Category Archives: Latin America

Robert Stark talks to Matt Forney about Life in Mexico













Robert Stark talks to Matt Forney about life in Mexico, social and political trends, and upcoming books from Terror House. Matt Forney is an author, journalist and founder of Terror House Press, whose mission is to publish outsider literary fiction, literary nonfiction, and cultural criticism/analysis. You can also follow Terror House publishing on Twitter and Instagram.


Why Matt decided to relocate to Guadalajara, Mexico
The overall quality of life, cost of living, and misconceptions about Mexico
Mexico’s more laxed covid lockdown
Class structure, demographics, and urbanism of Mexico
Jalisco as the cultural center of Mexico
The absence of woke culture in Mexico and the Right softening their stance towards Mexico
How the pandemic has exacerbated the worst social trends of the 2010s
Political trends: breakdown in institutional trust, political and economic bifurcation, neoliberalism’s loss of soft power, and transformation of the Democratic Party into a Woke Tea Party
Matt’s reviews of The Pussy by Delicious Tacos and Letters from a Heartbroken Pervert by Richard Power
Upcoming books from Terror House Press: Dragon Day by Matthew Pegas, The Columbine Pilgrim (Audiobook) by Andy Nowicki, and Welcome to Hell by “Bad” Billy Pratt

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island, and subscribe to his Substack Newsletter.

Robert Stark talks to Guillaume Durocher about the Yellow Vests & National Economics














Robert Stark and Anatoly Karlin talk to Alt-French Unz Review blogger  about the Yellow Vest Protests, political situation in France, and National Economics.


The gas tax as largely symbolic for overall populist discontent
Macron’s Neoliberal economic polices
Decentralized nature of the movement
The culture of protest in France
The role of the police(update: Police Deploy Rifles with Live Ammunition to Yellow Vest Protests)
The White Working Class demographic
Fusion of Left and Right Populism and support from both nationalist Le Pen and leftist Mélenchon supporters
How the outcome of the Yellow Vest protests will impact the next election
Why movements need a segment of the elite to succeed
Russian and American(ex. Steve Bannon) conspiracy theories
Orbánomics, or the Return of National Economics
National Economic policies such as state control of banks, national banks, and local production
The Economics of Globalism and High vs. Low Globalism
Left Wing French Social Nationalist Alain Soral
France Is Becoming More Violent

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Gustavo Semeria about Argentina











Robert Stark talks to Argentine author, businessman, former military officer, lawyer, and Professor of Social Science Gustavo Semeria


Gustavo’s Spanish Language book Adiós a la Democracia about the role of Demographics in Democracy
Gustavo’s article for American Renaissance Argentina: A Mirror of Your Future
The early history of Argentina, the Nation’s Golden Age from the late 19th to early 20th Century, and the massive wave of European immigration
Buenos Aires as the Paris of South America and the extravagant architecture of the early 20th Century
The Art Deco Kavanagh buildingGalerías Pacífico, and the Neon lit Lavalle Street
The Anglo-Argentine Tramways Company which built the Nation’s vast railway system and Buenos Aires’s Subway
Argentina’s demographic transformation, starting with internal migration from the North and later mass immigration from neighboring countries
The effects of mass immigration on infrastructure, healthcare, education, and crime
The decline of the Argentine Middle Class and growth in gated communities in the suburbs
Cultural changes; the decline in the Tango and Argentine Rock and popularity of foreign culture such as Cumbia
The parallels between Argentina’s situation and that of the United States
The Kirchners’ open immigration policy and concept of Patria Grande
The new president of Argentina Mauricio Macri
Latin America’s fluctuation between socialism and oligarchy
Juan Perón’s Third Way between Capitalism and Communism

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Rodrigo Herhaus de Campos












Topics include:

Rodrigo’s petition calling for the right of return for South African Whites
How whites are facing genocide in South Africa
How the petition has gained widespread support
The media coverage of the petition
The Separatist movement in the South of Brazil where Rodrigo is from
The political dynamics of Brazil
Race relations in Brazil
How the main political divide in Brazil is economic rather than racial or cultural

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork

Robert Stark interviews Eugene Montsalvat










Eugène’s Montsalvat blogs at the Niekisch Translation Project and his articles can be viewed at Counter-Currents

Topics include:

Turn Left, New Right!

Nationalism & Class Struggle

The Necessity of Anti-Colonialism

Ernst Niekisch and National Bolshevism

Robert Stark interviews Joaquin Flores

















Joaquin Flores is a spokesman for New Resistance, runs The Center For Syncretic Studies, and is a member of the Serbian Radical Party.

Topics include:

New Resistance

The Center For Syncretic Studies

How he started off on the radical left

Modern day Bourgeois Liberalsim

Bourgeois Nationalism versus Revolutionary Nationalism

Latin American movements such as the Sandinistas, Peronist, and Bolivarist

Why he chose Serbia as his center of operation

Why he predicts World War IV starting in Eastern Europe

The situation in the Middle East

European Nationalism and the New Right

The need for a Left/Right alliance against the Plutocracy


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