The following text is Robert Stark’s transcript of an interview with Andy Nowicki for The Stark Truth. Unfortunately, the audio quality of the original interview turned out to be unfit for podcasting.
How his anti-imperialist views on foreign policy overlap with the far Left as well as Paleoconservative and New Right thinkers
How he finds his critique of capitalism often overlaps with both those of the far Left but also those of Catholic distributists and social nationalists on the far Right
How he shares some views on social issues with the Left, but swings back to the Right on decentralist, anti-statist or civil libertarian grounds
His support for regionalist and ethno-identitarian movements as a bulwark against imperialism and the Leviathan state
The cult of guilt by association versus intellectual freedom
Making a case against mass immigration to anarchists
Dutch-based financial reformer Anthony Migchels returns to The Stark Truth. His blog is Topics discussed include:
Banking reform in Ireland
Immigration and the premeditated destruction of western civilization
The real estate boom in Ireland
The Winged Lion Award
Hitler’s economic policies
Gottfried Feder and National Socialism
National Socialism vs. decentralism
Capitalism and usury
Capitalism and the concentration of wealth and power and the globalist agenda
Ending usury as the key to preserving a middle class society with wide distribution of wealth
G. Edward Griffin’s admission that most of the world’s gold is owned by banks
Brother Nathaniel Kapner’s recent repudiation of libertarianism, Austrian economics, and the gold standard
How money creation by banks undermines the “time preference” argument for usury
Why money should not be scarce. Why money should be part of the commons.
How ending usury makes socialist redistribution schemes unnecessary and superfluous
Debt-free money vs. interest-free credit
Why interest-free credit is superior to debt-free money
Interest strike versus debt repudiation
How money scarcity is caused by usury
William Jennings Bryan
Hungarian monetary policy: goodbye to the International Monetary Fund, no to the Euro
How usury creates mass starvation in poor countries
Education loans in the United States
How usury is a driving force behind environmental devastation
How usury is connected to cultural degeneracy and hedonism