Category Archives: Social Rejection

Robert Stark talks to Dan Baltic about his debut novel Nutcrankr

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas talk to Dan Baltic about his debut novel Nutcrankr. Dan Baltic is the co-hosts of the literary podcast, New Write, with Matt Pegas. Nutcrankr is available in print and ebook at Terror House publishing.

Intro to the protagonist Spencer Grunhauer and the plot
Spencer’s philosophy and his manifest
The psychological process of how one becomes more alienated, unstable, and unhinged
Psycho-sexual motives behind politics and moral panics
Social status, elite overproduction, and out of whack life expectations
Making your own way “pill”
Narratives about online grifters
Bullishness on the future of dissident arts
Terror House’s book reading in Brooklyn, NYC
Creating effecting satire
The literary genre of alienated loners
A homage or modern day reboot of Confederacy of Dunces
Comparisons to Robert’s novel Vaporfornia and Matt’s Dragon Day

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Matt Pegas about Dragon Day















Robert Stark talks to Matt Pegas about his debut novel Dragon Day. Dragon Day is published by Matt Forney’s Terror House Press.


Dragon Day’s setting at a fictional University in 2015, the era’s purposeful choice for its political climate, and semi-autobiographical elements
Matt’s Addendum To Dragon Day on Substack, contrasting hyper-liberalism with the Straussian dialect
How Dragon Day’s narrative is open to interpretation
The theme of unmet psychosocial needs and untapped erotic energy being channeled into other endeavors both creative and harmful
Influences from Pagan and Gnostic aspects of the right and Camille Paglia on Homonationalism
Counter-elitism and aristocratic radicalism vs. populism
The horseshoe theory on power dialects in regards to human nature

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk about the Film Joker










Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk about the film Joker (2019 ) and it’s sociological significance to our current zeitgeist of despair.


The social crisis of despair in America
The alienated loner in our society
Theme of humiliation
Oppositions to the film from the Woke Neoliberal Establishment, while Michael Moore Calls ‘Joker’ a Masterpiece
Woke media’s allegations that ‘Joker’ validates White Male rage
Marc Maron on ‘Joker’: Don’t Blame Movies for Criminal Actions of the Mentally Ill
Dark comedic nihilism with no moralistic narrative of good vs. evil
Cult following online among memers and dissident rightests
Director Todd Phillips, his background in lighthearted sex comedies, and how he stopped making comedies due to “Woke Culture”
How the film is as controversial as it can afford to be within Hollywood
Plutocratic mayoral candidate Thomas Wayne who could symbolize a caricature of Trump, but also echoes Hillary Clinton’s Basket of deplorables phrase
Class warfare theme
The Anarchist theme of creating chaos and tearing down society
Symbolism of the clown
Mental health
Comparison’s to Taxi Driver
Aesthetics of the film set in Gotham City, based on gritty New York City in the early 80s

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Luke Ford about The Dangers of The E-Personality














Luke Ford brings us his message of Love and Inclusion. Check out Luke’s simulcast on his live stream.


The book Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality
The esoteric power of the silent “la la la’s”
Creating an identity online to deal with a sense of emptiness and lack of self worth in one’s life
How online life creates a sense of escapism, euphoria, and feeling of grandiosity
The pros and cons of becoming more uninhibited online
Online life as a substitute for healthy social interactions
How using an online pseudonym leads to reckless behavior
How online life effects one’s real life social interactions
Knowing when to bite your tongue
Feeling small in a big world
Compare and despair
Stay in your lane!
Luke’s personal struggles and controversies
Attracting broken people who are on your wave length
Online political movements and how they often attract people who lack healthy social bonds in real life
The importance of being part of a community

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks about his new novel Journey to Vapor Island














Robert Stark is joined with Francis Nally and Brandon Adamson to discuss his new novel Journey to Vapor Island.


Brandon’s review of Journey to Vapor Island(Contains Spoilers)
The cover art by Mark Velard
How listeners to the show will instantly recognize favorite topics when they make cameo appearances in the book or manifest themselves as part of the underlying themes
Internet memes in the book(ex. the men in the frog masks)
The fusion of genres including Fantasy, Young Adult Fiction, Science Fiction, and Dark Comedy
A disclaimer that this book is not for anyone that is squeamish about sex or easily shocked or offended
Brandon’s observation that the sexual scenes in the book are more akin to the “random battles” in old school Super Nintendo RPGs like Final Fantasy IV
The theme of how central sex is to people’s motivations, and the overall perception of status in society
The main character Noam Metzenbaum who is a socially inept yet intelligent student with illusions of grandeur
The Chads and the theme of the nerd getting revenge against bullies and the popular cliques
Noam’s crush Natalie Bloom and his lifelong obsession with her
The Retro-Futuristic surreal fantasy world in the book; an adult Never Ending Story
The Roger Blackstone character who could represent a Trump-like figure, but could just as easily be a Ross Perot or even Willy Wonka
The outrageous comic elements in the book
The theme of the commercialization of tragedies and the celebrity status of mass murderers
How the book is timely with the ongoing Hollywood sex scandals
The theme of living in ones fantasies and how that shapes the book’s narrative

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark talks about Mishima, Taxi Driver, & Aristocratic Individualism

















Robert Stark discusses the films Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters and Taxi Driver

Topics include:

