terrible optics in Walnut Creek
The state of California Real Estate with the incoming Recession
Dark Brandon’s Open Borders Scheme and the Open Borders for Hotties Meme

Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack Newsletter.

Continue reading Robert Stark’s Articles & Vanity Features

The Stark Truth: New Right versus Old


The Old Right means Fascism, National Socialism, and other national-populist movements, which are the pre-eminent attempts to restore traditional hierarchical social forms within the context of modernity. Fascism and National Socialism were not merely reactionary, rear-guard resistances to modern egalitarianism by partisans of corrupt hierarchies. They represented a genuinely revolutionary impetus to restore vital, archaic, hierarchical values within the context of modern science, technology, and mass society.

Robert Stark interviews returning guest Greg Johnson. Topics include:

  • Greg Johnson’s “Essay on New Right vs. Old”;
  • How the North American New Right is founded on the rejection of Fascist and National Socialist party politics, totalitarianism, terrorism, imperialism, and genocide;
  • How the New Right and the Old Right share the same goal–a society that is not just hierarchical but also organic;
  • The rejection of both egalitarianism and the plutocracy, and the need for a meritocracy.


Transcript of interview:

Continue reading The Stark Truth: New Right versus Old

Robert Stark Interviews Keith Preston









Robert Stark welcomes back Keith Preston of Attack the System. Topics include:

  • Keith’s article “Who am I? Left, Right, or Center”:
  • How his anti-imperialist views on foreign policy overlap with the far Left as well as Paleoconservative and New Right thinkers
  • How he finds his critique of capitalism often overlaps with both those of the far Left but also those of Catholic distributists and social nationalists on the far Right
  • How he shares some views on social issues with the Left, but swings back to the Right on decentralist, anti-statist or civil libertarian grounds
  • His support for regionalist and ethno-identitarian movements as a bulwark against imperialism and the Leviathan state
  • The cult of guilt by association versus intellectual freedom
  • Making a case against mass immigration to anarchists
  • His podcast “Who Are the Power Elite?”:
  • The difference between power elite analysis and conspiracy theories
  • Power elite analysis versus theories of democratic pluralism
  • How the power elite uses demographic, cultural, and class conflict to protect its own position of dominance
  • Robert Putnam’s book Bowling Alone and the concept of social capital
  • His podcast “Creating Alternative Infrastructure”:

Anthony Migchels Returns to Discuss Monetary Reform












Dutch-based financial reformer Anthony Migchels returns to The Stark Truth. His blog is discussed include:

  • Banking reform in Ireland
  • Immigration and the premeditated destruction of western civilization
  • The real estate boom in Ireland
  • The Winged Lion Award
  • Hitler’s economic policies
  • Gottfried Feder and National Socialism
  • National Socialism vs. decentralism
  • Capitalism and usury
  • Capitalism and the concentration of wealth and power and the globalist agenda
  • Ending usury as the key to preserving a middle class society with wide distribution of wealth
  • G. Edward Griffin’s admission that most of the world’s gold is owned by banks
  • Brother Nathaniel Kapner’s recent repudiation of libertarianism, Austrian economics, and the gold standard
  • How money creation by banks undermines the “time preference” argument for usury
  • Why money should not be scarce. Why money should be part of the commons.
  • How ending usury makes socialist redistribution schemes unnecessary and superfluous
  • Debt-free money vs. interest-free credit
  • Why interest-free credit is superior to debt-free money
  • Interest strike versus debt repudiation
  • How money scarcity is caused by usury
  • William Jennings Bryan
  • Hungarian monetary policy: goodbye to the International Monetary Fund, no to the Euro
  • How usury creates mass starvation in poor countries
  • Education loans in the United States
  • How usury is a driving force behind environmental devastation
  • How usury is connected to cultural degeneracy and hedonism
  • Usury and war

Robert Stark Interviews Andy Nowicki on Lost Violent Souls












Robert Stark talks to novelist and commentator Andy Nowicki about:

  • His latest collection of short stories, Lost Violent Souls
  • His alternative history “Oswald Takes Aim”
  • The character of Lee Harvey Oswald
  • The meaning of “Motel Man”
  • Themes in his writing: sexuality, desperation, suicide
  • The meaning and source of the title “Lost Violent Souls”
  • The critical reaction so far
  • His satire of marriage equality
  • His forthcoming book Beauty and the Least

Robert Stark interviews Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya on The Dharma Manifesto




Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya was born in New York City. He is a European-American of Italian and Spanish heritage. He is widely recognized as one of the world’s most respected and qualified Dharma teachers.

Acharyaji began his personal spiritual journey over 40 years ago at the tender age of ten when he read the Bhagavad-Gita for the very first time. He coupled his decades of intense spiritual practice and study with advanced academic achievements, earning a B.A. in philosophy from Loyola University Chicago, as well as an M.A. and Ph.D. in religious studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Explaining to his doctoral advisor that “I don’t want to just study the history of religion . . . I want to make religious history,” Acharyaji eventually left academia to devote himself exclusively to spiritual teaching and to the restoration of the great tradition of Sanatana Dharma.

