Category Archives: Keith Preston

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about The 2024 Election

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about the 2024 election and the politics of America’s power elite. Keith Preston is a historian, social scientist, political analyst, author, lecturer, trends researcher, and the editor of Attack the System. Follow Keith on Twitter.


-Factions of America’s ruling class, including the Northeastern establishment, Sunbelt capitalist class, and Wall Street and Silicon Valley new money
-What conspiracy theorists get wrong about the nature of power
-How elites cultivate constituencies
-How the elite’s opposition to Trump is more about decorum and instability than policy
-Keith’s prediction that the elites will negotiate a deal with Trump
-Keith’s prediction that Trump will govern as a normie moderate Republican for his 2nd Term
-The Israel Lobby favoring Trump over Biden
-How the Israel conflict is weakening wokeness and the alliance between progressives and the neoliberal establishment
-Why Biden’s re-election is better from an anti-establishment standpoint
-America’s three political blocks, MAGA Nationalist Populists, Centrist Neoliberals, and the Progressive Left
-How the Nationalist Right will further radicalize with limited growth potential
-Why partisan cycles favor Democrats over the next few decades
-The political realignment over social class
-The hyper-capitalist Sunbelt elite as a barrier to the GOP turning populist on economics
-Why Trumpenomics will likely be inflationary
-The risks of the Ukraine and Israel wars escalating
-The Europhile Northeastern establishment and Europhobic Sunbelt’s divide over Ukraine
-Speculating whether Trump or Biden will win
-RFK’s JR.’s brand of bourgeoise bohemian Centrist Populism
-The hysteria over the election, such as about Project 2025
-Why Democrats are hesitant to replace Joe Biden but plan to replace him with Kamala Harris after the election
-Why Biden is the lesser of evils compared to Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris
-Why America’s elites’ mercantile nature means that full blown totalitarianism is not likely in America

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about Rudolf Steiner

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas talk to Keith Preston about the life and philosophy of Austrian occultist and Renaissance Man, Rudolf Steiner, and what we can learn about Steiner’s ideas to address contemporary problems. Check out Keith Preston’s article, Scientific Spirituality and Ethical Individualism: The Legacy of Rudolf Steiner, and Troy Southgate’s new book, THE SPIRIT UNBOUND: RUDOLF STEINER’S PHILOSOPHY OF FREEDOM. Keith Preston is a historian, social scientist, political analyst, author, lecturer, trends researcher, and the editor of Attack the System. Follow Keith on Twitter.


The crisis of modernity as anomie, uprootedness from place, identity, tradition, and social bonds, and its impact on the human psyche
Parallels between the modern existential crisis and that of Steiner’s era
Traditional religion being replaced by new secular religions (eg. social justice, scientism, secular heresies)
Steiner’s belief that spirituality and science are interconnected
Parapsychology, including studies of near death experiences
Comparisons to Carl Jung and Christian mystics, Emanuel Swedenborg and William James
Anti-vaxxers’ fascination with Steiner’s warnings of genetically re-engineering people’s spirituality
Steiner’s views on spiritual races and the Steiner schools becoming a target of cancel culture, though Steiner was staunchly anti-fascist
The limitations of materialism and rationalism, and Steiner’s influence from Romanticism 
Steiner’s philosophical relation to other thinkers, including Julius Evola, Nietzsche, Aleister Crowley, and Martin Buber
How the essence of Steiner’s political philosophy was reconciling the differences  between individualism and rootedness, liberal egalitarianism and tradition, and occultism and ethics
How Steiner favored an economic system like distributism, over capitalism or Marxism, and decentralized local autonomy and identities, over nationalism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about the Ukraine War

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about the geopolitics of the war in Ukraine. Keith Preston is a historian, social scientist, political analyst, author, lecturer, trends researcher, and the editor of Attack the System. Follow Keith on Twitter.


