Category Archives: Black Lives Matter

Robert Stark talks to Luke Ford about the Capitol Hill Riots











Robert Stark talks to LA based journalist and blogger Luke Ford about the aftermath of the Capitol Hill Riots. Check out Luke’s stream on YouTube and Periscope, and follow him on Twitter.


The degree of responsibility Trump bares for the unrest at the Capitol
Trump’s contesting of the election and his failure to substantiate legal claims
Trump’s presidential legacy and the reasons why he lost the election
Media coverage of the riots and the political limitations of pointing out hypocrisy
The real life consequences of Hyperreality and the E-Personality
The online crackdown on the right and the motives of Big Tech
The political process and significance of the impeachment of Trump
Why Luke doesn’t think the unrest will impact America’s standing in the world
The post-Trump GOP
The hype about LA in decline and why Luke thinks LA will continue to thrive

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark interviews Dutch Vlogger Faust












Robert Stark talks to Dutch Youtuber Faust about Dutch politics, economics, and geo-politics. Faust has an English language political channel, a Dutch language channel Dietse Bazuin, and you can follow him on Twitter. Faust is the publisher of an arts and history magazine that is also called Dietse Bazuin.


Advocacy of a Germanic Union as a geopolitical alternative to the EU
The historic rivalry between the British and Dutch
The debate about the origins of capitalism (the Germanic Rhine model of capitalism vs. Anglo/American shareholder capitalism)
Thoughts on Dutch populist figures Geert Wilders  and Thierry Baudet
Faust’s critique of the welfare state and advocacy of building up social networks and economic niches as the solution to economic problems
The impact of American Imperialism on Europe and why Faust wants to disassociate from the American movement
Thoughts on the civil unrest in America, the politics of crisis, and America’s slide into neo-feudalism
“Ok Boomer” – a right wing meme turned left
Faust’s Dutch video on South Africa: Solidariteit met Afrikaners
Archeofuturist Architecture
The impact of architecture and urbanism on psychology and social capital

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark talks to Jason Reza Jorjani about Faustian Futurist














Robert Stark and Francis Nally talk to Jason Reza Jorjani about his new Science Fiction novel Faustian Futurist. Jason Reza Jorjani, PhD is an Iranian-American philosopher, lifelong native New Yorker, and author of numerous books including Prometheism and Prometheus and Atlas. Also check out his Twitter and Patreon.


Jason’s Faustian Futurist as an entry point to the philosophical and political concepts of his non-fiction work
The intimacy in giving the reader a window into the author’s subconscious
The Faustian archetype
The novel’s alternative history timeline set in the 2nd half of the 20th Century with an epilogue of the 21st Century
The theme of reincarnation
The significance of Atlantis in the novel and the empirical archeological evidence of Atlantis
Parapsychologist Gerald Feinberg’s The Prometheus Project, Mankind’s Search for Long-Range Goals
The parapsychological science of Remote viewing
A Prometheist vision beyond the convergence of left and right with a post-capitalist/scarcity outlook, and objective to find the balance between communitarianism and the creative potential of the individual
The limitations of electoral politics and the need to create a technological, cultural, and aesthetic movement
The Great Reset and the breakaway civilization
The mass exodus out of major cities and symbolism of the destruction of New York City as the cosmopolis of the West
Jason’s thoughts on the motives behind the woke agenda

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

2020 Election Post-Mortem with Hunter Wallace















Robert Stark talks to Hunter Wallace about the 2020 election results and why Donald Trump lost. Hunter Wallace is an Alabama based blogger at Occidental Dissent and describes himself as a Nationalist, Populist, and Centrist. You can follow Hunter on Twitter.


