Category Archives: The Truth Will Live

Robert Stark, Rabbit, Alex von Goldstein & The Truth Will Live discuss Hipster Culture














Topics include:

The origins of Hipster Culture
How in the late 90’s and early 2000’s there were Hipster, Douchebag, and Hip Hop Subcultures
How the original Hipsters were Arty and pretentious, but latter became part of mainstream pop culture, incorporating trashy elements of the latter two groups
Alex’s observation that Hipsters adopted other subcultures out of irony, but latter appropriated them(irony vs. post irony)
The Truth Will Live’s comment that Hipster Culture emerged as a reaction to 90’s Hip Hop Culture
How the original Hipsters were implicitly white, and into things such as environmentalism and anti-consumerism, similar to Rabbit’s Alternative Left
How SJW’s hijacked Hipster Culture
The Truth Will Live tells a story about when she was a feminist, and how she lost interest when she heard feminist apologizing for Third World cultures treatment of women
90’s Zine Culture
Experimental Noise and Drone Techno Music
The Truth Will Live’s observation that the Punk Scene was often explicitly white
The Truth Will Live’s observation that the more women enter a subculture the more politically correct it becomes
90’s Brit Pop
How Right Wing figure such as Gavin McInnes came out of the Hipster scene, and many Hipsters are now joining the Alt Right
Taki Theodoracopulos, and how being wealthy enables one to express controversial opinions
How political correctness is an ideology of upper middle class strivers, who are trying to prove their status
How even within dissident subcultures there is still pressure to conform to the norms of those groups
Social Sexual Mores
Making the case for traditional mores from s secular scientific standpoint
The Truth Will Live’s Donald Trump story from work

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Robert Stark interviews The Truth Will Live about Redpilling your family & Catholicism












Topics include:
Wife The Girl by Uncuck the Right
How the Truth Will Live was Redpilled
How she was able to Red Pill most of her family
How most of her family was relatively moderate to conservative to begin with
How the first reaction to the Redpill is often a hysterical but after that the person changes their views
How women tend to be more conformist than men
How it’s easier to Redpill people of the same gender
How to Redpill liberals by bringing up how mass immigration harms workers and the environment and that immigration and feminism are driven by capitalism
How we live in neither a true Patriarchy nor Matriarchy but rather a  culture driven by consumerism and profit
How our culture is in a spiritual and moral crisis
Her video Why Have Children? a response to anti-natalism
Social Atomization and how it leads to psychological problems
How Americans are expected to put on a facade of happiness
The Paleo diet and lifestyle
The Catholic Church and how it has changed since the 2nd Vatican Council
The end of the Latin Mass
How the Catholic Church is suppressing traditionally music such as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and Gregorian Chants
How Catholicism has become more like Protestantism
Aesthetic standards in religion and how it was affected by the prohibition against idolatry
Traditional Catholics who reject the Vatican
E Michael Jones and how he views Protestantism as similar to Judaism(ex. prosperity doctrine)
How modern Christianity has become synonymous with prole culture and has driven away creative types
Missa Luba, A Choir in the Belgium Congo that was taught to sing Latin Mass by Missionaries

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Robert Stark interviews the Truth Will Live about why people become Leftist, Myers Briggs Personality Types & Sexual Morality

The Truth-Will Live

Topics include:

Her Video Do Leftists Have Legitimate Grievances? in response to Richard Spencer’s interview  Surviving The Global Monoculture
How people often become leftist in response to a materialistic, bland, monolithic consumer culture and are searching for something with meaning
How the Alternative Right overlaps with the far Left
The Myers Briggs Personality Types
Portrait of an INTP
People with this personality type are most likely to be unemployed
INTPs: Ethnicity & Race
Chastity, Monogamy & Slut Shaming
Response to a comment  about whether morality is a weakness
Jewess Heroine Overdose (Jewish Hollywood Starlets)


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Robert Stark interviews Rachel Haywire

