Category Archives: Bernie Sanders

Robert Stark interviews Jack from The Perfume Nationalist
















Robert Stark and Matt Pegan talk to Jack from The Perfume Nationalist podcast. Check out Jack on Twitter.


Nationalism as an aesthetic brand, selling perfume and soap opera visions to the right
Re-appropriating “queer culture”
Camille Paglia
Trump as a performance art aesthetic brand despite his standard neoliberal policies
Beauty equality vs. an upward value of aesthetic excellence
The aspirational quality of 80s aesthetics
How 2010s neoliberal minimalism conceals wealth and power while erasing history
The elite charade of fake bohemianism
How to time travel with perfume
Las Vegas as the last frontier of scented opulent public spaces
Jack’s affinity for 80s pop icon Madonna
Jack’s defense of the artistic integrity of Lena Dunham
David Lynch’s success at synthesizing surrealist art, perfume adds, and nighttime soap
Jack’s Perfume recommendations

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Catching up with Matt Pegan in Quarantine














Matt Pegan returns to talk with Robert Stark about the social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and some of their upcoming projects. Follow Matt’s new account on Twitter.


Why Matt decided to go under his real name
The new Weird Right cultural scene, with more freedom to be creative without guilt by association, and cross pollination with the Dirtbag Left
The TFW NO GF documentary
The impact of the pandemic on mental health
How the quarantine proves the value of leisure and whether it will spark a cultural renaissance
Transitioning into a new era after a long era of stagnation since the last election
How Covid-19 narratives are creating new political paradigms
How the quarantine vindicates nationalist policies with a safety net
The political impact of States re-opening
The pandemic’s long term impact on social bonds
The economic impact of the pandemic and how inequality will likely get much worse
Robert’s upcoming sequel to his novel Journey to Vapor Island and Matt’s novel Dragon Day(excerpt from Terror House)
Robert and Matt’s LA nostalgia series with David Cole(Part One: Westside Pavilion)
Will public spaces survive the pandemic?

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Karlin about the Coronavirus Pandemic & Animal Rights












Robert Stark talks to Russian Unz Review blogger Anatoly Karlin about the coronavirus pandemic. (Note updates have occurred since recording of show)


Anatoly’s initial predictions
Corona & the Cost of Doing Nothing
The success of China’s quarantine and whether it’s sustainable
Trump’s catch 22 on quarantining the pandemic
How the pandemic could restructure global geopolitics
Bernie Sanders Wouldn’t Close The Border To Prevent The Spread Of Wuhan Virus
The need for mandatory sick leave and an emergency UBI
The advantages (car centric suburbia) and disadvantages (no sick leave) of the US over Western Europe
Corona Clusters
Corona cases at AIPAC, CPAC, and NATO
The disproved ethnic specific theory
Will Russia Succumb to Corona-Chan?
Anatoly’s observations from Moscow
The degree to which new infections are originating from Chinese sources
Robin Hanson’s idea of delayed controlled infection
Cucked By Corona: will the the pandemic have a non trivial impact on global fertility?
The Cognitive Chain of Being: A New Approach to Animal Rights
Quantifying suffering and figuring out cost efficient ways to reduce suffering
The populist limitations to ending factory farming
In vitro meat, other meat substitutes, and whether they’ll becomes cost competitive
The US Presidential election, Bernie’s Woke direction, Biden as the quintessential normie, and why Bloomberg would have given America a cyberpunk vibe

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark & Brandon Adamson discuss the 2020 Election (Post Super Tuesday)










Robert Stark and Brandon Adamson discuss last week’s Super Tuesday Election Results.


The stupidity of the average voter and dumbing down of political discourse
Bernie’s inter-sectional direction and other factors contributing to his losses
Brandon’s skepticism of the authenticity of the racist posts from Bernie Bros
Biden’s selective socialist coalition’s rejection of Bernie
Dissidents projecting their own views onto certain candidates
Prediction that the establishment would co-opt a Bernie presidency as it did with Trump
The main problem with Trump is the political opportunities he squandered
Former Goldman Sachs CEO: ‘I might find it harder to vote for Bernie than for Trump’
The chance of Biden stepping down from office due to deteriorating mental health
Super-delegate scenarios at the Democratic convention
Tom Woods: No matter whom you vote for, you always wind up getting John McCain
The polarization under Trump and why Bloomberg would have united the dissident left and right
Why Brandon will never shill for a candidate again
Comparison of the current election with the debate between Eugene McCarthy and Robert Kennedy

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark & Richard Wolstencroft discuss the Film High-Rise
















Robert Stark and Melbourne based director Richard Wolstencroft discuss the film High-Rise (film), a 2015 film by British director Ben Wheatley, based on the novel by J. G. Ballard.


The Bush Fires in Australia, climate change narrative, and other factors
Deep ecology and right wing environmentalism
The Science Fiction of J. G. Ballard including the timely The Drowned World , and how Richard would like to adapt his work into a film
The 70s Retro-Futuristic aesthetic
Brutalist architecture in High-Rise, and the genre in Clockwork Orange and Richard’s upcoming film The Debt Collector
Ironies of the film’s dystopian nature and how it compares to other dystopian films such as Joker
A self-contained city, an Arcology with all amenities within the same structure
Class conflict in a society where all classes live within the same structure
Metaphor for the breakdown of civilization
The unsustainable of the neoliberal system
How technology exacerbates inequality
Archetypes of the characters, including filmmaker Richard Wilder, an apocalyptic anarchic figure
The theme of attempting dialogue with gate keepers and elites who refuse to listen
The architect, a Nietzschean figure, an aesthetic and technological visionary in contrast with our managerial elites
Conspiracy theories vs. the view of elites as a managerial class who extract resources with no vision for the future

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Richard Wolstencroft about MUFF 20 & Elite Replacement Theory















Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk with director Richard Wolstencroft about the upcoming 20th Melbourne Underground Film Festival (Muff  20), current events, and his essay Elite Replacement Theory: Toward A Benevolent Nationalist International.

Based on the 250 word essay written by Matthew Pegas a good decision was made for involved students.
Recap of last year’s festival: Robert and Matthew’s Supply, Steve Bannon’s “Trump @ War”, and Lauren Southern’s Farmlands
Dealing with cancel culture
How past controversies have simmered down and in fact led to a mass increase in film entries
Keeping the theme lite on politics to celebrate the achievements of the festival
Horror films The Faceless Man and No Such Thing As Monsters
Terry McMahon’s documentary The Prizefighter
Richard’s upcoming film The Debt Collector
Richard gives his spiel for Trump and also mentions his affinity for Bernie Sanders
The artists wage, Yang’s UBI, and need for a mild version of socialism
The ongoing struggle between globalism and national sovereignty
Elite Replacement Theory: anti-elite elitism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Alt-Centrist Jonathan Edwards











Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk to Jonathan Edwards about the Alt-Center phenomenon and Andrew Yang. Check out Jonathan on Twitter.


Background as a Democrat, Bernie Sanders/Jill Stein supporter, and parting ways with the Left due to the focus on identity politics and censorship
Angela Nagle’s book Kill All Normies
Interest in dissident centrism, which has unfortunately not taken off due to polarization
The need for the Alt-Center to become a sustained cultural and intellectual movement
Left Wing solutions to reactionary grievances
The decline in the dissident right’s enthusiasm over Andrew Yang
Yang’s out of the box stances, and his missed opportunity to be the dissident center candidate rather than a standard liberal democrat with a UBI
Why a UBI and automation may remove the incentive and justification for mass immigration
Deepfake technology
Observations as a California native on the State’s income inequality and lack of social cohesion
The Idea of Homonationalism as an alternative to left wing LGBT identity politics
The need for society to support both outsider artist and normative family values
How Woke Capital uses identity politics to distract from economic injustices
Robert’s novel Journey to Vapor Island
The need for grand aesthetic visions in politics
The need to invest in the arts and culture
Importance of environmentalism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Prince of Queens about the 2020 Democratic Primary













Robert Stark and Matthew Pegas talk to Prince of Queens about the 2020 Democratic Primary. Prince of Queens is host of the Gaytiarchy on Youtube and was involved with the original Alt-Left/Realist Left scene. You can also check him out on Twitter.


Why Prince of Queens rejects the Left and now describes himself as a radically specific centrist
The recent debates and who won them
How most Democratic candidates are either leftist, corporatist, or both
The unanimous opinion among the candidates to decriminalize illegal immigration
The Great Awokening
Why Prince of Queens supported Bernie Sanders in 2016 but no longer does
White knighting for Joe Biden over the busing controversy
Personality types of the candidates and effectiveness of moralistic pandering
Prince of Queen’s concerns about Andrew Yang’s UBI
Why Tulsi Gabbard is the only candidate Prince of Queens would support
How much of a Trump apologist is Prince of Queens
Tech companies interfering with the election and the need for state intervention
Buttigieg on China
The pushing of gay white men out of the inter-sectional equation
Prediction that Kamala Harris will be the finalist

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Karlin about Andrew Yang and The War on Normal People















Robert Stark and Brandon Adamson talk to Unz Review blogger Anatoly Karlin about his book review of Andrew Yang’s the War on Normal People.


Anatoly’s articles Yang Hasn’t Gone Anywhere, 7 Reasons Why #YangGang Is More Than Just A Meme and What Does Everyone Think About Andrew Yang?
The young educated demographic of support, THE GREY TRIBE, and faction from the dissident right
Yang’s chances of winning
Yang over Trump but Trump over Harris or Biden
Tucker Carlson agreeing with leftist on Venezuela Intervention
Why Yang’s UBI and VAT proposal are relatively Centrist
Iran’s UBI experiment
Peter Turchin and theory of elite over production leading to social instability
Asian American Identity and positive mentions of China
Charles Murray’s COMING APART and Bubble Quiz
The potential impact of the UBI and automation on immigration and demographic trends
How America’s failure to adjust to new realities is leading to social tension

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks about Andrew Yang’s Campaign for President










Robert Stark, Matthew Pegas, and Brandon Adamson discuss Andrew Yang’s campaign for president in 2020.


Brandon’s articles Yang Time! and Yangster’s Paradise
Brandon’s past support for Tulsi Gabbard and why Bernie Sanders is no longer the anti-establishment candidate
Andrew Yang’s unconventional coalition of Dissident Rightest, Radical Centrist, NEETs, Bernie Bros, and Leftist
Reasons for Trump supporters turning to Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang’s identity neutral agenda and context of comments on White demographic decline
Automation as inevitable and something we must adapt to
Trickle Up Economics in contrast to failed Trickle Down Economics
The importance of a basic income for artist and innovators
How a basic income will enable people to liberate themselves from society
Human centered capitalism that creates measurements around people
Whether the basic income will change the debate on immigration
Regulating Tech Companies to protect free speech
The Mall Act and Zoning issues

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This show is brought to you by Robert Stark’s Paintings, Stark Truth TV, and his novel Journey to Vapor Island