Paul Schrader, who wrote both films, and directed Mishima
Schrader as a subversive non-conformist who exists within Hollywood culture
The theme of alienation in both films
The Nietzschean theme of a weak man empowering himself
The life and legacy of Yukio Mishima
How both Yukio Mishima and Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver are similar archetypes, existing in different environments
How both characters are aristocratic individualists, who envision an ideal world that is at odds with their current situation
An Aristocratic Individualist is someone who follows their own path instead of submitting to societies standards
Aristocratic Individualism is about having a clear vision for an ideal society, rather than individualism in the sense of everyone doing what ever they want
Examples of Aristocratic Individualists include, J. R. R. TolkienAleister CrowleyOscar Wilde, H. L. MenckenDavid LynchRichard WolstencroftSalvador DalíJonathan Bowden,Ernst Jünger, and Friedrich Nietzsche
The theme of romantic rejection, and the corrupting nature that sex plays in both films
Mishima’s story, The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
How Aristocratic Individualists resent that they are being denied their rightful place in society, and the normie response that it’s a coping mechanism for losers
How Aristocratic Individualists take actions that can lead to either greatness or alienation
How Yukio Mishima rebelled against Japan’s process of modernization and Americanization
The scene where Yukio Mishima spoke to leftist college students, stating that he is fighting  against the same forces they are, but they dismissed them
The parallels to to how European New Right thinkers such as Alain de Benoist share views with the dissident left( ex. anti globalization, anti-consumerism, anti-imperialism, and pro-environment)
How Yukio Mishima was dismissed in his time, but dissidents are later validated in times of turmoil
Mishima’s Japanese minimalist aesthetic vs. Taxi Driver’s urban grittiness of 70’s New York City
New York Neon: Taxi Driver locales in Time Square, and “porn tourism,” which seeks out the remnants that have survived gentrification
The Neo-noir genre
The Retro-futurist theme in Mishima, combining ancient Japanese culture with the 80’s vision of the future(Vaporwave)
Eiko Ishioka, who was the art director for Mishima
The fantasy dream sequences in Mishima, and the dream like quality to 80’s films which are the essence of art
Bernard Herrmann‘s Jazz score for Taxi Driver, which captures the feeling of alienation and urban grittiness, and  Philip Glass‘s minimalist classical score for Mishima
Aristocratic Individualist Fashion style including designer Comme des Garçons and the director John Waters

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Check out Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about the Germanwings Pilot, Despair & Eroticized Rage

Germanwings Pilot

Topics include:

Luke’s new Torah Talk show which relates the Torah’s text to modern day issues of Race, Nationalism, and Jewish Gentile relations
Luke’s New Co-Host who is a beautiful young blonde Jewish girl who shares Luke’s passion for the Torah and dissident politics
The Torah Corral
Jews For Consistency
Narcissist and God: Love-Hate Relationship
What’s The Difference Between A Blogger And A Suicide Bomber?
Was Andreas Lubitz A Beta Male Suicide Bomber?
What is the SCALE problem?
Andreas Lubitz: The Intersection of Mental Illness And Social Atomization
How Nihilist and Sociopaths often have accurate observations on human nature that those with a moral code tend to look over
Gendered Racial Exclusion by White Internet Daters
The theme of degradation in Pornography

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Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about Narcissism

 Luke Ford Blogger















Topics include:

How Luke was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder(from Luke’s Bio)

Maladaptive Daydreaming and the Fantasy World

How Luke’s Sexual Fantasy’s were mostly about power

How Narcissist are dependent on constant attention or narcissistic supply

How Narcissism affects Luke’s blogging and the topics he writes about

How attention is a substitute for connection, intensity for intimacy

How Luke’s Narcissistic symptoms are subdued when he connects with other people

How if you don’t have an identity with a group you are forced to create one as an individual

Luke Ford’s Dennis Prager Story

The Narcissist and His Addiction to Excitement

How Luke Grew Up With All The Signs Of Becoming A Serial Killer

Love At First Sight and the Love Map


Luke Ford is Back!








Robert Stark interviews returning guest, journalist, and blogger Luke Ford.

Topics include:

Why Luke does not view racism as a legitimate concept
How writing on topics such as race are associated with a low social status
How Luke is unique in the sense that he has ties to both ethno politics as well as entertainment culture
Luke’s interview with comic Rachel Bloom
Luke’s appearance at Tom Sunic’s upcoming speech in Beverly Hills on September 21st
Why not every group is compatible with Western Civilization
Talking About Addiction, Recovery & Race With Comic Yoshi Obayashi
Robin Williams suicide and struggle with addiction
How the root cause of addiction is lack of attachment and insecurity
How Paranoia is also caused by lack of attachment and insecurity
More on the Santa Barbara killer and how open displays of sexuality highlight sexual differences
Luke tells a story from his High School years when he was rejected from a party
More on Luke’s one man play Eroticized Rage
Why men are attracted to teenage girls
Masters Of Sex TV Show
Is It Anti-Semitic To Say Jews Are Good With Money?
Why the word racism now mean criticism
Israeli Ingenuity Applied To Organ Transplants
Why Is Los Angeles Falling Apart?
More on Luke’s search for A Wife and how he was given an ultimatum between a girl and his blog
Why women are much more conformist than men
Jewish Women Are Hot
Men who are attracted to intelligent women
Does Promiscuity Make Women Happy?

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