Rachel Haywire














Robert Stark and guest co-host The Truth Will Live talk to Rachel Haywire

Rachel Haywire is an author and tech journalist from Los Angeles, California. She runs the dissident political magazine Trigger Warning( and was the founder of both the Extreme Futurist Festival and INSTED. Once upon a time she was also an industrial music producer and fetish model, who was featured in various anthologies about the occult, politics, philosophy, and alternative culture. She is now finishing up her degree in Philosophy, with a focus on applying Nietzsche to a modern day context. Her first book was a travel memoir called
Acidexia about her journey through the North American zeitgeist. Her New book out is The New Reaction published by Arktos.

Topics include:

Her ideological journey
How the cultural left has become the establishment
How the counter culture has become part of the mainstream culture
The physical appearance of liberals
How the far right and far left overlap
Her article Breaking up with Neoreaction
The concept of how there is the 98% of the conformist masses, the 1 % that exploits the masses, and the true 1% of free thinkers
Could a society of true free thinkers sustain itself
National Futurism
The concept of the Übermensch and how it should be based on free thinking as opposed to just physical traits
Whether Conformity is a genetic traits and how conformist are the untermensch
Transhumanism and how it could be implemented
Political Correctness and the exclusive focus on technology within Transhumanism
How Psychiatry can be used to stigmatize dissenting views
How PR has become more important than substance and ideas
The Thriving Pulse of Decadence

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Robert Stark interviews The Truth Will Live about Cultural & Aesthetic Decline

Photo on 5-12-15 at 5.00 PM #2













Topics include:

Her Art History Major in College
Her take on modern art and how it was innovative at first but has become repetitive
Why the mainstream right has little interest in arts, culture, and aesthetics
The decline of cities and the creation of bland suburbs
How mainstream conservative view the destruction of historic communities as part of the “free market”
How the Alternative Right attracts creative types and takes a more Eurocentric outlook
Why the people  and culture is more important than economics in having a successful society
How there is something Spiritual and Transcendent about aesthetic beauty
Anarcho Tyranny which is an imposed standard of no standards
How standards in fashion have declined
How the upper class are emulating the aesthetic standards of the proletariat
The role of Aesthetics in Judaism and Jewish Culture

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews The Truth Will Live

The Truth Will Live












The Truth Will Live is a Blonde Jewish, Neoreactionary, Iconoclast, Youtuber from the Midwest.

Topics include:

The Torah Talk  Show she co-host with Luke Ford that relates modern day issues to Jewish Religious Texts
How she grew up in the Conservative Denomination of Judaism
Her interest in converting to Orthodox Judaism and the aspects that appeal to her and the aspects that don’t
Whether she should create her own religion
How she went from an Atheist Feminist Liberal  to a Reactionary
How her exposure to censorship as well as intellectual and moral hypocrisy caused her to abandon the left
How her views on Race and Gender Changed
The concept of an in-group vs. out-group identity and whether there should be a balance
Her interest in Neoreactionary, Alternative Right, and Dark Enlightenment Politics and how those movement’s attract creative types  and former leftist who do not fit into the stereotypical conservative mold

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Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about the Germanwings Pilot, Despair & Eroticized Rage

Germanwings Pilot

Topics include:

Luke’s new Torah Talk show which relates the Torah’s text to modern day issues of Race, Nationalism, and Jewish Gentile relations
Luke’s New Co-Host who is a beautiful young blonde Jewish girl who shares Luke’s passion for the Torah and dissident politics
The Torah Corral
Jews For Consistency
Narcissist and God: Love-Hate Relationship
What’s The Difference Between A Blogger And A Suicide Bomber?
Was Andreas Lubitz A Beta Male Suicide Bomber?
What is the SCALE problem?
Andreas Lubitz: The Intersection of Mental Illness And Social Atomization
How Nihilist and Sociopaths often have accurate observations on human nature that those with a moral code tend to look over
Gendered Racial Exclusion by White Internet Daters
The theme of degradation in Pornography

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