Why Hunter was swept up by the Trump phenomenon in 2016 but abstained this election
The stratums of the electorate  including Core Conservatives who set the agenda within the GOP and disaffected Market Skeptic Republicans who were sidelined by Trump
Why Trump lost ground with White voters including the White Working Class
2020 Autopsy: Class Analysis and why Class, Not Race, Explains Trump’s Rust Belt Defeat
Donald Trump Made Real Gains with Asians and Hispanics (ex. Tejano Vote In Texas)
Why dissident energy and higher levels of ethnocentrism are from the Center, not the right
Why The Jared Kushner Strategy and Trump’s brand of Identity Politics failed
Donald Trump’s “Platinum Plan” for Black America
Conservatives Lash Out Against Student Loan Debt Forgiveness
Tucker Carlson Challenges Voter Fraud Narrative
The Post-Trump GOP and why the party needs to move to the center on economics to remain viable

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson.

Robert Stark talks to Anatoly Karlin about the Election of Joe Biden













Robert Stark talks to Moscow based Unz Review columnist Anatoly Karlin about the election results and implications of a Joe Biden Presidency.


Anatoly’s initial Election Predictions which were fairly accurate
MAGA Cope, and In Defense of It
Biden Recognitions from foreign leaders
Anatoly’s tepid endorsement of Trump and what Trump could have done differently
Reasons for Trump’s decline in support among White voters
Expectation of standard neoliberal establishment policies under a Biden/Harris administration
What Will Happen to “Wokeism” After Bad Orange Man Goes?
Will the Social Media Purges Accelerate?
Thoughts on the Future of MAGA and GOP nominee in 2024
One Billion Americans
How the Breakup of Chimerica is inevitable despite Biden’s friendlier stance towards China
The post pandemic economy: expectation of Woke Austerity, which will further energize both left and rightwing populism

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island.

Robert Stark interviews Peter Nimitz about LA










Robert Stark talks to San Fernando Valley based commentator, Peter Nimitz about the demographics, culture, economy and politics of the Los Angeles region from the perspective of a transplant. Check out Peter’s interview about the Russian Revolution and follow him on Twitter.


LA’s class structure
City-Data Forum thread on demographic trends of the past decade by city
Immigrant groups in the LA region, including from Mexico, China, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Armenia, various European nations, and more recent community from Uzbekistan
Industry in LA, including entertainment, aerospace, tech, and shipping
Unique LA tropes/archetypes
Contrasting communities that have strong patronage networks with those that are more atomized
Poll on hypothetical proposal to base immigration on a local level
America’s neo-tribal future
The Double Horseshoe Theory of Class Politics and how that impacts how different demographic groups align politically
Crucial California issues of housing (YIMBYism), energy, water, and infrastructure being neglected by a one party state focused on national issues and a GOP that’s out of touch with younger voters and urban concerns
The degree to which LA’s post pandemic exodus and urban decay is overhyped
New urban development in LA (ex. futuristic complex planned in Beverly Hills) and metro expansions
The debate about education reform,

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson

Robert Stark interviews Ben Winegard














Robert Stark talks to Ben Winegard about academic freedom, woke culture, the election, and future political trends. Ben Winegard is an assistant professor of psychology at Hillsdale College, and you can read his article at Quillette and follow him on Twitter.


How Ben is both anti-woke and anti-Trump, politically homeless, and tepidly backs Biden
The impact of the election outcome on the culture war and civil unrest
Trump admits to “playing down” coronavirus threat in taped Woodward interviews
Trump’s synthetic populism and turn to Supply Side economics with advisor Larry Kudlow
The decline in conservatism and how the GOP can only survive politically if it adopts some form of socialism
The Democrats becoming the party of the urban professional managerial class
Ben’s prediction that the Democrats will push race based rather than class based wealth redistribution
The degree to which woke ideology is accelerating because of Trump
Ben’s preference for colorblind institutions and concern that ethnic fragmentation may be inevitable
Cancel culture in academia and the termination of Ben’s brother Bo from his position in academia
The hereditarian hypothesis
The value of thought experiments in academia to advance ethics
Ben’s love of Capybaras, Otters, and the season autumn

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagramStark Truth TV, novel Journey to Vapor Island, and in production documentary The Gospel of Gibson

Robert Stark and David Cole discuss updates on the Gospel of Gibson and the Election









Robert Stark and David Cole discuss updates on their in-progress documentary the Gospel of Gibson, directed by Robert and produced by David. Check out the Gospel of Gibson on Indiegogo and IMDb and check out David’s articles on Takimag, his Youtube Vodcast, and book the Republican Party Animal .


