Category Archives: Corporations

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about The 2024 Election

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about the 2024 election and the politics of America’s power elite. Keith Preston is a historian, social scientist, political analyst, author, lecturer, trends researcher, and the editor of Attack the System. Follow Keith on Twitter.


-Factions of America’s ruling class, including the Northeastern establishment, Sunbelt capitalist class, and Wall Street and Silicon Valley new money
-What conspiracy theorists get wrong about the nature of power
-How elites cultivate constituencies
-How the elite’s opposition to Trump is more about decorum and instability than policy
-Keith’s prediction that the elites will negotiate a deal with Trump
-Keith’s prediction that Trump will govern as a normie moderate Republican for his 2nd Term
-The Israel Lobby favoring Trump over Biden
-How the Israel conflict is weakening wokeness and the alliance between progressives and the neoliberal establishment
-Why Biden’s re-election is better from an anti-establishment standpoint
-America’s three political blocks, MAGA Nationalist Populists, Centrist Neoliberals, and the Progressive Left
-How the Nationalist Right will further radicalize with limited growth potential
-Why partisan cycles favor Democrats over the next few decades
-The political realignment over social class
-The hyper-capitalist Sunbelt elite as a barrier to the GOP turning populist on economics
-Why Trumpenomics will likely be inflationary
-The risks of the Ukraine and Israel wars escalating
-The Europhile Northeastern establishment and Europhobic Sunbelt’s divide over Ukraine
-Speculating whether Trump or Biden will win
-RFK’s JR.’s brand of bourgeoise bohemian Centrist Populism
-The hysteria over the election, such as about Project 2025
-Why Democrats are hesitant to replace Joe Biden but plan to replace him with Kamala Harris after the election
-Why Biden is the lesser of evils compared to Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris
-Why America’s elites’ mercantile nature means that full blown totalitarianism is not likely in America

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews John Arcto about UK Politics & Retro Futurism


Robert Stark talks to John Arcto, who blogs at The Anglofuturist on substack.


-John’s political journey as a former Leftist
-Why John rejects the dissident right and embraces Progressivism Rightism
What is Anglo Futurism 
-The Right’s elite human capital problem and anti-intellectualism
-The need for a counter-elite
The July 4th election in the UK
-The Tory Party’s embrace of mass immigration and whether the Party can be reformed
Nigel Farage’s role as a gatekeeper
-How Brexit has been a total failure and turned young Brits woke
-Why John supports some hybrid of immigration restriction, assimilation, and ethnopluralism
-Why John can’t comprehend how Americans get worked up over Hispanic immigration
-How talking about racial demographics is totally taboo in the UK, but cultural concerns are tolerated
-John’s case for Georgism and rightwing YIMBYism
-Why adopting certain leftwing views is good to appeal to elite human capital
Why Blade Runner is much less dystopian than our current society
-The movie Her which depicts a future LA that is YIMBY but also very White
-British genres of Retro-Futurism, from the Victorian to post-war era
Vaporwave as rightwing post-modernism
-Why the present is a uniquely bleak era in British history

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Evee about Culture & Psycho-Social Dynamics

Robert Starks and Francis Nally (aka Pilleater) talk to Evee about culture and aesthetics, psychology, and sexuality. Evee, a long time fan of the podcast, is an underground artist and musician (formally signed to Eyeball Records) from New Jersey, and is of French and Italian descent. Evee is a soi-disant Avant Garde bohemian, and champagne socialist, with a French mentality in temperament and cultural sensibilities. Check him out on YouTube and Twitter.

Evee’s satirical fan videos of Robert Stark, Luke Ford and Jason Reza Jorjani
The New Jersey scene as a more authentic precursor to Dime Square
Revisiting the scene known as the Alt-Left, Alt-Center, or leftwing of the Alt-Right
Aesthetic preferences in art and cinema
The politics and philosophy of aesthetics
Why economic elitism is the enemy of cultural elitism
Why sincere sexual and aesthetic-based racism is preferable to sublimating these preferences into reactionary politics
Why psychoanalysis could cure a lot of political and social problems
Why rightwing moralism is as bad as leftwing moralism
Evee’s intuitive view of human nature
Why Evee dislikes the Manosphere and Red Pill scene
The political symbolism of oral intimacy and fetish culture
The implosion of modern liberal society
Evee’s upcoming book of poetry

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to James O’Meara about Mysticism After Modernism

Robert Stark speaks with James O’Meara about his book, Mysticism After Modernism: Crowley, Evola, Neville, Watts, Colin Wilson, & Other Populist Gurus. Mysticism After Modernism is published by Manticore Press, where it is available for purchase. You can also find it at Counter-Currents and on Amazon.

