Robert Stark talks to Scott Laudati about Cuba & Occupy Wall Street















Robert Stark, co-host Pilleater, and Cartrell Payne(The Adventure Kid) talk to  Scott Laudati. Laudati is a writer and musician. He is the author of Play the Devil and has written a book of poetry Hawaiian Shirts in the Electric Chair.


Intro: Scott Laudati – “A Girl From Greenwich Village pt. II
The translation of his book Play the Devil into Italian
The publishing process and the pros and cons of self publishing
Scott’s Upcoming book of poetry “Yeti Funeral,” a poem about his dog, poems about New York, and influences including the Beats and Jim Carroll
Observations about living in New York City; Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Experience living in LA, Downtown LA, Broadway and the Bradbury Building
Scott’s recent trip to Cuba, the embargo, the travel ban, the current laws, and misconceptions about Cuba
Scott’s involvement with Occupy Wall Street, Police Brutality, and his arrest
The rise in political violence
Movies, Comedy, and TV shows

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