Category Archives: Police Brutality

Robert Stark interviews artist Gio Pennacchietti

Robert Stark and Matt Pegas talk to Gio Pennacchietti about aesthetic, cultural, and social trends. Gio Pennacchietti is a social impressionist painter and writer from the “first post-national country” (Canada), Gonzo Philosopher, and failed academic. Check out his YouTube channel GiantArt Productions, Instagram, writings at Substack and WordPress, and Twitter.


Gio’s review of Robert Stark’s Art: The Fauvist Vaporwave Interiors
20th Century aesthetic genres, retrofuturism, post-modernism, late 20th century pop art, trends in nostalgia, and the psychology of hauntology
Political symbolism in aesthetics: 2010s minimalism, Neoliberal Kitsch, Sanford Biggers’ statue in Rockefeller Plaza, the de-evolution of Trump’s aesthetics, and the lack of a cohesive aesthetic trend for the future
Robert’s article on Pan-Enclavism and how it relates to Canada as a post-national nation
A critique of the Intellectual Dark Web
The need for a new bohemian/creative movement comparable to the Vienna Secession
Gio’s interest in the after prison Youtubers
Gio’s artistic background, influences, and art as a spiritual endeavor

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews California Gubernatorial Candidate Nickolas Wildstar











Robert Stark and Jonathan Edwards talk to Nickolas Wildstar about his campaign for California Governor in the Recall Election. Nickolas Wildstar is a political activist, rapper, and former Libertarian gubernatorial candidate in 2018 and is running as a Republican.


The Recall and Wildstar’s criticism of Governor Newsom’s handling of the budget, economy, and covid lockdown
Wildstar’s Phoenix Initiative to roll back the economic damage of the pandemic including nullifying California Assembly Bill 5 (2019) against independent contractors
Wildstar’s plan to address the housing crisis including 3D printed homes and zoning reform
The Gold New Deal including public banking and publicly owned energy utilities
Criminal justice reform including support for ending qualified immunity
The manufactured cancel culture, tech regulations, and corporate monopoly issues
Wildstar’s vision for a revitalized California GOP
The case for California independence
How Wildstar’s civil rights were violated for recording in court and his proposal to guarantee the right to record in court for Californians

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Please subscribe to Robert Stark’s Substack.

Robert Stark talks to Hunter Wallace about Post Trump Political Trends













Robert Stark talks to Hunter Wallace about the Biden Administration, Post Trump Right, and political realignment on class. Hunter Wallace is an Alabama based blogger at Occidental Dissent and describes himself as a Nationalist Moderate Populist.


Revisiting why Donald Trump lost
The New Political Realignment on Class and  Woke Capital’s boycott of Georgia
Whether the GOP’s call to Boycott Woke Corporations is purely symbolic
The track records of potential 2024 GOP nominees including Cotton, Hawley, and De Santis
The role of Trump Post Presidency and whether MAGA Inc. is just the new Con Inc.
Joe Biden’s Polling and his biggest electoral weaknesses: Immigration, Crime, cancel culture, and civil liberties
The Biden Admin’s crackdown on civil liberties in the name of fighting Domestic  Extremism
The pros and cons of Biden’s Infrastructure Plan and the last COVID Relief Bill
Neoliberal Joe Screwing Millennials on Student Debt and giving the shaft to progressives on economics
How opposition to Cancel Culture has become the new culture war with Black Lives Matter tumbling in popularity
The Dirtbag Left flirts with the Dissident Right
How the transformation of the GOP into a National Labor Party is a long-term process
Hunter’s predictions for the midterm elections and next presidential election

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark interviews Pinky Culture











Robert Stark talks to New York based vlogger Pinky Culture about GameStop, social and economic trends, AstroTurf politics, and populism. Check out Pinky Culture on YouTube and Twitter.


Pinky’s political compass.
What the GameStop short squeeze exposes about our economic system
How the Great Reset is just late stage capitalism
Patriot Act but woke
Jimmy Dore calls out AOC
Andrew Yang’s campaign for New York mayor
The Black Pill philosophy
Tucker Carlson on the incel economy
Pinky’s videos on the racepill and agepill
Populist icon Huey Long

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark talks to Guillaume Durocher about the Black Lives Matter Protests in Europe
















Robert Stark talks to French Unz Review columnist about the Black Lives Matter Protests in Europe and related political and social trends. Follow Guillaume on Twitter.


Pro-BLM Demonstrations Sweep Across Europe
Arson investigation at Nantes Cathedral and whether it’s part of a greater wave of Church vandalism
Europe’s advantages in handling civil unrest including a strong social safety net
French President Emmanuel Macron: France will not erase its History
Why Europe is less hysterical in regards to woke culture than the US
Protests as a product of American Cultural Imperialism
Vlaams Belang help restore anti-slavery Monument to the Belgian Pioneers in the Congo
Parallels between the Belgian Congo and modern day pseudo humanitarian justifications for intervention to enrich capitalist interest
Rise in tribal conflicts in Europe(Clashes erupt between Chechen and Arab gangs in France)
French Municipal Elections: Macron Régime Shudders as It Fails to Win in a Single City
Marine Le Pen’s nation focused politics that are neither socially nor economically conservative
Proposals for citizen referendums from the Yellow Vests and French conservative pundit Éric Zemmour
Corona-Depression: Southern Europe Will Never Recover
Political trends in Europe, the fragility of the EU, and why Italy is the country to watch

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Round Table discussion on the long term ramifications of the Pandemic











Robert Stark is joined with Moscow based Unz Review columnist Anatoly Karlin and Bay Area based blogger Dain Fitzgerald who has written for Spliced Today, Rachel Haywire’s Trigger Warning, and . Follow Anatoly and Dain on Twitter.


Going back to Anatoly’s initial predictions on the pandemic from February
The short term modest economic recovery due to the stimulus but not sustainable long term
How the pandemic has been neglected due to the rallies
Spike after re-opening and limits of quarantine capital
Asia’s hard lockdown vs the West’s potential epidemic yo-yo of cyclical lock downs
Peter Turchin published a paper in 2010 predicting political, economic and social instability would peak in 2020
Protests overseas as American Cultural Imperialism
The culmination of the Great Awokening
How conservatives are naive to think that wokeness only thrives under prosperity
Whether woke capital really is a deliberate plan to subvert class consciousness
How de-funding police might be purely symbolic but, if true, we’ll see more private security and gated communities
The oncoming urban exodus due to remote work, the pandemic, economics, and rising crimes rates
Fertility and Immigration trends
UK may grant refugee status to residents of Hong Kong
Breaking of the Chimerica arangement?
Biden’s advantage as a perceived return to normalcy
Speculating which nations will fare the best economically and containing the pandemic

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark talks to Ryan England about Civil Unrest, Class, and Identity Politics












Robert Stark and Matt Pegan discuss the role of economic class and identity politics in regards to the recent protests and civil unrest and whether we can find a nuanced middle ground between polarized extremes. Ryan is based in Calgary, Canada and runs the blog Alternative Left. Follow the Alternative Left on Facebook.


Ryan’s Alternative Left project as an alternative to the regressive left
The dogmatic religious like fervor of the woke left vs. the traditional materialist left
Meet the anti-woke left
Ryan’s observations from the mostly peaceful protest in Calgary, Canada
Behind the epidemic of police killings in America: Class, poverty and race with the highest rates among low income men
Practical rather than polarized solutions to police brutality and militarization
Skepticism about whether the power structure will actually downsize the police state
The increased use of private security and potential of a privatized police state
Motives behind exploitative economic elites’ support for race based identity politics
Cornel West: Ta-Nehisi Coates is the neoliberal face of the black freedom struggle
How the racial wealth gap is more extreme among the older generation as opposed to the youth
The civil war inside The New York Times
The ramifications of the protests on the presidential election

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark and Matt Pegan discuss the Nationwide Civil Unrest









Robert Stark and Matt Pegan discuss the civil unrest that has occurred over the past week and the social and political ramifications. Note the show was recorded on June 3rd. Follow Matt on Twitter.


The economic crisis due to the pandemic
How economic despair combined with identity grievance culture created a perfect storm
How in crisis people reject civility and revert to their base instincts and polarized narratives
Virtue signaling from Woke Capital
The relationship between bourgeois liberalism and the far left(see Opinion poll based on income)
How the civil unrest is a shock to many but shows the long time social breakdown of our society
How this hits close to home for Matt as an LA resident
How, unlike in past riots, looting was in wealthier areas such as LA’s Westside and Midtown Manhattan
Unrest spreads to Bay Area suburbs
How the pandemic made it hard to jail looters
Narratives about law enforcement
Trump’s handling of the crisis, and how he’s in the worst possible situation
Comparisons with past media narratives when dealing with right wing extremism
How the worst of rioting has been quelled but we could see long term urban decay

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark talks to Guillaume Durocher about the Yellow Vests & National Economics














Robert Stark and Anatoly Karlin talk to Alt-French Unz Review blogger  about the Yellow Vest Protests, political situation in France, and National Economics.


The gas tax as largely symbolic for overall populist discontent
Macron’s Neoliberal economic polices
Decentralized nature of the movement
The culture of protest in France
The role of the police(update: Police Deploy Rifles with Live Ammunition to Yellow Vest Protests)
The White Working Class demographic
Fusion of Left and Right Populism and support from both nationalist Le Pen and leftist Mélenchon supporters
How the outcome of the Yellow Vest protests will impact the next election
Why movements need a segment of the elite to succeed
Russian and American(ex. Steve Bannon) conspiracy theories
Orbánomics, or the Return of National Economics
National Economic policies such as state control of banks, national banks, and local production
The Economics of Globalism and High vs. Low Globalism
Left Wing French Social Nationalist Alain Soral
France Is Becoming More Violent

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s PaintingsStark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks about The YIMBY Movement & The Alt-Center















Robert Stark joined with Cartrell Payne(aka The Adventure Kid) to discuss the YIMBY movement, the Alt-Center, and how those issues relate.


California Senator Scott Wiener’s housing-transit measure Derailed
Factions of the YIMBY movement including left leaning housing advocates, real estate developers, and the Market Urbanist
Left Wing anti-gentrification activists and their alliance with NIMBY’s
Cartrell’s observations on gentrification in Memphis, Tennessee
The hypocrisy of pro-immigration Limousine Liberal NIMBY’s, and how that combination exacerbates the housing crisis
How the YIMBY movement is also very pro immigration
Income Inequality in California and the mass exodus of the middle class
The film Falling Down which is set in LA in the early 90’s and a warning of a dystopian future
What makes California great and can it be saved?
The New Great Migration of Black Americans back to The South
White Middle Class Conservative NIMBY’s, their motivations, and how they are sabotaging their own self interest
Why YIMBYism and immigration restriction are compatible, and why the Alt-Center should take up those causes
Why YIMBYs need to address aesthetic concerns
Why YIMBYism is compatible with environmental and historic preservation
Citylab and City Journal; their writings on urbanism and political agendas
Why mass transit is inefficient in LA and other Sun Belt cities
The political and cultural flaws of both Blue and Red States
A vision of an Alt Center which include alternative economics, pro middle class policies, New Urbanism, environmentalism, SWPL culture, and socially centrist
Cartrell’s political orientation as an Old School Southern Democrat minus the racism
Cartrell’s critique of both the Black Liberal Establishment and Black Conservatives
Conservative views on the poor and police issues and Conservative Class Cucks
The early 20th Century Populist movement
Norman Mailer’s plan for breaking up New York City which addressed both the concerns of the Left and the Right

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings and his novel Journey to Vapor Island