Category Archives: Nudism

The State of The World as LA Burns

Robert Stark casually chats with his friends and fellow authors, Matt Pegas, Omar King,  and Adem Luz Rienspects. Omar has his debut novel, An Odyssey of Dingbats! out in February, and Adem is the author of Mixtape Hyperborea and has a podcast, Static Blue. (Please excuse the background noise and interruptions as we recorded while eating dinner in a crowded restaurant, after a long day at the Hot Spring)

-Matt and Adem’s observations of the LA fires from Encino
-How Matt and Robert used to hang out at the Pacific Palisades Starbucks that burnt down
-Whether the Palisades will lose its charm after it rebuilds
-Politicization and class warfare narratives about the fires
-Adem thinks we must have respect for the power of nature
-The philosophical debate about attachment to possessions
-How tragedies, including natural disasters and death, are great equalizers
-The bidding wars and soaring housing costs on Westside real estate
-Robert thinks Adem looks like Luigi Mangione
-How we saw a lot of nudity of both genders at the Hot Spring
-How the crowd at the Hot Spring was upper class coded
-Robert’s adolescent trauma regarding the Palisades
Filthy Armenian’s podcast about Elliot Rodger and Isla Vista
-Why upper class coded areas like the Palisades and Montecito have a high concentration of attractive people
-Whether the fires will cause White flight out of SoCal
-Why Omar hopes they don’t gentrify his hometown Gardena
-Adem’s thoughts being from Phoenix that people there tend to be philistines about art and culture
-Adem’s description of Scottsdale, Arizona
-Omar tells Robert he needs to “check himself before he wrecks himself,” in regard to his oral fixation
-How Adem likes living in LA
-Contrasting LA’s dark energy with the spiritual rejuvenation of the Hot Spring
-Omar tells Robert to strive for excellence
-Adem’s literary event in Paris, France
-Adem’s South African Jewish background and his recent trip to visit family in South Africa
-Adem’s observation that South Africa is as dangerous as people say, with terrible race relations
-Adem’s observation that South Africa’s White upper class has an exceptionally high concentration of attractive women

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks about the origins of Sexual Paraphilias










Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas discuss the psycho-social origins of sexual fetishes and paraphilias. If you’re one to enjoy particular fetishes you can to your hearts content.


The concepts of law, social codes, morality, and natural law
The moralistic tendency to view human nature as good when in fact it’s untamed state is grotesque
The Marquis de Sade, and how he had a more accurate understanding of human nature than the 60’s “Free Love” movement
Roger Devlin’s Sexual Utopia in Power
The connection between sex and struggles for power, status, conflict, and politics
Untamed erotic energy(Eros) as a force for both creation and destruction
Being disconnected from society and it’s social codes also has the same parallel effects
Chuck Palahniuk’s new book Adjustment Day
The Idea of Homonationalism
The psychology and power dynamics behind doms, subs, and switches in BDSM
The role that eroticized rage plays in sexual fetishes and fantasies
The power dynamics of cuckoldry
Sexuality being shaped by traumatic events and the attempt to gain something you lost
The Lolita Syndrome and Michael Jackson’s Peter Pan Syndrome
Ethnic fetishes and preferences
Individual sexual exploration vs. the mass incentivisation of sexual mores

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Aristocratic Aesthetic Socialism

By Robert Stark: Originally Published on Alt of Center

The concept of beauty throughout history has been a force for creation, inspiring mankind to reach the pinnacle of civilization. From men accomplishing great things to win over a lover, the beautiful female as a muse for the artist, religions building great temples and cathedrals to attract worshipers, kings and emperors building monuments to demonstrate their greatness, and businesses using aesthetics in architecture and advertisements to attract more consumers.

In today’s society aesthetics serves primarily as a force to manipulate people to keep them striving and conforming to the liberal capitalist system. Advertisements use aesthetics to create a vision of a product to consume; not just the product itself but an overall aesthetically pleasing scene involving beautiful women, luxurious furnishings, great architecture, natural scenery, and music to create the mood.