“Our spirituality has gotten too tame today. James J. O’Meara has a solution [in Mysticism After Modernism]
Mitch Horowitz, PEN Award-winning author of Occult America and The Miracle Club

-The intersection of mysticism with politics and culture, and how mysticism is available to any political persuasion
-Countering the Hippie-dippy liberal  stereotype about New Age gurus
-Critiquing the reactionary who passively accepts cycles of decay, and the need to embrace infinite possibilities
-A practical take on magic/mysticism, in regards to enacting real world change
-Aleister Crowley’s definition of magic as transforming the World in accordance with one’s will
-Examples of opinions and attributes of Alan Watts and William Burroughs that come across as anti-liberal
-Greg Johnson’s article, “The Spiritual Materialism of Alan Watts: A Review of Does It Matter?
-Watts’ ties to quasi-fascist Serbian mystic, Dimitrije Mitrinović
New Thought, and an explanation for how Neville Goddard’s Law of Assumption works
-New Thought as a vehicle for political change, by removing all mental constraints
-Why Theosophy is the theology best adapted to hereditarianism (eg. illiberal pluralism)
-William Burroughs’ obsession with rejecting control in a metaphysical sense
The Greek Qabalah, hidden esoteric traditions in Abrahamic faiths
-Colin Wilson’s practical mysticism, focused on expanding consciousness
-Parapsychology and Spiritual Science
-The need for spiritual elitism and Aristocratic Radicalism
-Robert’s novel, Vaporfornia, which has themes relating to New Thought
-James’ book, Passing the Buck: Coleman Francis and Other Cinematic Metaphysicians

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Montgomery Markland about his movie Malibu Road

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas speak with filmmaker, Montgomery Markland, about his film Malibu Road, which he both directed and starred in. Malibu Road is available to watch for free on Tubi, and for purchase on Apple TV and Amazon. While the pandemic delayed Malibu Road’s theatrical release, Montgomery has further plans for multipicture deals.

“Fast living Los Angelenos are targeted by the Central Intelligence Agency during Operation Midnight Climax, part of MKUltra. The experience takes a turn for the deadly during New Year’s Eve 1960 and now a professor, a starlet and the workers at a hotel with a questionable reputation must rediscover reality or be trapped in an endless cycle of sex, drugs and murder in ‘paradise.'”

Malibu Road (2021) IMDb 

Montgomery Markland has an idiosyncratic resume. Originally from Dallas, Montgomery was a state and local reporter in Austin, worked in the Texas state legislature on policy, was  then a producer, president, and CCO at a number of video game companies, before working in Hollywood. Follow Montgomery on Twitter.


Applying videogame design principles to Cinema
The Meisner acting technique
MKUltra connections to university professors and Hollywood (eg. Irvin Keshner)
Timothy Leary’s prediction that video games had the potential to recreate psychedelic trips
The History of the Albatross Hotel in Malibu and connections to Old Hollywood
Cinemaphotographic techniques used to capture the psychedelic aesthetic
Distorting reality in stories as representations of dreams (eg. traumnovelle), and influences from David Lynch
Influence from soap operas, telenovelas, and 90s Cinemax
The set design, recreating the aesthetics of the 60s and 70s
Influences from Jungian archetypes, as well as Ancient Greek, Hindu, and Buddhist mythology (eg. Timothy Leary on the Tibetan Book of the Dead)
Hunter S. Thompson
Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo
Malibu Road’s filming locations, including Malibu State Park and Will Rogers State Historic Park
The politicization of entertainment, and why overtly political conservative media fails
Reasons to be optimistic about opportunities in entertainment via niche markets
The Banking crisis, Economic Death Spiral, and narratives of collapse

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Where will this Economic Chaos lead to? (With Kevin Lynn)

Robert Stark talks to Kevin Lynn about the dire implications of economic data and trends. Kevin Lynn is executive director of Progressives for Immigration Reform and founder of US Tech Workers. Follow Kevin on Twitter.


Examples of gaslighting on the economy,  Redefining the definition of recession and declaration of a “Vibecession
How the economic bullishness and bear rallies in stocks show the degree of disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street
The “Baking” of the Jobs numbers report and inflation data
The beginning of mass Tech layoffs
The super bubble to end all bubbles
Kevin’s article If You Thought the NIMBYs Were Bad – Meet the YIMBYs
Revisiting the pandemic stimulus and how only a fraction of stimulus went directly to the people
Federal Reserve policy, Biden’s “Inflation Reduction” Act,” and vulnerabilities of the dollar
Speculating worst case economic scenarios (deflationary depression, long-term stagflation, real estate crash, and debt crisis)
Geopolitics crisis, supply chains issues, global conflicts and civil unrest
The Fourth Turning theory and Peter Turchin’s method of measuring cycles of crisis
The political implications of the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar a Lago
Kevin’s observations from attending the recent CPAC conference in Texas on the political currents

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Brandon Adamson about his Mid-Century Modern inspired NFTs

Robert Stark talks to Brandon Adamson about his Mid-Century Modern inspired NFTs (Mid-Century Modern Inspired NFT Collection “Mod Commodities” Launches Exclusively on Proton ($XPR)). Brandon Adamson is a Phoenix-based artist and poet, and the former co-host of the Stark Truth (2015-2017). Check out Brandon’s NFT collection, “Mod Commodities,” at ArtworkDealer, his culture blog Rabbit’s Foot, and follow him on Twitter.


