Category Archives: Millennials

Robert Stark interviews Joshua Zeidner












Robert Stark and co-host Sam Kevorkian talk to Joshua Zeidner. Joshua is originally from the New York region and has a degree in Computer Science and minor in Art from CUNY .


How Joshua became involved in Right Wing politics and the Tea Party Party in response to illegal immigration in Arizona
The demographic transformation and destruction of the middle class in California
Suburban sprawl in Phoenix, environmentalism, and urban planning issues
Living in Israel and witnessing a terrorist attack in Jerusalem
Israel as a National Socialist Nation
Intelligent millennials lacking economic opportunities joining dissident movements
Parallels to Weimar Germany where former members of the middle class were reduced to poverty
Creating a new political dichotomy to address these issues
Social Nationalism as an alternative to Conservatism
The flaws of Libertarian ideology and free market economics
Boomer Conservatism and the Old Economy Steve Meme
Karl Marx on society as a relationship between capital and labor
Italian Futurism and National Futurism
Heavy Metal (magazine) 
Joshua’s Facebook group The Whims of Savagery
Illustrators Tanino LiberatorePhilippe Druillet, and Moebius

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Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Karlin about Automation & the Basic Income















Robert Stark, Rabbit, and co-host Pilleater talk to Anatoly Karlin about Automation, the Basic Income, and Future Trends. Anatoly blogs for The Unz Review and is on the Russian language podcast rogpr.


Anatoly’s analysis of the French election results and our show prior to the election
Political trends among Millennials and Gen Z
How automation will be the main political and economic issue in the future
The Automation of low skilled jobs in the near future and super intelligence in the distant future
Where Automation Will Replace Jobs in American Cities and what demographic groups will be impacted the most
The effects of automation on immigration, birthrates, and Human Bio Diversity
How automation will exacerbate income inequality
Whether automation will create a new political realignment
Why automation will make a basic income necessary
Proposals for generating revenue for the basic income, taxing robots, and why Anatoly finds it more feasible to tax the ultra rich
Rabbit’s proposal to break up the United States and why Anatoly thinks it would only exacerbate inequality in regards to automation
The Creation of a leisure class, liberating creative types, and addressing the right’s concerns that a basic income would lead to degeneracy
Peak Oil, Alternative Energy Sources, self driving cars, and how those will effect urban trends
Affordable Family Formation
Technological effects on socializing and dating
Anatoly’s participation in a Transhumanist Debate on immigration and the basic income in the SF East Bay
Hive Mind: How Your Nation’s IQ Matters So Much More Than Your Own
Artificial Wombs and CRISPR gene editing
Scott Jackisch’s The Robot Lord Scenario

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Robert Stark talks to Pilleater about Almond Eyes Baby Face
















Robert Stark talks to Pilleater about his new book Almond Eyes, Baby Face(available on Lulu) which is series of short stories. Pilleater blogs at Asian Aryanism and the Mineo Maya Fanclub


The autobiographical nature of the first story
The theme of dealing with trauma from High school and College and struggling to fulfill the Psychosocial narrative
Nana’s Song inspired by Natalie Portman in Leon the Professional
The transcript of Pilleater’s Omegle chat where he pretended to be an Asian Girl
How Pilleater sees the book as his version of Yukio Mishima’s Confessions of a Mask
Pilleater’s essay he submitted to Radix “Why I’m an Identitarian”
Pilleater’s advocacy of Asian Aryanism
Pilleater’s Asian Aryanism in contrast with Asian colonization of the west and the growing rootless identity among Eurasians
The criticisms of Pilleater’s work from both the Alt-Right and SJW Left
The books cut up of the Right Stuff’s article 4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Date Asian Girls
The WMAFL phenomenon
Pilleater poem Easy Tiger dedicated to Porn Star Harriet Sugar Cookie
A hypothetical Asian Aryan ethnostate; it’s culture, politics, and aesthetics
Creating new Avant Garde sub-cultures
The Vaporwave science fiction story in the book
The cover art by Thai artist Piemboons inspired by Trevor Brown
The erotic science fiction story the “Rape of M’Khal” which was added to the new edition of Trip by Pilleater

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Robert Stark and Pilleater discuss Psychosocialism













Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater discuss Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages


Psychologist Erik Erikson’s life and philosophy
The Psychosocial Stages of development
Pilleater’s article Erik Eriksons Psychosocialism an introduction
Martin Heidegger; Who and What is Dasein?
Cultural expectations that one must achieve certain goals by stages in life
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Situational losers vs. genuine losers; “I deserve better?”
Arrested Psychological Development
How Psycho Socialism shapes our political, economic, and cultural system
How won must adapt or win at Psycho Socialism
Psycho Socialism as a political doctrine
How to restructure society to solve these problems; Smart Socialism
Does a High IQ Nearly Guarantee Riches?
Paul Fussell’s A Guide Through the American Status System
Alain de Botton: Status Anxiety
LARPing as a “ Psycho Social” coping mechanism
The Bobo doll experiment
Roger Devlin’s Sexual Utopia In Power
Andy Nowicki’s Memoir Confessions of a Would-Be Wanker

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666D Interuniversal Teichmuller Chess with Anatoly Karlin











Robert Stark, co-host Pilleater, and Rabbit talk to Anatoly Karlin. He blogs at The Unz Review and has a new Russian language podcast rogpr(Russian Occupation Government Public Relations) hosted by Kirill Nesterov (@strana_mechty), and with @paypigdog.


Anatoly’s article This Fishy Smell of Sarin, or Was It Chlorine?
How there was no evidence nor motive that Assad was behind the attack
Trump’s motives for attacking Syria
Reactions to #SyriaStrikes
The situation in North Korea
The Alt Right as the antiwar resistance and how Antifa attacked Richard Spencer’s Anti-War protest
Cucked by the Donald
Anatoly’s point that the dissident right has a tendency towards binary thinking
The recent terrorist attacks in Saint-Petersburg and Sweden
Moderate Kazakh Rebels and the rise of radical Islam in Central Asia
The Triumph of “Patriotic Corruption”
Russia’s Protest Season
Russian presidential candidate Alexei Navalny and An Analysis of Navalny’s Program

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Robert Stark talks to Bay Area Guy about Trump & The Healthcare Cartel










Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Bay Area-based blogger Bay Area Guy of Occident Invicta.


Bay Area Guy’s article Healthcare and The Donald about the demise of the Republican healthcare bill, and its implications for Trumpian nationalism
How America’s healthcare system is a vile abomination, and the passage of Ryancare/Trumpcare would have compounded the problem
Richard Spencer’s article Why Trump Must Champion National Healthcare
How Obamacare itself wasn’t really “socialism” but rather an insurance scheme
How like debt deflation, our current healthcare albatross renders Americans meek and servile
Donald Trump Praised Socialized Healthcare in the past
Why Trump owning universal healthcare would force both neoliberals and “cucks” into a corner
Why whoever passes single-payer will alter the political landscape for generations
Gaining ground by championing certain progressive causes(universal healthcare, a stronger safety net, and a higher minimum wage), ignored by the corporatized left
Corporate suppression of free speech, and how the threat of loss of healthcare shuts down political dissidents
Tony Soprano Versus the Health Insurance Mafia
Why insurance companies should be public utilities, and the need for price controls on prescriptions drugs
Bay Area Guy’s experience working at an insurance brokerage firm
Globalization and Designated Shitting Streets
UCSF’s decision to outsource 49 of its IT jobs to India
Steve Sailer’s article Malibu, America’s Least Welcoming Town, Declares Itself a Sanctuary City
Wahhabism and Globalism
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Introduces the Stop Arming Terrorists Act
Refugees and White South Africans

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Robert Stark talks to Giovanni Dannato about Solutions to Social Problems









Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Giovanni Dannato. Giovanni blogs at Colony of Commodus and is the author of A Kingdom For the Introvert. Follow Giovanni on Twitter.


What Might A Post-Western Aesthetic Look Like?
Paolo Soleri’s Arcosanti, the concept of arcology, and self contained cities
David Lynch’s Film Dune and the Game Riven
Sci-Fi Inspired By WW1: Future Best Shown Through The Past
How Singapore Went From A Fishing Village With Slums Full OF Shacks To A Thriving City-State With Skyscrapers
Singapore’s founder LEE KUAN YEW
The Human Life Bubble
The Backwardness of Consumerism and Consumer Capitalism
The 60s Revolutionary Order Has Fallen: Now What?
No Going Back to the 1950s – And What Lies Ahead
New Balance Hysteria Shows Us Meaning Beyond Markets
President Trump’s First Baby Steps (And the Big Picture)
How To Turn The Educated Against Political Correctness
Internet Benefits People Asymmetrically
Millennials as a lost generation, and why Giovanni is more optimistic about Generation Z
Discrimination and Why Nepotism Is Necessary
The need for Smart Socialism
Mercantile Diasporas
The Future of Alt-Right Populism
How the Alt-Right is limited mainly to the white working class and how a larger populist movement could attract progressive voters who have been neglected by the democrat coalition
What Giovanni Believes

