Category Archives: Anthony Migchels

Robert Stark interviews Anthony Migchels on the Basic Income













Anthony Migchels is a monetary reform advocate from the Netherlands. His website is Real Currencies

Topics include:

Proposals for a basic income

How a basic income should be implemented and how it should not

Social Credit

Why Anthony supports an Asset Tax

The myth that the top wealthiest pay the most in taxes

How we lose up to 90% of our income to Usury, taxation, rents and high prices through Monopoly and associated artificial scarcity


Robert Stark Interviews Anthony Migchels













Robert Stark interviews interest-free currency activist Anthony Migchels. His website is Real Currencies.

Topics discussed include:

  • The essence of capitalism 
  • Satanism as Ayn Rand’s Objectivism plus rituals
  • How the wealth of monopolies is based on a lie
  • The Catholic arm of usury and libertarianism
  • The intellectual framework of the great hoax known as libertarianism
  • The basic ideas of Keynesian economics
  • The “End the Fed” movement as false front
  • Public Banking as not interest free
  • The Yaka Bank of Sweden; its four principles
  • Usury as prohibitive of long term investment



Robert Stark Interviews Anthony Migchels on Monetary Reform















Anthony Migchels lives in Arnhem, the Netherlands. He started the Gelre, the first regional currency in the Netherlands. His blog is which raises awareness of monetary matters, most notably the nefarious implications of interest, as a way of empowering people and the commonwealth in their struggle against the Money Power.


How Mutual Credit Works
The Goals of Monetary Reform
Why Banking must be interest free
How interest is a wealth transfer from the poor to rich
How the government creates the monopoly with the legal tender laws and hands it over to the private banking cartel
Other Monetary Reform Movements such as the Greenbackers, Public Banking, and Social Credit
A comprehensive critique of Austrian Economics
How Libertarianism is controlled opposition
Is Anti-Usury Activism Anti-Semitic?/ How it became associated with fascism after WWII
Why there isn’t a strong populist movement? The phony left-right paradigm represented by Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party
The Euro Crisis

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