Brandon’s initial interest in penny stocks and bitcoin, and the crypto boom and bust cycles
Brandon’s artistic background, interest in mid-century modern to 70s aesthetics, modern art, and malls
Why Brandon shifted from painting to creating NFTs
The process of creating and minting NFTs
Why Brandon uses the blockchain, Proton
Virtual real estate in the metaverse and Decentraland
Brandon’s response to skeptics and his advice to focus on the project and not fret about the booms and busts
Brandon’s bullishness on long-term economic opportunities for artists to be at the forefront with VR
The importance of having a theme and why Brandon thinks Robert should create NFTs for his art and book, Vaporfornia
Political burnout and the rise in alternative cultural scenes

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Kevin Kautzman about his Play Moderation

Robert Stark talks to St. Paul based playwright Kevin Kautzman about his new play MODERATION. Moderation is a dark comedy about social media content moderators loosing their minds at work. RSVP at MODERATION to view the play online for free until Dec. 19th.  Moderation will premier live in March of 2022 at St. Paul’s Waldman’s Brewery, as the first in a series produced by Kevin’s Mad Mouth Theater company.  Check out Kevin’s podcast Art of Darkness, web series Money Shot Show, and follow him on Twitter.


How Moderation’s premise was inspired by a “normie rag” article about content mods being radicalized by conspiracy theories that they were forced to monitor
The psychological components  to the play
References to meme culture
The political vs. profit motives of censorship, and Keith Woods on The Vulture Capitalist Behind The New Twitter
The Dark Comedy genre in cinema, literature, and theater
Corporate gatekeepers suppressing creativity in cinema
Kevin’s Art of Darkness episode on Stanley Kubrick
The casting and production process for Moderation
How Moderation is in the same Zeitgeist as the film Joker
Kevin’s observations on the decay of the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Poolside Over Politics with Anatoly Karlin

Robert Stark talks to Moscow based blogger Anatoly Karlin about his resignation from the Unz Review, current events, geo-political trends, and revisiting political predictions from past podcasts. Check out Anatoly’s new Substack: Powerful Takes and follow him on Twitter.


The Last Reaction: Why Anatoly is returning to his roots as an independent blogger
Anatoly’s assessment of Biden’s presidency
The continuation of countering China as part of  the US foreign policy consensus
The post-pandemic economic recovery, the inflation scare, and risk of crash due to financialization
The pandemic as a test run for UBI and zoomers demanding higher wages
The pollicization of vaccinations (anti-vaxxer Red Tribe in America and Anti-Putin Communists in Russia)
The minimal impact of covid lockdowns on fertility trends and why Anatoly predicts that Germany will have a higher fertility rate than India by 2050
The US withdrawal from Afghanistan
Why Anatoly embraces The Great Reset but thinks its overhyped
What to expect out of the Woke Culture War
Why Anatoly predicts Biden vs. Trump in 2024, with a Biden victory
Why American politics  are no longer of a concern since Anatoly returned to Russia

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Apex about Systems & Agency












Robert Stark and Apex talk about Systems, Pan-Enclavism, and the Alt-Center. Apex is a former leftist from a landless North Eastern Native American Tribe, and loosely part of the Post-Left/Post-Right sphere. He describes himself as the “Cartographer of the Simulation and the Architect of Post-America.” Subscribe to Apex’s Substack and follow him on Twitter.


Why the Left are Hyper-capitalists
How we can embrace certain leftwing social policies while rejecting the philosophical framework
Systems and Agency
Why All Politics are Identity Politics
Robert’s Proposal for a New Alt-Center which offers a counter-argument to the slippery slope fallacy and O’Sullivan’s First Law with core philosophical principles
Why There is no such thing as a “Private Company” and why The Right is No Home of Mine
Distributism, Adam Smith’s critique of absentee ownership, and why market power matters more than supply and demand
The huge and confusing gap in theorizing power structures
The viability of alternative institutions such as in finance and education
Pan-Enclavism: the case for communal self-determination as a bulwark against mass homogenization
Post Americanism: embracing America as an internal empire
Politics as a cope: The LARPing will continue until morale improves

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.