Category Archives: Emotions

Robert Stark interviews Ed Dutton: The Jolly Heretic














Robert Stark talks to Dr. Edward Dutton about personality types and the evolutionary forces behind culture and politics. Edward Dutton is an English Anthropologist based in Finland and is the host of the Jolly Heretic on YouTube and Bitchute. You can follow him on Twitter and check out his books on Amazon.


The collapse of Darwinian selection and rise of the Spiteful Mutants
Evolutionary factors for religiosity and ethnocentrism
Fertility patterns taking into account religion, ethnocentrism, intelligence, income, and personality traits
Personality traits for success
The Big Five(OCEAN) personality traits
The Psychology of the Genius and unique environmental factors needed for geniuses to thrive
The profile of the smart but poor
Incels, the breakdown of monogamy, and r/K selection factors
Whether there is a metric for measuring beauty
The correlation between sexual fetishes and neuroticism
The Freudian theory of repressed sexuality being channeled into creative endeavors
A Bit of an Age Gap: Who’s Attracted to People Who are Much Older or Much Younger than them?

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Duckman creator Everett Peck















Robert Stark and Cartrell Payne talk to animator and illustrator Everett Peck (Official site). He is best known as the creator of Duckman and Squirrel Boy.


Everett’s background as an illustrator, including work for Playboy and Rolling Stone magazine
Artistic influences ranging from underground comics of the 60s and 19th century pen and ink illustrations
Working for Klasky Csupo as an independent contractor
The full emotional range of the Duckman character rather than stereotypical cartoon characters
Jason Alexander as Duckman
Dark dry cynical humor
The artistic style of Duckman which was an extension of his illustration style
Squirrel Boy’s 50s Cartoon Modern aesthetic
Character design for the animated TV series Jumanji
The internal politics at the networks
Upcoming and ongoing projects and concepts

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks about the role of Slave Morality in Social Hierarchies












Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas discuss the origins of slave morality and secular slave morality’s role in society.


Nietzsche’s concept of slave vs. master morality
Nietzsche’s view of Christianity as a slave morality
Morality as a mechanism for the elites to control the masses
Modern society as slave morality without the positive attributes of Christianity
Influences of Christianity on secular moral codes
How a moralistic outlook can stand in the way of analyzing human nature
The Prosperity Gospel and the view that everyone deserves their state in society
Moral capital and the legitimacy of hierarchies
In group vs. Out group morality
Political correctness as a secular religion
The concept of bourgeois morality
Secular sexual mores
Rise in nihilism as a wrecking ball to slave morality
Whether slave morality is an inevitable facet of society

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Musician Marcel P of the Band Miel Noir













Marcel P is a musician based in Germany and manages Miel NoirFahl and Dungeon Studio, Rhenania. Check out Miel Noir’s music on bandcamp.


Intro: Honey-Apocalypse
How Miel Noir started out as the solo-project of Dimo Dimov
Miel Noir’s latest album Honey Beat released by Caustic Records in December of 2016
The live performance of Honey Beat at a festival in the Netherlands
The genres of the tracks including Dark Electro/Darkwave, EBM, Neoclassical, Melodic Darkwave, and Gothic Rock
The vocals for Honey Beat
Marcel’s Dark Folk band Werra
The band Allerseelen
Musical inspiration from dark times in life
The theme of lost love
The imagery of the album and how the aesthetics relate to the music
Bees in Mythology
Miel Noir’s Song Anymore in a German Song Contest
Antifas harassing Neofolk concerts in Europe
Honey Beat’s anti SJW song Triggerwarning
The upcoming project “Dark Europa,” which is a compilation of collaborated tracks for the label Panicmachine

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks about his Podcasting History









Francis Nally and Brandon Adamson join Robert Stark to discuss his podcasting history, political and cultural evolution, and where he is at now.


The new book The Stark Truth With Robert Stark: A Legacy 2009-2018
How for a long time Robert was known as the guy who randomly interviews people
How The Stark Truth doesn’t get the credit it deserves
The lack of substance of firebrand alt-podcasters and Youtube political celebrities
How Robert has now established his own unique “Starkian” ideology and cultural vision
New “Starkian” blog Alt of Center | Life. Liberty. And the Pursuit of Beauty
How Robert’s novel Journey to Vapor Island helped brand the Starkian Identity
Robert’s adolescent traumas which provided inspiration for Journey to Vapor Island
How Robert’s experience growing up in LA and observations on society as a teen shaped his basic cultural and political outlook
How Robert always had many of the same core principles but felt the need to belong and conform to a political tribe
Robert’s political phases including Libertarianism, Paleoconservatism, and Third Positionism
How ironically both Robert and Brandon started out on the right economically and moved closer to the left
How Robert is now at a point where he is entirely independent both politically and culturally
Robert’s podcasting history starting at Voice of Reason Radio, Counter-Currents Radio, and establishing his own podcast
Robert’s past interviews with political dissidents
Robert’s decision to focus the show on culture rather than politics
Brandon’s reference in the book to his trip to Las Vegas with Robert and the inspiration for Vapor Island
Is the future of the dissident sphere a Starkian, Alt-Center, Retro-Futurism?

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews filmmaker Bjørn Erik Sørensen about his film BROKE






Robert Stark talks to Norwegian filmmaker Bjørn Erik Sørensen about his upcoming film BROKE . Check out the Facebook Page for BROKE.