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Robert Stark interviews Bay Area Guy about our Rigged Economic System















Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Bay Area-based blogger  Bay Area Guy of Occident Invicta


Bay Area Guy’s review of Dean Baker’s Rigged: How Globalization and the Rules of the Modern Economy Were Structured to Make the Rich Richer
How Baker along with Michael Hundson, were some of the few economists to get the housing bubble right
Why Baker does not praise of Bill Clinton’s budget surpluses, and his critique of conservative fiscal hawks
Rules and regulations are what make the market, and how America’s current inequality was caused by deliberate policies designed to redistribute income upward
Using Free Market talking points against apologist for the plutocracy
Professional Protectionism(ex. Nurses and Paralegals being barred from performing tasks of doctors and lawyers)
CEO to worker pay disparities, and Baker’s proposal that Shareholders should vote on CEO compensation; German and Japanese Stakeholder Capitalism
Copyright and Insurance Monopolies
How to rig the market in our favor
Zoe Lofgren and the H-1B Question
Winston Churchill on Land Monopoly
Michael Hudson’s article Trump Infrastructure Plan Is Developer Welfare
Robert’s point that cohesive urban mass transit is necessary, but must be funded by either taxes on the FIRE sector or a Public Infrastructure Bank
The importance of sustaining an urban middle class
Scattered Thoughts on Political Violence

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Robert Stark interviews Dr. Gleb Tsipursky













Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater talk to Dr. Gleb Tsipursky. He is an author, speaker, consultant, coach, scholar, and social entrepreneur specializing in science-based strategies for effective decision-making, goal achievement, emotional and social intelligence, meaning and purpose, and altruism – for more information or to hire him, see his website, He runs a nonprofit that helps people use science-based strategies to make effective decisions and reach their goals, so as to build an altruistic and flourishing world, Intentional Insights. He also serves as a tenure-track professor at Ohio State in the History of Behavioral Science and the Decision Sciences Collaborative.


The philosophy of Rationalism, applying reason, science, and experimental approach to decision making
Gleb’s interest in the process of how people make decisions and their outcome, and helping people make the best decisions possible
The misconception that Rationalism is purely logical oriented, not taking into account emotions and intuitions
The importance of making decisions that are oriented to our goals, and directing ones emotions towards those goals
How emotions affect political decisions, and how politicians manipulate those emotions
Pilleater explains why he voted for Donald Trump, and the emotional factor behind supporting anti-establishment candidates
Gleb’s comment on the appeal of Bernie Sanders to Millennials on a sense of Justice and Fairnes
Political correctness as a hindrance to Rationalism; the difference between political correctness and political politeness
How Rationalism relates to identity politics
Whether Rationalism is compatible with Religion, as well as Ideologies such as Nationalism; Racism vs. Tribalism
Pilleater’s comment on Pathological Altruism, and the book Pathological Altruism
Gleb’s comment on the importance in being effective in ones Altruism
How emotions relate to consumer choices
How personality types relate to Rationalism and ones political decisions; conformity vs. non-conformity
The difference between sympathy and empathy, how many leaders are empathetic but lack compasion
Emotional and Social Intelligence
Using Emotional Intelligence To Address Speech Anxiety
Debate vs. Collaborative Truth-Seeking; Debate as Evolutionary Psychological social warfare

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Robert Stark interviews Scott Laudati

















Robert Stark and co-host Pilleater interview Scott Laudati. Laudati is a writer and musician. His latest novel is Play the Devil and has written a book of poetry, Hawaiian Shirts in the Electric Chair.


Scott’s book, Play The Devil
His poetry book, Hawaiian Shirts In The Electric Chair
New Jersey, College Education, and Politics
Jack Kerouac, Hunter S. Thompson, Sam Pink
Doldrum suburbs,mundane existence, and nihilistic working
Millennial economic despair
Scott’s poem about being 30, “My 30th Birthday,” and the Quarter-life crisis
New York vs. LA, Youth Culture, expensive living
Trump, Hillary, Alt-left positions
Scott’s music, American INC.
Scott’s music videos, “Stony Hill,” “A Garden East Of Eden.”
Animals and pets, Dogs
Waiting In Line for the NOFX Book Signing.”
Super Mario Brothers, Reptilian Rape and the Hollow Earth Theory.”
Tim and Eric – Film School (Lobsters on film)
Punk bands
Staring into the Sun, Sungazing, cover art
Postcard art
The publishing industry and self publishing on Lulu

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