Robert Stark talks to Bay Area-based blogger Bay Area Guy of Occident Invicta.
Topics include:
Robert Stark’s recent trip to San Francisco where he met up with Bay Area guy at Union Square
The Bay Area as a microcosm for American Society, and how it combines both the best and worst of what America has to offer
How the Bay Area represent’s American Capitalism at it’s fullest
How SF Is the Second Most Unequal Major City in America
How despite it’s wealth and gentrification SF has preserved much of the historic character of the City
How SF’s unique charm and European feel compared to other American cities increases it’s demand for real estate
How the Bay Area has done a better job at Wilderness Conservation than Southern California
How Southern California has many of the same problems of the SF Bay Area but with lower aesthetic and cultural standards
The Racial Dynamics of the Bay Area
San Francisco and the Bay Area’s Progressive Paradox
How Diversity Destroys Economic Justice
How the elites are Social Darwinist who pose as progressive humanitarians
Andy Nowicki’s article The “PATRICK BATEMAN” RIGHT
His thought’s on Donald Trump and why he’s supporting Bernie Sanders for President
How the political ideal would be to combine the best aspects of Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader
His article The Pitfalls of American Exceptionalism
How the Left uses the language of American Exceptionalism to justify open borders and Cultural Leftism
How America is exceptional at obesity, anti-intellectualism, and income inequality
How The U.S. Has World’s Highest Incarceration Rate
Mark Ames’s Going Postal
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