Category Archives: Socialism

Robert Stark interviews Ben Winegard














Robert Stark talks to Ben Winegard about academic freedom, woke culture, the election, and future political trends. Ben Winegard is an assistant professor of psychology at Hillsdale College, and you can read his article at Quillette and follow him on Twitter.


How Ben is both anti-woke and anti-Trump, politically homeless, and tepidly backs Biden
The impact of the election outcome on the culture war and civil unrest
Trump admits to “playing down” coronavirus threat in taped Woodward interviews
Trump’s synthetic populism and turn to Supply Side economics with advisor Larry Kudlow
The decline in conservatism and how the GOP can only survive politically if it adopts some form of socialism
The Democrats becoming the party of the urban professional managerial class
Ben’s prediction that the Democrats will push race based rather than class based wealth redistribution
The degree to which woke ideology is accelerating because of Trump
Ben’s preference for colorblind institutions and concern that ethnic fragmentation may be inevitable
Cancel culture in academia and the termination of Ben’s brother Bo from his position in academia
The hereditarian hypothesis
The value of thought experiments in academia to advance ethics
Ben’s love of Capybaras, Otters, and the season autumn

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson

Robert Stark interviews Caleb Maupin about Kamala Harris
















Robert Stark talks to widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst, Caleb Maupin about his new book Kamala Harris & The Future of America: An Essay in Three Parts. Check out Caleb’s website, other books, Youtube, and Twitter.


Caleb’s involvement with Occupy Wall Street, the anti-war movement, and socialist politics
Kamala Harris’ record as a prosecutor during the tough on crime era and debate with Tulsi Gabbard
Kamala Harris’ family upbringing and evolution of her personality and moral framework
Kamala Harris as the culmination of a number of trends, including polarization and the distortion of leftwing politics
The significant role that identity politics plays for Kamala Harris
They Named Her Kamala: Clinton Staff, Donors Anoint 2020 Candidate
How Kamala Harris could play a similar role that Hillary Clinton played in the Obama administration, pushing a muscular liberal interventionism
Concerns about civil liberty abuses and tech totalitarianism under a Biden/Harris administration
Bezos v. Trump: 3 Major Divisions in the US Ruling Class
The degree to which Trump is an impediment to the “Open International System”
The ideological conformity, and destructive and anti-populist philosophy of the New Left

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, and Stark Truth TV

Robert Stark interviews River Page












Robert Stark talks to River Page about the role of identity politics and class on the left, and the need for political alternatives to the existing left. River Page blogs at Twink Rev and you can follow him on Twitter.


River’s religious upbringing, importance of social capital, and
exposure to Marxism

The inaccuracy of liberal stereotypes about the Bible Belt
Why Liberals Hate Poor White Trash
The degree to which social liberalism is a product of plutocratic economics
Marxism on the question of borders and nations
Examples of woke austerity in Eco-capitalism, diversity programs, and high skilled immigration
Kamala Harris and the intersection of elite economic interests with woke identity politics
How the New Left abandoned the working class
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Platform Capitalism and the False Promise of Self-Liberation
The Woke Resurrection of a Gay Sex Panic

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark interviews Republican Socialist Candidate for Kansas Senate Brian Matlock












Robert Stark talks to Kansas GOP Senate candidate Brian Matlock who is running as a Republican Socialist. Check out Brian’s campaign website and follow him on Twitter.


Why Brian is running as a Republican Socialist
Politics inspired by the communitarian ethic of small-town America
The GOP socialist tradition going back to the Abolitionist Radical Republicans
A locally administered job guarantee
UBI as a supplement but not a replacement for a decent standard of living
The CARES ACT Corporate takeover
Modern Monetary Theory (one person’s spending is another person’s income)
The need for regulation of big tech
Agriculture policy of moving away from corporate industrial farming
The Nation’s crisis of despair
How neoliberalism creates conditions that breed reactionary politics and petty culture wars
The primary election on August 4th

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark talks to Guillaume Durocher about the Black Lives Matter Protests in Europe
















Robert Stark talks to French Unz Review columnist about the Black Lives Matter Protests in Europe and related political and social trends. Follow Guillaume on Twitter.


Pro-BLM Demonstrations Sweep Across Europe
Arson investigation at Nantes Cathedral and whether it’s part of a greater wave of Church vandalism
Europe’s advantages in handling civil unrest including a strong social safety net
French President Emmanuel Macron: France will not erase its History
Why Europe is less hysterical in regards to woke culture than the US
Protests as a product of American Cultural Imperialism
Vlaams Belang help restore anti-slavery Monument to the Belgian Pioneers in the Congo
Parallels between the Belgian Congo and modern day pseudo humanitarian justifications for intervention to enrich capitalist interest
Rise in tribal conflicts in Europe(Clashes erupt between Chechen and Arab gangs in France)
French Municipal Elections: Macron Régime Shudders as It Fails to Win in a Single City
Marine Le Pen’s nation focused politics that are neither socially nor economically conservative
Proposals for citizen referendums from the Yellow Vests and French conservative pundit Éric Zemmour
Corona-Depression: Southern Europe Will Never Recover
Political trends in Europe, the fragility of the EU, and why Italy is the country to watch

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark interviews Sam and Gian from the Twink Rev Podcast













Robert Stark talks to San Francisco Bay Area based podcasters Sam and Gian about political trends on the left. Check out their podcast on politics and gay culture, their articles on the Twink Rev blog, and follow Twink Rev on Twitter.


