Category Archives: Cape Town

The State of The World as LA Burns

Robert Stark casually chats with his friends and fellow authors, Matt Pegas, Omar King,  and Adem Luz Rienspects. Omar has his debut novel, An Odyssey of Dingbats! out in February, and Adem is the author of Mixtape Hyperborea and has a podcast, Static Blue. (Please excuse the background noise and interruptions as we recorded while eating dinner in a crowded restaurant, after a long day at the Hot Spring)

-Matt and Adem’s observations of the LA fires from Encino
-How Matt and Robert used to hang out at the Pacific Palisades Starbucks that burnt down
-Whether the Palisades will lose its charm after it rebuilds
-Politicization and class warfare narratives about the fires
-Adem thinks we must have respect for the power of nature
-The philosophical debate about attachment to possessions
-How tragedies, including natural disasters and death, are great equalizers
-The bidding wars and soaring housing costs on Westside real estate
-Robert thinks Adem looks like Luigi Mangione
-How we saw a lot of nudity of both genders at the Hot Spring
-How the crowd at the Hot Spring was upper class coded
-Robert’s adolescent trauma regarding the Palisades
Filthy Armenian’s podcast about Elliot Rodger and Isla Vista
-Why upper class coded areas like the Palisades and Montecito have a high concentration of attractive people
-Whether the fires will cause White flight out of SoCal
-Why Omar hopes they don’t gentrify his hometown Gardena
-Adem’s thoughts being from Phoenix that people there tend to be philistines about art and culture
-Adem’s description of Scottsdale, Arizona
-Omar tells Robert he needs to “check himself before he wrecks himself,” regarding his oral fixation
-How Adem likes living in LA
-Contrasting LA’s dark energy with the spiritual rejuvenation of the Hot Spring
-Omar tells Robert to strive for excellence
-Adem’s literary event in Paris, France
-Adem’s South African Jewish background and his recent trip to visit family in South Africa
-Adem’s observation that South Africa is as dangerous as people say, with terrible race relations
-Adem’s observation that South Africa’s White upper class has an exceptionally high amount of attractive women

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Nathanael Gould

Robert Stark and co-host Jonathan Edwards talk to Nathanael Gould about South Africa, Anglo identity, and the need for a non-woke gay identity. Nathanael Gould is from Cape Town, South Africa, born to Canadian immigrant parents, and is currently under quarantine in Vancouver, Canada. Nathanael is sympathetic to Robert Stark’s  Alt-Centrism, and describes his politics as socially left on gay rights (for personal reasons),  right leaning on issues of HBD and race relations, and centrist on economics. Follow Nate on Twitter.


Nate’s interest in HBD and the Twitter Account Birth Gauge that tracks global fertility
The dissident right’s narrative on South Africa (their accurate and inaccurate perceptions)
How South Africa’s politics is polarized along ethnic-sectarian lines
How woke culture is spreading to South Africa, especially in universities, in part due to American influence
Rightwing multiculturalism, and the need to grant groups some degree of autonomy
The critique of Anglos from the right as being uniquely individualistic, liberal, and putting morality over group interests
The decline of the Anglosphere in contrast with the rise of Nationalism in France
LGBTQ identity politics, and why cis gay White males are being excluded from the intersectional hierarchy
A need for a rightest gay identity that emphasizes the contributions of gays as an artistic and intellectual caste
Contrasting global homogenization with true diversity and the politics of aesthetic tribes and hierarchies

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Lucas Janse Van Vuuren about Cape Independence










Robert Stark talks to Lucas Janse Van Vuuren about the Cape Independence Movement. Lucas Janse Van Vuuren (Twitter) is the youth leader for the Cape Party advocating for an independent Cape Republic, for the Western Cape province of South Africa.


The recent civil unrest in KwaZulu Natal, the massive economic setback for South Africa, and the crisis vindicating the Cape Independence cause
Failure of one party rule in South Africa and authoritarian policies such as expropriation without compensation
The legal process for independence and Will NORTHERN CAPE be included in Western CAPE INDEPENDENCE?
2020 Cape Independence poll showing that 1 in 2 Western Cape citizens want a referendum on independence, with support from all races
Cape Party’s past election performances and upcoming municipal and provincial elections
The Western Cape’s prosperity compared to the rest of the nation and how it has been economically and culturally robbed
The Cape Party’s advocacy for a decentralized system based upon the Swiss Canton model
Calexit organization Yes California’s speech of SOLIDARITY to the Cape Party

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Please subscribe to Robert Stark’s Substack.