Today, Sri Acharyaji occupies his full time teaching Dharma spirituality to large audiences of Western students. In addition to leading classes, seminars and lecturing widely on Sanatana Dharma, Sri Acharyaji is a renowned author, as well as a personal spiritual guide (guru) to a rapidly increasing following of enthusiastic students. His nine published books include The Dharma Manifesto: A New Vision for Global Transformation, which was just published by the European New Right publisher Arktos Media.

For more information about the life and teachings of Sri Acharyaji, please visit his website:

Topics discussed include:

  • What exactly is Dharma from a philosophical perspective?
  • Is Dharma synonymous with “Hinduism”?
  • What does Dharma have to do with Europeans and people of European decent?
  • How did you become a follower of Sanatana Dharma?
  • What is the basic premise and purpose of The Dharma Manifesto?
  • What is the Dharma/Abrahamist divide?
  • What is Conflict Theory?
  • What actually constitutes a “nation”?
  • What is the difference between natural diversity versus multiculturalism?
  • What would a Dharma Nation look like?
  • The Hindu Caste System and why its a disaster to allow the merchant caste, the Vaisya to become the ruling class.
  • How a Dharma based foreign policy would be implemented
  • How a Dharma-based economic system would be implemented and how it is similar to distributism and opposed to usury
  • Environmentalism and animal rights

Robert Stark interviews Kerry Bolton on his new book Babel Inc.: Multiculturalism, Globalisation, & the New World Order












Robert Stark interviews Kerry Bolton on his new book Babel Inc. Multiculturalism, Globalisation, and the New World OrderTopics discussed include:

Robert Stark interviews Kerry Bolton on his new book Babel Inc. Multiculturalism, Globalisation, and the New World Order. Topics discussed include:

  • Capitalism is opposed to particular identities
  • Decolonization and globalization
  • Apartheid as pro-worker and anti-globalization
  • How the African National Congress has pursued a policy of privatization and globalization
  • Multiculturalism as path to a global homogeneous culture
  • The Jewish factor in globalization and multiculturalism
  • How the logic of capitalism promotes globalization independent of Jewish interests
  • George Soros
  • The US promotion of American pop and ghetto culture world wide
  • The Islamization of Europe and the responses
  • The de-Europeanization of Europe
  • Wars in the name of multiculturalism: Serbia, the Muslim world
  • How Serbia was bombed under the pretext of humanitarianism and forced to privatize its enterprises as a condition for peace
  • The corporate and foundation funding of multiculturalism and anti-white policies

Robert Stark Interviews Matt Forney on Going Postal












Robert Stark interviews blogger Matt Forney ( on Mark Ames’s Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion: From Reagan’s Workplaces to Clinton’s Columbine and Beyond.


Topics discussed include:

  • How slaves in the antebellum South were conditioned to accept slavery and how it relates to corporate America.
  • How Ronald Reagan restructured the economic system
  • Why Reagaonomics provocked spree shootings
  • Why the Right-wing is wrong when it misinterprets political correctness for egalitarianism and how America today is the most inegalitarian in its history
  • Why whites are overrepresneted among spree shooters.
  • How managerialism combines the worst aspects of capitalism and socialism
  • The connection between standardized tests and school shootings
  • How the value of the college degree collapsed.
  • How bullying in schools is institutionalized and how prevention of retribution against bullying contributes to spree shootings
  • How sexual frustration contributes to spree shootings but the manosphere is wrong about its the primary reason
  • How feminism and mass immigration suppress wages and how Ames ignores those issues and complains about scapegoating of immigrants.
  • How the Alternative Right has failed to adress the economic issue
  • Andy Nowicki’s The Columbine Pilgrim
  • Why suffering seldom ennobles people but instead makes them into monsters
  • The aim of workplace shootings is to destroy the system that oppresses the shooter
  • The aim of school shootings is to destroy a system of oppression, most often bullies



Robert Stark Interviews Paul Gottfried on the Frankfurt School













Robert Stark interviews Professor Paul Gottfried. Topics discussed include:

  • His recent speech at the Identitarian Ideas conference in Sweden
  • The origins of the Frankfurt School
  • The Jewish nature of the Frankfurt School
  • Why the Frankfurt School is not orthodox Marxism but cultural Marxism
  • Cultural Marxism and political correctness
  • Gottfried’s book The Strange Death of Marxism: The European Left in the New Millennium
  • The cultural Marxist abandonment of the working class for managerial class/cognitive elitist identity politics
  • The Leftist/communist origins of neo-conservatism
  • How American academia today is far more radical than cultural Marxism
  • The conservative cultural values of the classical bourgeoisie, orthodox Marxists, and even the Frankfurt School compared to the values of the contemporary cultural Leftist managerial class
  • Anti-racism and cultural Marxism



Robert Stark interviews Greg Johnson on the Boomerang Generation












Robert Stark interviews Greg Johnson about his article “The Boomerang Generation: Connecting with Our Proletariat.” Topics discussed include:

  • The failure of Occupy Wall Street to address the needs of the Boomerang generation
  • A political Agenda agenda for the Boomerang generation: ending affirmative action in education and employment, repudiating college debts, reinstituting protectionism, recapitalizing the American economy, and making family formation affordable
  • Why the system is no longer coopting the Boomerang generation.
  • Why there should be complete confiscation of wealth generated by dismantling the American economy in order to recapitalize American industry
  • How dispossessed millenials need to explore mortgage-free, sustainable, off-the-grid lifestyles