Category Archives: Alexander Dugin

Robert Stark talks to Constantin von Hoffmeister about Esoteric Trumpism

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas speak with Constantin von Hoffmeister about his book Esoteric Trumpism. This is a simulcast with Matt’s New Write podcast. Originally from Germany, Constantin von Hoffmeister studied English Literature and Political Science in New Orleans. Constantin has worked as an author, journalist, translator, editor, and business trainer in the United States, India, Uzbekistan, and Russia, and is the editor in chief of Arktos publishing. Follow Constantin on Twitter and subscribe to his Substack.


Literary references, including William S. Burroughs, HP Lovecraft, and Edgar Alan Poe
Misconceptions about the Beatniks as leftwing (eg Jack Kerouac’s admiration of Oswald Spengler)
How the Beats’ disillusionment shows problems with fetishizing 1950s America
Philistinism on the Right and the rise of a new creative culture-focused Right
How America has an underappreciated rich cultural heritage
America as an extension of European civilization
Rightwing Postmodernism
Trump as the great revealer of hidden Lovecraftian horrors
Why Trump’s political significance is primarily symbolic
Addressing criticisms and disappointments with Trump
Meme magic
Why Constantin rejects accelerationism
Why Rightwing multiculturalism or ethnopluralism is the future 
Constantin’s recent meet up with Robert and Matt in LA, and observation that LA is a model for ethnopluralism
Why Constantin is more optimistic about America’s future than Europe’s
Upcoming Arktos projects, including a new translation of Dominque  Venner on Ernst Junger, a rightwing critique of Nietzsche, and an art history book

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas try to start a New Religion

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas  tease the notion of a speculative new spiritual movement. This is a simulcast with Matt’s literary podcast, New Write, and a field-recording, conversation on cults, the new age movement, Matt’s Substack article “The Renaissance of the Ritual“, Robert’s novel “Vaporfornia“, California as fertile soil for new religions, occultism, and much more. Recorded on May 1st, 2022, on a trip through the backcountry of San Diego County, near Palomar Mountain, where Crowlian occultist, Wilfred Talbot Smith, erected an Ordo Templi Orientis temple.


Background on the “new religion,” started as a half joke in Yosemite
A self-initiatory religion, comparable to Discordianism
Social reasons for the rise in cults
California ‘s spiritual movements: Mike Marinacci’s book California Jesus, Order of Atwa, and the Partridge Family Temple
Syncretic occultism and the esotericism/New Age to fascist pipeline
The right hand vs. left hand path and Jungian shadow work
The occultist ritual, finding structure in chaos, and a metaphysical/esoteric take on self-improvement
Knowing when to surrender and embrace the photosynthesis of the Universe/Light of God
The relationship between spirituality and biology (speculating where atheism and various theologies fit on the Bell Curve meme)
An anti-liberal and anti-blank slatist case for Theosophy
Robert’s article on a psychological inspired approach to solving political and social problems
Aesthetic alchemy (Sigils), and the spiritual, ethereal component to  aesthetics
Bronze Age Pervert as a foundationalist (not a traditionalist), and Mike Ma as an instinctive Christian
Jason Jorjani’s Prometheism 
Why spirituality and reclaiming vitality needs to come before politics

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Rachel Haywire about funding the Transgressive Arts
















Robert Stark, Francis Nally, and Matthew Pegas talk to Rachel Haywire about her proposal to fund the transgressive arts. Rachel Haywire is a candidate for President for the Transhumanist Party.


The stifling of creative expression by the gatekeepers
How transgressive arts creates an outlet for alienated people to express themselves
Imperium of the mind, building virtual worlds where one can express their deepest darkest desires
Making art profitable by giving creators access to tools to reach their market
Image control and how people at the top are not giving consumers what they want
Increase the importance of merit and decrease importance of credentialism
How aesthetics are the backbone of civilization
The need to view economic systems as tools to bring about desired social outcomes
How a basic income would create a cultural renaissance
Automate bureaucracy to fund the basic income
How creative endeavours are more immune from automation
Will you let me into the Verso Loft?
Recent Debate Among U.S. Transhumanist Party Presidential Candidates(note show recorded before debate)

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Constantin von Hoffmeister about Archeofuturism














Robert Stark and co-host Brandon Adamson talk to Constantin von Hoffmeister. Constantin is originally from Germany, lives in Moscow, blogs at Oge Noct, and published the National Futurist Manifesto.


