Category Archives: Paris

The State of The World as LA Burns

Robert Stark casually chats with his friends and fellow authors, Matt Pegas, Omar King,  and Adem Luz Rienspects. Omar has his debut novel, An Odyssey of Dingbats! out in February, and Adem is the author of Mixtape Hyperborea and has a podcast, Static Blue. (Please excuse the background noise and interruptions as we recorded while eating dinner in a crowded restaurant, after a long day at the Hot Spring)

-Matt and Adem’s observations of the LA fires from Encino
-How Matt and Robert used to hang out at the Pacific Palisades Starbucks that burnt down
-Whether the Palisades will lose its charm after it rebuilds
-Politicization and class warfare narratives about the fires
-Adem thinks we must have respect for the power of nature
-The philosophical debate about attachment to possessions
-How tragedies, including natural disasters and death, are great equalizers
-The bidding wars and soaring housing costs on Westside real estate
-Robert thinks Adem looks like Luigi Mangione
-How we saw a lot of nudity of both genders at the Hot Spring
-How the crowd at the Hot Spring was upper class coded
-Robert’s adolescent trauma regarding the Palisades
Filthy Armenian’s podcast about Elliot Rodger and Isla Vista
-Why upper class coded areas like the Palisades and Montecito have a high concentration of attractive people
-Whether the fires will cause White flight out of SoCal
-Why Omar hopes they don’t gentrify his hometown Gardena
-Adem’s thoughts being from Phoenix that people there tend to be philistines about art and culture
-Adem’s description of Scottsdale, Arizona
-Omar tells Robert he needs to “check himself before he wrecks himself,” in regard to his oral fixation
-How Adem likes living in LA
-Contrasting LA’s dark energy with the spiritual rejuvenation of the Hot Spring
-Omar tells Robert to strive for excellence
-Adem’s literary event in Paris, France
-Adem’s South African Jewish background and his recent trip to visit family in South Africa
-Adem’s observation that South Africa is as dangerous as people say, with terrible race relations
-Adem’s observation that South Africa’s White upper class has an exceptionally high concentration of attractive women

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark & Matt Pegan discuss the work of Michel Houellebecq













Robert Stark and Matt Pegan discuss the significance of French author Michel Houellebecq to our current zeitgeist and his novels Atomised, Whatever, Platform, Submission, and Serotonin.


Houellebecq’s early “loser” status, achieving success later in life, and auto-biographical themes in his work
French archetypes and cultural themes
Houellebecq’s Incel Prophecy: The Alienated and Intimacy-Starved
Houellebecq’s comparison of the sexual marketplace to free-market economics
Houellebecq as a social commentator and satirist but offers no explicit political solutions
Transhumanism and Geomaxxing presented as non-conventional escapes from the post-modern predicament
The infamous night club scene from the film rendition of Whatever dealing with the Age Pill and Black Pill
The normie script for life and Houellebecq as an example of someone who broke the script and succeeded
Houellebecq’s commentary that the World Will Be Same But Worse After ‘Banal’ Virus and Study on long term impacts of pandemic on relationships                                                               
Houellebecq’s literary style and dry witty dark humor
Robert and Matt plug their upcoming novels which deal with similar themes to Houellebecq’s work
Submission, the vulnerability of atomized liberal societies to cohesive outside forces, and why France is the most politically significant European country

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark talks to Guillaume Durocher about the Yellow Vests & National Economics














Robert Stark and Anatoly Karlin talk to Alt-French Unz Review blogger  about the Yellow Vest Protests, political situation in France, and National Economics.


The gas tax as largely symbolic for overall populist discontent
Macron’s Neoliberal economic polices
Decentralized nature of the movement
The culture of protest in France
The role of the police(update: Police Deploy Rifles with Live Ammunition to Yellow Vest Protests)
The White Working Class demographic
Fusion of Left and Right Populism and support from both nationalist Le Pen and leftist Mélenchon supporters
How the outcome of the Yellow Vest protests will impact the next election
Why movements need a segment of the elite to succeed
Russian and American(ex. Steve Bannon) conspiracy theories
Orbánomics, or the Return of National Economics
National Economic policies such as state control of banks, national banks, and local production
The Economics of Globalism and High vs. Low Globalism
Left Wing French Social Nationalist Alain Soral
France Is Becoming More Violent

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Part I: Robert Stark talks about his Trip to Europe









Robert Stark joined with Constantin von Hoffmeister discusses his recent trip to Europe. Robert visited the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, and Italy.