BROKE as part of a trilogy of short films dealing with the theme of adolescent angst
The theme of loss of wealth equating with one’s loss of self worth and status in society
Bjorn’s cinematographic style of closeups and focusing on emotions
Casting the actors
Premiering BROKE at film festivals including the International Film Festival in St. Louis
Bjorn’s film Reckless
The Norwegian Film Industry

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Ann Sterzinger about her Novel LYFE (Elektra’s Revenge)















Robert Stark and co-host Paul Bingham talk to author Ann Sterzinger about her new new novel LYFE (Elektra’s Revenge), A SCI-FI ROMANCE GONE TERRIBLY WRONG… Meet Elektra, the angry young woman of the future. It’s the fifth millennium, and Earth One is a faint memory. After nuking itself stupid, the human race limped off to the only orb our spacecraft could reach: a tiny inhabitable moon that’s so small and overpopulated that society cajoles the normies into being gay. The crowding is worsened by the mysterious ability of the upper classes to become immortal by ingesting the local psychoactive substances… the same drugs that kill the lower classes. No one seems to know why or how this works, but Elektra knows it’s not fair. As the series begins, we find Elektra trying to get revenge on a fickle old lover by sleeping with her husband. But instead of ruining their marriage, Elektra ends up falling for the husband instead. Elektra is so busy plotting revenge on the theater producers who pass her over for roles in favor of Immortals, she hasn’t noticed that her torrid affair is bringing her ever closer to solving the dark mystery of why some people live forever while others die as junkies… Welcome to LYFE, the first book of the Elektra’s Revenge series.

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Anthony Hamilton










Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Anthony Hamilton. Anthony is a former professor of communication at Capilano University in North Vancouver, Canada. He is co-author, with Brian Tracy, of “Cracking The Success Code”, a best-selling business book on Amazon. He’s also the author of “Mind, Time and Power!” a book which describes the results of his thirty years of research into how our thoughts and feelings shape our lives. Join Anthony’s Inner Circle to receive weekly lessons.


Background in linguistics; linguistics as a cognitive science
The unconscious thought process and how to better utilize it
The Functional MRI
Neuroplasticity; the science of changing the mind
The Law of Attraction
Mental Time Travel
Future Memory
Quantum Conciseness
Dealing with past traumas, fears, and negative thoughts
Goal setting and successfully utilizing future memory
Meditation and mindfulness

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Danish Filmmaker Julius Telmer











Robert Stark and co-host Sam Kevorkian talk to Danish filmmaker Julius Telmer. He has a BA in Film and Media Sciences from University of Copenhagen and lived and worked as a director for two years in Australia. He is currently working in Los Angeles where he teaches at the LA Film School. Check out his work on Vimeo and Cargo Collective.


Living in LA, the image of LA from cinema, and the sense of loneliness of life in LA
How it is difficult to film in LA; the filming location of Oscar in the LA suburb of Santa Clarita
Cinematic influences including Gaspar Noe, Roman Polanski, and Stanley Kubrick
Film as an experience as opposed to just a narrative motive
Ending a film with a sense of mystery
The Cinematic language without using words
Themes of masculinity, lack of communication, and suppressing animalistic desires
Censorship in film
Julius’s observation that the 70’s was the peak of cinema
European cinema and how the lack of massive budgets leads to a focus on the existential
Julius’s film Oscar
How Oscar is planned for a feature length film
Julius’s film Dead End
Julius’s documentary The Man Who Couldn’t Die

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Dr. Gleb Tsipursky













Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Dr. Gleb Tsipursky. He is an author, speaker, consultant, coach, scholar, and social entrepreneur specializing in science-based strategies for effective decision-making, goal achievement, emotional and social intelligence, meaning and purpose, and altruism – for more information or to hire him, see his website, He runs a nonprofit that helps people use science-based strategies to make effective decisions and reach their goals, so as to build an altruistic and flourishing world, Intentional Insights. He also serves as a tenure-track professor at Ohio State in the History of Behavioral Science and the Decision Sciences Collaborative.


The philosophy of Rationalism, applying reason, science, and experimental approach to decision making
Gleb’s interest in the process of how people make decisions and their outcome, and helping people make the best decisions possible
The misconception that Rationalism is purely logical oriented, not taking into account emotions and intuitions
The importance of making decisions that are oriented to our goals, and directing ones emotions towards those goals
How emotions affect political decisions, and how politicians manipulate those emotions
Pilleater explains why he voted for Donald Trump, and the emotional factor behind supporting anti-establishment candidates
Gleb’s comment on the appeal of Bernie Sanders to Millennials on a sense of Justice and Fairnes
Political correctness as a hindrance to Rationalism; the difference between political correctness and political politeness
How Rationalism relates to identity politics
Whether Rationalism is compatible with Religion, as well as Ideologies such as Nationalism; Racism vs. Tribalism
Pilleater’s comment on Pathological Altruism, and the book Pathological Altruism
Gleb’s comment on the importance in being effective in ones Altruism
How emotions relate to consumer choices
How personality types relate to Rationalism and ones political decisions; conformity vs. non-conformity
The difference between sympathy and empathy, how many leaders are empathetic but lack compasion
Emotional and Social Intelligence
Using Emotional Intelligence To Address Speech Anxiety
Debate vs. Collaborative Truth-Seeking; Debate as Evolutionary Psychological social warfare

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Check out Robert Stark’s Paintings!