Monthly Archives: April 2020

Robert Stark interviews Robin Hanson about Covid-19 & Brain Emulations













Robert Stark interviews Robin Hanson about the coronavirus pandemic and other issues. Robin is an associate professor of economics at George Mason University and a research associate at the Future of Humanity Institute of Oxford University. He is an an expert on idea futures and markets, an academic polymath with interests in physics, computer science and economics. He is author of The Elephant in the Brain: Hidden Motives in Everyday Life and The Age of Em: Work, Love, and Life When Robots Rule the Earth. Check out his blog Overcoming Bias and Twitter account.


The long term effectiveness of lock-downs
Why testing and tracing are the most effective tools in earlier stages
The danger that the majority could become infected
Robin’s case for variolation to control the pandemic
The success of Asian nations in handling the pandemic
Using AI to track cases
The dangers of one location re-infecting others
Estimated risk scores for various activities
The Age of Em which deals with the feasibility of Mind uploading in the future
Why human consciousness cannot be scientifically measured
The impacts of Mind uploading to machines on economics and all ways of life
Robin’s thought experiment Comparing Income & Sex Redistribution

Click Here to download!

Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Paul Tripp about his proposal for a Green New Right












Robert Stark talks to Unz review writer about his proposal for The Green New Right. Paul is also the author of Psionism.


Paul’s critique of the Left’s handling of environmental issues
The focus on carbon emissions and the degree to which climate change is responsible for habitat loss
The Left’s focus on the West while ignoring ecological devastation in the developing world
The Left’s lack of concern for overpopulation in the developing world while telling Westerners to reduce their birthrates
Mass immigration’s impact on ecological footprints
Education, IQ, and Fertility
The need for rural revitalization for the new green economy
How sustainable agriculture would need a much larger and higher skilled workforce
The mainstream right’s neglect of environmentalism
How economic nationalism and tariffs would help end the exploitation of resources by global capitalism
The environmental origins of the coronavirus pandemic
The problems of a consumption based economic model
Why profits should be based upon reciprocity
One-Third of American Workers Pay Is Being Stolen. Here’s How
The decline in workers’ purchasing power
Why the Financialization of the economy is a bigger issue than labor supply
Paul’s book Psionism about rejecting an imposed mono culture in favor of neo-tribalism

Click Here to download!

Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island