Recap of the background of David’s interview with Hutton Gibson on politics, theology, and the Gibson family
Success of the Indiegogo Fundraiser as an ongoing InDemand project with perks for contributors
The recent rehashing of an antisemitism allegation against Mel Gibson from Winona Ryder
The Woke reaction to Mel Gibson in the new film Force of Nature
How the production delay due to the pandemic creates an opening for Indy Films
Kamala Harris selected as VP nominee: Her focus on identity politics while Wall Street Sighs in Relief
David’s prediction that the class based left would be thrown under the bus in favor of race based identity politics
The futility of arguing that a Democratic victory will embolden civil unrest vs. the reality Trump must defend the status quo
Why Democrats are the real racists is a foolish meme
How the pandemic ruined Trump’s strategy to focus on economic conservatism rather than immigration
David’s advice on where to look for a wife
Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon 2
David’s observations on the civil unrest in LA impacting wealthier areas
Why David thinks the exodus of rich and famous out of LA is over-hyped and that gentrification is here to stay

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Ron Unz about America’s Fall












Robert Stark talks to Ron Unz about how the pandemic exposed America’s deep-seated corruption and how we might witness the nation’s fall. Ron Unz is a theoretical physicist, and editor of the Unz Review, and a past candidate for California Governor in the 90’s and more recently for  US Senate.


Recap of Ron’s Top Issues in past California U.S. Senate Race
The Unz Review as a big tent of important, interesting, and controversial opinions from both the left and right
The abysmal handling of the public health crisis
The looting of the treasury by politically connected corporations under the CARES ACT bailout and loan guarantees
How America could lose it’s status as the World’s Reserve currency, which would expose how poor Americans have become
The irrationality of our nation’s leaders provoking a conflict with Russia and China
The end of meritocracy and Culture of Corruption in the US
The iconoclastic cultural revolution as a product of our elite universities
The debt crisis and siphoning off of wealth from our economy
The contrast of America’s inefficiency with China’s handling of the pandemic and infrastructure projects
Woke Capital
Why California has avoided the worst of the civil unrest impacting much of the nation
Tech Censorship: how The Unz Review was banned from Facebook and de-ranked from Google
Ron’s thoughts on the motives for tech censorship

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitterInstagram, Stark Truth TV, and novel Journey to Vapor Island

Robert Stark talks to Guillaume Durocher about the Black Lives Matter Protests in Europe
















Robert Stark talks to French Unz Review columnist about the Black Lives Matter Protests in Europe and related political and social trends. Follow Guillaume on Twitter.


Pro-BLM Demonstrations Sweep Across Europe
Arson investigation at Nantes Cathedral and whether it’s part of a greater wave of Church vandalism
Europe’s advantages in handling civil unrest including a strong social safety net
French President Emmanuel Macron: France will not erase its History
Why Europe is less hysterical in regards to woke culture than the US
Protests as a product of American Cultural Imperialism
Vlaams Belang help restore anti-slavery Monument to the Belgian Pioneers in the Congo
Parallels between the Belgian Congo and modern day pseudo humanitarian justifications for intervention to enrich capitalist interest
Rise in tribal conflicts in Europe(Clashes erupt between Chechen and Arab gangs in France)
French Municipal Elections: Macron Régime Shudders as It Fails to Win in a Single City
Marine Le Pen’s nation focused politics that are neither socially nor economically conservative
Proposals for citizen referendums from the Yellow Vests and French conservative pundit Éric Zemmour
Corona-Depression: Southern Europe Will Never Recover
Political trends in Europe, the fragility of the EU, and why Italy is the country to watch

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Checkout Robert Stark’s Facebook pageTwitter, and Instagram