Category Archives: Animal Cruelty

Walt Bismarck interviews me about Rightwing Multiculturalism

This is a simulcast with Walt Bismarck’s Walt Right podcast.

Topics include:

  • Robert’s political trajectory coming out of the Ron Paul movement
  • Robert’s Jewish heritage
  • His thoughts on the political position of American Jews since the Gaza War
  • How the boredom of the Biden years has created a less tense environment
  • How recent years have driven a wedge between the Left and Liberals
  • How anti-Whiteness led to an explosion of antisemitism on the Left
  • Has the boundary between Jews and Whites blurred over the past few years?
  • How Walt was able to mainstream himself without denouncing the Alt Right
  • The tenability of Right Wing Multiculturalism and Castizo Futurism
  • How comfortable is Walt with immigration?
  • The resentment towards Brahmin Indians growing in Silicon Valley
  • White people in America need to form the same ethnic patronage networks as immigrant ethnic groups
  • How Walt misjudged the Midwest
  • Arizona vs. Florida vs. California
  • The hyper-individualistic nature of White Californians
  • California as an American “promised land” and the most beautiful place on earth
  • DeSantis’s efforts to position Florida as the new California
  • Why did DeSantis fail?
  • Brain drain from California to Florida
  • Why has Florida supplanted Texas as the conservative hub?
  • The decentralized modern Dissident Right vs. the old Alt Right
  • Nick Fuentes vs. the “Post-Left” Dimes Square / Red Square crowd
  • Why are Hispanics in California/Arizona more leftist than in Florida/Texas?
  • How personal temperament impacts a person’s politics
  • The median Alt Righter was actually less racist on a visceral level than the average ”colorblind” conservative
  • Colorblindness is responsible for the worst of the Left and the Right
  • Moral implications of belief in HBD
  • How much should you talk about HBD?
  • Emil Kirkegaard’s study on taboos
  • Respects in which Walt is rightwing
  • Walt’s centrism on abortion and hatred for pro-life maximalists
  • Robert’s futurist concept of distributism
  • Why immigration restriction basically requires mass automation
  • Walt’s idea for a “grand bargain” where illegal immigrants are given legal status in exchange for a guarantee that they will never be given the right to vote
  • The case for a Rightwing Urbanism and pro-White YIMBYism
  • Do you need restricted covenants etc. to sell YIMBYism to suburbanites?
  • Is NIMBYism necessary to prevent a mass brain drain from the interior?
  • Gentrification as the future of the right and the opposite of White Flight
  • Walt’s desire for a “High Openness Right” that resembles the early Alt Right
  • Why conservatives suck at art
  • HBO’s Girls and The Sopranos as conservative art
  • Painting as a metaphor for ethno-pluralism
  • Robert Stark’s stance on AI Art
  • How Walt used Disney songs to explain the Alt Right, and how this resembles how Lin Manuel Miranda’s use of rap to explain the Founding Fathers
  • How key changes are used to create an emotional impact in music, especially show tunes and 80s music
  • Why do the 80s resonate with Millennial guys so much?
  • Walt’s pro-white argument for reparations
  • Walt’s support for animal rights and lab grown meat
  • Will future societies look back on factory farms the same way we look at slavery?
  • High IQ people need a self-selected bubble where they don’t have to “hold frame”
  • We’re not all gonna make it—that’s just part of being a man
  • The modern world is much better for high IQ autistic guys like Walt and Robert
  • How Tinder increased the incel rate from 15% to 30%
  • What makes someone “smart but poor?” What is Walt’s advice for this demo?
  • Building an income on Substack—Walt and Robert’s strategies
  • How building a social media presence is like feudalism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Vaporfornia, and subscribe to his Substack.

Robert Stark interviews Squid Game actor Geoffrey Giuliano

Robert Stark talks to actor Geoffrey Giuliano about his role as VIP 4 in Squid Game, animal rights, and other projects.  A true Renaissance Man, Geoffrey Giuliano is an American actor based in Thailand, an author best known for his biographies of the Beatles, artist,  journalist, and has acted in 28 movies, including Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula and Kate starring Woody Harrelson. Check out Geoffrey’s website, YouTube channel, Instagram, and his upcoming podcast, Geoffrey Giuliano’s Dog Fight, which will be an intelligent alternative to Joe Rogan and Howard Stern.