Constantin’s article Archeofuturism: I Have a Dream!
Archeofuturism as the combination of archaic traditions with futuristic visions
A Utopian science fiction vision of the future based on Faustian ideals
Constantin’s materialist viewpoint and belief that spirituality stems from matter and biology
Constantin’s belief in technological progress
Transhumanism and human cloning
Guillaume Faye’s novel Archeofuturism
The European Migrant Crisis
The failure of Trump
Space Colonization
The Soviet film Aelita: Queen of Mars about a proletarian revolution on Mars
Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers and Heinlein’s views on limiting democracy
Norman Lowell’s Imperium Europa
The need for strength on an Imperium level and freedom on a Dominium level
Constantin’s support for a hybrid of capitalism and socialism that promotes both innovation and a social safety net
Automation, the basic income, and the creation of new jobs in scientific fields
The lack of investment in infrastructure and transit in America
Architectural style’s that best capture Archeofuturism; both new and Stalinist skyscrapers in Moscow
Soviet Retro Futurism
Constantin’s upcoming speech and debate in Germany

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Jamie Curcio about Narrative Machines












Robert Stark, co-host Sam Kevorkian, and J.G. Michael talk to Jamie Curcio about his new book Narrative Machines: Modern Myth, Revolution, & Propaganda. Jamie is an Artist, Writer, and Musician, and blogs at Modern Mythology.


Intro: Nefarious from the Album EgoWhore by HoodooEngine which Jamie co-produces and does bass and rhythm guitar for
The main thrust of Narrative Machines is the way in which myths function in our lives
How the conflict with our longing to connect with the sacred leads to seeking re-connection in the form of reified ideology in the current “Meme Wars”
Jean Baudrillard’s book Simulacra and Simulation
The concept of hyper reality and how social interactions are mediated by social media
Post Modernism and Deconstructionism; skepticism towards all ultimate truths
Hobbes vs. Rousseau: the debate over human nature
Jamie’s illustrations in Narrative Machines
The Artist David Mack
Aesthetic theory and how artist can affect the world politically
Interrogation Machine – Laibach and NSK
Aleksander Dugin, Nick Land, and Neo-Reaction
The relation between myth, retro-aesthetic creative movements like vaporwave, and the current cultural climate
The 80’s Retro themed show Stranger Things
The aesthetics of Horror and horror writer Thomas Ligotti
Surrealism and connecting to the sacred or primal force
Jamie’s book Join My Cult!, occultism, and Aleister Crowley
David Bowie Inspires Jamie’s Upcoming Book, “Masks”
Yukio Mishima’s Confessions of a Mask
Jamie’s involvement in the goth industrial music scene of the 90’s and 00’s
The ways in which virtual reality, myth, and “the real world” have collided
Alternate Reality Games, the film The Game, and playing with peoples perception of reality through media

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

666D Interuniversal Teichmuller Chess with Anatoly Karlin











Robert Stark, co-host Pilleater, and Rabbit talk to Anatoly Karlin. He blogs at The Unz Review and has a new Russian language podcast rogpr(Russian Occupation Government Public Relations) hosted by Kirill Nesterov (@strana_mechty), and with @paypigdog.


Anatoly’s article This Fishy Smell of Sarin, or Was It Chlorine?
How there was no evidence nor motive that Assad was behind the attack
Trump’s motives for attacking Syria
Reactions to #SyriaStrikes
The situation in North Korea
The Alt Right as the antiwar resistance and how Antifa attacked Richard Spencer’s Anti-War protest
Cucked by the Donald
Anatoly’s point that the dissident right has a tendency towards binary thinking
The recent terrorist attacks in Saint-Petersburg and Sweden
Moderate Kazakh Rebels and the rise of radical Islam in Central Asia
The Triumph of “Patriotic Corruption”
Russia’s Protest Season
Russian presidential candidate Alexei Navalny and An Analysis of Navalny’s Program

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Karlin about his return to Russia and Predictions for 2017










Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Anatoly Karlin. He blogs at The Unz Review


Anatoly’s Predictions for 2017
Anatoly’s 2016 Prediction Calibration Results
Anatoly’s return to Russia, and his article Go Back to Russia about his detractors who accused him of defending a totalitarian regime while living in the comfort of the West
How Anatoly’s objective is to provide a balanced and accurate portrayal of Russia
Anatoly’s observations on how Moscow and Russia have changed since he was last there a decade ago
Anatoly’s observation that Moscow has become more civil, but also more diverse, despite still be around 90% Russian
Russia’s Demographics, a rise in the Russian birth rate, and Russia’s Muslim population
Anatoly’s interview with Zvezda TV about Trump and the relationship between the US and Russia
How Russians have a more positive view of the US than of the EU(latest Levada poll at: 60%), and generally hold a more positive view of Trump than the rest of the world
Anatoly’s prediction that the Alt Right acrimoniously splits into Trumpists and anti-Trumpists, a prediction that dates back to to May 2016
The fascinating Putin/Trump parallel, how Putin’s Solovyev/Starikov are Trump’s Milo/Cernovich, while the ethnats have at best a “mixed” relationship with them
Anatoly’s point that an American Nationalist can get a long better with Russia than an American Globalist, and how the main battle in the future will be between Nationalism and Globalism
How Trump has divided the Neocons
Anatoly’s prediction a year ago that Assad will stay in power in Syria, and his predictions about wars in the future
The short term decline in migrant arrivals by sea into Europe, Islamisation, and the long term effects of migration, including a European exodus out of Europe
Anatoly’s London Impressions, the Minority status of the British in London, the recent building boom, and 60’s futurist architecture including Centre Point and the BT Tower
The Transit systems of Moscow’s Metro and London’s Underground
The FIRE economy, the effects of the financial sector on the economy, and how the FIRE sector takes away cognitive capital from more productive endeavours
Dating patterns, the K/R Selection theory, and Pilleater’s comment on Roger Devlin’s speech on Sexual Competition

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Check out Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Manuel Ochsenreiter about the War of the Idiot












Robert Stark interviews journalist Manuel Ochsenreiter

Topics include:

The Islamic State’s siege of the Ancient City of Palmyra and the Media’s phony outrage about it
How The Islamic State serves the purpose of a Geopolitical Bulldozer
How the Western Elites are largely responsible for creating the crisis in Syria
Whether The Islamic State could pose a threat to Israel and the Arab Gulf States
The role of Hezbollah and Iran in the conflict
The Saudi Airstrikes against the Shiite minority in Yemen
How the powers supporting the artificial entity destroy the history of the natural entity and the historical parrallels in Kosovo and the  Nagorno-Karabakh War between Armenia and Azerbaijan
The Geopolitical role that Turkey plays in Syria, Azerbaijan, and Kosovo
How Western Liberalism destroys collective identities
The concept of the “Idiotes” from Ancient Greece as an Atomized individual who does not take part in public life

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Eugene Montsalvat










Eugène’s Montsalvat blogs at the Niekisch Translation Project and his articles can be viewed at Counter-Currents

Topics include:

Turn Left, New Right!

Nationalism & Class Struggle

The Necessity of Anti-Colonialism

Ernst Niekisch and National Bolshevism

Robert Stark interviews Paul Gottfried on Dugin & Neoconservatives
















Paul Gottfried recently retired as Professor of Humanities at Elizabethtown College, PA. He is the author of After Liberalism, Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt and The Strange Death of Marxism His most recent book is Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America.

Topics include:

Alexander Dugin and Martin Heidegger
The definition of Liberalism
The Eurasian school of thought
National Review’s Hit Piece on Dugin
How Neoconservatives attack their enemies such as Dugin as Fascist or Nazis
How Neoconservatives are a faction of the left
The Neoconservative View towards Russia
The Cold War and whether it was a mistake
The conflict with Russia in the Ukraine
Why Paleoconservatives tend to dislike Israel
Paul Gottfried’s upcoming book Fascism: The Career of a Concept