Brno in the Czech Republic where Robert spent most of his time
Brno’s history, architecture, and landmarks including Spielberg Castle, the Cathedral, and Brno Lake
Czech Cuisine and Beer
Communist Architecture
Highway and Rail Transit in the Czech Republic and the need to invest in high speed rail or the hyper-loop
Prague’s centralized City Centre and architecture including Medieval, Art Nouveau, and Brutalism
Buying a Golem in the Jewish Quarter in Prague
Retro Futuristic Radio Towers in Germany and the Žižkov Television Tower in Prague
The Prater Amusement Park in Vienna
The Futuristic Central Train Station in Vienna
How European cities such as Vienna have highrise districts on their outskirts
Le Corbusier’s Plan For Paris
The benefits of mixing old and new architecture
The Medieval street grids of Prague and Brno vs. the Imperial Street grid of Vienna
Karlsruhe in Baden-Württemberg, Germany near where Constantin is from
Karlsruhe’s City Centre and rebuilt castle that was destroyed in WWII
Meeting Constantin in Riesa in SaxonyGermany
The culture of former East Germany
German dissident politics and the key differences between the National Democratic Party and the Alternative for Germany(AFD)

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Karlin & Guillaume Durocher about the French Election










Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Anatoly Karlin and Guillaume Durocher about the French Election. Anatoly blogs for The Unz Review and is on the Russian language podcast rogpr.  Guillaume has written for Counter-Currents PublishingRadix JournalThe Occidental Observer, and American Renaissance.


The final election round between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron
The French Elections 2017 (Round One)
The original candidates; Left Wing Populist Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Globalist Centrist Emmanuel Macron, Mainstream Conservative François Fillon, and Nationalist Populist Marine Le Pen
The demographic and regional support for the candidates
Whether Le Pen can appeal to the Conservative Fillon and Socialist Mélenchon supporters
How Macron epitomizes the worst of the establishment while Fillon and Mélenchon hold some anti-establishment positions
Macron’s work for the Rothschild Bank, his Bilderberg attendance, and Neoliberal agenda
Mélenchon, his refusal to back Macron, how he is better on immigration then Macron, and his support for a basic income
Fillon, his endorsement of Macron while adopting some of Le Pen’s immigration stances
In contrast with Macron, Mélenchon and Fillon like Le Pen were more pro-Russia and non-interventionist
The ideology and agenda of Le Pen’s Front National
Comparisons to Donald Trump and how unlike Trump Le Pen has a consistent ideology
The misnomer that Le Pen is far right and her adoption of left leaning stances on issues such as economics, gay rights, and the environment
Conservative politician Nicolas Dupont-Aignan backing Le Pen
Alain Soral and his advocacy of a left-right alliance
Éric Zemmour
The French Blackpill, Quantified
Michel Houellebecq’s Submission
Demographic Trends and future scenarios for France and Europe

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Constantin von Hoffmeister












Robert Stark, co-host Pilleater, and Rabbit talk to Constantin von Hoffmeister. He is an advocate of National Futurism and blogs at Oge Noct


Constantin’s National Futurist Manifesto
How Futusim captures the Faustian Promethean nature of Western Man
Taking a materialistic over spiritual outlook toward identity
The Italian Futurist who wanted to re-create the glory of Rome in a futurist setting
The Dada movement, and Constantin’s flirtation with the concept of National Dadaism
The concept of Eurosiberia and Imperium Europa
National Bolshevism, Eurasianism, and Aleksandr Dugin
The European Migrant Crisis, and why Constantin is pessimistic about his home country Germany’s future
Why Constantin views Islamization as Europe’s primary threat, but America as a rival
How the election of Trump has improved Constantin’s view toward America
Constantin’s support for Israel and Secular Arab Nationalism as a bulwark against Radical Islam
The Cultural effects of Communism on East Germany and Eastern Europe
The Faustian Imperial Nature of Brutalist Architecture
Le Corbusier’s Plan To Overhaul Paris
Using Le Corbusier’s ideas to redevelop decaying suburbs into garden cities
The glitzy Neo-Brutalist Architecture of John C. Portman Jr, and his inspiration from the Champs-Élysées
London’s Architecture, Ernő Goldfinger’s Brutalist towers, Centre Point, and the BT Tower
The Bauhaus White City in Tel Aviv, Israel
Art NouveauArt Deco, and Mid-century modern
The Palace of the Soviets proposal in Moscow
The Russian Futurist movement
1970s Soviet futurism
New Arbat and Cyberpunk in Moscow
Constantin’s experience in India, and Le Corbusier’s Chandigarh, India
Constantin’s Poetry

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Check out Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Roman Bernard about the Paris Terrorist Attack & the Political situation in France













Roman Bernard lives in Paris, is the European Editor for RADIX JOURNAL, is in political communications and marketing, and a former sports reporter

Topics include:

