Monthly Archives: August 2014

Robert Stark interviews John Robb on Open Source Warfare












Topics include:

John Robb’s book Brave New War: The Next Stage of Terrorism and the End of Globalization

The Four Generations of Warfare theory

How open source warfare became predominant when nuclear weapons deterred conflicts between major nations

How decentralization is the asset of non state actors such as ISIS

Why John does not view ISIS as a proxy for nations such as Saudi Arabia

How ISIS got it’s start during the Syrian conflict

His prediction that we will never win in Iraq

Hamas and Hezbollah

How an open source movement is not an  organized organization


Why it’s inevitable that Open Source Warfare will spread will spread to the West due to economic stagnation

How an economy based on financial institutions is unsustainable

How a managerial economy is a zero sum game

Why education and healthcare costs have gone up is because of an increase in loans

How the FDA shut down 23andme which does genetic testing and could of revolutionized medicine

The commercial use of drones

Edward Snowden


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Robert Stark interviews Sebastian Ronin
















Sebastian Ronin is the founder of the Renaissance Party of North America and the President of the Canadian branch

Topics include:

Mr. Ronin’s involvement with the Green Party in Canada in the 1980’s

How he ran for office under the Green Party on a soft Nationalist Plank

Why he broke ways with the Green party over the issues of decentralization and bioregionalism

Why he opposes the reactionary right

Why we live under deracination which means to be pulled up by ones roots

Why we have to reinvent instead of recreate the past

How he was involved with the original North American New Right

Building a movement where the radical right and radical left overlap

How the issue of race creates a barrier to the left and right working together

How Peak Oil will restructure society

How deindustrialization caused by Peak Oil will return the earth to a carrying capacity of 2 Billion people

Global Warming

His book Anschluss

His response to the reactions over his comments on Anders Breivik


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Robert Stark interviews Matt Forney on Millennials












Topics include:

Matt’s Takimag article Twit Planet about the Millennial generation, social media addiction, and sexual dysfunction
Roosh’s new book Poosy Paradise
How  Millennials are the least adventurous generation in recent history due to helicopter parenting and their economic situation
How the Millennial’s asset is that they have no memory of a functional society
How younger Millennials born in the 90’s have no memory of a world without social media
The Fourth Turning Theory on generations
Matt’s thoughts on the riots in Ferguson, Missouri
How the left and the right are equally intellectually bankrupt
The class war between the white Brahmins and white Vaishiyas
Matt’s thought on Living in the Philippines
How the Philippines is a much freer and socially open society than America
Matt’s observations on dating  in the Philippines
Matt’s review of Some Thoughts on Hitler and Other Essays by Irmin Vinson
How politically correct taboos are declining
Andy Nowicki’s video LET’S TALK ABOUT JEWS! about his rejection of obsessive anti-Semitism
Matt’s review of the film Are All Men Pedophiles?
America’s totalitarian laws about sex

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Robert Stark interviews Charles Lincoln on Tort Law

Photo on 6-11-14 at 5_37 PM











Topics include:

How Charles defeated  the Insurance companies in Texas when he was a lawyer

How Insurance companies made Tort claims profitable for themselves through their advertising campaign

How Insurance companies lobbied for Tort Reform once they received a monopoly on Tort

How the advent of technology increased the need for Tort

How insurance started as a self protection strategy

How Tort is neither the absolute purity of criminal law or the absolute freedom of contract law

How  Tort Law enforces standards known as social obligations

How Tort is entirely compatible with economic freedom while upholding some of the ethical concerns that have driven people towards socialism

How Texas has historically had liberal Tort Laws but recently passed Tort Reform

The Conservative myth that pro Corporate policies have improved Texas’s economy

How Tort Reform is pro Corporate and lacks a social responsibility

How advocates of Tort Reform advocate Caps on damages and oppose damages based on emotional harm

How Tort Reform is class warfare and makes it nearly impossible for the poor to sue corporations

How Tort Law can protect Freedom of Speech and political dissidents

Whether Tort could be used to dismantle corrupt corporations

How Tort is needed since one cannot depend on the Government for protection


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Robert Stark interviews Colin Liddell on the Middle East








Colin Liddell is co-editor of the Alternative Right.

Topics include:

The European New Right and the barriers of identity that the American version faces


The Secular Baathist Parties in Iraq and Syria

The current power vacuum in the Middle East left by the demise of the Baath Party

How the Cold War impacted the Middle East

How Israel and the Arab Gulf Monarchies have opposed the Baath Party as well as Shia Iran

Whether ISIS posses a threat to Israel and the Gulf States

Why Colin does not think we should be emotionally invested in the Middle East


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Robert Stark interviews Max Marco of the Renaissance Party of North America








Max Marco is the Chairman of the American Branch of the Renaissance Party of North America.

Topics include:

How the Renaissance Party was originally recreated in Canada by Sebastian Ronin

The need to reject the left right paradigm

Why they reject reactionary right wing movement’s such as white nationalism

Why they reject Americanism and symbols of America

The differences between ethno nationalism and white nationalism

Secessionist Movements such as the League of the South and the Second Vermont Republic

Bio Regionalism

Peak Oil and how it will recreate localized economies

Ecological based economics


Position of Social Issues


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Robert Stark interviews Daiva Sanda












Robert Stark talks to Daiva Sanda about her ongoing nightmare. Daiva is originally from Lithuania and resides in Chicago. You can contact her at


Topics Include:

Daiva’s experience living in Lithuania and her view that Lithuanian culture in much more altruistic than America’s

How she views Americans in general as distant and not willing to help those who are down on their luck

Her experience with the Family Court System

How her assets were stolen by her landlord

How she was arrested for trespassing in her own apartment

How her sucessful import business was destroyed

How the Chicago Police Department are one of the most corrupt in the Nation

How the Police offer little help for victims

Racism among the Chicago Police Department and Court Staff

How she was rejected when seeking help from private charities

How the audience can help her


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Robert Stark interviews Robert Lindsay on Russia & The Middle East

me-against-the-phone-table-10-00 (1)


Topics Include:

Why Robert stands with Putin
Why much of the Hard Left Is with Putin
Why Robert does not view Putin as an Imperialist
Russia as a bulwark against American Imperialism
Why Russia wants a multipolar world as opposed to America’s unipolar world
How the US is selective in it’s support for separatist movements
Oligarchs and how income inequality has been reduced under Putin
How Robert views Putin as being in between a Russian Nationalist and an Atlantic Integrationist
Some Ridiculous Anti-Russian Arguments
The lie that Russia has no allies in the former East Bloc or in the former USSR
The Jewish view toward Russia
The geographic history of the Ukraine
The Ukrainian Regime’s Nazi Policies
Russia’s alliance with Syria and Iran
The Project for a New American Century
How Robert views America and Israel as one monolithic country
Robert’s assistance to the Israeli organization DEBKA
How Robert’s Beyond Highbrow  leaked the picture of the dead Israeli soldier
The recent Israeli conflict in Gaza and why Robert basically takes a neutral stance
Sunni vs. Shia Islam
How Shia Islam is more moderate but is opposed by Israel
The Lebanese Civil War
The Arab Baathist Party and Saddam Hussein
Why Robert is willing to ally himself with Fascist against American Imperialism
Why the Progressive Project is the assimilation of the Jews from the Ghetto
Patrilineality and the tribal instinct to sleep with women of other groups while safeguarding your own
Roissy’s Stupid PUA Site and how unregulated sexuality mirrors right wing economics


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