The stylized acting performance of the Squid Game VIPs, the Kubrick influence, the Trump archetype of VIP 4, and Geoffrey’s response to the critics
The casting, production, and acting instructions for the VIPs
What its like for actors to play uncomfortable roles
Contrasting the portrayal of Americans in Squid Game with how Asian characters have been portrayed in American cinema
Squid Game as an allegory for the gross materialism of the modern world
Geoffrey’s animal rights documentary ‘Facist Food Confessions Of A Corporate Clown My Life As Ronald McDonald’
Geoffrey’s strangest fan mail as well as threats from those who are not able to divorce the VIP character from reality
How “if you want Squid Game to come to your town” you have to come to Geoffrey

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageInstagram, and Stark Truth TV

Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about the Planned Obsolescence of the American Heartland














Robert Stark talks to Paul Bingham about his in-production documentary chronicling the economic and social despair of the American Heartland. Paul Bingham is the author of Down Where the Devil Don’t Go and Black House Rocked. You can contact Paul at


Paul’s footage and interviews conducted across the South and Midwest
The concept of non-essential jobs exposing the reality that most of the workforce will become obsolete
Long term economic consequences of the pandemic including permanent job loss, foreclosure of small banks and businesses, and more automation and streamlining
Trump’s failure to bring back manufacturing
The conglomeration of farmland and real estate
Why Paul predicts America will serve as the breadbasket of the world
Paul’s speculation that elites support mass immigration in the short term but population reduction in the long term
Stratification of elites, hiding of assets, and effectiveness of an asset tax
Crisis of addiction and deaths of despair (highest rates among Whites and Native Americans)
The foreign policy motive behind foreign owned cash businesses
The benefits of economic specialization and family based businesses
America’s nomadic nature
Why certain groups of Americans are better adapted to thrive in the future
Why the general public is only educated to be a consumer and not a rational political actor
Failure of past political movements from Ron Paul to Bernie Sanders
How the documentary will record the heartland’s decline rather than explicitly make political predictions
Paul’s upcoming poetry book, Strip Club Poetry

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Rich Houck











Robert Stark talks to Rich Houck about urbanism, aesthetics, and the need for social capital. Rich is a recent law school grad and you can check out his blog on Patreon and his Twitter account.


Rich’s interest in photography
Rich’s patronage of independent artists
Interest in both traditional and Retro-Futurist aesthetics
Neon nationalism: reclaiming the future we should have had
80s nostalgia: the 80s as a going away party
The Last Mall Rat OR The Decline and Transformation of The American Mall
The importance of communal spaces, whether it’s Interior Urbanism or a traditional village space
How urban planning models and density relate to social cohesion
Does Diversity Create Distrust?
Crime prevention through environmental design and A New Way of Understanding ‘Eyes on the Street‘ 
Impression of San Francisco, how it could have been an American Paris with a uniquely American European aesthetic
The spring COVID-19 took from me
How the pandemic is exposing a wide range of problems from open borders to factory farming
Robert’s novel Journey to Vapor Island’s lesson about taking the best from all sides
Symbolism of the Neon-Raccoon

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Karlin about the Coronavirus Pandemic & Animal Rights












Robert Stark talks to Russian Unz Review blogger Anatoly Karlin about the coronavirus pandemic. (Note updates have occurred since recording of show)


Anatoly’s initial predictions
Corona & the Cost of Doing Nothing
The success of China’s quarantine and whether it’s sustainable
Trump’s catch 22 on quarantining the pandemic
How the pandemic could restructure global geopolitics
Bernie Sanders Wouldn’t Close The Border To Prevent The Spread Of Wuhan Virus
The need for mandatory sick leave and an emergency UBI
The advantages (car centric suburbia) and disadvantages (no sick leave) of the US over Western Europe
Corona Clusters
Corona cases at AIPAC, CPAC, and NATO
The disproved ethnic specific theory
Will Russia Succumb to Corona-Chan?
Anatoly’s observations from Moscow
The degree to which new infections are originating from Chinese sources
Robin Hanson’s idea of delayed controlled infection
Cucked By Corona: will the the pandemic have a non trivial impact on global fertility?
The Cognitive Chain of Being: A New Approach to Animal Rights
Quantifying suffering and figuring out cost efficient ways to reduce suffering
The populist limitations to ending factory farming
In vitro meat, other meat substitutes, and whether they’ll becomes cost competitive
The US Presidential election, Bernie’s Woke direction, Biden as the quintessential normie, and why Bloomberg would have given America a cyberpunk vibe

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Ashley Messinger about the Richard Dawkins Eugenics Controversy











Robert Stark talks to Ashley Messinger about the controversy over Richard Dawkins’ Tweets on eugenics(First and Second). Ashley is based in the UK and writes for You can also find Ashley on Twitter.


Dawkins’ thought experiment that eugenics could work in practice but the ethical costs are not worth it
PC taboos against thought experiments from the moralistic Woke left
Dawkins as part of  THE GREY TRIBE
Eugenics as state policy versus private choices(ex. sperm donors)
CRISPR gene editing
How all societies select winners and losers, those favored to pass on their genes
Genes selected for ethnocentrism and religiosity
Fertility transitions(ex. population projections for the Mormons and Amish)
The impact of fertility trends on neuro-diversity
Dawkins’ book The Selfish Gene
Jayman’s sane and humane Solutions, including birth control, student loan forgiveness, and natalist tax incentives
The insanity of Trump cutting food stamps for single adults but not single parents
Ashley’s article Optimised Humanity, Towards Corvus Axolotlus on how traits for beauty have been selected
Former Borris Johnson aide Andrew Sabisky and the controversy over his comments on eugenics
Richard Dawkins’ past controversial comments on down syndrome, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment
Ashley’s article Utilitarianism and Rights to Life
Genetic traits and personality types selected for compassion towards animals
In vitro meat
“Germany, France push to end male chick ‘shredding’ in European Union”.

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Jamie Stewart from Xiu Xiu returns to talk about his album Forget & Twin Peaks













Robert Stark, Pilleater, Haarlem Venison, and  filmmaker Richard Wolstencroft talk to musician Jamie Stewart from Xiu Xiu.

Topics include:

Intro: Xiu Xiu – Queen of the Losers 
Xiu Xiu’s album-  FORGET 
The new Twin Peaks and the show’s finale
Xiu Xiu – Plays The Music of Twin Peaks
Performing at a David Lynch exhibit in Australia
The soundtrack of the new Twin Peaks
Richard’s Xiu Xiu story
Influence from 80’s synth; Depeche Mode, Erasure and Jamie’s cover of Erasure
How music in the 21st Century has become stagnant
Music revenue in the internet era and the importance of live performances
Apocalypse Culture; Peter Sotos
The Gay Marriage vote in Australia
Jamie denounces the Alt-Right
Jamie’s hometown LA and how the city has changed
Animal Rights
Jamie as a pessimistic nihilistic hippie
After Jamie leaves Richard discusses his political and cultural views and his films including Pearls before Swine and his upcoming film The Second Coming Volume II
Richard’s Melbourne Underground Film Festival

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!


Robert Stark interviews Hank Pellissier














Robert Stark, Sam Kevorkian, and Joshua Zeidner talk to Futurist writer Hank Pellissier. Hank Pellissier is an advocate of Transhumanism, director of the Brighter Brains Institute, and the former managing director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.


Hank’s fund-raising for numerous projects in Uganda via the Brighter Brains Institute including clinics and aid to schools and orphanages
A Transhumanist Wants to Feed DIY Soylent to Starving Children
Transhumanist Hank Pellissier on Being an “Atheist Missionary
Hank’s book Brighter Brains: 225 ways to elevate or injure IQ
Hank’s book Why is the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews so high?
China’s Meritocracy Vs. Western Democracy
The effects of diet, lifestyle, education, and trauma on IQ
Raising IQ via cybernetics and gene editing
The Basic Income and Hank’s hesitations
Support for Democratic Socialism
Hank’s book Invent Utopia Now, Transhumanist Suggestions for the Pre-Singularity Era
In-vitro meat and “Farmscrapers”
Wilderness and Rain Forest
Sex Robots and Artificial Wombs
Public Nudity

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Musician En Esch















Robert Stark, Pilleater and J.G Michaels interview EN ESCH. En Esch was an original member of the pioneering industrial band, KMFDM. He is also in his own band, Slick Idiot, and toured with Pigface. En Esch’s recently released a new album, Trash Chic.


En Esch’s interest in music and beginnings in KMFDM, Slick Idiot
En Esch’s early influences, Goth and Queer culture, Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
The politics of East and West Germany
“Xcess” in True Love, and “Ooh La La” in Hellraiser 3
The politically imagery used in KMFDM (the art of Aidan Hughes), Laibach, Dunkelwerk, Hanzel und Gretyl
Atari Teenage Riot, left-wing vs. right-wing imagery and sound, May Day
The Columbine Massacre, the controversy behind KMFDM’s song, “Waste,” YouTube comments about KMFDM’s association with school shootings
En Esch’s new album, Trash Chic
KMFDM’s influence over Rammstein
Modern Industrial musics vs. old style Industrial (Die Krupps)
How En Esch makes music, Nightcore vs. Vaporwave
Five letter codes, Covers, the funky infulence in En Esch’s music
En Esch’s advocation for animal rights, his vegetarian lifestyle
The origin behind Slick Idiot
The music market, downloading and streaming
The Raymond Watts / En Esch / Günter Schulz / Mona Mur KMFDM
Peter Murphy, Humor behind En Esch’s music
Introversion/Social Anxiety, and music as an outlet to express one’s self
Backing singers
En Esch’s future activities

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Check out Robert Stark’s Paintings!

Robert Stark interviews Robert Lindsay about Personality Types

Robert Lindsay

Topics include:

Generalizations, the Bete Noir of the PC Crowd, Rule Our Lives
How races have different personality types
Is a Black Bastard Different from a White Bastard?
Idi Amin as a Worst Case Scenario for the Basic Black Personality Type
As Bad As an Asian Man Gets
Hitler’s personality type
The differences between sociopaths and psychopaths
People who view everything as about money, sex, status and power
One Corporate Party with “Liberal” and “Conservative” Wings
How Robert Lindsay can relate to people like Ann Sterzinger  and Rachel Haywire  who don’t fit into to the stereotypical left wing or right wing mold
You Will Never Eat Bacon Again
Some Thoughts on a Majority-Gay Society
What Would Society Look Like If a Majority of Adults Were Gay?
Why Having a Fact Based View of Your Life and Future May Be a Very Bad Idea
Egotism Is Natural and Normal in Humans
Is It Ok for a Man to Complain?
Different Types of Loners: Pure Loners and “Frustrated Extroverts”

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Artwork