Category Archives: They Live

Robert Stark talks to Jamie Curcio about Narrative Machines












Robert Stark, co-host Sam Kevorkian, and J.G. Michael talk to Jamie Curcio about his new book Narrative Machines: Modern Myth, Revolution, & Propaganda. Jamie is an Artist, Writer, and Musician, and blogs at Modern Mythology.


Intro: Nefarious from the Album EgoWhore by HoodooEngine which Jamie co-produces and does bass and rhythm guitar for
The main thrust of Narrative Machines is the way in which myths function in our lives
How the conflict with our longing to connect with the sacred leads to seeking re-connection in the form of reified ideology in the current “Meme Wars”
Jean Baudrillard’s book Simulacra and Simulation
The concept of hyper reality and how social interactions are mediated by social media
Post Modernism and Deconstructionism; skepticism towards all ultimate truths
Hobbes vs. Rousseau: the debate over human nature
Jamie’s illustrations in Narrative Machines
The Artist David Mack
Aesthetic theory and how artist can affect the world politically
Interrogation Machine – Laibach and NSK
Aleksander Dugin, Nick Land, and Neo-Reaction
The relation between myth, retro-aesthetic creative movements like vaporwave, and the current cultural climate
The 80’s Retro themed show Stranger Things
The aesthetics of Horror and horror writer Thomas Ligotti
Surrealism and connecting to the sacred or primal force
Jamie’s book Join My Cult!, occultism, and Aleister Crowley
David Bowie Inspires Jamie’s Upcoming Book, “Masks”
Yukio Mishima’s Confessions of a Mask
Jamie’s involvement in the goth industrial music scene of the 90’s and 00’s
The ways in which virtual reality, myth, and “the real world” have collided
Alternate Reality Games, the film The Game, and playing with peoples perception of reality through media

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Jay Dyer about Esoteric Hollywood
















Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Jay Dyer. He reviews films at his blog Jay’s Analysis and is the author of Esoteric Hollywood.


The entertainment complex and deciphering propaganda
The power of cinematography and aesthetics in film
How computer generated special effects have impacted the quality of cinema
The concept of the Hollywood establishment and speculations about which filmmakers and films are anti-establishment
Why Jay focuses on the symbolism of the films rather then trying to analyse the director’s motive
Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut
David Lynch’s Dune, Eraserhead, Inland Empire, and Lost Highway
Surrealism, Neo-noir, and the David Lynch aesthetic
Jay’s review of David Lynch’s Twin Peaks and Mark Frost’s book The Secret History of Twin Peaks
The Ancient Greek concept of time  being a never ending repeat
The Folk Horror Genre; The Devil Rides Out
Blade Runner
Dark City
Enter the Void
The Dark Crystal
The film Labyrinth, the Jungian achetype of the Labyrinth as the subconscious, and the Labyrinth in Ancient Mythology
The Labyrinth theme in The Shining and Hellbound: Hellraiser II
The symbolism of basements as the subconscious in the films House II and The Hole
The Esoteric Meaning of Time Bandits and the significance of the abyss
Robert Stark’s show about Alicia Silverstone and The Film The Babysitter
Natalie Portman in Léon: The Professional
John Carpenter’s They Live! and Big Trouble in Little China
Jay’s upcoming TV Show with Jay Weidner, which will be aired online at

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Alex von Goldstein about Conspiracy Theories & The Green Pill






Topics include:

The importance of being skeptical towards both the establishment narrative and conspiracy theories
Conspiracy theories vs. the general populist narrative that the elites are acting against the interest of the people
How contrary to conspiracy theories, many of the elites have a short time frame
How conspiracy theories have become irrelevent because the world is so crazy that reading the news is enough
September 11th, and the rise of the modern conspiracy movement
Alex Jones
How the US Government covered up Saudi Arabia’s role in 9/11
The concept of controlled opposition
How conspiracy theories are used to avoid addressing politically incorrect issues
How conspiracy theories about 9/11 and Terror attacks distract from the Invade the World, Invite the World agenda
How conspiracy theories about mass shootings(ex. Sandy Hook and the Batman shooting being MK Ultra) distracts from society’s role in creating these individuals 
Ingroup vs outgroup indentities as a basis for conspiracy theories
Jewish conpiracy theories vs SJW theories of White Privelege and the Patriarachy
Bohemian Grove(archeo-futurist bent of Carthage vs Rome)
David Icke‘s Reptilian “bloodlines” theory
The Green Pill, which is the belief in the supernatural vs. the Red Pill, which see’s the world in terms of people
Graham Hancock vs Richard Dawkins on materialism, the idea of “The Truth”, Spirituality vs Rationality- LSD/DMT hippies vs Fedora Atheists
Terence McKenna and Henry Harpending’s research(the great leap in human IQ caused by magic mushrooms) vs human biodiversity
The documentary Hollywood Casting Couch Satan’s Playground, and the theory that sexual rituals are used to blackmail public figures
Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut
The Film They Live
Andy Nowicki’s book: Conspiracy, Compliance, Control, & Defiance

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Check out Robert Stark’s Artwork