Continue reading Aristocratic Aesthetic Socialism

Robert Stark interviews Matthew Pegas about The Alt Center & Neon Nationalism











Matthew Pegas blogs at Alt of Center | Life. Liberty. And the Pursuit of Beauty


How Matthew discovered the Stark Truth via the interview with Jamie Stewart from Xiu Xiu
Matthew’s political transformation from a Leftist to a “Starkian” Alt-Centrist
The connection between politics, sexuality, and aesthetics
Beyond Liberalism: A Political New Wave
Neonationalism; nationalism and politics based on aesthetics
Creating an Archeo-Futuristic sub-culture that is so aesthetically pleasing that it can out-compete Liberal-Universalism and Global Capitalism
Architecture as a form of erotica
The Alt-Of-Center Guide To Aesthetic Warfare
The phenomenon of progressive cultural interests gaining an identitarian consciousness
The scene as the inevitable result of urban, middle to upper class “SWPL’s” becoming “Red Pilled”
The Idea of Homonationalism
San Fernando Valley Photo Essay and Neon Signage on Ventura Blvd
Income inequality and the demographic transformation of The Valley and LA

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Left of The Alt-Right Round Table Discussion Part I








Robert Stark, Brandon Adamson, Ashley Messinger, and Constantin von Hoffmeister discuss the political scene known as the Alt Left, Left Wing of the Alt Right, or Alt-Center.


Robert Lindsay as the founder of the Alt-Left, his past project Liberal Race Realism, and his decision to focus on Left Wing Economics rather than demographics
How the Alt-Left that emerged from Robert Lindsay became an economically Leftist parallel to the Alt-Lite
Brandon’s Left Wing of the Alt-Right and his manifesto A Clockwork Greenshirt 
The collapse of the Alt-Right and how the election of Trump caused friction between those two factions
The Left Wing of the Alt Right as Social Nationalism without the Radical Traditionalism and Social Conservatism
The implicit Whiteness of Progressive causes such Environmentalism, New Urbanism, and Transhumanism
The Elites promotion of mass immigration
The failure of Mass Democracy
The close minded cultural mentality of the Right Wing
Retro Futurism; Steampunk, Deco Punk, and 70’s and 80’s Retro Futurism
Creating a movement of artist
Positive vs. Negative Degeneracy
Constantin’s Degenerate Poetry inspired by the Beatniks
America and the Anglo-sphere’s puritanical hangups(ex. opposition to nudity, SJW’s, and sexual harassment hysteria)

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Part II: Robert Stark talks about his Trip to Europe













Robert Stark joined with Constantin von Hoffmeister discusses his recent trip to Europe.


European Nationalist hatred of modern art and architecture
Constantin’s comment on tearing down old buildings to troll radical traditionalist and Nick Griffin’s response
Italian Futurism and how the Italian Fascist were more progressive on the arts than the Nazis
Nick Griffin’s speech in Milan on the future of Europe
Guillaume Faye vs. Alain de Benoist’s views on America
Milan as a modern city with a historic core
Italian Cuisine in Milan
The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele in Milan, GUM in Moscow, and the architectural inspiration for 80’s American malls
The Cathedral in Milan, the military security presence, and the recent attack at the Cathedral in Berlin
How terrorism is becoming a common occurrence in Europe
The European migrant crisis and how Italy has been effected the worst
Whether Western Europe is a lost cause and potential scenarios
Observations on the demographics of the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, and Italy
Why the Czech Republic and other Central European Nations are more Nationalistic than Western Europe
Is Czechia(Czech Republic) the World’s Best Country?, by Anatoly Karlin
Nudist culture in Germany and America’s Puritanical hangups

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Hank Pellissier














Robert Stark, Sam Kevorkian, and Joshua Zeidner talk to Futurist writer Hank Pellissier. Hank Pellissier is an advocate of Transhumanism, director of the Brighter Brains Institute, and the former managing director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.


Hank’s fund-raising for numerous projects in Uganda via the Brighter Brains Institute including clinics and aid to schools and orphanages
A Transhumanist Wants to Feed DIY Soylent to Starving Children
Transhumanist Hank Pellissier on Being an “Atheist Missionary
Hank’s book Brighter Brains: 225 ways to elevate or injure IQ
Hank’s book Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so high?
China’s Meritocracy Vs. Western Democracy
The effects of diet, lifestyle, education, and trauma on IQ
Raising IQ via cybernetics and gene editing
The Basic Income and Hank’s hesitations
Support for Democratic Socialism
Hank’s book Invent Utopia Now, Transhumanist Suggestions for the Pre-Singularity Era
In-vitro meat and “Farmscrapers”
Wilderness and Rain Forest
Sex Robots and Artificial Wombs
Public Nudity

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!