The Geopolitical background of the conflict, the unprovoked narrative, and NATO expansion
How sanctions often fail at their intention of brining about regime change
How the conflict is accelerating geopolitical realignments and the bifurcation between the West and a Eurasian block
The motives and military strategy of the Ukrainian government
Whether the Russian invasion of Ukraine would have been less likely to have happened under Trump
Neo-McCarthyism, Russo-phobia, and the crackdown on civil liberties
The rise in a convoluted hybrid of American nationalism and woke culture
Worst case scenarios of the war escalating into direct conflict between Russia and the US and NATO
The fragmentation and polarization of American society, enclavism and Bill Bishop’s Big Sort
Supply chain issues and the potential for a global economic crisis

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about Secessionist Political Parties















Keith Preston is the editor of Attack the System


How the ideologies of parties are shaped by motivations of secessionist movements
Conflicting political parties and ideologies within the same secessionist movements
Texas secession movement and Alaskan Independence Party
Calexit movement and California National Party
California’s income inequality and housing crisis
Economic factors behind secession and economic divides within movements
The South is My Country in Brazil
Northern Italian separatist party Lega Nord‎ which is now Lega
Cape Party in South Africa
The pro-EU secessionist Scottish National Party and Catalan independence movement
Flemish secessionist parties Vlaams Belang and New Flemish Alliance
Puerto Rican Independence Party and how the American left and Right have switched sides on Puerto Rican Secession

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Keith Preston about The Geek Squad & Corporate Surveillance State Collusion







Keith Preston is the editor of Attack the System


FBI Paid Best Buy’s Geek Squad to Spy on Customer Devices who are Passing over User Data
Violations of the 4th Amendment which prohibits warrant-less searches based on no probably cause
Farming out state repression to the private sector as a way to get around the 4th Amendment
Motivations for informants to plant contraband
The potential use of these tactics for political oppression
Government surveillance powers over the internet
Internet Censorship and applying the 1st Amendment to Corporations
How the Left has abandoned Freedom of Speech in favor of the Social Justice paradigm
The Left’s support for the Federalization of the Police
How the Police State is now impacting the middle class
Jeff Session’s stances on civil liberties and his lawsuit over California’s Sanctuary State Status
Calexit and the New California Movement
Trump’s foreign policy, tariffs, and his upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Round Table Discussion on Charlottesville & Political Polarization











Robert Stark joined with Keith Preston of Attack the System, Sam Kevorkian, J.G. Michael, and Joshua Zeidner discuss the “Unite The Right” event in Charlottesville Virginia, the aftermath, and it’s implications for political discourse.


Keith Preston’s essay Some Initial Thoughts on Charlottesville
How the message of the rally was unclear and incoherent; the “Occupy Wall Street” of the Right
The media’s reaction and the Public relations disaster for the Alt-Right
How the Police handled the event and past cases where the Police were ordered to stand down
Trump’s diplomatic response
How both the Alt-Right and SJW Left are reacting to growing wealth disparities; including many former members of the Upper Middle Class
Political polarization as a reflection of alienation among youth
Conspiracy theories about both left and right wing protesters being controlled opposition
The rise of the far right and left and the ineptitude of the Center
The political fragmentation of the Elites and the Media
The rise in political violence
The massive online crackdown on the Alt-Right in the aftermath of Charlottesville
Corporate censorship(ex.VDARE targeted by corporate left)
Extending the First Amendment to corporations
ACLU: White Supremacists no longer entitled to all First Amendment rights
Noam Chomsky: Antifa is a ‘major gift to the Right’

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews The Adventure Kid

Robert Stark and Co-host Pilleater talk to the Adventure Kid. His Moniker is based on the erotic manga series Adventure Kid. The Adventure Kid describes himself as a Locofoco, Jeffersonian, Red Tory, Christian anarchist. and Socially Conservative Socialist


Robert and Pilleater discuss the films The Amazing Panda Adventure, and The Crush with Alicia Silverstone
Pilleater’s youtube interview with The Adventure Kid
The Adventure Kid’s interest in Anime, and the avant garde anime of the 70’s and 80’s vs. the “disneyfied” anime of today
The Anime Angel Cop, which has fascist themes
Batman: The Animated Series as the Adventure Kid’s ideal utopian society, and the Art Deco, Film Noire, aesthetic
Art, Architecture, Peter Moruzzi’s book Classic Dining: Discovering America’s Finest Mid-Century Restaurants
Old School R & B, Bobby Brown’s Korean love interest in New Edition’s If It Isn’t Love, and “Death and the Maiden” (The Verlaines song)
Alt porn, Porn stars Nina Hartley, Mia Khalifa, Nadia Ali, Bailey Li, Priya Anjali Rai all of which have made x-rated movies like those shown on, and Robert’s favorite erotic model Emily Bloom. He’s also parital to tuning into some of the live cam girls shows over on Babestation when the mood takes him; Hannah is one of his favourites, see here – Part of what attracts him to Babestation, apart from the girls (of course), is the ineractivity.
Avant Garde filmmakers Gaspar Noé, Harmony Korine, Alejandro Jodorowsky, and John Waters
Kerry Bolton’s Artists of the Right, Wyndham Lewis, and Italian Futurism
The origins of the Alt-Right in Avant Garde Culture
How The Adventure Kid’s views have evolved since starting out as an SJW Obama supporter
The Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Anarchism, and why the Adventure Kid does not want to be pinned down to one movement, and considers himself a man of multiple movements
The Adventure Kid’s interest in Counter-Currents and Keith Preston’s Attack the System
Bill Kauffman, the America First movement, and the early 20th Century Populist Movement including Robert M. La Follette
The Adventure Kid’s Black Identity, assimilationist vs. Black Nationalist, Afro-Asianism, and how that relates to his interest in the Alt-Right
Social Conservatism and Christianity
The Adventure Kid’s Left leaning views on the Environment, Drug Legalization, Banking, and Healthcare
Donald Trump, and why the Adventure Kid supported him primarily because of trade and immigration, and where he is disappointed with Trump
Economic automation, Robots as a solution to mass immigration, and the need for a basic income

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Robert Stark interviews Keith Preston about Donald Trump and the Return of Liberalism








Robert Stark and Alex von Goldstein talk to Keith Preston about his essay Donald Trump and the Return of Liberalism

Topics include:

The three waves of Liberalism, classical liberalismreform liberalism, and neoliberalism
Neoliberalism, which is essentially a hybrid of capitalism and social democracy under the managerial state, starting under Jimmy Carter, and accelerating under Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., and Bill Clinton
Noam Chomsky: Richard Nixon Was ‘Last Liberal President’
How the election of Donald Trump represents a mass repudiation of Neoliberalism
Hillary Clinton as the candidate who epitomizes Neoliberalism, and neglected the working class base of the Democratic Party
How many people on the left such as Slavoj Zizek supported Trump over Clinton
Why Keith believes Bernie Sanders could of defeated Trump
How a recent article in The Atlantic, a liberal publication, admitted mainstream American liberalism has transformed into a kind of left-wing capitalism
How many mainstream conservatives and Republicans, simultaneously warned that Trump was a dangerous racist, sexist, xenophobe, and Fascist, and not authentic conservative enough
Keith compares Trump to a Nelson Rockefeller, who ran as George Wallace in the GOP primaries before reinventing himself as Ross Perot in the general election campaign
How Wallace was a symbol of right-wing populism, but also a New Deal Democrat and Perot was one of the most outspoken critics of neoliberalism in the in the last 30 years
How the New Deal (reform liberalism) under FDR involved an alliance of Southern segregationists (like Wallace) and Northern liberals who were advocates of civil rights
The decline of social conservatism, how Trump won that vot, despite his moderate social views, and how social conservatives are moving to the left economically
Trump’s Surprising Transportation Priorities
Trump’s climate change denial and interest in expanding the use of fossil fuels
The new political realignment, and Trump’s appeal to working class white swing voters with issues of trade, immigration, and preserving social safety nets
Trump’s economic policies include, labor protectionismpreserving the working to middle class social safety netreforming rather than abolishing Obamacarenew benefits to working women with children, and one of the most liberal reforms of student loan debt policy
However Trump’s tax plan is based on supply side economists
Trump Could Place Media In Antitrust Crosshairs
How Trump’s civil liberty stances turned off libertarian leaning voters, and his environmental stances well educated ones, and whether a hypothetical candidate to the left of Trump on those issues could build a successful new political coalition
The demise of Conservatism INC., and whether the future of the GOP is a “Centrist Nationalism,” similar to Marine Le Pen’s National Front in France
While not a Trump support, Keith is sympathetic to his anti-neocon views on US-Russia relationshis opposition to toppling Assad, and his criticism of the US alliance with the Gulf States
How Rudy Giuliani the Front-Runner for Secretary of State has a Neoconservative background, but is primarily a career opportunist, and has recently adopted Trump’s foreign policy outlook
Keith’s main disagreement with Trump is his support for the surveillance state and the militarization of the police
Why Keith thinks the Alt-Right might be disappointed with Trump, and that Trump may make compromises on immigration

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Robert Stark interviews Keith Preston about Thinkers Against Modernity














Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein interview Keith Preston about his book Thinkers Against Modernity

Topics include:

How the book is an examination of thinkers critical of modernity from a value neutral perspective
How Keith is influenced by the intellectual tradition of the enlightenment, yet finds value in traditionalist critiques of modernity
Julius Evola as the purest critique of modernity
How the Right tends to have a pessimistic view of the present and idealizes a particular era of the past(ex. Julius Evola the 8th Century BC, Nietzsche the Sophist era in Ancient Greece,  Traditional Catholics the Middle Ages, and mainstream conservatives the 1950’s or Reagan Era)
Defining characteristic of the Right include rejection of social change, egalitarianism, and universalism, and a fixed view of human nature
Nietzsche’s point that ideologies become new religions, and how the modern politically correct left is a new moralistic religion rather than genuine liberalism or Marxism
Aleister Crowley’s aristocratic individualism, and his view that capitalism and mass democracy degraded a genuine cultural elitism
The Distributist G.K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc, their views on the distribution of capital, and their critic of capitalism as degrading traditional values
Carl Schmidt’s view that democracy was incompatible with liberal individualism
How Carl Schmidt subscribed to the realist school of though and viewed the United States as having an ideologically driven foreign policy
The United States as a nation founded on Classical Liberalism and the Enlightenment
The European New Right, how it was founded in the late 1960’s as a counter to the New Left, fusing aspects of the New Left with the conservative revolution of the interwar period
How the New Right tried to appeal to the left on issues such as anti-globalization, anti-consumerism, anti-imperialism, and environmentalism
The New Right’s critique of political correctness, feminism, and mass immigration as being products of capitalism
Noam Chomsky on capitalism and anti-racism
The American Alternative Right, how it is influenced by the European New Right, and how it is different
Guillaume Faye’s Archeo-Futurism and futurist thought on the right

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Robert Stark interviews Keith Preston about the New Political Paradigm










Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Keith Preston of Attack the System

Topics include:

Keith’s essay Crossroads 2016: Where do we go from here
How Hillary Clinton is the perfect manifestation of the totalitarian humanist convergence, combining militarism, plutocracy, and police statism with ostensibly liberal and progressive values as an ideological cover
How the antiwar, civil libertarian, and labor-oriented sections of the Left have become increasingly alienated from both the Democratic Party and the liberal establishment
The present day political alignments that have emerged because of the rise of totalitarian humanism
How the Donald Trump phenomena represents a stirring of the populist right and the sinking middle class
How some on the antiwar left now favor Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton
How Donald Trump’s political strategy has adopted aspects of Keith’s essay “Liberty and Populism
The new left-wing of the ruling class that has emerged from outside the ranks of the traditional WASP elites
The ten core demographics of a radical or revolutionary movement in North America
Libertarianism, the death of Ron Paul’s Paleo-libertarian Movement, Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson, and how he’s basically a Rockefeller Republican
The popular Five Star Movement in Italy which has successfully combined liberal, conservative, and libertarian positions
The rise of Radical Centrist and synergist politics in Europe and whether that will spread to the United States
The Managerial Revolution
How the Secret of Swiss Success Is Decentralization and the Canton Sytem
How decentralized systems are much more stable and successful since there’s far less risk of a mistaken policy being imposed on a one-size-fits-all basis
The misconception that decentralist are luddites, and how decentralization is compatible with urbanism and technology
Norman Mailer, and his plan to make New York City into an independent decentralized City State
Social credit and the necessity of a Basic Income

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