LGBTQ identity politics neglecting material needs
The Insidious Class Project Behind Queer Eye
Woke culture as corporate branding
Why the Left needs a material based mindset
The appalling attitude of much of the Left on White poverty and deaths of despair
The Bellows: Nearly a third of [DSA] members (29%) earn over $100,000 a year
Why AOC is part of the same neoliberal project as Biden (AOC’s apology for Cancel Culture)
The Left’s divide over cancel culture, the Harper’s Letter, and hypocrisy of some of the centrist signatories
Cancel culture as a workers rights violation and product of privatization
The feasibility of a left/right alliance against neoliberalism
Why Joker would have been a leftist film if released during the Bush era
How neoliberal resisters’ opposition to Trump is primarily about decorum rather than policy (ex. rehabilitation of Bush)
The woke moral hysteria about age gaps between consenting adults
Sharia Vegas and the politics of aesthetics

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark talks about the symbolic vs. material causes of our Nation’s political turmoil













Robert Stark is joined with Matt Pegan to discuss issues relating to Robert’s Unz Review article, The Real Wealth Gap:
The intergenerational wealth gap, the housing crisis, and how “BLM vs. MAGA” poisons the discussion on every issue


The material vs. symbolic factors of our current political turmoil
The material based critique of woke ideology and limitations of a purely material based outlook
Comparing data on the racial wealth gap with the generational wealth gap
Millennials’ screwed economic status, the appeal of Bernie’s campaign, and an overall failure to invest in future generations
More on the motivation of corporate support for woke causes
The iconoclastic nature of neoliberalism to erase history and conceal power
Political symbolism in architecture(ex. statues, skyscrapers, single family homes, and public spaces)
Christopher Lasch’s The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy
Fox News host Lara Logan compares up-zoning to agenda of Antifa
Woke urbanist thought vs. the material benefits of YIMBY polices for millennials
Whether this new generation of urban flight to the suburbs will sustain the power of Woke neoliberalism


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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark talks to Ryan England about Civil Unrest, Class, and Identity Politics












Robert Stark and Matt Pegan discuss the role of economic class and identity politics in regards to the recent protests and civil unrest and whether we can find a nuanced middle ground between polarized extremes. Ryan is based in Calgary, Canada and runs the blog Alternative Left. Follow the Alternative Left on Facebook.


Ryan’s Alternative Left project as an alternative to the regressive left
The dogmatic religious like fervor of the woke left vs. the traditional materialist left
Meet the anti-woke left
Ryan’s observations from the mostly peaceful protest in Calgary, Canada
Behind the epidemic of police killings in America: Class, poverty and race with the highest rates among low income men
Practical rather than polarized solutions to police brutality and militarization
Skepticism about whether the power structure will actually downsize the police state
The increased use of private security and potential of a privatized police state
Motives behind exploitative economic elites’ support for race based identity politics
Cornel West: Ta-Nehisi Coates is the neoliberal face of the black freedom struggle
How the racial wealth gap is more extreme among the older generation as opposed to the youth
The civil war inside The New York Times
The ramifications of the protests on the presidential election

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Robert Stark interviews Scott Tungay











Robert Stark talks to Scott Tungay about the current situation in South Africa, the ongoing riots in America, and his views on social capital, land use, and wealth. Scott is originally from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and immigrated to Kentucky to be with his American wife. He blogs at Department of Winning, has a Youtube channel with his wife Kelli, and is also on Twitter.


Scott’s background, like many English South Africans, growing up believing in the Rainbow nation narrative and classical liberal values
How immigrating to America lit a nationalist spark
Scott’s passion for homesteading and Permaculture
Scott’s admiration for conservationist Wendell Berry and the Southern Agrarians
How Scott is currently stuck in South Africa which has one of the most draconian Lockdowns in the world
How the lockdown could be used as a power grab by the ANC, with businesses foreclosing, and a planned expropriation of White property
Why South Africa will fall, like Yugoslavia | With Scott Tungay by Willem Petzer
Different scenarios for South Africa, including a partition into smaller nations, Chinese intervention, and why a Rwandan scenario is unlikely
How most White South Africans are looking to emigrate
The ongoing riots in America, and why Scott thinks America is 20-30 years away from where South Africa is now
The media narrative about race relations, divide and conquer strategy, and long term un-sustainability due to economic breakdown
The failure of conservatism, and opportunity for a Third Position that is localist, anti-usury, and anti-globalist
The missed mashup that could have happened between Bernie and Trump
The Backto-the-land movement and New Urbanism as alternatives to the commercial squalor that destroyed small town Americana
How the lockdown proves the value of family and community over the corporate rat race
Economic Class Dynamics: The significance, slave, and survival economy
The importance of aesthetics: how beauty elicits care
The limits of meritocracy: how future economic survival will depend upon one’s In-group

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram

Catching up with Matt Pegan in Quarantine














Matt Pegan returns to talk with Robert Stark about the social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and some of their upcoming projects. Follow Matt’s new account on Twitter.


Why Matt decided to go under his real name
The new Weird Right cultural scene, with more freedom to be creative without guilt by association, and cross pollination with the Dirtbag Left
The TFW NO GF documentary
The impact of the pandemic on mental health
How the quarantine proves the value of leisure and whether it will spark a cultural renaissance
Transitioning into a new era after a long era of stagnation since the last election
How Covid-19 narratives are creating new political paradigms
How the quarantine vindicates nationalist policies with a safety net
The political impact of States re-opening
The pandemic’s long term impact on social bonds
The economic impact of the pandemic and how inequality will likely get much worse
Robert’s upcoming sequel to his novel Journey to Vapor Island and Matt’s novel Dragon Day(excerpt from Terror House)
Robert and Matt’s LA nostalgia series with David Cole(Part One: Westside Pavilion)
Will public spaces survive the pandemic?

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island