The role that Paris plays as the center of power in France
How Paris is a 3 Tier city with a wealthy left leaning white center(where the attack happened), a 2nd tier which is mostly poor immigrants, and the 3rd Tier which are the white flight suburbs
How Roman walked by the Bataclan Theatre before the attack and saw many of the victims and how he knows people who knew people who died
The psychological process Roman went through after the attack(human, anger, confidence)
How the terrorist explicitly targeted whites and spared the lives of non-whites
How two of the terrorist were refugees
The media’s myth that Paris was under total marshal law
How the Police used the attack as justification to break into people’s home
How Prime Minister Hollande lied about the borders being close
How propaganda is more important than history and facts
The Football scene from The Dark Knight Rises
French Football as a form of Civic Nationalism
How Qatar owns the major football team in France, is hosting the next world cup, is largely responsible for crisis in Syria, and combines the worst aspects of Arab and Western culture
How Syria has a connection to Western Civilization due to colonization by the Greeks, Romans, and French
The Syrian War as a racial conflict
How the French Government is supporting the Syrian rebels against the Alawites who were allies of the French under colonialism
The plans by the western elites and Gulf States to dismantle Syria and build and oil pipeline
Michel Houellebecq’s Submission which is about an Islamist takeover of France
Demographic trends in France
How the key issue is western atomization and that Islamization is the symptom
The 2015 French regional election
Marine Le Pen and the Front National
How the Front National is a coalition of former socialist in the de industrialized North and affluent conservatives in the South
Why Roman views the key issue as national survival and that economic and social issues should be left to local regions

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Colin Liddell about Radical Islam & the Black Pill











Topics include:

The Paris Terrorist attack and the political reactions to it
The profiles of the terrorist and how one was a refugee and the other was Belgium born of North African origin
9/11 and how the Neocons exploited it to promote wars in the Middle East, Spy on American Citizens, while not enforcing our own immigration laws
Colin’s article LARPING THE CALIPHATE about how ISIS is able to exist within a power vacuum
How many men who join ISIS join to feel powerful rather than for religious reasons
How ISIS has designed an approach to feed off the news media
How Western Elites have tried to win over Muslim immigrants with hedonism and consumerism
How Muslims in Europe have an inferiority complex and cope with violence and a belief in religious superiority
How young men have a psychological need to feel dominant and have a sense of pride
How young working class white men are being pushed to the margins and whether they will become radicalized
American Spree Shooters and how they compare with Muslim terrorist
Colin’s article THE BLACK PILL
How the Blue Pill represents accepting the values of society
How the Red Pill rejects modern society and seeks to restore a more organic society(ex. Identitarians)
How Blue Bill losers tend to turn to a sedentary lifestyle rather than embrace the Black Pill
How the Black Pill represents nihilism and appeals to disillusioned Red Pillers
How western society has become totally atomized unlike Muslim societies which are tribal
Colin’s article on Casa Pound in Italy
Colin’s interview with Casa Pound’s leader Gianluca Iannone
Casa Pound’s Third Positionist strategy opposing usury, supporting the poor, and the struggles of oppressed people’s in the Third World

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Matt Forney about the NPI Conference, US Cities, Houellebecq, & the Paris Terror Attack










Topics include:

Matt’s experience at the recent National Policy Institute’s Conference in Washington DC
How the theme of the conference Become Who We Are was about creating a new identity
How Left-Wing Activists Tried to Shut Down This Year’s NPI Conference”
Matt take on Washington DC, and how it would be a great city if it weren’t for it’s people
How transplants tend to fulfill the obnoxious stereotypes of cities(ex. DC, NY, LA, Portland)
Obnoxious broke hipsters in Portland vs. obnoxious trust fund hipster in NYC
How NY hipster transplants benefited from the same Police enforcement and gentrification which they agitate against
How New York’s gentrification has made the city sterile and killed it’s creative energy
Kill Your Idols documentary about the punk scene in NY in the early 80’s
Matt’s life in Chicago, and how despite it’s crime it has a cohesive culture and affordable living
How Chicago shutting down it’s public housing projects such as  Cabrini–Green dispersed crime over a larger area
Matt experience living in Portland, Oregon, and how Portlandia is so accurate it’s not even funny
Why Matt favors urban living over suburban or rural living
Why Matt views the suburbs as an unfortunate social development but they developed because the left destroyed cities and forced out the middle class
How major cities such as NY once had vibrant urban middle classes
E. Michael Jones’s The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal As Ethnic Cleansing
How the further away we get  from nature the greater increase in social dysfunction we see
Matt’s trip to Las Vegas and how his friend Davis Aurini describes the city as an “honest whore”
Anti-Natalism and how it’s an interesting philosophical question but attempts to apply reason to interfere with nature
How Anti-Natalism appeals to the most thoughtful and intelligent  individuals thus removing them from the gene pool
Michel Houellebecq The Father Of The Term “Sexual Marketplace”
Houellebecq’s Whatever which is about people who lost out on the sexual revolution
Houellebecq’s Submission which is about an Islamist takeover of France and whether that scenario is likely
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
The recent terrorist attack in Paris and future scenarios in Europe

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork