Robert Stark welcomes back Keith Preston of Attack the System. Topics include:
- Keith’s article “Who am I? Left, Right, or Center”:
- How his anti-imperialist views on foreign policy overlap with the far Left as well as Paleoconservative and New Right thinkers
- How he finds his critique of capitalism often overlaps with both those of the far Left but also those of Catholic distributists and social nationalists on the far Right
- How he shares some views on social issues with the Left, but swings back to the Right on decentralist, anti-statist or civil libertarian grounds
- His support for regionalist and ethno-identitarian movements as a bulwark against imperialism and the Leviathan state
- The cult of guilt by association versus intellectual freedom
- Making a case against mass immigration to anarchists
- His podcast “Who Are the Power Elite?”:
- The difference between power elite analysis and conspiracy theories
- Power elite analysis versus theories of democratic pluralism
- How the power elite uses demographic, cultural, and class conflict to protect its own position of dominance
- Robert Putnam’s book Bowling Alone and the concept of social capital
- His podcast “Creating Alternative Infrastructure”: